a companion to 30 in 30

So let me get this clear, bijou — you are suggesting:

The Great Nudie-Bar Challenge: all the way to the Hermaphroditic 36!!

First one to say 'I submit' sends the other nude photos of self — if that one happens to be female.

OK then! As they say as they push aside the chairs: 'Give me some fightin' room!'

Sorry, manipulatrix — there isn't going to be anything left over after this!
31, for Bijou

unpredictablebijou said:
Agreed, agreed.

Although I was strongly considering challenging Tzara, after his last couple of entries, to go for 31 and try to compose something that DOESN'T make me want to drink bleach.

I see ghosts. A hollow
in our normal world. Now
am I into burial of souls.
I wash their spirits, and
let them go, cleansed.
but I am not cleansed,
yet I, uncleansed, go home.

I am Burīchi. I am Ichigo.
unpredictablebijou said:
I think Sara should get an honorary 30 congrats anyway, just cause she's neato. But then, I'm her evil grand vizier so I'm biased that way.
Ms. Sara is, in my opinion, fabuloso. But I was prolly looking at her legs.

Poems good too, though. Too.

But, yeah, nice legs. Nice poems. :)
Tzara said:

I see ghosts. A hollow
in our normal world. Now
am I into burial of souls.
I wash their spirits, and
let them go, cleansed.
but I am not cleansed,
yet I, uncleansed, go home.

I am Burīchi. I am Ichigo.
Ms. Sara is, in my opinion, fabuloso. But I was prolly looking at her legs.

Poems good too, though. Too.

But, yeah, nice legs. Nice poems. :)

'Kay, well, that one doesn't exactly make me want to drink bleach. But I wouldn't call it manically optimistic and upbeat either.

You understand, I'm not saying those pieces were bad. Contrariwise, they were good enough to have a strong effect on the reader...

Maybe I'll try drinking Burichi. Does it have any similarity to, say, Chambord?

unpredictablebijou said:
'Kay, well, that one doesn't exactly make me want to drink bleach. But I wouldn't call it manically optimistic and upbeat either.

You understand, I'm not saying those pieces were bad. Contrariwise, they were good enough to have a strong effect on the reader...

Maybe I'll try drinking Burichi. Does it have any similarity to, say, Chambord?

I am as upbeat as a stone.
Yet still are stones here. And there are
rocks we do yet not see are stone.
congratulations Eluard and Tzara... you guys sure have some great poetry and El there's some wonderful illustrations too. awesome effort. :)

wildsweetone said:
congratulations Eluard and Tzara... you guys sure have some great poetry and El there's some wonderful illustrations too. awesome effort. :)


Thanks so much WSO. A big :kiss: to New Zealand. :heart:
Tzara said:
I am as upbeat as a stone.
Yet still are stones here. And there are
rocks we do yet not see are stone.

I have some stones here that are VERY upbeat. Citrine, for one, and sunstone and red tiger eye. Hilarious at parties, always telling the jokes and making energetic passes at the shy people. And there are some stones that have bigger clues than I ever will.

Pipestone she said,
the blood of the Mother. She fit
the flat palm-sized slab into my hand.
Colored dusty rose, a prize
possession that I as a Ghost
was only fit to handle because
I had given her the feather
of a hawk who died in my ritual grove.
Look, she said, you must put
yourself into it, give it
yourself. She rubbed the stone
against my forehead, taking the sweat
and showed me how to warm it
with my hands. The oil from my skin
now after these long years
has polished it to depth,
deep red
a glow that reminds me
that this is what I have
of Chris, walks-in-two-worlds: The stone
and her voice.
manipulatrix said:

Deja vu-ness swallowed me up reading your poem today, and that's a compliment! The fact that the words stayed with me, that I could feel them rolling across my memory as I read them, that I looked forward to the "new"... what the hell, that's some damn good writing!

And that bit made the looking forward to the "new" all worth it.

thanks for the kind words.

Personally, I think posting a poem with intent, whether you got it in the wrong thread or not, shouldn't necessarily disqualify you, but that's just my single vote.

Good work going on in there the last couple of days, folks, although I miss hearing from those who have now ended their runs. Vampiredust, you just get more solid all the time. Rainman, nice start, but of course.

And Eluard, thanks for hitting Antonioni. I really struggled with one, but I just don't know his work well enough. Well done piece.

One other thing: I have realized the utter predictability of my response to challenges in here and have decided to take the sane path, especially after staying up till 4 fucking 30 in the morning last night just so I could get my 30/30 in. I am NOT going to 36. I am stopping at 30 like a normal, sane human being. I'm sure it's not the last time I'll get suckered into something, but this time I really need to quit at 30 or I'm going to end up in the bughouse.

Probably try it again real soon, knowing me.

Last edited:
kudos on another 30, Vampire.

how do you keep tracka all dem poems?

you must have a zillion. :)
Hey bijou

I'm drumming my fingers waiting for no. 30!!!

And I read the Dylan Thomas in your sig — yes, great poem. But in leaving it there until a few of us here have read it are you telling some of us off? :)

C'mon, name names — who do you feel doesn't get the only good reason for writing? Give them a stern dressing-down in public. :)
Eluard said:
Hey bijou

I'm drumming my fingers waiting for no. 30!!!

And I read the Dylan Thomas in your sig — yes, great poem. But in leaving it there until a few of us here have read it are you telling some of us off? :)

C'mon, name names — who do you feel doesn't get the only good reason for writing? Give them a stern dressing-down in public. :)

Yeah *grin* I know several folks who like a good game of "let's you and him fight". In fact, I'm one of them.

Nope, actually, although it would be entirely in character for me to be lecturing someone, in this case I'm actually responding in a more general way to the various viewpoints about publishing and scoring and views and suchlike that I've read around here. And I've been asked more than once why I write, if I truly don't give a rat's ass about whether anyone sees, appreciates, understands, scores or publishes it.

I've answered the question many times in many ways, but Thomas did it better. Of course. I just think it's something that all good writers sometimes need to be reminded of. You're writing for God, for the Fat Lady, for the lovers in the park. Everything else is frosting.

As to the 30/30, I'm freakin' big time, but it WILL be up late tonight. Before I sleep, one way or another. Still waiting for that blowjob from my muse, but I have faith. Won't be the first time this freakin' challenge has kept me up till 5 am.

TheRainMan said:
i got an empty bunk in my padded cell.


You make the bughouse sound too appealing, my friend. I'm supposed to be trying NOT to go there. Don't tempt me.

(like I would stay in my own bunk)
unpredictablebijou said:
As to the 30/30, I'm freakin' big time, but it WILL be up late tonight. Before I sleep, one way or another. Still waiting for that blowjob from my muse, but I have faith. Won't be the first time this freakin' challenge has kept me up till 5 am.


Yup, I hear ya sister — the 30/30 is a harsh mistress.
unpredictablebijou said:
Still waiting for that blowjob from my muse, but I have faith


Well, for the night I will offer my services as muse, and give you that blowjob. Here is a title for you:

What the cruel God said to the kind God.

Course, you may reject my title if you have other muses blowing you simultaneously — but I thought I'd lend a hand.
Eluard said:
Well, for the night I will offer my services as muse, and give you that blowjob. Here is a title for you:

What the cruel God said to the kind God.

Course, you may reject my title if you have other muses blowing you simultaneously — but I thought I'd lend a hand.

That is a rockin' title and I'm totally using it. Soon, if not tonight. I have numerous possibilities already and I hate all of them, but that's S.O.P. for me.

As to the blowjob, well... one can never get too many, right?
again, rockin' title.