A convocation of wizards (closed for Gabe619)

She looked back at him with big grey eyes. They seemed for a moment to shift like stormclouds. "I believe you Master Kellan. The star is ominous. My own crisis of faith over the nature of predestination and whether man has any free will doesn't change the fact that the sign harbors danger. Ossa.. you seek the temple of the chained god? Or is it a delightful coincedence? Good Olive country Ossa. The wine is terrible but the olives are outstanding." She grinned over her tea at him, sipping at it and then sighing with relaxation. "If its the temple you seek you know that many before you have tried and failed to gain entry. My departed husband was one such. I can share my impressions of the task with you if you like. "
"That would be of great help." Kellan smiled thankful to have found a seeming ally among the Augurs. "Your EX-husband you say? I extend my sincere condolences, did he die while trying to gain access to the temple?"

He relaxed into his chair watching her carefully. It didn't surprise him that a woman so beautiful had been married, of course simply being beautiful did not in and of itself require attachment, but what man would have let this gorgeous creature escape them for long he wondered.

"Some have named my destination the Temple of the Chained God, yes, though most seem to consider it a mere myth or legend and no more tangible a thing then wood smoke. Why did your husband make the attempt at entry, and what exactly stopped him?" He asked softly. Any help, any piece of information not matter how small it may be would be useful to him.
She smiled "a lot of people tell a lot of stories. Some say that he was chiefest of the gods when it came to battle, and after throwing down the forces of hell he turned his stern and unrelenting gaze on man and his fellow gods, seeking any evil and purging it. To save the world from his righteousness, he was locked away. Some say that he is the creator of the world itself, and the gods that came after are mere imposters who threw him down and stole the world. Some say that he simply betrayed the father of the gods by cuckolding him. What is true is there are two cults in the area, one devoted to his return who believe any seeking him out to use his power are unworthy and should be killed, and the other a group who believe he was chained for a reason and any seeking him out might free him... and should be killed. Most likely my husband and his party were set upon by one or the other." She sipped her tea "but he had made it to an old ruin, one that he thought might be the place. At the foot of a mountain covered in poplars, where there are no other poplars in the range."

She blew across her tea. "they say, no matter what version of the tale, that he has all the powers of a god and no care for what his actions do to the world. So if you can get to him he will give you a mighty boon."
Varis considered her words carefully. "So he might be benevolent then? Or he might be evil." He chewed his lower lip in contemplation before shaking his head. "No, no not benevolent. I can't tell you why but ... I know he isn't." His eyes turned upwards to the ceiling but saw again that falling red star. "Whether he has a plan for us or not I know he means us nothing good. He wants control of us, he feels we are playthings, unworthy to be on this world other than as his tools."

Blinking he brought his eyes back into focus and gave the woman an apologetic smile. "My apologies, it is just that I have such strong feelings about this matter. However if neither of the cults take kindly to visitors I will have to be careful. I think that ruin your husband found will be a good place to start though. If I can find any relic or item the order who defeated him before may have left it might give us a clue, a chance to stop him before he becomes to powerful for us."
"The past is as dimly understood as the future" she laughed and drank the last of her tea. "all the histories ever written are written to a purpose. Usually the author's, but often some religious or political leader. The ones that survive to be widely known even more so." She looked him over "Just remember that, any time you're investigating a strange ruin. Someone who left notes might be leading you into a trap for the unwary. Trust, but verify. "

She took a set of bones out and cast them, then muttered a spell and her eyes glowed "I think you will find sorrow where you go, Master Kellan, but I also think that you are drawn there as inexorably as the coming of the dawn." She looked up at him "When do you leave? If not for a few days I can cast about for other signs if you like."
"I have another suggestion, if you are willing. Why not come with me? You could find out once and for all what happened to your husband and aid us in not making the mistakes you mention. It would be helpful to have someone around who can give me another point of view on a subject or clue we may find." He produced a winning smile as he made the offer. "It would also mean you could cast for signs while we travel. I was hoping to leave today at some point. I think the earlier we start out the better off we will be. Every moment we tarry gives him more time to solidify his position, perhaps gather followers to him. The journey would be hard enough as it is without that waiting for us at the end."
"hmmmm" she steepled her fingers "I think not. So much of what we do is reading the stars, checking against verified prophets. It's a lot of reading and a lot of equipment. But..." She drew a mirror out of her desk "there's an identical one at my home. So you can be in full contact if you need anything. I can assist you here from the safety and comfort of home, while also having access to all of the various accoutrements which make augury even possible. On the road I'd just be another wizard, and frankly." she laughed "I'm not really that good under pressure."

She stood, kissing him on the cheek "for luck, Varis. you'll need it."

When he returned to the tower, he found the cousins, summoned no doubt by Haakon. They each had a pair of bodyguards, and the bodyguards wore neither official livery nor anything that gave away that they might be there for the highborn. That was most likely to do with the circumstances in their native country, where the wealthy were often kidnapped and held for ransom. Guards often were dressed as shabbily as could be gotten away with, as if to signify lack of wealth. Marco was looking over the horses, proud as a peacock and wearing a slim rapier at his side. His impressive physique was concealed under a hauberk of chain, and he too dressed as if he were a simple mercenary. Giovanni kept to the simple black robes of a journeyman wizard. Most knew that such were poor unless they were part of a connected family. Not quite masters, they didn't command a high price for service even if they were talented.

Haakon himself stood by, and next to him a woman and a man from the security team "Lieutenant Mara and Sergeant Grimslock will be accompanying you" Grimslock had the vestigal fangs and tattered pointed ears of an orc, but otherwise human seeming features. Half perhaps, or a quarter. He was of impressive size and had a wicked, and Varis could tell enchanted, magical axe strapped across his back. The woman had two enchanted blades in nondescript leather sheaths. One long and one short. "When you're packed, Master, we will be ready to accompany you."

Haakon shrugged "you said you wanted to go soon so I took the liberty of securing the things you'd need. There's provisions and mules. Bit slower than horseback but you can abandon them if you're being chased."
Varis smiled and chuckled slightly. He should of known Haakon would have everything in hand. He stood admiring the organised chaos, his eyes admiring the two younger men for different reasons. Marco, even under the chainmail, had an impressive body and Kellan took a moment to admire it before shifting his gaze to Giovanni. His robe covered everything, but his eyes stood out anyway from the blackness. Varis smiled confidently at him before walking up to the two guards Haakon had assigned to him. He knew them both well from their time in the tower.

"Mara, Grimslock, it's good to have you both on this trip. I hope I'm not pulling you away from anything important." His gaze flicked to Haakon with a small smile. "But I have a feeling your talents will be needed before this quest is over." He turned now to look at the four bodyguards Marko and Giovanni had with them. "What do you make of our students muscle ... think they will be trustworthy in a fight?"

Both Mara and Grimslock were experienced warriors having cut their teeth on battles aplenty over the years. Varis knew that without actually seeing the bodyguards fight it was hard for anyone to judge them, but he equally knew that a born warrior, as the two Tower guards were, could spot another such fighter a mile off. He was interested in their initial gut reactions. He knew he could count on them in a fight, now he needed to know if he could depend on the bodyguards or not.
Mara looked over at the 4 bodyguards "Three of them are veterans, served with Marco's father at the battle of Consantini." The battle had gone badly for the would-be Duke, and only a handful of men had escaped. "So they're tough. Solid and dependable. Fourth one is a shirker, never served anywhere. Probably a political appointee" She gestured at a man who was moving about with the same set of water bottles, moving them from horse to horse as his companions loaded the mules. "Now, some soldiers are good fighters and just shirk physical labor, but without him having served in any major battles that's a red flag for me. He's probably along to bribe girls that Marco gets bastards on. Might be useful though in talking to folk. That's what his kind is usually along for."

Grimslock shrugged "He's got the physique for fighting, and if he's a noble in disguise he's probably at least trained in which end of the sword you stick in someone's gut. My real question here is do we have 1 sorcerer we can rely on, or do we have three? That's going to change our tactics considerably. We can be a lot more aggressive if the boys are worth their salt."
It was a good question and one Varis had to find an answer for. He patted the half Orc's muscular arm. "We shall see, my friend. Don't worry though, I will put them through at least some tests before we meet any real resistance ... I hope." He shook hands with Haakon. "We should be on our way, my friend. Take care of things here for me and we will send news, good or bad, if we find anything."

An hour later the mule train was out of the town and into the country. Mara was up ahead while Grimslock took up the rear, that way Varis had experienced soldiers in front and behind if things went wrong. They would get to see the two young noblemen's guards in action before long, but for now having them in the middle made everyone more relaxed. Kellan gazed up at the sky, it was clear and for now no rain clouds could be seen, the temperature was mild and the entire journey, so far, was a pleasant affair, but now he had to question the youths and he would do it one at a time. Moving his mule alongside Marco's, his knee touching the young mans at times, he smiled at the nobleman.

"So, tell me young Marco, what experience have you had in spell casting or are you a complete beginner?" He asked.
Marco arched an eyebrow and Giovanni coughed. His face got smoother "Understanding that you've had much on your mind, Master, it seems you've forgotten we've been fully trained and are here as journeymen. Were accepted as journeymen by the dean of the college." That last sentenced, emphasized a bit to show that the boy had no fear of his position, but subtly so. Perhaps he wasn't entirely a hothead. "Both Giovanni and I are reasonably well equipped. Perhaps less so than your graduates, admittedly." The admission seemed to take something from him but at least he was getting out ahead of it. "and perhaps as a result not as broadly. My instructor taught me mostly the art of killing, and sieging." Giovanni piped up "my studies were uh, a little more uh... self-directed though I did have a tutor. they were perhaps a little more errr...eclectic. But I can weave a shield that's proof against arrows and bolts, and can cover the group. If you're worried about us in a situation of trouble."
"That's good to know, Giovanni. And it seems Marco your talents lay in a more lethal direction. Interesting. And don't feel insulted, I simply meant have you experience in the field at all, outside of a classroom environment. Have you killed a man before, either by magical means or by that?" Varis reached out and tapped the rapier hanging from Marco's belt.

"It is one thing to learn about casting spells in the controlled environment of a classroom, but quite another to use them in a battle where life and death are a second away and the slightest wording of a spell, or making a gesture wrong can get not just yourself killed but your friends too." He glanced at both boys and then meaningfully at their bodyguards. "These men may not be around all the time and I guarantee you the danger on this quest is very real and could appear at any time. Depend on yourself, your own skills and not the sharp swords of your guards. But for now, a demonstration. Marco, show me this 'art of killing' you have been taught. Demonstrate it on something ... that tree for example." Varis gestured at one of the passing trees next to the road.
Marco nodded "Si, Signore she has tasted the blood of other men" He patted the rapier "Some husbands and some brothers and maybe a father. They have oppressive ideas in the south about a woman's virtue being important." He shrugged, but seemed reticent to talk of the killing. When the subject changed to magic he brightened. A chance to show off, and Marco was a peacock at heart. "I think you will be pleased, Maestro." The boy drew on a well of power, and Varis could feel it. The boy had a raw natural strength, more than most wizards, and certainly more than wizards his age. Whatever blood he had that lent him sorcerous power manifested itself strongly He flung ahand out and a beam of power lanced out towards the tree, which suddenly was engulfed in flame.

Varis could tell a few things. The boy's spellcasting wasn't terribly disciplined. It was disciplined enough to not be a danger to himself or others, but it didn't make the most efficient use of his energy. It was a common problem in the young and the powerful. They used their energy like it was inexhaustible, because they'd never had to cast all day and it was for all practical purposes enough. He was strong enough that he would be a good combat wizard, and if he learned discipline he'd be a very very good one. as it stood, if he was using his power to sweep the enemy from walls or destroy a gate, he'd be regarded as formidable anyway. Most wizards did not take to the field of war. Too dangerous. Being the son of a Duke though, and one raised through war, it was Marco's fate to probably spend most of his life on one.
"Very impressive indeed, young Marco." Varis nodded with obvious satisfaction. "That would destroy a good number of enemy soldiers or a part of a city wall say. Now tell me, how long can you keep up that level, or indeed can you go above that level of power." He turned in his saddle to more closely watch the young man before him as the tree burned brightly off to the side of the road. "What I mean is if you were facing an army and you had just destroyed, lets say, twenty men, but another hundred were coming on to kill you, and behind them a hundred more, and behind them hundreds more ... you see what I am asking is," He smiled a little, "Have you tested your staying power?"

Magic used for attacking, for destroying was found, by most to be easier to cast, but also more draining. As if the act of destruction took part of the mage with it. It was one reason a lot of magic users refused to learn such skills or others trained in defensive skills which were no where near as taxing on a body. Also destructive magic was harder to restrain and guide. For most that wasn't an issue because if you were using in a battle it really didn't matter if it got out of control and you killed a dozen of the enemy or a hundred. But there had been cases of mages literally loosing control and hurting, or even destroying their own armies.

"And, another thing, how often have you been tested against another mage? Say Giovanni here? He says he prefers the more eclectic and perhaps the more defensive?" He glanced at Giovanni. "Did your tutors every test you on a living person?"
Marco shrugs "ive never had to cast again and again and again. If there was hundreds of men, I wouldn't be using magic" He laughed softly "I'd be moving out of arrow range and letting the infantry do what they do. To my mind, my power is a shock. So rare that real sorcerers risk themselves in battle. I would soften up a charge, then retreat back to the command tent, emerging here and there to lay out a spell where the battle was thickest. Where it is not so much about how many men die as how many men are tightly packed into the area, to demoralize, to make their comerades pull them from the field. To relieve the pressure on a flank, or break the morale of an enemy about to crumble. If I am ever faced with hundreds and I don't have an army... I will run, Maestro. I will run, and I will weave the light to hide me as I do so" He laughed "My father, if he had been too proud to run at the moment of his great defeat well... He would not be Duke now. As for testing against each other, we have done this. I usually win."
Giovanni nodded "I can weave a shield for him to break, if you like"
"No ... I have a better idea."

Varis called for the group to stop, it was already darkening as the day came to an end. He asked Mara to find them a camp site and then waved for Marco and Giovanni to follow him. He led them away, gesturing for the bodyguards to stay with the mules.

"Do not look at them, I gave you the order." He snapped as the men looked to Marco and Giovanni for confirmation. "I am in charge here, your bosses are under my command and that means you are too ... remember that." Again he waved for the two young men to follow him as he led them into the trees and found a small clearing.

"This will do." He looked around feeling the cooling breeze on his face as he walked to one side of the clearing then turned and smiled at Marco. "Attack me. Show me what you can do young noble man. You have thought this through, you know when to run, when to fight, that is good, now show me you skill and power ... attack me." Varis stood still, hands at ease by his sides, a small smile on his face. He had already felt Marco's natural power, it was very impressive, but the boy was young, undisciplined, Varis wanted to know just what he had to offer.
Marco nodded. "I won't insult you by pretending that you're not capable of defending what I throw at you, so I'll do my best." He paused, then drew upon a deep well of power. He crudely but effectively shaped that power into a spear, focusing it more than his attack on the tree, but still letting power leak all over the place. He launched the spell at Varis, and there was little doubt that he would rank highly among the journeymen, though not top as his power was too undisciplined for sheer strength to make up the entire gap. The spell lanced through the air, and without further action from Varis it was certainly enough to be lethal, though as Marco had noted, Varis was well more than his match.
His hand moved in a small gesture and the spear of power fractured into a hundred slivers that flew past him harmlessly and evaporated into the night air. Varis nodded.

"Excellent, Marco. You have a natural feel for the power I can tell and with further training you will become even more powerful ... very powerful. But tell me, as you cast the spear could you feel the excess leakage, the unused power? Could you feel the potential of the spell diminishing?"

Varis was naturally curious, from his perspective he could literally see the wasted energy spiralling off and away from Marco as he had summoned the spell, like mist evaporating from his body which had glowed with power. Not glowed for all to see of course, Varis doubted anyone but a highly trained mage could see into the realm of magic that would allow them to see the energy itself. For most, any normal human or non-magic creature all they would have seen was the spear being formed and thrown, nothing else.
Marco looked uncomfortable and Giovanni smirked. Clearly it was something they'd discussed "Well... yes but... Maestro Radulf..." he shifted "Said that was just a consequence of my gift being so strong." Giovanni managed not to laugh.

Radulf. That said much. A former University student. He'd been as indolent as he was naturally gifted. He had enough strength to accomplish through brute force what most mages did with a combination of power and finesse. Last Varis had heard he was using his power to run a quarry operation somewhere in the south. Marco's problems all could probably be traced back to the man who'd been his tutor. Never was potential as squandered as in the big fat blond invoker. No doubt he'd impressed the Duke enough to land a teaching position. His powers were VISUALLY impressive, but not really the sort of thing anyone in the know respected.
"He did, did he?" Varis nodded and walked over to Marco, he stood beside the boy and turned in the same direction he was facing. "Watch this."

He waited till both Marco and Giovanni were focused on him then, as if batting some annoying fly aside, waved his hand before his face. His eyes lit up, the iris's turning jade green and a spear, similar to Marco's, but more solid, perfectly formed and half the size leapt from nowhere. It hit the trees before them and with an explosion of sound and light destroyed a dozen of them in a fiery of flame. He turned to Marco.

"That was a fraction of the power you used to throw your spear, and yet it was more powerful ... tell me why young mage?" He asked quietly but with a focused tone.

Behind the boys Varis saw Mara and Grimslock run into the clearing followed by the bodyguards. He held up a hand to stop them and shook his head to show there was nothing to worry about as he threw out his hand quickly and a rush of wind blew across the flaming tree stumps to snuff out the fires. His attention focused back on Marco as he waited for his answer.
Marco shrugged "Honestly, I don't." he laughed and looked over at Giovanni "I'm sure he does, but I do not." He sat on a nearby stump, looking over at Varis "I'm sure it has something to do with discipline, study and focus. But I couldn't for the life of me tell you what or why. I know what I know, but I'm poor on theory."

Giovanni looked very much like he wanted to say why, but he picked at a flower on the ground, trying to let Marco have his moment. Marco shrugged again "Honestly, Radulf was always more interested in the result than the road to get there. He said as long as I wasn't burning myself out or killing anyone around me that I didn't intend to everything was fine." The explanation wasn't challenging though, his tone indicating that he didn't necessarily hold to that particular theory, just that his tutor had.
"You had the answer, you said it. Discipline, focus." Varis smiled at Marco. "Radulf always was more results orientated. As long as he got what he wanted the whys and wherefores meant nothing to him. It is a shame he got to you before I did. I shall work with you Marco and in time, believe me, you could become one of the most powerful magic users on this continent. It will, however, require you to give me your attention and for you to focus on what I am trying to tell you. But I can only help the willing. Do you wish me to tutor you, will you listen, learn and do what is needed?"

Kellan glanced at Giovanni and then back at Marco. The younger mage was perhaps the more book learned, or at least the more precise magic user of the two men. Where as Marco used his power like a sledgehammer, Varis thought Giovanni used his more like a scalpel.
Varis thoughts on the two were dead on, though he hadn't tested Giovanni yet. The smaller of the cousins did have a number of useful tomes in his pack, and on the road generally seemed to have a greater level of discipline even in the way he approached his travel. Likely, that was the difference in their stations. While cousins, it was clear from the quality of his equipment and clothing that Giovanni was, at best, of middle class stock. Perhaps a miller or an artisan of some sort. His guards deferred to Marco and seemed to be part of his retinue, really. He had not grown up the Duke's son, and the Duke being a first generation lord his family were not powerful or ensconced anywhere.

Marco nodded at the question "of course, Maestro. err, master as you say up here. That is why we are here. If I can be better, then I wish to be better." Giovanni grinned "You could have been better a while ago, if you'd have studied harder" Marco favored him with a cool look "shush, cousin. The master is talking" he grinned though, the slight forgotten in an instant as the young man with the charmed life had an easy way about him that seemed to extend to his dealings with everyone else.
Varis chuckled at the back and forth between the cousins, then moved up behind Marco. He positioned himself so he was touching the boys body from behind. He was a hair taller than the young nobleman which allowed him to see over the mans head. Kellan inhaled the Marco's scent and smiled. There was a delicate aroma, almost flowery, probably some oil used on his hair or other parts of his body. A nobleman indeed as it was the trend these days for such well off people to smell their best as well as look their best. Lightly he put his hands on Marco's hips, turning up toward the burnt trees. He felt the boy stiffen slightly at the touch.

"Clear your mind and close your eyes." Varis instructed as Giovanni, the bodyguards and Mara and Grimslock looked on. "Image a white candle .... see the flame .... focus on it. Steady your breathing." He reached around placing a hand on Marco's chest so that even through the chain he could detect his breathing patterns. "There is nothing but the flame and my voice. Just you, the flame, and my voice."

He allowed a few moments for Marco to obey, enjoying his closeness to the young handsome nobleman. He felt his cock twitch slightly. A sudden image of Marco naked came to his mind and he smiled, then banished it as he too tried to focus.

"Now, still focused on the flame, cast the spell. Cast the spear you used a moment ago. Imagine the flame growing as you cast it, but you control the flame, the flame is your power." Varis whispered in the boys ear. "Cast the spell."
"easy enough" Marco concentrated, and he threw the spear, this time less brimming with power, so the exercise had been succesful on that front, but with a proportional amount of leakage. His main problem was in tightening his weave and using the lattices of power efficiently. He seemed, however, inordinately pleased that he'd at least gotten the lesson's basics down "That did feel like i used less" he split the earth of the hillside where the spear hit, but did far less damage that he might otherwise. Giovanni nodded, "Indeed cousin, it would appear you did use less. Well done"

Varis could see one of the mercenaries that came with the boys watching from the treeline with a crossbow, but as the lesson seemed to be going well he drifted back towards the camp.