a companion to 30 in 30

Angeline, sorry, I stand corrected. Thus it is:

Angeline in old making.

When people talk about poetry (and most of the time they don't even care, they repeat some oh-so famous saying by other oh-so famous so-great people) then it's like they are banging their heads against walls of a dark labyrinth. They bang their head agains the left wall, so they turn and then they bang against the right wall, etc. It's truly a random walk.

It's ironic to mention haiku in the given context. They talk about the 5-7-5 stupidity, completely missing poetry.

Condensation is not about poetry as a whole, it is only introducing a specific style--not better and not worse than other styles. When you avoid singular (to avoid "a"), and similar, then you give up on a big chunk of poetry, and you promote just a narrow style.

The basic principle is not condensation but

every element of a poem has to contribute to poetry

Warm regards,

I understand that what most Westerners think of as haiku is so far from what it should be as to be laughable. The American Sentence form does away with the line breaks (which most people totally miss the point on anyway as you note) and allows (indeed encourages) focus on people-related activity. So my point is it starts with the kernel of an idea from one culture and adapts it (ingeniously imo) to another.

And yes I agree with you that every element of a poem needs to contribute to poetry. You once suggested an exercise to me where one writes and then goes back and removes a certain number of words (without losing the essential meaning of the poem), and continues to do so until no more words can be removed without changing that meaning. It's a great exercise because once you take everything you can away, you see whether what you have left is a poem or not!

I'm not saying I succeed at that when I write, but it is what I aim toward. And when you do that taking away over and over, you get an ever greater sense of how many words are extraneous (i.e., add nothing).
I like word play in a poem (perhaps to a fault sometimes in my own). I also like smart use of repetition as opposed to mindless. That's why I enjoyed Champ's "Abridged Ode To Naught," very smart.
Very desperate, more like. Topics are getting hard to dredge up. I was trying to write it as a sort of homage to Rabbie Burns since it was his day yesterday, after all. Thank you GM. Your notice is appreciated.
GM, I like the Hitchens poem. He's probably spinning in his grave laughing his ass off. Except I'd bet he had himself cremated.
GM, I like the Hitchens poem. He's probably spinning in his grave laughing his ass off. Except I'd bet he had himself cremated.

Unless ol' Chris doesn't exist, which, of course he insisted would be, I mean, not be (getting confused on the syntax here.LOL)
Unless ol' Chris doesn't exist, which, of course he insisted would be, I mean, not be (getting confused on the syntax here.LOL)

GM I liked this poem a lot, too. It has a really good flow and you got a lot of information across, but in a metaphorical way so that I didn't feel like his "story" was being explained, but rather shown.

If he was wrong do you think it made him angry? :D
Done! Maybe, 2 or 5 poems worth editing out of 30.

Thanks all for the company while doing this year's 30 in 30!
Done! Maybe, 2 or 5 poems worth editing out of 30.

Thanks all for the company while doing this year's 30 in 30!

Congrats! Always a pleasure to write with you Jamis. :heart:

(I'll be back later for mine--not feelin it yet lol)
Tzara, 1-12

This trivia makes me sad, especially in a poetry context. Indeed, since the early 1990s, Midori to me stands for a wonderful violinist virtuoso, for her wonderful rendition of Paganini Capriccios and other music.
Congrats Champ. I like a poem with a golem in it. :D

Well, that's got it, then.. 30 poems from 3 of my favourite poets!

Trix- Congrats
Ange- Congrats
Jami-san- Congrats

Wonderful runs, all of them.

Good luck to greenmountaineer! I'll be here in the wings cheering you on.
Congrats all around
It was fun doing it as part of a group and y'all put out some good stuff, it was a pleasure to work alongside you. :rose:

This run seemed rougher than the last one, think I'll wait a while before I start the editing one. I set a goal to write something every day this year, but I think I'll switch to prose for a bit. Well, if my muse allows :rolleyes:
Well, that's got it, then.. 30 poems from 3 of my favourite poets!

Trix- Congrats
Ange- Congrats
Jami-san- Congrats

Wonderful runs, all of them.

Good luck to greenmountaineer! I'll be here in the wings cheering you on.

I'm not sure I'm going to make, but reading the four of you apparently was enough to awaken my muse who I was beginning to think was Rip vanWinkle.
Well, that's got it, then.. 30 poems from 3 of my favourite poets!

Trix- Congrats
Ange- Congrats
Jami-san- Congrats
Champagne - Congrats

Good luck to greenmountaineer! I'll be here in the wings cheering you on.

You're all so fun to follow.

I bet this one would be very lovely to listen to. I enjoyed the way the syllables tripped off my tongue as I read it to myself.
The Brute According to Fump

This one was fun to read. A second round? I'm so very impressed....
I hope you had as much fun writing "A Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation" as I did reading it, Angie. It's good to see the light-hearted side after what you've been through.
I hope you had as much fun writing "A Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation" as I did reading it, Angie. It's good to see the light-hearted side after what you've been through.

Thank you, GM. :heart:

It's a process and I'm working through it. I like to think T is part of my muse now.

You know how Denis Hale mentioned in his interview here that he finds his titles in his reading? I've been collecting titles for a while now, too. This morning I saw "Zero Tolerance..." and immediately got this image of a punctuation audition. It just made me laugh!

I'm going to miss writing with you when you finish.