a companion to 30 in 30

Eluard said:
... involve the slightly dim Caliph in. (Sorry SC but I didn't give you that part.)

Oh, that's okay, Eluard, no apology needed. You've given me the role of dim Caliph plenty of times before so I don't mind sitting this one out. <insert vacuous giggle>
errrrr I only got through 5 days! Thought I would get a chance last night to write one, but I got a call from my non-paying, no vacation time, 24-7 job. S is over the worst of it, minor surgery. Might try again, even if the stuff sucks it is a good motivator to write, I just have to make writing a priority again, somehow, maybe.
unpredictablebijou said:
Sara, you kicked my ass today.

and Tzara:
that's cheating. But it's a damn fine poem.

It's a circle. You kick mine. I kick yours. Tzara slaps us both in the face while 4 laughs like a demon and manipulatrix watches it all with clever eyes.

I know there is a new person writing right now too. I haven't had a chance to read you yet but I am looking forward to it.

To see you humbled and hurt
and your concern was to brush the silk scarf clean
and bring it to me.

The moment
that would slip away,
that I adored,
was when you said,
“I’m sorry.”
And I laughed.
You hadn’t done a thing wrong,
but you would carry the blame

I know this moment.
I don't think I've ever read anything that's captured it so perfectly.

And how wonderful to know that perhaps it stayed with her too.

Very nice work.
bijou — what can I say? Your Food made my head explode — it is not the first time one of your poems has done it, and I'm sure it won't be the last.

(There is a typo there — 3rd line — that I'm sure you'll correct when you look at it again.)
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Sara Crewe said:
It's a circle. You kick mine. I kick yours. Tzara slaps us both in the face while 4 laughs like a demon and manipulatrix watches it all with clever eyes.

I know there is a new person writing right now too. I haven't had a chance to read you yet but I am looking forward to it.

I'd rather think of it as being spanked by Tzara than slapped, but that's just me.

Thanks for the comments, folks. There is some stunning work going on in here right now.

Initially, I felt pressure just to post. Now I feel pressure to post something really good, and it's doing some insane things to my days. I've also realized that I'm automatically going to fail this attempt, since I'll be gone over labor day weekend, and won't have reached 30 by then. Ah well. I'll try to make it til then, at least.

This place has been a test and inspiration for my writing like nothing has in many years. I am very grateful to be here.

unpredictablebijou said:
I'd rather think of it as being spanked by Tzara than slapped, but that's just me.


I should have said cheeks and left things ambiguous.
manipulatrix said:
You do realize that this means you are now in the 30/30?

A short poem to start with, I can't wait to see what you write for the next 29 days!!!

He'll probably cheat and just re-edit that one. Like change the smilie or something.
No need to edit it. I thought it was brilliant in its simplicity of form and clarity of meaning.

It touched my soul.

It was perfection.
TheRainMan said:
this place has enough troublemakers without you 3, thank you very much.

you mean to say you go getting everyone's hopes up like that and it's just a tease?


unpredictablebijou said:
nice enjambment, too.

I agree. Very clever to enjamb a smilie face eye rolling dude. The emotion carries so clearly to the next line which is ground breaking in its genius. It's blank. A definitive statement that the reader must bring his or her own thoughts to the piece and give it its final shape.

unpredictablebijou said:
nice enjambment, too.

manipulatrix said:
Warning: The 30 in 30 is bad for your health.

Insomnia was at bay this evening. I went to bed early. I woke up wondering wtf I'd forgotten (you'll note the subject of my poem tonight... yeah, the inspiration was as banal as that)... I'd forgotten to post my poem.

*sighs loudly... and rather cutely*

And now... oh, yeah, that's right... now my writing juices are all flowing and I'm wide awake. And it's 3 am here.

30 in 30. Bad. For. Health.

No shit, love. I've been in that boat any number of times myself. Welcome to the night owl club.

Really liking your work, by the way. You have a real delicacy in your images.

I like to think that there are ideas that only come out after 2 am, and they're all ours to find, cause everyone else is asleep. We're out here, watching for them.

All inspired now myself. Bashing on a piece I should have gotten round to weeks ago.
