A Fresh Start...

well, I am off

Time to get outta the house and go "get my hair did" lol. Sorry, I am feeling silly today. But seriously, Ima go cut my hair and dye it blue....:D
one more

here is one more before I go, I really like this one too. kinda look innocent dont I?


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Thank you very much. I was trying to touch on the fact that no one knows what a person is going through on the other side of the computer. They may be in a really low place and your 1 nice, encouraging comment may be all that person needs to make it through the day. Just knowing that there are people out there who can accept us for exactly who we are with no pretenses whatsoever is a great thing.

A comment like that only makes me want to scoop you up in my arms and give you a nice, big hug.

Gorgeous pictures. You're very beautiful. :rose:
Well welcome back aboard. No doubt that I will be here frequently posting comments to your thread because you are gorgeous! Have fun getting your hair done!
Its great to see that smiling happy face again and once again i say welcome back and its good to see your smiling cute face
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oh i love your photos. your guy is so fucking lucky. i hate him...

not really, i just hate that he's got you and that i don't have someone quite like you...
Damn!! You're back I so miss seeing you

Glad you're home BA can't wait to see you again!!! I have missed you so much!
Well well well......welcome back indeed, it's been a long time.

Much happened to you indeed, I still remember a good amount of it and you got treated bad unfairly by those who wanted nothing more to use you but if you came out of it stronger and better than ever before I salute you for it.

Life isn't easy but it can make us who we are suppose to be.

What matters is if you are happy.
Would Love to see the rest of that last photo :) You look stunning, thank you for sharing.