A Knight Lost once found.

The knight hadn’t moved from his position on his steed, he merely stared down his straight nose at Leyton.

“You don’t remember me obviously, knight. Allow me to advise you that you are speaking with Sir Brian Westley of the King’s men and I remember you Delmar. You never quite fit in, did you.”

Obviously the man wasn’t asking a question nor was he expecting an answer.

“The question now is, what should I be doing with you? You’ve cut down the King’s men. You’re hidden archer, luckily for him, harmed no one but the warning is well taken. All you have achieved is to place a bounty on your head and put the people here in a death sentence.”

Westley stopped, seemingly to contemplate his next move. His remaining men had moved in to surround the captain. Wesley leaned forward again, resting his forearms on the pommel of his saddle.

“Surely you realize this has gone beyond settling this like gentlemen. You, are a rogue knight. The King has left it to me to mete out justice in his name. For now, we will retreat. We will return.”

With that and a slight nod from Westley, what remained of the patrol turned and left the village. Cat, who had heard the whole exchange was uneasy. She didn’t trust this King’s man. He was up to something, she could sense it. The question was, what? Cat waited in her hiding place until the king’s men had gathered up the empty horses, the corpses and trotted out of the village. Some of the villagers raised a small cheer. She hurried down the wooden staircase and into the town center. She looked at Leyton.

“They’ll be back, won’t they?”
The Kings men sudden retreat didn't sit well with Leyton, something was wrong, they could have taken him, they could have brought more men, who was this Westley? Why was he chosen to bring the Kings justice?

"Cat, we need to leave, the townsfolk should probably disperse for a time as well. Is their anywhere nearby that we could spend a few nights? Maybe an old keep or cave system? I have a feeling they will try something tonight."

Leyton tried to focus on what was to come, he would have to be ready. He worried he had made everything worse. These people where going to suffer for his actions, he only hoped he could protect as many of them as he could. The feelings of uncertainty gnawed at his stomach, twisting his insides and furrowing his brow. He wiped his blade on his pants, before returning the blade to it's sheath.
She looked up at him.

“Leyton, where could we possibly find a cave that would hold all these people? Because, you must realize, they will follow us. They will expect our protection and that’s is not something I would deny…..” she paused for a time, as if a sudden thought had hit her. I know of a place. It’s deep in the nearby mountains and tunnels off in several direction. Deep within there is also a place to collect water. We could also put livestock in one tunnel and their food for another. Come, I will show you.”

Before she led the knight off to view the cave, she turned to Nigel and the townsfolk.

“You heard Sir Delmar. We need to leave this place for now. Gather some of your livestock. Ones that you can breed in case the king’s men confiscate your herds. Gather what you need to survive. Food, bedding, things you will to survive. Cart them to the Winthrop Mountains. Nigel knows of where I speak. He will guide you if we aren’t there.

There comes a time when it is wiser to retreat, to live to fight again. I don’t know how long we will be in hiding, but hide we must. We will plan what to do from there. Please do not panic. We will be fine.“

She turned back to Leyton, “ Come. Let us go now. I will show you. We will borrow a couple of Nigel’s horses.”

She cast her eyesight toward her friend. He gave her a swift nod of approval as started to give directions to the others. The townsfolk had trusted her, Nigel and the other men many times before. However, this was the first time everyone had to leave their homes. They would go, Cat was sure. There was no one in the village who didn’t trust Nigel and herself.

She caught Leyton’s hand and started to run toward Nigel’s place. In the corral out back there were several horses there. She found two bridles and handed one to Leyton while she caught an older paint and bridled it. She brushed the horse hastily before she blanketed it and then saddled it. By the time she was up in the saddle, so was Leyton. Cat moved forward opening the corral door and urged her horse out if it and stood aside while she waited for Leyton to join her.

Her thoughts were racing. Fear threatened to choke her but she willfully kept it down. There was little to no time to let her fear in. The lives of the others were at stake. She felt responsible. Cat led the way, Leyton, silent at her side for the moment. The tips of tree branches brushed their shoulders as they went. Overhead, it was silent. Not one bird made a sound, only the sound of their horses’ hooves could be heard. Cat wet her lips with the tip of her tongue.

“What are you thinking, Leyton?”
Cat moved quickly, securing mounts, prepping the village for the move. Leyton’s body tensed when she grabbed his hand, he could almost feel her pulse quicken from the fear and excitement of the day, he struggled to keep his mind at the task at hand, barley registering prepping and saddling the blue roan gelding, not snapping back until a small branch scraped his brow, finagling hearing Cats question.

“I want to get everyone of us to these caves first, get them settled in and see about fortifications, I doubt the King will take kindly to my answer to his summons.”

His mouth felt dry, he licked his lips searching for some relief.

“Thank you for supporting me in the town square, I know it was dangerous, but I hope time will show that I made the right call, you can never be sure till after it seems.”

The gentle rock of the horses, and the silence of the wood seemed to isolate them, Leyton glanced over at his companion, she held her self well, her back straight, hands on the reigns, her legs set in the stirrups. This woman was amazing to him, so fierce but she had flustered in the alley in town.

“Cat……what is to come is going to be hard and we might not make it. Is their anyone or anything that you would regret not handling before the end?”

The path started to angle upwards, the horses trot turning into a climb.
She rode as if she were part of the saddle. As they climbed, she leaned forward slightly.

Cat……what is to come is going to be hard and we might not make it. Is there anyone or anything that you would regret not handling before the end?”

Cat leaned back in her saddle as she gave serious thought to his words. He spoke the truth. There was a chance they might not make it. She wondered how he would handle her words. Looking straight ahead, her eyes searching the way before them.

“There! Between those boulders. It’s the entrance to the cave, Leyton.”

She gave her horse a small kick and surged slightly ahead of him. She stopped at the almost invisible path that led somewhere beyond these massive boulders and waited for him. It didn’t take long. He hadn’t fallen behind her. Getting off her horse, she took the reins and gently coaxed the mare between the rocks as she led the way. The sound of hooves echoed off the walls of a massive cave. Cat led the horse deeper into the cave until it was evident that several paths led off this main room. Leyton pulled up beside her.

“Each room or cavern, is large enough to house many horses. It channels into a smaller room where grain and hay can be kept. Another cave,” she nodded toward it, “houses a cavern large enough for other livestock and if hey are housed deeper into the cavern, little noise from them can be heard. Their food can be kept there as well. The other cavern at the far end of this one is large enough to house the townspeople. A hole in the top of the room will allow for cooking. Above it grows a large bush, it’s branches can conceal smoke and still allow to pass through. Toward the back of this room is large pond that supplies fresh water for drinking. There’s a few more secrets to this place I just may share with you yet,” the last was spoken with a teasing grin, “so what do you think? Will it do for our needs?”
Following Cat’s lead, taking note that she had avoided the question as she spurred ahead. Once out of the saddle and on foot, he could marvel at such a large cave system, very few times had he heard of ones this large and never had he seen one. The entrance was concealable and defensible, as long as waste from the animals and people could be dealt with they could hole up here as long as their supplies lasted, and with hunting maybe longer. The ground beneath them was firm but seemed to be able to be turned to a plow. This could work, a small bit of hope returned to him, smiling he answered Cat, pretending to ignore the coy tone to her tease.

“I think it will, I can’t see an easy way other than force to take this place, even closing the hole on top of the hill would only serve a minor inconvenience to the people inside.”

He watched her, she stood so strongly, every bit his equal at this moment, but her body spoke to him without words, he wanted to feel her curves, touch her skin, taste her lips. He took an unconscious step forward, pushing her against her horse without touching her.

“You never answered me before.”
She was busy looking about the large space they were in, imagining where everything would go and what they would need to survive. His words caught her unaware. His body moving into her personal space making her back up just a little and unfortunately for her, against the side of her horse. She unconsciously wet her lips, daring a peek up at him. This wasn’t the time or the place for anything personal. She knew it. He knew it. Yet, that didn’t stop her heart from beating against her skin so strongly. What was it about this man?

“Leyton—I---I…” she sputtered to a stop as her mind desperately drove to find an answer to his question.

There comes a certain time when a woman just knows. Whether she likes the moment or not. There it was. Her eyes closed briefly as she drew in a deep breathe before answering him. Her eyes opened, looking over his shoulder. Anywhere but into his eyes, for then, she would be lost. Cat wasn’t sure how she knew that, she just did.

“There are a great number of things I would regret not handling. Mayhaps sometime we will speak of such things. For now, this is not the time. Forgive me. Too many lives rest in my conscience at the moment and securing them is what is important right now, “ she dared a quick look at his face and it was her downfall because she couldn’t look away again, “forgive me.”

With that, she dashed around him.

“I think we had better hurry back and see where we can help. It is going to be a major uptaking to get everyone safe before the king’s men return.”

And they would return. They both knew that and with what kind of reinforcement, she had no clue. Lives would be lost if they didn’t hurry now. Someone would suffer and she worried it would be Leyton. God help her, that was all she could think about. Let her help make him and the townspeople safe, then she could deal with her personal feelings….. and maybe Leyton’s.
Staring down at her, demanding she makes eye contact with him, frustration setting as she darted her eyes away from his, always avoiding his gaze. He wanted to touch her, to see what this fire burning inside him was. He pursed his lips, shifted his weight. His fingers reflexively opening and closing to shake out the excess energy building inside him. The smell of the horses, the wet smell of the cave barely and undertone against her scent. She smelt like the wilds, like fresh dew on evergreen boughs. The smell of a mountain spring winding its way down through virgin woods. It was intoxicating, he watched her as she stumbled over her words, before finding her voice again.

“There are a great number of things I would regret not handling. Mayhaps sometime we will speak of such things. For now, this is not the time. Forgive me. Too many lives rest in my conscience at the moment and securing them is what is important right now, “ she dared a quick look at his face and it was her downfall because she couldn’t look away again, “forgive me.”

Her words rang true, they needed to focus, but all he could think of was touching her as he watched her flee.

Following her, after mounting up, they approached the pass to the entrance. The narrow space was taken up by villagers fleeing, many of them carrying children and burdened with their belongings. For a moment, Leyton flashed back to his first march into battle, fleeing the inn, seeing the distraught faces on the people trying to escape the violence. The same faces he saw now, his breath left him, and he doubled over onto his horse. The reality of what he had done slammed into him, he had known but seeing their fear and pain drove it into him like a spear to the gut. Gritting his teeth, he swallowed his doubt, this was what it was, and it wasn’t going to be any easier if he couldn’t handle that reality. Spurring his mount, they squeezed through the pass, he needed space for a moment, and he could check on the town’s folk. Breaking out into the forest, he stayed to one side of the trail, moving past the line of people heading toward what he hoped would be their salvation. As they moved passed, Leyton started to notice that more and more of the people where walking strong, their backs straight, the strongest holding the weakest up, doubling their own loads to spare someone else. Toward the end of the line, an elderly woman was hefting a large bag on her shoulder, the weight had to be too much for her but she held it and walked at the end of the line. Slowing his mount, he dismounted, holding the reins in his hand as he approached the woman.

“Ma’am, can I help you with that?”

The woman looked up at him, her face wrinkled but her eyes burned bright. A small shadow crossed her face as she noticed who he was, but she hid it well and offered him the sack of belongings. Even as she protested, Leyton insisted she uses his horse, to take the strain from her legs. Handing the reigns to another villager who had backtracked for the woman, he told them to head toward the cavern and he would be back shortly. Leaving the trail, he wandered around the edge of town, searching for any trace of the threat that was to come. As he walked he silently cursed himself for leaving Cat so suddenly, he had just taken off with no explanation and surely that was going to worry her. He was approaching the town from the side, the sun was fall and the sky was ablaze with oranges and pinks, it would have been beautiful if it wasn’t for the ominous shade it placed on everything.
She had sensed his frustration. Something warred inside of her. Fear of the unknown and the wantonness of first desire. She had to dig for discipline. The people. Her people. They must come first. Already they were rushing toward sanctuary. Nigel would direct them. She had passed him on the trail and for a split second, their eyes had met and held. A silent message passed between them. Leyton had gone on ahead, leaving her behind. That worried her and it didn’t. She trailed him as if sensing he needed some space and time. For certs, she could use this time to try and understand what she was feeling. Cat spurred her horse forward, to what had been her home. A glance over her shoulder showed that the sun was falling. Cat stopped, half turned and stared at the beauty before her. The day would almost be done. The last of the people had left their village. She needed to check the town to be sure everyone had gone. With a soft sigh, she turned her horse and trotted into town.

The emptiness haunted her. What had they wrought? And for what? She slid from her horse as she stood in the middle of her home. How many more lives were going to be lost before this was over? A lone tear slid down her cheek even as her fingers tightened on the reins. She secured her horse and on foot moved from one building to the next. Cat wasn’t so sure she could lean on anyone. Not even Nigel. To do so meant giving over to a vulnerability. She hated admitting to that. Vulnerability frightened her.

There were none left in the town. One last place to check but she knew that place would be empty. Her home. Her parents were gone. Killed. She had lost a brother to sickness. A sister to rape. Cat had buried them all. Stepping into her home, she let her eyesight wander about her. When had it ceased to be a home and become just a place to sleep? A frown formed between her eyes. What was she looking for in this life? Leyton made her want things. Some of those things, those feelings even, she didn’t understand. Things that twisted her up in knots. Timing was the enemy. One last look and she turned to go not sure when she would return or if she even would. Her fate was in the hands of God.
Standing on the edge of town, the fading light bringing a chill to the air, he watched the village for signs of movement, friendly or not. He caught himself smiling as he spied Cat as she traveled between the buildings, obviously checking the make sure it was clear. She was nearing a house that, from her body language she was in thought about, her pace was slow and she seemed almost hesitant about going in. Maybe it was hers? He was considering walking to her to ask when a twig snapped to his right. He turned, his hand drawing his sword as he caught a flash of red in the underbrush, a bush moved unnaturally and the sound of a bowstring going taut. He lunged, swinging his sword at where he thought the enemy was, he caught the man from behind the neck, his sword sinking through the spine and ending the thread to Cat, the arrow falling to the underbrush. Removing some of the makeshift camouflage from the man. He didn’t seem to be a regular, maybe a mercenary? Two scrolls falling from a satchel answered the question, unrolling them a rough drawing of him and a description of Cat with the words Wanted told him what he needed to know. The man must have been a bounty hunter. Checking him over for anything else of use, the man’s bow was quality, a short bow made of black ash, the dark wood gleamed in the setting sun, a quiver of arrows and a pouch of coin were added to Leyton’s gear. Anything from now on was going to be survival-focused, usefulness took priority over respect for the dead.

“Damn, if they are moving this quickly, the King must have made the announcement of our guilt already, they never intended in letting the village keep their peace. They just wanted me and probably Cat as examples first.”

Checking the house that Cat had gone into to make sure no one was approaching her unaware, satisfied that she was safe. Leyton moved toward the front of the town, near the road out of it. The orange hue to the world started to intensify, the clear air turning to the thick smell of burnt wood and pitch. Searching the wood line, he could see them, that damn Knight from before leading them…. what was his name again? The bow finding its way to his hand, his other hand reaching to notch an arrow before he realized that it would be futile, he could drop a few of them but he would be overrun easily. Survive, protect Cat and the others. His plan came quickly, but how? Looking around he saw a soldier standing closer to the edge of the wood with his mount tied to a tree, stupid. He didn’t get a chance to learn from his mistake as Leyton’s arrow split his throat. Calming the horse from the smell of blood, the black gelding clearly upset, he mounted up. Taking a deep breath, before letting out a war cry, crashing through the forest, sending creatures and men flying all the same. He broke through the underbrush breaking a branch off in his hand, flanking Sir Westly. Leyton must have seemed mad smiling and swinging a broken branch at the knight. No one would have known that he was simply smiling because he had remembered the bastards name as the branch collided with his chest and knocked him from his mount. Steering his mount into town, he wanted to distract the man, using his anger to an advantage. He rounded the town square and cornered behind the building that him and Cat had ducked into the alleyway before. Jumping off the horse and smacking it’s rear sending the creature off through town and out. He ducked into the alley just in time to see some of the men and Westly charge past after their riderless target.

“Now, to find Cat and get out of here, no telling what they are planning or how many are left.”

The sun was almost done, and the moon was obscured behind heavy clouds. Leyton looked up before checking his path and heading toward the house where Cat had been. Drawing his sword, keeping it at the ready.
“Cat, I’ll be there in a moment, don’t go do something spontaneous”
The war cry startled her out of her thoughts. She ran to the doorway and looked out cautiously.

“Cat, I’ll be there in a moment, don’t go do something spontaneous”


There was no reply. What the bloody hell? What did he mean don’t do anything spontaneous? She drew her bow from her shoulder and reached behind her drawing an arrow out of her quiver. Something was going on and not anything pleasant she was sure. Were the king’s men back? Where did Leyton go? Instead of leaving from the front door, she went out the back one that lead to the alley that they had once been in. Looking both ways, she went to fetch her horse. She heard a stick snap somewhere in the woods. Her head shot up even as her heart beat accelerated. She wanted to investigate but Leyton’s words came back to her. She fidgeted, biting on her bottom lip. Then giving her horse a soft reassuring pat, she moved quietly into the woods. If Leyton was in trouble she wanted to be there for him but how could she if she didn’t know where he was? If that wasn’t just like a man. She crept quietly around the woods, her bow and arrow drawn. Somewhere to her left someone was thrashing in the woods, heading in her direction. Cat hide behind a large boulder. A riderless horse streaked by. It was followed by a handful of knights. She recognized Sir Westley and some of the knights that had been in the town with Westley. If the situation wasn’t so dire, she would have laughed her head off. It did make her wonder about the men who served the king. They might be elite fighting machines (though she had serious doubts about that), but she questioned their intelligence.

The king’s men were obviously back. Leyton had run off on a mission only he knew about. For the first time in her life, Cat had no idea what to do next. She knew where Leyton and her should be and weren’t. Maybe Fate would would sneak up behind her and tap her on her shoulder. She hoped not. Indecision had her on edge. In her mind she silently cursed Leyton a million times. If he didn’t show soon, she was going to leave his arse behind.
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Leyton rounded the house, checking the area for enemies before pushing the door open and stepping into the house he had seen Cat go into. He was surpassed by how spartan the furnishing was. It felt like a home, it had all the trappings of one, but it felt cold and unused. He wondered why Cat had seemed so apprehensive about this house in the square. He checked the rooms, seeing if she was there, finding no trace of her he moved toward the back door. As he placed his hand on the door to leave, in the corner leaned against the wall and seemingly forgotten was a small bow and quiver. Certainly not meant for an adult, he plucked the bowstring with his finger. It felt familiar as if he had seen the bow before. Suddenly he realized it was very similar to Cats. He felt a pang of guilt. He still didn’t know much about the woman, but his need for her was growing by the hour. Surely, he wasn’t driven by primal desires only. He resolved to learn more about this woman. She had a past, he only hoped that her future was bright and that possibly it involved more chances to spend time with him. Standing back up, he pushed through the door and down the alleyway. Smiling as he passed the spot where he had first seen her flush. He was worried about where to go, he didn’t know where Cat had left too and he was a bit frustrated that she simply couldn’t stay still so he could find her. It was just like a woman to make things difficult in times like these. He chose a path at random and made his way down the street, the village was eerie without its people, it was almost like the town was holding it's breathing waiting for its people to return. A small boy ran out from a house and first stared at him terrified then ran toward him. Leyton recognized him as the small boy that had held his reigns the first day he had come to town.

“Boy, what are you doing here. Where are your parents? We evacuated the town!”

The boy cowered and held his head down before holding out his hand. In it, a small doll, made of patchwork cloth and stuffing rested in his small palm.

“My sister forgot her doll, she was sad so I snuck out and ran to town to get it for her. But then I heard people and hid”

Leyton sighed, the boy was in danger but his actions where from a good place, if foolish. It was hard to be mad at him.

“Ok, follow me, stay close and stay quiet. Have you seen Cat? I lost sight of her a few moments ago.”

The boy pointed, toward the edge of town, in the direction Leyton had sent his distraction in.

“I saw her go that way, I was trying to follow her when I found you”

Leyton looked around and thought. He could bring the boy but that could but him and the boy in danger.

“Can you make it back to the caves safely? Do you know the way?”

The boy nodded and explained his route, satisfied that the boy was small enough to make it safely, he worried but sent him on his way. Watching the boy long enough to ensure he made it to the wood line and a bit beyond before turning to track down Cat. It didn’t take long to find her horse, searching the ground around it he didn’t find a sign that she was in danger. But he wondered where she was. Noticing a small branch had been broken, he stooped down to check it. In the soft ground a small boot print. Cat, he smiled and made his way through the trees, following her steps. He made his way to deeper eventually coming to a large stone, nearby the signs of an animal or some commotion had torn through the underbrush. He made his way around the stone, before coming behind Cat. Her blazing hair gave her away. She hadn’t seemed to have seen him just yet. She was looking in the direction of the disturbed underbrush. He walked behind her and reached out his hand, running it along her neck, before in evolved into something more sensual as his hand cupped her face, while whispering to her.

“Shhhh, It’s Leyton. You couldn’t just stay in town could you.”
The first awareness of him came when his hand ran along her neck. A slow delicious shiver slid down her spine. It invaded her body, evolving in her stomach to butterflies.

“Shhhh, It’s Leyton. You couldn’t just stay in town could you.”

There was something about this man. For a moment, she couldn’t speak. He was just too close to her and she was just too aware of him as a man. Cat swallowed. Hard. She inhaled sharply and let it out slowly before her eyes met his.

“I… I was looking for you,” she whispered softly.

At the same time, Cat turned her head, her eyes meeting his. She shouldn’t have done that. Now she couldn’t look away. Her own eyes softened as her gaze slowly moved from his face to his lips, then slid back to his eyes for a moment before she looked away, looking about them for trouble.

“We should get going before the king’s men find us. The village is empty and Leyton? I'm glad you are unhurt."
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Damn, the only word that Layton could think when she turned. Two emeralds burned into his soul, they were wreathed in fire and it took all he could do not to reach into it and take hold of her. He groaned, she was so soft when she spoke to him.

“I… I was looking for you,”

He didn’t speak, he answered as he grabbed her hair, pulling her head back as he pushed her against the stone behind them. He lifted her legs, hiking her up to his waist, growling as she wrapped them around him. She ground herself against him, his bulge throbbing under the touch. Their lips met, and his body ignited, she tasted of the wild places. Her lips warm as his nose caught her scent. He inhaled deeply, drawing her scent and pulling her body in even has his hands worked at her shirt. The fabric was coarse compared to the skin of her stomach. He lifted it off her, his knuckles dragging along her skin, leaving it wrapped around her wrist, He grabbed it between her wrist, pushing her hands above her head and pinning them to the stone. His free hand tore at her pants, even as she ground her hips against him. Her breast heaving as she moaned, her beautiful pale nipples hard points in the air against the pale skin of her chest she was everything he expected and more. Her body was lithe and carved by the woods that she called home. Even pinned against the rock she moved with the grace of a wild animal, he was enthralled. Holding her hands with the fabric of her shirt, he let her hips drop from his and watched as she wiggled her body to remove her pants that were preventing him from having her. His free hand snaps to his belt, yanking it off as his trousers fall, he moves closer to her, lifting her up off the ground with the fabric in around her wrist. Moving between her thighs, her soft skin rubbing across his scar on his leg, he can feel her heat and see her skin flushed with need. The tip of his cock touches her, and she moans, his name breathy on her lips as he starts to push past her resistance. They lock eyes as he sinks himself into her, she gasps but never looks away. He presses his lips to her, she breaks away to speak.

“We should get going before the king’s men find us. The village is empty and Leyton? I'm glad you are unhurt."

He snapped back to the forest, he could see her still, the burning gems of her eyes still there, he couldn’t break the image of his desire away from the image of her now. But she spoke the truth, he gathered himself, fighting against his urge to live out his fantasy. He stepped into her, his leg between hers. Leaning into her, whispering in her ear. He knew it was unnecessary, but he wanted less space between them.

“Let’s head back to the caves, we can recoup and go to the top of the mountain to keep watch tonight.”

He leads them away, he wanted to touch her, feel her, but they had to move to get back to the horses. They reached Cat’s first, Leyton mounted quickly without thinking, looking down at the beautiful redhead he realized he was on her horse. But time was short, so he grabbed her hand and pulled her to the saddle behind him.

“Ride with me for a moment, I left my horse on the other side of the village.”

He tapped the horse’s sides spurring it on before she could protest too much. They drove through the village, before breaking into the woodland on the side. Luckily it seemed that the Kings men had dispersed, or more likely prepping for an attack. He reached the place where he had left his horse and found the rope had been untied and a series of small footprints were mixed with the horse’s tracks.

“It seems the boy I found in the village must have taken my horse, will you ride with me to the caves?”
“It seems the boy I found in the village must have taken my horse, will you ride with me to the caves?”

Her arms tightened briefly around his waist then she leaned closer, pressing her breasts flat against his back as her lips found the back of his ear.

“Of course. It is not as if we have much choice. Your horse is gone.”

They rode through the forest, ducking low lying branches and keeping a wary eye and listening ears open for the king’s men. Just as they approached the rocks hiding the opening of the cave, she tapped his shoulder.

“Stop, here, Leyton. We need to cover all these tracks leading up here. If we don’t, all our efforts will be for naught. We need to cut branches from the trees.”

He had no sooner brought her horse to a stop then she slid off the horse and headed for the first nearby tree. Cat stopped abruptly, turning slightly in his direction.

“Leyton, do you have a knife?”

All she had was her bow and arrows and to have to use an arrowhead to cut loose a tree branch would take far more time than they had. In the meantime, her eyes searched the forest floor to any broken branches already lying on the ground. Her mind turned inward. Leyton had acted strangely earlier. As if his mind had gone elsewhere and she wondered at it. In regards to Leyton himself, she felt out of her element. She was drawn to him, in the most elemental way. When she had looked into his eyes, the world had fallen away. It was as if there were only the two of them but it was more than that. She felt drawn into him as if she had known him before but that wasn’t true at all. She gave her head a little shake. She was being fanciful.

Concentrate, Cat. There are things that need to be done.

Leyton and her attraction to him, had to wait. In fact, it was something she didn’t want to dwell on. They were going to dwell in close proximity to each other. How was she to avoid it? She briefly closed her eyes, feeling his warm breath on her ear, felt again the shiver that slid down her spine, felt his body pressed, no matter how briefly, against her own. Dear God. How was she going to survive living so close to him? Did she really want to?
She leaned into him, he could feel them…her nipples pressed against him then her lips grazed his ear..his hands reflexively tightened on the reigns an uncomfortable bulge forming in his pants. Luckily the forest required some concentration to get through and managed to keep his mind from falling too far down into that wonderful fantasy. The plan about covering the tracks was a good one. They couldn’t risk their stronghold being found too soon. They needed to establish some protections even with the mountain providing its own. He dismounted as she talked, he didn’t have a knife but walked too her and reached up grabbing a branch, snapping it off leaving a sharp jutting edge. He became painfully aware of how close they were, her hair was tickling his nose and his free hand had brushed her hip and his hand had subconsciously come to rest on it, his fingers slightly curled. He flushed and tried to compose himself, slowly pulling his hand away, but it looked like she was moving her hand away at the same time. Had he upset her?

“Ummm..hmmm. It’s better to break the boughs off if you cut them it shows that people were here. It’s a subtle sign but the mercenaries would pick it up.”

Walking a few trees in, in the way back too town he broke off another on the same side. Handing one to Cat, they began to stir up the ground, obscuring the tracks. Once the tracks were basically stopped a few meters back from where they stopped he turned and looked around, he wanted to not make it seem they were heading in a singular direction.

“Can you jump on the horse and lead it down that way a bit. I want to make it look like we went that way. Turn once you get past the tree after I broke the limb from. Then turn and backtrack a few dozen times through this area. I’ll clear the tracks after we get back in the right direction. I’ll walk behind the horse for a bit and once we are clear I’ll jump on and we can go back to the cave.”

He smiled at her, he was desperately trying to focus even whenever fiber of his being was on fire to touch her again. Her hair caught the light fading from the sky, and it seemed to turn to a living flame. Curling around her face and drawing him into it. He knew when he saw her then, why the early people worshiped fire. They probably looked on it with the same awe he had when he saw her.

“You said they were some secret to the caves, I hope one of those is a nice bath when we get back”

Once they had finished, the tracks seemingly suitable to at least throw off wood be trackers. He followed Cat on horseback clearing their trail. Once they were far enough he tossed the limb into the tree, making sure it was above eye level as to not show a clear sign. He stepped up into the saddle and put his hands around Cat, her scent was intoxicating and her body warmed him more than any campfire. He adjusted as to not rub to closely on her, but the saddle seemed to have other ideas and he quickly slid back down against her. The curve of her hips and ass pressed against him and his mind wandered to less..distracting things..to little avail.

"Shall we get back to the cave? I could use a break from the forest tonight."
"Shall we get back to the cave? I could use a break from the forest tonight."

She thought about telling him. She really did. Better to surprise him. Cat had the reins in one hand and led the way. They made their way into the cave and were welcomed by the sight of people milling about. Cat stepped to the center of the main interior of the cave and called for attention.

“Nigel? Would you please be in charge of all the horses? Their cave should be filled with bales of hay and sacks of feed. Timothy? Where are you, young man? Ah, step forward please.”

A young lad with a slightly dirty face came forward, staring at Cat intently.

“Timothy, I would like you to see to the other animals, please. The two smaller caves next to the horses should suit. If not let me know and we’ll find more room for them. You can get their feed from the horses. There’s plenty. Everyone else, please find your own chambers. We’ll all have to share space but I expect we’ll be fine. Emily? Will you take charge of the cooking? No fires until dusk and only small ones. If need be, make several small fires. The less smoke spiraling out of here, the better. If anyone has any questions please see Nigel or Thomas.”

She turned her horse over to Nigel who had stepped forward for the reins. Cat offered a small smile of thanks then turned toward Leyton.

“If you will follow me, I have another surprise to show you.”

She offered her hand to him before turning and heading off toward another place off of the main chamber. There seemed to be twists and turns. Cat followed them easily. It might have been awhile since she was last in this place but she remembered where she was headed. She and Leyton didn’t speak. Cat was exhausted. She was certain Leyton must be too. A hot bath would be most welcome. They came to a split in the path. The left led deeper into the interior, but it was to the right that Cat led Leyton. She glanced toward him.

“Hopefully this will make up for some of the troubles we have encountered.”

They stepped into a small cavern, lit up by filtered natural light from above. Some sort of rocky shelf hid the open space above them and the light seemed to catch and seep into some crystals that were embedded and stood out from the rocky walls. In the very center of the room was a small pond of water from which steam rose.

“I discovered it when last I was in this place. A natural hot spring. The water seems to have some minerals in it that does wonders for an aching body. I’ve soaked many a time here. It’s really quite beautiful when the moonlight shines within. At those times, it seems…. ethereal.”

Cat tugged her hand free of his grasp and held them tightly together.

“I am talking too much. Please feel free to use this place. If you’ll follow me, I’ll show you where you are going to bed down. I’m afraid it is rather small but you won’t have to share. I’ll be on the other side of this room. You’ll find some cleaning clothing waiting for you. I asked Emily to find you some different clothes.”

For whatever reason that she didn’t want to examine at the moment, she felt nervous standing there with Leyton. She looked at the pond. It was so inviting. It reminded her that her own body ached from the strain she had placed upon it.

The cavern was lit by muted moonlight which cast its glow on the still waters and about the chamber. She stood in the water, her hair unbound, cascading down her back as she washed away the day’s work. She stood with her back to the entrance, lifting water in her cupped hands and letting it tumble over her exposed, naked body. Her face was lifted in supplication to the moonlight. His hands slid around her from behind moving over her silky skin, his fingers curving around the underside of her breasts as his lips found the side of her neck. With a soft sigh, she tilted her head slightly, granting him access to more of her neck. Her body slipped back against his, molding her backside to his front. Her hands found his forearms, her fingers digging into them. She turned in his arms, her lips finding his chest and placed small kisses there. They were standing in shallow water and her kisses led her down his chest, lingering in different places as she knelt in the water, her lips exploring more and more of his heated flesh……

Cat blinked, her head jerking slightly as she returned to reality. Her breathing was shallow and she kept her eyes downcast so he couldn’t look into them. What had she been thinking?! She knew so little of men, especially the one standing beside her. Her heart was beating erratically. Cat took several deep breaths and stepped away from Leyton, heading back the way they had come. She needed some space. Some normalcy. Something. Anything. She didn’t even wait to see if he came with her. The knight unnerved her in a way no man ever had.
Cat took charge as soon as they returned to the caves. She was a force of nature. He smiled and walked beside her, some of the villagers looked at him with anger or hurt in their eyes. He couldn’t blame them, at least Emily and even Nigel seemed to be coming around to him. Soon he was walking at a fast pace, trying to keep up with Cat while she weaved through the narrow passages. Soon she was showing him around a small chamber, apparently, they were to share it, but with “rooms” on either side of the bathing pool. She had just told him he wouldn’t have to share and then she seemed lost in her own mind even as he examined the clothes laid out for him.

Stripping out of his shirt, laying down his sword and propping the bow up against the wall. Unbuckling his belt, he let the ends dangle to the sides. He considered throwing on his new shirt. A cotton shirt the color of fresh creme, leaving the strings untied, his chest showing. He was wanting to move to her, his fantasy replayed in his mind. He bit his lip and turned.

He stepped up to her, they were something going between them. Even now as his body was inches from hers, it felt like he wasn’t close enough. His heart raced as reached out taking her hand and placing his other hand on her hip, the curve of her made him clench his hand softly, squeezing her and pulling her onto her tiptoes. He could feel his eyes adjusting to the filtered light of the chamber, and his senses were on overdrive. Looking down, the differences in their height just enough to make him tilt his head down to lock eyes with her.

“Cat….what if I don’t want to sleep alone tonight…” He thought..but he couldn't make himself say it to her. Not yet.


Her lips were soft, her hair brushes his face as his hands pulled her into him. The kiss was like a fire burning through the forest. All passion and wild. His heart thumped in his chest and when he broke the connection, he could feel the gentle night breeze filtering through the cave. The silence was defining, somewhere in the chamber a droplet of water fell into a pool and rang out.
Oh, this was dangerous.

Hard on the heels of that thought came her awareness of him. How she could feel the heat of his body as he drew her closer. She knew she should pull away. She should go her own chambers, change her clothing, help gather….uh….

Her thoughts stalled as he pulled her closer, drawing her up on her tiptoes. Her awareness drank in how tall he was. Her sight slid up from his chest to his face, more specifically, her eyes were drawn to his. Her heart began to race. Her breathing became short spurts as he pulled her closer still. Her palms flattened against his bare chest. Her fingers curled slightly at the warmth she felt there. As his head lowered closer to hers, the tip of her tongue poked out from her lips, wetting her lips lightly just before his own met hers. Everything ceased to be. There was only him. The passion that leapt between them, drawing them into a pool of swirling heat. She didn’t want to leave this. Yet she did. From the passion came fear. The fear of the unknown. Her palms pushed against him, hoping he would be mindful and give her the space she needed. She tore her mouth from his, her chest heaving, trying to desperately draw air into her lungs.

“Leyton… please. I—I need to go. They need me in the main chamber. We need to get food –um--- prepared for everyone.”

She took two steps back, away from him, looking anywhere but into his eyes. She was running away. She couldn’t help it. He made her feel things. Things, she had often dreamed vaguely of but had no real knowledge of.

“I’ll---I’ll see you later, won’t I?”

Stupid question. Of course she would. For now, she needed some space and some time to think. To think about these feelings that came over her where he was concerned. To think about how she felt. How she had responded to him and what did it all mean? What did he want from her? She knew. She was a small village girl. It was hard to escape life and sex. She had seen animals reproducing. When it came to herself, she yearned for something. Something that seemed just beyond her comprehension and reach and with it, fear. Fear of what she didn’t know or understand and it unnerved her.

She quickly turned and fled without waiting for a reply.
He stood there, his mouth still parted from her kiss. His chest rising and falling with every heavy breath. He raised his hand to his lips, touching them to his fingertips. He could feel her still, a light tingling sensation lingering on his lips. He smiled and snapped back to his own body. She was gone, her footsteps light on the stone floor of the cavern.

“Of course,….”

He turned to look at his clothes, he quickly changed into the new pants. They were simple but comfortable. Taking some time, he wandered around the chamber that held the pool. On the far side, he found a pale flower blooming from the hard rock. It was pretty, and he plucked a single bloom from it. Turning it over in his fingers, he walked to the room across from his. Cat’s bow was resting near the bed and he placed the small flower down on the bedding. A smile on his face as he left her room, his pace quick as he headed toward the main chamber. He didn’t know what Cat was doing, but he couldn’t just sit in his room while things needed to be done. Some of the tension had been broken, she had run but not out of rejection. She needed time to allow her to settle her mind. He was going to check on the horses and see if they could use him anywhere. He was enthralled by Cat, but the people were going to need his strength, even if they didn't fully want it.
Cat didn’t even take the time to change. Leyton had so ruffled her that she had hurried to the main chamber where most everyone had congregated for the evening meal. She paused in the large entranceway, watching those who were about. Men milled around. Some were seated, making or repairing weapons. Some were idly chatting with others. Others came and went, most likely to see to the livestock. The women folk were gathered around the various cook fires. Some were spitting fowl and setting them to cook. Others were stirring things in large vats over other fires. For once, everything seemed under control and Cat felt lost. She gave a quick glance over her shoulder as if expecting Leyton behind her. She closed her eyes as if she could feel him behind her, the heat from his body covering her back, his arms slipping around her, tugging her gently back against him. She inhaled deeply, let it out slowly, opened her eyes and headed off into another part of the cave where the horses were kept. There, she found Nigel brushing down the animals. He glanced up as he heard her soft steps on the cave’s floor.

“Cat! I did not expect to see you so soon. Is everything well?”

In answer, she gave a soft shake of her head. He set aside his brush and pulled out a bucket, turning it upside down and invited her sit.

“What is wrong?”

“Everything is well with the townsfolk, Nigel. It’s with me that something is wrong.”

She took the brush from his hand and started to brush one of the horses. Nigel let her, sensing she needed something to do as she talked with him. Nigel sat on the upturned bucket instead.

“What could possibly be wrong with you, little girl?”

Cat smiled. Nigel hadn’t called her a little girl in a long time. She ducked under the horse’s neck and started brushing him from the other side.

“It’s Leyton….” She began.

“What about him?” Nigel fired back quickly and alert, “did he do something to hurt you? If he did so, I swear Catherine Grace I’ll---”

“No Nigel, calm down. Leyton would never harm me. I---I--- I’m drawn to him. It frightens me, Nigel. I am not stupid nor am I ignorant of the ways of man… well, mostly not ignorant, but you know what I mean.”

She didn’t want to tell Nigel that Leyton had kissed her or how it made her feel. That was something she didn’t feel like sharing. Not with anyone.

“I am not sure I like where this conversation is going, Catherine Grace.”

Once again Nigel had used her full name and she wrinkled her nose not liking it. She was too old for scoldings.

“Settle down, Nigel. Leyton hasn’t done anything I didn’t want him too, but….”

The pause was so long that Nigel sat up straighter, and his brow arched higher.

“But what exactly?”

A soft sigh floated over the horse’s back.

“But I’m scared, Nigel. Oh, not really of the man himself but of what I am feeling when I am around him. I’ve never felt like this before. It frightens me.”

She buried her head in the horse’s mane, feeling her cheeks turn red.

“Cat, come away from the horse. Come on now. Heed me.”

It took a bit but she came from the horse’s side, brush in hand and stood in front of Nigel. She couldn’t look him in the eyes, instead, she shuffled her feet in the dirt floor, digging one of her toes into the earth.

“Give me that brush and look at me, girl.”

He waited patiently for her to do as he bid.

“Now, Catherine Grace, do you have feelings for the knight? Be honest with me and yourself.”

Still unable to look into her friend’s face she nodded her head.

“Then trust yourself and him. It will all work out in the end.”

She gave his words some thought and in the end, she stepped up to him and gave him a big hug.

“What was that for?”

“For being my friend, Nigel and always looking out for me.”

His voice became gruff as he stood up and went to the horse again.

“Someone has to. Losing your parents when you were so young, made you grow up all to fast. Now, go join the others and find something to do. I’ll join you in the main room shortly.”

Cat gave him a smile and hurried from the room, feeling a bit better about things. She still felt unsure about Leyton. Things were just moving too fast for her or was it? She had nothing to compare it to. Back in the main room, she glanced around quickly. The women were calling her to help. The evening meal was ready and the long trestle tables needed to be pulled out from the walls. Her thoughts of Leyton and her growing feelings for him were set aside. For now.
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Leyton wandered into the main room, the women were prepping food while the men worked on various projects. He caught a flash of red ducking into the chamber where the horses were being kept. It was either Cat or Emily, just to be safe he wanted to give her plenty of space. Chasing a girl, was never as romantic as the stories made it seem. Often it simply pushed them further from your grasp. He meandered a bit, seeing a few of the villagers from before. Some greeted him with thanks others turned and walked away from him as he spoke. He sighed, it was going to be expected. He had brought this on them, but he wondered how long before someone else had done the same. He thought to himself how lucky he was to be the catalyst for this change. He sighed at his attempt of humor, the weight of his choice laid heavy on his shoulders. The knot between them twisting and turning as he walked. It was going to take some time to alleviate that. Moving around the edge of the room, a soft voice called him.


Turning he saw the face of the elderly woman he had given his horse too sitting alone by the wall. She had a bedroll, and a pile of hay to rest on. Her belongings sat nearby. She had used a small outcrop of rock as a makeshift shelf. On it sat a few odds and ends that seemed out of place. He was pretty sure there was a button, a cork, a silver coin and a maybe some pocket lint? But the small hand-carved bear seemed to be the center piece of the display. Its little eyes peered back at him, the wood smooth from years of resting in the woman’s palms. She must have noticed him staring, when she broke the silence.

“It was made by my husband, my late husband. He died under the lash of the king’s men a few winters back. We couldn’t afford to pay our taxes and they took it in lashes. One for every coin we were short. Forty-Seven to be exact……..”
She emphasized the number, he could hear the mixture of venom and pain in the words.

“I’m sorry……..I wish I had known sooner. I was blinded by memories of glory and an I thought the king a good man. He was once. Or he was better at hiding it at least. My name is Leyton by the way.”

“It is ok. Leyton. You couldn’t have known before you did now could you? You don’t seem the type to ignore information, and you acted. Even some of the villagers couldn’t do that when my husband died in the village we lived in before. They actually refused to help me once the men shut my doors and boarded me out of my own home. I was only able to grab a few items before it happened.”

She picked up the bear, smiling a tear teetering on the edge of her cheek.

“This was made by him before... everything... he gave it to me as a present. It was my birthday and it was the only thing he could give me. But it meant the world. He had never carved anything before and I had to fix his fingers up to from where he had cut himself.”

The woman laughed a bit, a soft chuckle even through the tears it was wholesome and good. She turned to him, her crystal blue eyes piercing him from behind her wrinkled skin. She might be frail, but that mind was sharp and as fresh as any. She turned the bear in the same way she had a thousand times before. Twirling it between her fingers, before squeezing it in her palm.

“Do you have anyone or anything you care that much about, sometimes even the most insignificant things can outweigh the world if you put them on scales.”

Leyton thought about the answer, it was a bit loaded. But he had given up so much for the second thing that came to mind. The first it was so new, so fresh, he wasn't sure he could trust everything he felt.

“Yes… my oath to my first master and now, possibly to someone else… if she accepts me that is.”

“You must mean our Cat. She is a good girl. She needs a good strapping man. Like my husband have you seen him around?”

Leyton was about to say something, then he noticed. The sharpness that was in her eyes was gone, replaced with a gentle fading of an aging mind. He smiled, happy to have gotten a glimpse of her as she once was.

“I haven’t, but why don’t you lay down for a minute. I’ll see if I can get you some food. Seems the ladies have almost gotten dinner finished.”

He helped the woman put her bear back on the shelf, and he tucked her under her blanket. Standing up he could see Cat’s red hair even in the fading light of the cave. She was in the center handing out food to the others. He smiled and made his way into line. Waiting his turn with his and the elderly woman’s bowls. Stepping in front of her, he smiled and held his bowl out for her to fill it.

She hadn’t seen Leyton for a while now and felt a bit of relief. Nigel had made a lot of sense and she had given his words a lot of thought as she helped served up the food.


Her head shot up as quickly as an arrow left a bow. She struggled for a soft smile and hoped she accomplished it.


He held two bowls toward her and she briefly wondered who one of the bowls was for. Realizing it was she that held up the food line she quickly ladled a heaping spoonful of the fragrant stew into both bowls. She wanted so terribly to say more but she didn’t know what or even how to begin. She let the moment pass and quietly watched him move along.

It was only after everyone else was fed and had full bellies did she look to herself. She found a quiet corner to herself and sank down, back against the wall, watching the townsfolk mill about as she ate her evening meal. She made short work of it, then cleaned her own bowl, stacking it with the others. Being too wound up to sleep, Cat made the rounds of the livestock and then slipped to the cave opening, glancing about before she slipped outside and made her way above the caves. She found a smooth section of rock to lie upon and gazed up at the evening sky. The stars were just starting to appear. She could smell the soft scent of their fires. Wisps of smoke rose and were brushed away from them and their village by a light breeze. Peace settled into her soul. It was hard to believe that the king’s men were probably hunting them. All any of them wanted was to be left in peace to live and to love, to raise a family. Her eyes blinked a few times before they closed.
The last bit of light had faded, the elderly woman had fallen asleep soon after finishing her stew. He had sat with her for a minute longer to make sure she was comfortable. He reaches over and nudged the little bear. Making sure its eyes were watching over the woman. He stood up, careful not to disturb her. He went to look for a Cat. He walked the narrow paths to their rooms. The flower still laid there on her bed, untouched. He wondered if she had come back to here yet. Returning to the main room, a few stragglers still milling around, many sleeping bodies laid about the room. He weaved through them, not seeing any sign of her he thought back. This was her spot, she had mentioned a bush on the top of the mountain. Maybe she was there. He used the last bit of daylight as climbed, he found her head rest on her arms and knees as she watched over the village. He settled in behind her, being a bit bolder than he had before. His legs on either side of her as his arms wrapped around her.

“So this is where you got off too. Cat….I know it’s not a great time, but I know you want this as much as I do. I know what I felt when we kissed, that was real.”
She wasn’t surprised that he had found her. If she were truthful about the matter, she knew he would. She also knew she wouldn’t deny what he said. He deserved the truth. She didn’t understand it. She didn’t understand how he made her feel or understand how she reacted to him. Instead, she tilted her head back against his shoulder.

“They’re beautiful, aren’t they? The stars, I mean. Did you know that God created the stars so that the darkness of night would never seem so bleak?”

Cat sat quiet for a time, just staring at the heavens then whispered softly.

“For in the darkness we shall find light.”

She turned her head, looking up at him.

“I am scared, Leyton. I fear for the villager and what we have yet to face. I fear just as much, how you make me feel when I am with you.”

She took a deep breath and held it before exhaling softly.

“You have an oath to uphold as do I. That must come first.”

Cat fell silent then, content to simply be. He was here. With her and they were safe. For the moment. Even as he warmed her body from the night’s chill, so to did he warm her soul.