A female orgasm

darkmaas caught in the headlights

I am enlightened.

Laughing as always,

Syrypy sweet are your O's to me
When I think of the three times
I came as you worked them.

I wonder what marvels will pale
In comparing when next time you visit
My legs with your thoughts.

Tickling membranes with ballets of fingers
Will take us so high that I wonder
If my nipples will ever grow soft.

But breathless I savor the gentle sweet
Moments that echo from your heart
To the swell of mine.

thank you

thank you to all who have contributed.

I did ask in this thread for the more poetic view of an orgasm. On the Authors thread for a more literal description.

i have enjoyed and been enlightened by the responses I received.

thank you again

keep them cumming.
Glastonbury pop festival

A shameless plug.

May I refer you back to Katpurs reply earlier on this Fred.
an old thread

I stumbled across this and thought the newer members of lit might wish to add their comments.
PAUL C said:
I have already asked for a physical description of this on the Authors hangout.

How do you come?

in colour? with sounds? sex without orgasm? do you enjoy it?

a selfish question. for story reseach purposes only. all names will be changed.

colors... usually sheets of white, flowing down.. like liquid velvet.....
occansionally reds... hot, firey.. and passionate.. similiar to the sheets of reds and oranges of a sunset... sometimes all colors.. they just seem to shoot across my lids and I can't describe them.. they blend and flow together as if being stirred across a pool of wax, each one mixing into the next until tiny shots of sparks race across them.... when that happens... WOW!!
Angeline said:
Didn't the Rolling Stones have a song about this?

She comes in colors ev’rywhere;
She combs her hair
She’s like a rainbow
Coming, colors in the air
Oh, everywhere
She comes in colors
Tathagata said:
She comes in colors ev’rywhere;
She combs her hair
She’s like a rainbow
Coming, colors in the air
Oh, everywhere
She comes in colors

I know silly. It went through my head as soon as I saw the post back then.

I like that song. :D
Tathagata said:
She comes in colors ev’rywhere;
She combs her hair
She’s like a rainbow
Coming, colors in the air
Oh, everywhere
She comes in colors

Remember the Fugees and what they did with Killing Me Softly? I bet they could do something wild with this song, too. :cool: