A different type of challenge...

BooMerengue said:
WEll, cool beans!!

New List

Wicked Eve
Deep Asleep

Angeline?? yup!

Hey! I have NO clue how to write mine... don't feel bad!

Where's Lauren? Why isn't she doing this?

hey- wheres Perks? and Dr4ke? and Darkmaas? and jthserra? and JCStreet? and destonie? and Maria?

They're dropping like flies...

spinning and then falling


out of my hammock laughing!
BooMerengue said:

spinning and then falling


out of my hammock laughing!

Now Boo, it's not polite to mock the afflicted...the affected..the oh, whatever...the horny.... :D
tungtied2u said:
Now Boo, it's not polite to mock the afflicted...the affected..the oh, whatever...the horny.... :D

For the past two days I've been trying to remember what your sig line is from cause I know I really like that song. I just did. It's Under the Falling Sky. I like Bonnie Raitt's version best.

Ahhhhh. I feel better now. I can go back to sleep.


If you go to sleep

Angeline said:
For the past two days I've been trying to remember what your sig line is from cause I know I really like that song. I just did. It's Under the Falling Sky. I like Bonnie Raitt's version best.

Ahhhhh. I feel better now. I can go back to sleep.



who's going to keep me company?:heart:
Re: If you go to sleep

tungtied2u said:
who's going to keep me company?:heart:

Oh ok. I didn't go to sleep again yet, lol. I think I'll go post a lyric.

Re: Re: Re: If you go to sleep

tungtied2u said:
Oh boy...a surprise......:D

Oh you know it, I'm sure. Bet you like it too--you got me thinking about Jackson Browne.

Re: Re: Re: Re: If you go to sleep`

Angeline said:
Oh you know it, I'm sure. Bet you like it too--you got me thinking about Jackson Browne.


And me about The Grateful Dead...who would have thought that name would cheer me up....how ironic...:rose:
This Just In!!

I was discussing this challenge w/ a friend when I had a horrible thought. Unlike the On-The-Ball poetry editors, when one submits a story it can be as long as a week before it gets posted. And no guarantee they'll all be posted together the same day.


How's this?

Let's place a link to the poem here with the story pasted underneath? It'll take a lot of room, but thats the only drawback I can see. Then when its over whoever'd like to can then submit their story. And I would ask Our Venerable Moderators to delete any post thats not part of the challenge.

(look- I really don't mind the banter- really! However I have a surprise in store for everyone and I want to keep this short and sweet!)

Please!! Lemme hear thoughts on this, ok??

freakin' out!
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I must admit to being a bit wary of submitting my story to The Story Forum. I'd rather put it in here and keep it in the poetry community. I'll go with what ever is decided.
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BooMerengue said:
This Just In!!

I was discussing this challenge w/ a friend when I had a horrible thought. Unlike the On-The-Ball poetry editors, when one submits a story it can be as long as a week before it gets posted. And no guarantee they'll all be posted together the same day.


How's this?

Let's place a link to the poem here with the story pasted underneath? It'll take a lot of room, but thats the only drawback I can see. Then when its over whoever'd like to can then submit their story. And I would ask Our Venerable Moderators to delete any post thats not part of the challenge.

(look- I really don't mind the banter- really! However I have a surprise in store for everyone and I want to keep this short and sweet!)

Please!! Lemme hear thoughts on this, ok??

freakin' out!

ok by me. i already have the story posted on lauren's site. i could just link to that...
BooMerengue said:
This Just In!!

I was discussing this challenge w/ a friend when I had a horrible thought. Unlike the On-The-Ball poetry editors, when one submits a story it can be as long as a week before it gets posted. And no guarantee they'll all be posted together the same day.


How's this?

Let's place a link to the poem here with the story pasted underneath? It'll take a lot of room, but thats the only drawback I can see. Then when its over whoever'd like to can then submit their story. And I would ask Our Venerable Moderators to delete any post thats not part of the challenge.

(look- I really don't mind the banter- really! However I have a surprise in store for everyone and I want to keep this short and sweet!)

Please!! Lemme hear thoughts on this, ok??

freakin' out!

You can keep the banter thread and open a submission thread also.
Boo, could you clarify a few things, please.

Is the story to be fiction based on our poem? Or is it to be describing how it was inspired?

Are we posting it here with a link to the chosen poem?

Could you post the date we are to post and remind me of the # of words, please.

Thank you.

Tristesse said:
Boo, could you clarify a few things, please.

Is the story to be fiction based on our poem? Or is it to be describing how it was inspired?

Are we posting it here with a link to the chosen poem?

Could you post the date we are to post and remind me of the # of words, please.

Thank you.



The story can be fact or fiction. Mine is fiction. The story's purpose is to enhance/give background to the poem.

We will post it here... first the poem- not the link- and then the story under it.

Since we are not submitting to the Story Forum we can post them in this thread on October 9th.

The story can be 1500 words maximum. No more.

I'm working on a cool surprise for all entrants. Thats why it has to be this way. :p
BooMerengue said:

The story can be fact or fiction. Mine is fiction. The story's purpose is to enhance/give background to the poem.

We will post it here... first the poem- not the link- and then the story under it.

Since we are not submitting to the Story Forum we can post them in this thread on October 9th.

The story can be 1500 words maximum. No more.

I'm working on a cool surprise for all entrants. Thats why it has to be this way. :p

W00T! I love surprises!

Thanks for helping to sort my brain out a bit - it's a mess in there I tellya!

OK... listen up, everyone! Here's the gameplan. This is final, unless there are objections in the next 24 hours. (cuz I've had a lot of email)

We're all going to come here by Midnight Central Standard Time (Nashville) of October 8th instead of the 9th and post our poem and then our story in the same post. We were going to have them ready to submit on the 8th anyway, right? So this shouldn't be a problem. Heres the time converter thing... World Clock

Here's why. I thought it would be fun to do something different. So I invited a group of shall we say Visiting Professors (lol) to read our poems and then our stories and give a little opinion as to whether we met the demands of the challenge.

Here they are...


All of these folks have been contributing stories here for awhile. I checked them out myself- there's some pretty good reads here! And they have kindly agreed to look over our short stories and share their expertise with us.

So let's get busy and get the stories written! And please? At the end of your story would y'all please put the # of words in parentheses? Makes it easier for everyone.

  • The story must explain and/or enhance the poem you have chosen.
    [*]The story must be 1500 words or less. Less is better.

If you are NOT going to have an entry please let me know.


World Clock
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I'm sorry, Tris! It would have been fun to see your entry.

Hey, y'all!

These visitors are NOT going to judge as to who wins, who loses. Thats not what it's about. They are writers of stories. They are just going to give their take on each of our entries. I thought it would be nice to have some fresh, knowledgeable voices. Thats all.

No one is going to win.

No one is going to lose.

Hopefully we will all learn a bit more about our own writing.