A different type of challenge...

Revising the list...

Oh goodieee!!!

Wicked Eve

and maybe...


come onnnnn...... It's just a short story!
I think I can give it a go, but I'll have to decide what poem to use as a base...hmmm, any requests? It might be interesting to try to work off of others opinions about where they would like to see more. It might also be pretty damn hard, but if someone accepts challenging me with one of my posted poems I will give it a shot. Otherwise I will choose one.

Deadline? Finalized format?
Oh goodieee!!!

Wicked Eve

and maybe...


come onnnnn...... It's just a short story!

Just whichever you like, honey! You choose... there is no deadline nor format at this point.

The poem does not have to be IN the story- maybe we'll post the poem and the story underneath- I wonder if Lauren would allow links to the poem in the story submission?

The story just has to be about the poem... This is all in the planning stages. Add your input- it's all still up in the air!

Or maybe we could do this...ie:

September's Bloody Moon~story

and the title could be the link to the poem...

I dont know- just wonderin aloud!
BooMerengue said:
Do you understand any of mine? Maybe we could swap... lol

BTW- your mailbox is full full full!!!!!

... and I love highjackers! Even THOSE highjackers!

Actually, I thought that might be what the challenge was.

Take a list of participants.
Randomly assigned people to each other...or maybe a choice of 2 or 3...
Take your person (or choice from the list you're given)
Go read their poems
Pick one and write a story inspired by it.

No Remec- we're writing about our own work. Maybe next time we'll try your idea, it could be fun!

Are you in? or wobbling? lol
BooMerengue said:
No Remec- we're writing about our own work. Maybe next time we'll try your idea, it could be fun!

Are you in? or wobbling? lol

I wobble quite a bit (but I think that's just the switch in me<g>). On this, however, no wobbling involved.

I'm in.
BooMerengue said:
No Remec- we're writing about our own work. Maybe next time we'll try your idea, it could be fun!

Are you in? or wobbling? lol

Can I use my Halloween story (I dunno how long it is though, lol). It it cheating if I already wrote it? It is based on a poem.
Sure thing Ange! It doesn't matter when you wrote it as long as it works!

OK! New list...

Wicked Eve

and maybe...


Yayyy!! Remec's IN! Yayyy!!
BooMerengue said:
Sure thing Ange! It doesn't matter when you wrote it as long as it works!

OK! New list...

Wicked Eve

and maybe...


Yayyy!! Remec's IN! Yayyy!!

Ok. Can we call it October whatever? Cause it almost is and um it works better with my story, lol.

You can call it whatever... it doesn't matter. I think the best way would be on the day of posting we make a post here w/ the title in a link to the story- that way no one will be missed. But I haven't figured out how to do the poem... should we just have the poem as a prologue on the same page as the story? I think that might be best. But some might not want to post them together so maybe we can just post the poem and stories here. Nope- theres a limit to how many words can be in a post. So thats out. hmmm.... :confused:
BooMerengue said:
You can call it whatever... it doesn't matter. I think the best way would be on the day of posting we make a post here w/ the title in a link to the story- that way no one will be missed. But I haven't figured out how to do the poem... should we just have the poem as a prologue on the same page as the story? I think that might be best. But some might not want to post them together so maybe we can just post the poem and stories here. Nope- theres a limit to how many words can be in a post. So thats out. hmmm.... :confused:

I edited the poem (Pyewacket Girl) recently--I think I'm gonna try to illustrate it and submit it. You know the story, I think--I had it in the halloween contest last year.

Angeline said:
I edited the poem (Pyewacket Girl) recently--I think I'm gonna try to illustrate it and submit it. You know the story, I think--I had it in the halloween contest last year.


I haven't quite figured it out yet, but somehow I think you are cheating....

The_Fool said:
I haven't quite figured it out yet, but somehow I think you are cheating....


I think your story should be in sestina form. Just longer.


roflmao @ both you guys!

I like Pyewacket Girl a lot- but this isn't about illustrated poems. It's about illuminating a poem. And you know what? The Fool Strokin will be the NEXT challenge... in sestina form... I can see it now... aahhhhhh....

wait... how about Strokin The Fool?

or The Foolish Stroke?

jd4george said that "Heroin Fairy Tale" sounded like it should've been prose, anyway.

I'm in.


BooMerengue said:
roflmao @ both you guys!

I like Pyewacket Girl a lot- but this isn't about illustrated poems. It's about illuminating a poem. And you know what? The Fool Strokin will be the NEXT challenge... in sestina form... I can see it now... aahhhhhh....

wait... how about Strokin The Fool?

or The Foolish Stroke?


I was thinkin' this might be pretty cool and then I saw that "S" word. :p
BooMerengue said:
roflmao @ both you guys!

I like Pyewacket Girl a lot- but this isn't about illustrated poems. It's about illuminating a poem. And you know what? The Fool Strokin will be the NEXT challenge... in sestina form... I can see it now... aahhhhhh....

wait... how about Strokin The Fool?

or The Foolish Stroke?


Nonononono. I'm gonna submit the poem *and* the story. I just want to illustrate the poem again. I got tired of the last illustration.

And what is this sestina challenge? I'm not writing that one, but Disposa Girl might. :D
Newest list...

Wicked Eve
Deep Asleep

and maybe...


Disposa Girrrlllll!!! I haven't seen her in forever- she writes some pretty wild stuff... She'll be welcome anytime!

Fooly... I feel the same way about a sestina... Don't panic, dearie! We'll run away if one comes up!
Re: Newest list...

BooMerengue said:
Wicked Eve
Deep Asleep

and maybe...


Disposa Girrrlllll!!! I haven't seen her in forever- she writes some pretty wild stuff... She'll be welcome anytime!

Fooly... I feel the same way about a sestina... Don't panic, dearie! We'll run away if one comes up!

She told me they may let her out of the asylu...um resort..if darkmaas comes back, lol.
Well... I too will ask the oft asked question... Where In The World Is Carm... erm... Darkmaas???
BooMerengue said:
Well... I too will ask the oft asked question... Where In The World Is Carm... erm... Darkmaas???

He's around and well, in spite of the healing broken wrist.

Angeline said:
Nonononono. I'm gonna submit the poem *and* the story. I just want to illustrate the poem again. I got tired of the last illustration.

And what is this sestina challenge? I'm not writing that one, but Disposa Girl might. :D

Is she back from France????

Oh my....
Hi all, I'll try.

I haven't had much inspiration
towards prose
lately, but I suppose
there's something there.

I'll read through my poems.

With much deliberation,
there should be something
that will bring
on a fit of scribbling on the page.

The last time I tried to integrate poetry and prose, I wound up with a rambling poem and a decent story. Maybe I'll write a second part. Lindsay and Brian deserve to <whisper=giggly>do it</whisper>.