A different type of challenge...

Angeline said:
She's outta control. Thank god she doesn't post too often, vous savez ?

Mais non! Elle a une certaine je n'est c'est quoi. Vraiment!
Angeline said:
He's around and well, in spite of the healing broken wrist.


*fallin over laughin... guess I spend too much time in chat- I will NOT ask how he broke his wrist!!



Hold up!!


The poem does NOT have to be in the story;

The story is about how the poem came to be...

I just thought it would be appropriate that the poem be linked to the story for the ease of the reader.
Boo said:
Well... I too will ask the oft asked question... Where In The World Is Carm... erm... Darkmaas???

then she said:
*fallin over laughin... guess I spend too much time in chat- I will NOT ask how he broke his wrist!!



Regrettably, darkmass got off his high horse rather unexpectedly and shattered both his left wrist and his fragile ego. (But I think I like your story better!). The vet gave him banamine, which is a pain killer for horses. No psychotropic or hallucinogenic effects but one physical side effect was the lengthening of his ... er ... member to the point that every time he sees a libidinous AV, it smacks him in the eye. Needless to say, he's had to stay away from lit. The effect is not permanent... malheureusement ...

Ma chere Disposa! C'est bien possible que ma "problem" peut t'amuser enormement.
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darkmaas said:
Boo said:

then she said:

Regrettably, darkmass got off his high horse rather unexpectedly and shattered both his left wrist and his fragile ego. (But I think I like your story better!). The vet gave him banamine, which is a pain killer for horses. No psychotropic or hallucinogenic effects but one physical side effect was the lengthening of his ... er ... member to the point that every time he sees a libidinous AV, it smacks him in the eye. Needless to say, he's had to stay away from lit. The effect is not permanent... malheureusement ...

Ma chere Disposa! C'est bien possible que ma "problem" peut t'amuser enormement.

You got pain killer for horses? You didn't tell me that part. Whyever? Are you immune to the stuff for people?

The obvious next questiion for the afflicted D'maas is......are you hung like a horse? I'm thinking there has to be a reason for the equine medication.

darkmaas said:
Boo said:

then she said:

Regrettably, darkmass got off his high horse rather unexpectedly and shattered both his left wrist and his fragile ego. (But I think I like your story better!). The vet gave him banamine, which is a pain killer for horses. No psychotropic or hallucinogenic effects but one physical side effect was the lengthening of his ... er ... member to the point that every time he sees a libidinous AV, it smacks him in the eye. Needless to say, he's had to stay away from lit. The effect is not permanent... malheureusement ...

Ma chere Disposa! C'est bien possible que ma "problem" peut t'amuser enormement.

Aucune ma obscurité chérie, le Disposa divin n'a seulement l'amour pour vous, et ne s'amuse pas par votre tragédie. Peut-être une petite boisson à la salle du Roi Cole la rendra tout meilleure, oui ?

Tristesse said:
The obvious next questiion for the afflicted D'maas is......are you hung like a horse? I'm thinking there has to be a reason for the equine medication.


Well you know darkmaas is way too high-toned to answer, but who's that friend of his? beet? I'll bet he'd have an answer...

Angeline said:
Well you know darkmaas is way too high-toned to answer, but who's that friend of his? beet? I'll bet he'd have an answer...


High toned or high strung? All stallions tend to be a bit jumpy, I've heard.

He's going to kill me.
Tristesse said:
High toned or high strung? All stallions tend to be a bit jumpy, I've heard.

He's going to kill me.

Uh huh. I believe he'll be around tomorrow. You are, as they used to say in my old neighborhood (no pun on the neigh), in a "world of trouble" girlfriend.


Hey Highjackers- I was only KIDDING!! sheeeeesh!!



This is it. We've dallied long enough.

The Challenge

Re introduce us to one of your poems by posting it and (writing) a Short Story to help us have a better understanding of your poem.

You may place the poem above the story- you may use the same or different topics for each.

The story will be no more than 1500 words. Shorter than that is better. The same pruning and thinning and compacting we practice with our poems should be exercised in our story.

The Challenges will be submitted on Oct 8th to be posted on Oct 9th.

so far we have

Wicked Eve
Deep Asleep

If you're interested just let me know!
drum roll, please...

adding a new name to the list...

Tristesse has joined the party!!


Wicked Eve
Deep Asleep

anyone else?
BooMerengue said:
drum roll, please...

adding a new name to the list...

Tristesse has joined the party!!


Wicked Eve
Deep Asleep

anyone else?

Shoot. We actually have to do this now, don't we?

WEll, cool beans!!

New List

Wicked Eve
Deep Asleep

Angeline?? yup!

Hey! I have NO clue how to write mine... don't feel bad!
Tristesse said:
Did I do that? Now I feel guilty.

No I don't!


Yeah. Your fault. That's the ticket. I might as well just work on it. It's either that or listen to the guy on the couch yell at Pedro Rodriguez....


Angeline said:
Yeah. Your fault. That's the ticket. I might as well just work on it. It's either that or listen to the guy on the couch yell at Pedro Rodriguez....




Damn baseball - it should be banned.

*runs away*
Boo, your high school french? I didn't take the stuff at all! Ugh, no offense to those that can speak French (though I'm sure it will), but that language has too many dang letters in the words that don't do anything! Dad gum it. Like Thibedeaux is really tib-bi-do! I cut out three letters right there! :D

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I hear you all say, "So does English," but at least I know that language, dad nab it! :)

Okay, so I'm venting a little bit. Sorry. :(

I wrote an explanation based on my 'screamed at inhumanity' core poem. Don't count me in, Boo--I'm trying to learn how to write poetry--but I will work on it anyway. Don't put me on the list, though, my prose bites even more than my poetry.

I was thinking about suggesting writing about another person's poem, but Remec beat me to it. Double dad gum it.

Okay, back to my corner in my fetal position... egad even.

uh-oh - I don't think I want to know what's going on over there.

*sidles out of the thread humming*