a companion to 30 in 30

Sara Crewe said:
So, it's been building but tonight will be my night sans poèmes.

Before we head into the Fall, I wanted to say what a positive experience writing on the 30/30 thread this summer has been and to offer my thanks to all the poets with whom I have shared that thread.

Work begins again very soon and unless my whole life dynamic changes that means the end of writing for Sara until my next holiday. (A brief explanation to ensure that in my soon-to-be absence no one assumes I have killed Sara Crewe.)

I am always just a pm or email away. Don't be strangers.

Write on.


Sara Crewe said:
So, it's been building but tonight will be my night sans poèmes.

Before we head into the Fall, I wanted to say what a positive experience writing on the 30/30 thread this summer has been and to offer my thanks to all the poets with whom I have shared that thread.

Work begins again very soon and unless my whole life dynamic changes that means the end of writing for Sara until my next holiday. (A brief explanation to ensure that in my soon-to-be absence no one assumes I have killed Sara Crewe.)

I am always just a pm or email away. Don't be strangers.

Write on.

I'm dropping out today too. Work just made the jump to hyperdrive, at least for the next two weeks, and there is very little poetry in XAML and WPF:
Whereat he bade, with XAML's blamefree blade,
To bravely broach way boiling booty blessed;
This be some marrying of wicked words to text,
In Windows Presentation Format meekly made.​
My thanks as well to mes compagnons.
You will both be sorely missed. But c'mon — surely you have time for the occasional haiku on a saturday night? maybe a sunday epigraph? Don't leave us writing/wittering on here entirely without your contributions. We are sure to go mad.
Sara Crewe said:
So, it's been building but tonight will be my night sans poèmes.

Before we head into the Fall, I wanted to say what a positive experience writing on the 30/30 thread this summer has been and to offer my thanks to all the poets with whom I have shared that thread.

Work begins again very soon and unless my whole life dynamic changes that means the end of writing for Sara until my next holiday. (A brief explanation to ensure that in my soon-to-be absence no one assumes I have killed Sara Crewe.)

I am always just a pm or email away. Don't be strangers.

Write on.


We won't. We'll drag you back here over the holidays like we always do. :D

Dr. Mab, you're off to a great start. It's going to be a real pleasure to read your poems here for the next month. I may have to gird my loins and come into the thread just to write with you.
Bijou, 3-8 is your finest work to date. It just seems to get better and better at the moment. :rose:

(You can't spring for a title occassionally?)
Eluard said:
Bijou, 3-8 is your finest work to date. It just seems to get better and better at the moment. :rose:

(You can't spring for a title occassionally?)

oh feh. My pieces have titles all the time. But everything I came up with for this was way too sweeping or preachy.

Titles are so essential. I hate to be hasty. In fact, that gives me an idea for a thread....

and why haven't you put up a set in Radio Free Jezebel, mr. musico? Eager to see what you'll come up with.

by the way, golly. Shucks. Thanks.

Ironically, I was within inches of getting on this thread and saying "fuck it, I'm out."

Angels helped me with that. Guess I'm supposed to keep plugging away at it for a bit longer.

unpredictablebijou said:
Ironically, I was within inches of getting on this thread and saying "fuck it, I'm out."

Angels helped me with that. Guess I'm supposed to keep plugging away at it for a bit longer.


i'm glad you're still there. :)

Eluard said:
Bijou, 3-8 is your finest work to date. It just seems to get better and better at the moment. :rose:

(You can't spring for a title occassionally?)
I want to sorta semi-echo Monsieur Eluard, here, BJ. Echo in the sense that I thought that was a particularly interesting poem today. Semi in the sense that I don't know I would call it your best--all the things you've been writing lately are kick-ass stuff.

I'd be jealous except that if I ever used the word shaman in a poem, it would be because I had misspelled shammin'.
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Tzara said:
I want to sorta semi-echo Monsieur Eluard, here, BJ. Echo in the sense that I thought that was a particularly interesting poem today. Semi in the sense that I don't know I would call it your best--all the things you've been writing lately are kick-ass stuff.

I'd be jealous except that if I ever used the word shaman in a poem, it would be because I had misspelled shammin'.



the angels helped me tonight. I needed it.

It's like being nibbled to death by ducks this week, but I will keep walkin', as long as I can move my feet.

Tathagata said:
I'll have two cups then


Hey quit it. Stay on topic or you'll get me in trouble. I'm new around here, y'know.

Eluard and I had to go back and delete an entire food fight. I don't want to go through that again.

unpredictablebijou said:

Hey quit it. Stay on topic or you'll get me in trouble. I'm new around here, y'know.

Eluard and I had to go back and delete an entire food fight. I don't want to go through that again.


There is no other topic
just variations on a theme

but very well I'll behave


i think you need a nap there ubub
I was half asleep when I posted this on 30/30 this am ... my apologies.


4degrees said:
she's got gran'pa roach
and gramma bones
leaves bobbypins in
my bed, hairs of black
and red, and this smile
that never ends
even in her sleep, a grin
is visible to me
lets all the kids wear
her rings and things,
and i think
and i think
i am just enough man
for her.

Very sweet Curt ... :rose:

That may be it for my 30/30 this time. Major domestic badness, as today's piece may indicate. Won't be around much for a few days.

We'll see.

keep the faith.

unpredictablebijou said:
That may be it for my 30/30 this time. Major domestic badness, as today's piece may indicate. Won't be around much for a few days.

We'll see.

keep the faith.


Well, I hope that your dramas resolve themselves happily. All of your friends here wish you the best. Come back as soon as you're able. :rose: :rose: (It sounds like a two rose drama at the very least!)
*hugs* bijou... thinking of you. :rose:

dr_m, 1/3 was an eye-opener for me, personally. perhaps the answers lay in acceptance. :rose: