A Few Pics to Show Me!

A pretty shitty weekend for me.
Friday we went to the bar, two of the bitches got sick and another got her period and left early, so I went home alone.
Saturday Steve was supposed to come over but he texted me and said he wanted to get serious with a woman and I reminded him that we agreed to keep it casual, then he told me it wasn't me but another woman. I asked him to come over for goodbye sex and he turned me down.
I smoked a joint and overdid it last night and felt like shit all day today.
A waste of a weekend and another man out of my life, why do I even try?


Sorry to hear the grim news.. ☹️☹️☹️

Have you tried rebound sex with Nate??? You could try to have sex with Amber's hubby..??
A pretty shitty weekend for me.
Friday we went to the bar, two of the bitches got sick and another got her period and left early, so I went home alone.
Saturday Steve was supposed to come over but he texted me and said he wanted to get serious with a woman and I reminded him that we agreed to keep it casual, then he told me it wasn't me but another woman. I asked him to come over for goodbye sex and he turned me down.
I smoked a joint and overdid it last night and felt like shit all day today.
A waste of a weekend and another man out of my life, why do I even try?
I’m sorry your weekend tanked. At least Steve was straight with you. You should’ve called Nate or his buddy. I’m sure either would’ve been happy to help out a girl in need.
I've received an increase of DMs that have been crude and disturbing and I really don't need any of that shit, especially now.
I won't be sharing updates or pics or anything here for at least a while, the past couple days have really soured me towards people on this site and it's not fun for me any more.
I make no apologies but I will say it disgusts me at the way some guys act here including their self entitled belief they can order a woman like me to do what they want.
I will be messaging those who I have in the past and still enjoy interacting with them.
I've received an increase of DMs that have been crude and disturbing and I really don't need any of that shit, especially now.
I won't be sharing updates or pics or anything here for at least a while, the past couple days have really soured me towards people on this site and it's not fun for me any more.
I make no apologies but I will say it disgusts me at the way some guys act here including their self entitled belief they can order a woman like me to do what they want.
I will be messaging those who I have in the past and still enjoy interacting with them.

Come here sweetie, let me hold you and shield you from these horrible men. I've got more ice cream to share. You want?
I've received an increase of DMs that have been crude and disturbing and I really don't need any of that shit, especially now.
I won't be sharing updates or pics or anything here for at least a while, the past couple days have really soured me towards people on this site and it's not fun for me any more.
I make no apologies but I will say it disgusts me at the way some guys act here including their self entitled belief they can order a woman like me to do what they want.
I will be messaging those who I have in the past and still enjoy interacting with them.
I'm sorry that you are subjected to inappropriate and rude behaviour, unfortunately it almost seems par for the course these days. During my time here I have known a number of ladies from ampics who have been driven away by the behaviour of a few ignorant morons. I do hope that you won't be another. I enjoy your photographs and your refreshing honesty expressed in your posts. Hope to see you again soon.

As the @cowboyup6977 said make good use of the "ignore" feature. It's what it's there for.
I wonder often as to what Allia, Justa, Val, some of the awesome women from Lit here that left for the same reasons are up to now days ???
I've received an increase of DMs that have been crude and disturbing and I really don't need any of that shit, especially now.
I won't be sharing updates or pics or anything here for at least a while, the past couple days have really soured me towards people on this site and it's not fun for me any more.
I make no apologies but I will say it disgusts me at the way some guys act here including their self entitled belief they can order a woman like me to do what they want.
I will be messaging those who I have in the past and still enjoy interacting with them.
So sorry that the jerks came out of the woodwork
I've received an increase of DMs that have been crude and disturbing and I really don't need any of that shit, especially now.
I won't be sharing updates or pics or anything here for at least a while, the past couple days have really soured me towards people on this site and it's not fun for me any more.
I make no apologies but I will say it disgusts me at the way some guys act here including their self entitled belief they can order a woman like me to do what they want.
I will be messaging those who I have in the past and still enjoy interacting with them.
I stumbled onto this thread for first time today, Really like it.
I'll need to take the time to start at beginning and read thru it all.
Hope to see more photo's and stories of fun nights

Don't understand why folks would send rude DM's - except that they are no class jealous.
I've received an increase of DMs that have been crude and disturbing and I really don't need any of that shit, especially now.
I won't be sharing updates or pics or anything here for at least a while, the past couple days have really soured me towards people on this site and it's not fun for me any more.
I make no apologies but I will say it disgusts me at the way some guys act here including their self entitled belief they can order a woman like me to do what they want.
I will be messaging those who I have in the past and still enjoy interacting with them.
Well, I certainly don't blame you for putting some distance between you and the creeps. I hope you've gotten some peace. We miss your posts, but you have to take care of yourself first!
Hello guys and gals.

This is a very difficult post for me to write, I know some people will hate me, but please hear me out.

I am the one Christy referred to as "Steve", we met here and became FWB and I decided to pursue a LTR with another woman, I know this hurt her and was not my intention and I regret that decision A LOT. In person she is amazing, always a beautiful smile on her face, laughing and genuinely lit up the room just being there.

We parted ways for a bit but have reconnected in the last few weeks, she's not doing well mentally. I feel absolutely terrible that I contributed to this and there were many others on here that were intentionally assholes, believe it or not, she is very sensitive although puts on a brave face, and many of the experiences hurt her deeply.

She shared with me that she felt very low with all this and one of her best friends had a miscarriage, her dog is severely diabetic, but I thank God (and I'm not a religious man) that she went to her doctor for help. I don't have all of the details but she said that the birth control pill clashed with some other medication she was on and really messed her up, like REALLY messed her up.

She's off the pill now and starting to feel better, myself and a few of her other friends take turns spending the night at her place just to make sure she is okay. I have promised to be a much better friend to her regardless if the "benefits" ever happen again. She is a very special woman who I feel very lucky to have met and have a second chance to have her in my life.

One decision she made is that she is not going to "sleep with anything with a heartbeat anymore" as she put it. I almost spit my drink out when she told me in the past three months, she had sex with over 100 men and at least 20 women through various orgies, gang bangs, etc. Her psychiatrist told her it was a self destructive behavior because she had such low self esteem and that was her way of feeling wanted.

She asked me to post a message on her behalf as she doesn't want to be here any more for obvious reasons but did have a strong connection with a few select men and women that she says she misses hearing from. If anyone wants to send her a message please post it here or DM me and I will happily pass it on.
Hello guys and gals.

This is a very difficult post for me to write, I know some people will hate me, but please hear me out.

I am the one Christy referred to as "Steve", we met here and became FWB and I decided to pursue a LTR with another woman, I know this hurt her and was not my intention and I regret that decision A LOT. In person she is amazing, always a beautiful smile on her face, laughing and genuinely lit up the room just being there.

We parted ways for a bit but have reconnected in the last few weeks, she's not doing well mentally. I feel absolutely terrible that I contributed to this and there were many others on here that were intentionally assholes, believe it or not, she is very sensitive although puts on a brave face, and many of the experiences hurt her deeply.

She shared with me that she felt very low with all this and one of her best friends had a miscarriage, her dog is severely diabetic, but I thank God (and I'm not a religious man) that she went to her doctor for help. I don't have all of the details but she said that the birth control pill clashed with some other medication she was on and really messed her up, like REALLY messed her up.

She's off the pill now and starting to feel better, myself and a few of her other friends take turns spending the night at her place just to make sure she is okay. I have promised to be a much better friend to her regardless if the "benefits" ever happen again. She is a very special woman who I feel very lucky to have met and have a second chance to have her in my life.

One decision she made is that she is not going to "sleep with anything with a heartbeat anymore" as she put it. I almost spit my drink out when she told me in the past three months, she had sex with over 100 men and at least 20 women through various orgies, gang bangs, etc. Her psychiatrist told her it was a self destructive behavior because she had such low self esteem and that was her way of feeling wanted.

She asked me to post a message on her behalf as she doesn't want to be here any more for obvious reasons but did have a strong connection with a few select men and women that she says she misses hearing from. If anyone wants to send her a message please post it here or DM me and I will happily pass it on.

Hope that everything works out for her.
I'm not one she's connected with, but please tell her I'm proud of her for getting help, and I hope she receives all the healing she needs.
I've received an increase of DMs that have been crude and disturbing and I really don't need any of that shit, especially now.
I won't be sharing updates or pics or anything here for at least a while, the past couple days have really soured me towards people on this site and it's not fun for me any more.
I make no apologies but I will say it disgusts me at the way some guys act here including their self entitled belief they can order a woman like me to do what they want.
I will be messaging those who I have in the past and still enjoy interacting with them.
Oh, that blows. Just don’t understand people who are mean. And yeah, I get this is a porn site but doesn’t give you the right to just be crude from the get go, no matter what your favorite kink might be.
Hello guys and gals.

This is a very difficult post for me to write, I know some people will hate me, but please hear me out.

I am the one Christy referred to as "Steve", we met here and became FWB and I decided to pursue a LTR with another woman, I know this hurt her and was not my intention and I regret that decision A LOT. In person she is amazing, always a beautiful smile on her face, laughing and genuinely lit up the room just being there.

We parted ways for a bit but have reconnected in the last few weeks, she's not doing well mentally. I feel absolutely terrible that I contributed to this and there were many others on here that were intentionally assholes, believe it or not, she is very sensitive although puts on a brave face, and many of the experiences hurt her deeply.

She shared with me that she felt very low with all this and one of her best friends had a miscarriage, her dog is severely diabetic, but I thank God (and I'm not a religious man) that she went to her doctor for help. I don't have all of the details but she said that the birth control pill clashed with some other medication she was on and really messed her up, like REALLY messed her up.

She's off the pill now and starting to feel better, myself and a few of her other friends take turns spending the night at her place just to make sure she is okay. I have promised to be a much better friend to her regardless if the "benefits" ever happen again. She is a very special woman who I feel very lucky to have met and have a second chance to have her in my life.

One decision she made is that she is not going to "sleep with anything with a heartbeat anymore" as she put it. I almost spit my drink out when she told me in the past three months, she had sex with over 100 men and at least 20 women through various orgies, gang bangs, etc. Her psychiatrist told her it was a self destructive behavior because she had such low self esteem and that was her way of feeling wanted.

She asked me to post a message on her behalf as she doesn't want to be here any more for obvious reasons but did have a strong connection with a few select men and women that she says she misses hearing from. If anyone wants to send her a message please post it here or DM me and I will happily pass it on.
Thank you for posting this. I have been concerned about her, and am sorry she was treated badly by members of Lit. I agree that she was behaving in a manner not respectful of herself. I am glad she is seeking professional help. Please give her my kind thoughts.
I hope everything works out for her and happy she seemed professional help getting thru this. Please give her my kind thoughts.
Hello guys and gals.

This is a very difficult post for me to write, I know some people will hate me, but please hear me out.

I am the one Christy referred to as "Steve", we met here and became FWB and I decided to pursue a LTR with another woman, I know this hurt her and was not my intention and I regret that decision A LOT. In person she is amazing, always a beautiful smile on her face, laughing and genuinely lit up the room just being there.

We parted ways for a bit but have reconnected in the last few weeks, she's not doing well mentally. I feel absolutely terrible that I contributed to this and there were many others on here that were intentionally assholes, believe it or not, she is very sensitive although puts on a brave face, and many of the experiences hurt her deeply.

She shared with me that she felt very low with all this and one of her best friends had a miscarriage, her dog is severely diabetic, but I thank God (and I'm not a religious man) that she went to her doctor for help. I don't have all of the details but she said that the birth control pill clashed with some other medication she was on and really messed her up, like REALLY messed her up.

She's off the pill now and starting to feel better, myself and a few of her other friends take turns spending the night at her place just to make sure she is okay. I have promised to be a much better friend to her regardless if the "benefits" ever happen again. She is a very special woman who I feel very lucky to have met and have a second chance to have her in my life.

One decision she made is that she is not going to "sleep with anything with a heartbeat anymore" as she put it. I almost spit my drink out when she told me in the past three months, she had sex with over 100 men and at least 20 women through various orgies, gang bangs, etc. Her psychiatrist told her it was a self destructive behavior because she had such low self esteem and that was her way of feeling wanted.

She asked me to post a message on her behalf as she doesn't want to be here any more for obvious reasons but did have a strong connection with a few select men and women that she says she misses hearing from. If anyone wants to send her a message please post it here or DM me and I will happily pass it on.
Had the joy of talking to her once, let her know she was a joy to talk to, shes a beautiful woman and im proud of her for getting help she needs
Hello guys and gals.

This is a very difficult post for me to write, I know some people will hate me, but please hear me out.

I am the one Christy referred to as "Steve", we met here and became FWB and I decided to pursue a LTR with another woman, I know this hurt her and was not my intention and I regret that decision A LOT. In person she is amazing, always a beautiful smile on her face, laughing and genuinely lit up the room just being there.

We parted ways for a bit but have reconnected in the last few weeks, she's not doing well mentally. I feel absolutely terrible that I contributed to this and there were many others on here that were intentionally assholes, believe it or not, she is very sensitive although puts on a brave face, and many of the experiences hurt her deeply.

She shared with me that she felt very low with all this and one of her best friends had a miscarriage, her dog is severely diabetic, but I thank God (and I'm not a religious man) that she went to her doctor for help. I don't have all of the details but she said that the birth control pill clashed with some other medication she was on and really messed her up, like REALLY messed her up.

She's off the pill now and starting to feel better, myself and a few of her other friends take turns spending the night at her place just to make sure she is okay. I have promised to be a much better friend to her regardless if the "benefits" ever happen again. She is a very special woman who I feel very lucky to have met and have a second chance to have her in my life.

One decision she made is that she is not going to "sleep with anything with a heartbeat anymore" as she put it. I almost spit my drink out when she told me in the past three months, she had sex with over 100 men and at least 20 women through various orgies, gang bangs, etc. Her psychiatrist told her it was a self destructive behavior because she had such low self esteem and that was her way of feeling wanted.

She asked me to post a message on her behalf as she doesn't want to be here any more for obvious reasons but did have a strong connection with a few select men and women that she says she misses hearing from. If anyone wants to send her a message please post it here or DM me and I will happily pass it on.
Thank you for the heads-up on Christy, and what must have been a difficult post to write. I'm so sorry to hear of her condition and hope with professional help and support from her friends that she can turn things around and in time find the love that she deserves.

I have to admit that I had begun to feel uneasy about the content of some of her later posts. I had hoped that she was just embellishing the facts to further titillate her audience. Afterall it's what writers of erotica often do.

It's perfectly understandable in the circumstances that she does not want to be here. The haters can mark up yet another victory. I hope they are proud of themselves.

Tell her I miss her. I will always think of her.

I doubt that I am one of those that she misses hearing from, but she is more than welcome to use the email address I gave her. I would love to hear from her when she feels up to it.
Hello guys and gals.

This is a very difficult post for me to write, I know some people will hate me, but please hear me out.

I am the one Christy referred to as "Steve", we met here and became FWB and I decided to pursue a LTR with another woman, I know this hurt her and was not my intention and I regret that decision A LOT. In person she is amazing, always a beautiful smile on her face, laughing and genuinely lit up the room just being there.

We parted ways for a bit but have reconnected in the last few weeks, she's not doing well mentally. I feel absolutely terrible that I contributed to this and there were many others on here that were intentionally assholes, believe it or not, she is very sensitive although puts on a brave face, and many of the experiences hurt her deeply.

She shared with me that she felt very low with all this and one of her best friends had a miscarriage, her dog is severely diabetic, but I thank God (and I'm not a religious man) that she went to her doctor for help. I don't have all of the details but she said that the birth control pill clashed with some other medication she was on and really messed her up, like REALLY messed her up.

She's off the pill now and starting to feel better, myself and a few of her other friends take turns spending the night at her place just to make sure she is okay. I have promised to be a much better friend to her regardless if the "benefits" ever happen again. She is a very special woman who I feel very lucky to have met and have a second chance to have her in my life.

One decision she made is that she is not going to "sleep with anything with a heartbeat anymore" as she put it. I almost spit my drink out when she told me in the past three months, she had sex with over 100 men and at least 20 women through various orgies, gang bangs, etc. Her psychiatrist told her it was a self destructive behavior because she had such low self esteem and that was her way of feeling wanted.

She asked me to post a message on her behalf as she doesn't want to be here any more for obvious reasons but did have a strong connection with a few select men and women that she says she misses hearing from. If anyone wants to send her a message please post it here or DM me and I will happily pass it on.
Thanks for sharing this update. So sad to hear but it’s great she has some true friends that are looking out for her. We miss her posts but understand her reasoning. Wish her well.
A super hot time with Steve last night.
He brought chinese food over, I had on a corset, matching g-string and thigh highs on with heals.
When I answered the door, I thought he was going to drop supper, the girls were busting out the top but no words were spoken about it.
We ate the food, was so good, again nothing said about what I was wearing.
After supper we were cuddling on the couch, I felt "him" against me through his pants and asked why he is so hard and he said because of what I was wearing.
I told him even though Dwayne bought this for me years ago, it seemed like a waste to leave it in the drawer.
We started making out hot and heavy and then he said something like "Let's destroy the memory of your ex" and before I had a chance to respond he had torn the corset!
We continued pretty aggressively and literally ripped each others clothes off, I pinned him down on the living floor and he said he needed to get a condom and in the heat of the moment I told him "Fuck no, try and knock me up".
He came hard in me soon after and we finally made it up to bed and had another round before passing out.
Woke up this morning to let Benny out with one stocking on, around my ankles and it has a huge run in it, I giggled to myself when I saw this.
Heard Steve in the shower as I surveyed the wreckage in my living room, shredded clothes all over. He came down in a towel, his hair was wet, so sexy, and I asked him if he had another load, he was confused but said he thinks so.
I led him over towards the remnants of my corset, pulled off his towel and give him a handjob and he came all over the corset and when he was done I whispered in his ear "Just another fuck you to Dwayne", I kissed his cheek and placed the stocking I was wearing on his shoulder and headed to the kitchen to make coffee.
He was speechless but eventually on his way out said "Remind me not to piss you off!"
I chuckled and kissed him as he headed off to work, pretty sure he's late for work but his cum is still leaking out of me and I'm going to need a lot of towels today so we're even lol!
Would love too see your outfit you wore.
Hello friends!
"Steve" here once more to give everyone an update on the lovely Christy.
A couple weeks after my last message, I decided to take a leap and I asked her to marry me.
She turned me down.
About a week or so later, we had to put her dog down, so devastating but he was so sick even though so young.
A couple weeks ago she came over to my place and said she had a surprise for me and told me that she got an IUD that morning. This was truly surprising as we hadn't had sex since coming back into each other's lives. That changed that night.
In the morning, we were lying in bed in each other's arms and she said "Ask me the question again."
I must admit I didn't know what she meant at first, then I clued in and said to her "<Christy's full name>, you are the one that makes me happy, we have shared so much in the time we have known each other, and I want to share so much more with you, will you marry me?"
This time she said "YES"!
She is in the process of selling her house and will be moving in with me full time in the coming weeks and we are planning a destination wedding early in 2025.
I am pleased to say that she is like her old self again, but we have agree to a monogamous relationship, so not exactly like her old self.
I don't know if either of us will message on here again, but I wanted to post this update in case there were still people wondering about her.
Hello friends!
"Steve" here once more to give everyone an update on the lovely Christy.
A couple weeks after my last message, I decided to take a leap and I asked her to marry me.
She turned me down.
About a week or so later, we had to put her dog down, so devastating but he was so sick even though so young.
A couple weeks ago she came over to my place and said she had a surprise for me and told me that she got an IUD that morning. This was truly surprising as we hadn't had sex since coming back into each other's lives. That changed that night.
In the morning, we were lying in bed in each other's arms and she said "Ask me the question again."
I must admit I didn't know what she meant at first, then I clued in and said to her "<Christy's full name>, you are the one that makes me happy, we have shared so much in the time we have known each other, and I want to share so much more with you, will you marry me?"
This time she said "YES"!
She is in the process of selling her house and will be moving in with me full time in the coming weeks and we are planning a destination wedding early in 2025.
I am pleased to say that she is like her old self again, but we have agree to a monogamous relationship, so not exactly like her old self.
I don't know if either of us will message on here again, but I wanted to post this update in case there were still people wondering about her.
Hello friends!
"Steve" here once more to give everyone an update on the lovely Christy.
A couple weeks after my last message, I decided to take a leap and I asked her to marry me.
She turned me down.
About a week or so later, we had to put her dog down, so devastating but he was so sick even though so young.
A couple weeks ago she came over to my place and said she had a surprise for me and told me that she got an IUD that morning. This was truly surprising as we hadn't had sex since coming back into each other's lives. That changed that night.
In the morning, we were lying in bed in each other's arms and she said "Ask me the question again."
I must admit I didn't know what she meant at first, then I clued in and said to her "<Christy's full name>, you are the one that makes me happy, we have shared so much in the time we have known each other, and I want to share so much more with you, will you marry me?"
This time she said "YES"!
She is in the process of selling her house and will be moving in with me full time in the coming weeks and we are planning a destination wedding early in 2025.
I am pleased to say that she is like her old self again, but we have agree to a monogamous relationship, so not exactly like her old self.
I don't know if either of us will message on here again, but I wanted to post this update in case there were still people wondering about her.
Thanks for the update I hope it works out for you both. Please pass on my good wished and my condolences on the loss of her pup.