A Knight Lost once found.


Cat stilled in the process of trying to get out of her ropes.

“Leyton?” she whispered.

She didn’t try to turn to see him. There was no telling who was looking.

“Leyton, I’m so sorry…..”

She slumped in her bindings. She had done the unforgiveable. She had allowed herself to get caught. Silently she cursed herself all over again and now, Leyton had come to rescue and what if he got caught too? It would all be her fault.

Two guards passed in front of her a bit of a distance away. Cat stopped talking. She would not draw attention to herself and put Leyton in danger. One of them glanced her way but they kept walking past. Right now, her first and foremost thought was to escape. Later when she was alone, she could study her internal reaction to the ropes. It was a surprise that came out of nowhere and she wasn’t sure what to think. In the meanwhile, she gave thought to how to escape. If she simply got up and tried to run, she might draw attention to Leyton and she refused to do that.

“Throw me a knife. I’ll cut myself free.”

She couldn’t think what else to do. There were too many of them and only her and Leyton. If he threw a knife behind the log she was sitting on and close enough, she could wiggle herself until she could pick it up and try to saw through the ropes. Her eyes kept darting to the tent she knew Westley was residing in. Who knew when he would either demand her presence or come out to fetch her himself. She wanted neither to happen.
“You’re not going to like this, but don’t fight me, we have to move.”

Cat was as stubborn as ever, even bound she wanted to do it herself. He couldn’t help to smile, but just giving her a knife would take far too long and increase the chance she would be caught and that he would have to do something incredibly brave and astoundingly stupid, and to top it off he only had the long sword and his bow at this point. There was only one option, and it wasn’t going to be fun for him when it was all said and done. He waited, watching the guards in the distance walk out of sight, rushing forward he reached around Cat’s body, grabbing the robs near her legs and the lifting and twisting her onto his shoulder. She was face down and his hand rested just shy of her ass, his fingers shoved under the ropes. It wasn’t going to be comfortable, but he could move quickly this way. He could hear her grunting, and what sounded like a few choice words. He wanted to head back to the cave right away, but he needed to move fast, and leaving a trail back to the townsfolk wasn’t acceptable. He turned and ran toward the village. He weaved through the trees, trying to obscure his trail. Luckily, he found a small stream and a few larger boulders he was able to move across to give breaks in their tracks. They were nearing the village as the last of the day's lights were fading, taking a direct route first he ran into the house he had stumbled in that had been Cat’s. Hurrying he found a small room that was somewhat hidden, sitting her inside the space he kissed her and smiled at her.

“Stay quiet”

Turning, and shutting the door, leaving her bound and in the dark. He disliked the aspect of leaving her defenseless, but he needed to leave a clear trail away from the village to protect everyone. Charging into the forest where they had exited earlier, he made a spectacle and carelessly broke limbs and trampled things to leave a trail heading away from the village and deeper into the woods. The last rays of the sun were skimming the horizon as he turned and carefully backtracked on his own path. An old hunters’ trick that would throw off almost all but the most experienced trackers. He was back in Cat’s house after what felt like ages. Careful to remain silent he entered the room and opened the door to Cat’s hiding place.
“You’re not going to like this, but don’t fight me, we have to move.”

The next few minutes happened so fast that she had barely any time to grasp onto the reality of their situation. All she knew for the next few minutes was that she had been looking at the world from an upright position and then the next thing was that she was not only staring at the ground but her head was bouncing against his back. She glared. For all the good it did her, she glared. She wanted to beat against him and yell at him to put her down and untie her. It was the imminent danger to both of them that had her holding her temper. Barely.

He ran in what seemed forever and just when she thought was going to lose whatever contents were in her stomach, he sat her a small room, had the nerve to kiss her and then tell her….

“Stay quiet.”

She was about to loosen her tongue on him but he left her. HE LEFT HER! Still bound like a trussed up turkey. In the dark. She did the only thing she could do, she stamped her foot on the floor. She didn’t dare give voice to her frustration of being hauled around on his shoulder like a sack of flour. Then dumped into a darkened room. Left bound and again helpless. Oh that man had a lot to answer for. For good measure, she stamped her foot again. Little good that made her feel but it was something. Just wait until he came back for her…… and he was coming back for her, wasn’t he? What if something happened to him? Cat twisted and turned in her ropes, trying to loosen them. Anything to give her just that little bit of space to work with, but to no avail. Damn Leyton to hell!! Okay.. so maybe not anything that bad….. yet. He did, however, come to her rescue but they were far from out of the woods yet.

Cat looked around her but it was hard to determine where she was in the dark. All she knew for sure was that she was sheltered. In what seemed like forever, the door to her little captivity was slowly opened. Her eyes widened. Her heart raced and seemed to leap up into her throat. What if it wasn’t Leyton? To think that it could be anyone else but him, was unthinkable. Her temper was on the back burner, simmering but fear was on the front burner, making her feel more helpless by the second.
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The door to Cat’s hiding place swung open slowly, he knew she wasn’t going to be happy, but he couldn’t help but smile when he saw her. He was just so happy it had gone quickly and with the relative ease. There was really no way it should have went that well. If the soldier hadn't made the mistake of leaving a prisoner so close to the edge of the wood….a thought nagged at him till he pushed it down. IT was a good thing, he had her back and the townsfolk were safe still. Reaching into the dark room, he wrapped his hand in the ropes and pulled her into the light filtering through the windows. It would be fully dark soon, and not safe enough to travel.

“Before you open those beautiful lips of yours. Show me where the bedroom is.”
“Before you open those beautiful lips of yours. Show me where the bedroom is.”

Leyton! She could feel her whole body sag where he had left her. Since her arms were tied down all she could do was tell him. Open her beautiful lips indeed.

“I’m going to suggest that since you are asking me where the bedroom is, that we’re in the village and that I know whose house this is to begin with. After I tell you that little piece of information, you’re going to untie me and explain yourself. Why in sweet hell you’ve kept me trussed up like a… a… Yule time goose.”

Before he could even say anything she went on.

“If we’re in my home, head back the way you came, make a sharp right turn and move across the room, the door to your right is my bedroom but why don’t you just un-------LEYTON!”

No sooner hand she squealed then she sealed her lips together and tensely listened.
Her protest actually made him smile a bit, following the directions he found the room she had pointed out. It was much like the rest of the house, clean, but almost empty in a way. She had a simple bed to one side and he tossed his prize onto it. Returning to the other room for a second he found a knife, leaning down he slipped the knife under the rope binding her, but his hands didn’t saw into the material. The knife rested there for a moment before withdrawing. The seconds ticked by, the line of light on the floor slowly receding as the last moments of daylight faded away. The room filled with the red light of the late afternoon.

“Cat. Do you trust me?”
Oh, the indignity of it all! To be dumped on the bed like a sack of…of…. Potatoes.. or flour.. or…something. Before she could say something he was gone, again. Bloody hell! Cat struggled against her bonds, hoping they had loosened up a bit, but to no avail. She simply sighed and went still. Her foot tapped empty air as she waited. Luckily for him, he returned quickly.

“Well it’s about----”

“Cat. Do you trust me?”

“Do I what?”

She stared up at him.

“Of course I trust you.”

And under her breath..


She blinked up at him, wondering why he was asking such a thing.

“Why are you asking?”

Leyton had a gleam in his eye she had never seen before.
"I want you Cat, I need you to feel my heart beats so fast because of you. I was terrified when I heard you had been captured. That man had to have the devils own luck to get the drop on you, but.....I don't want to have another night away from you till I know exactly what this burning desire in me is about. You.... You.. Your... I've never met anyone like you."

Cat’s big eyes slowly closed and opened again, he felt they were deep wells that he could get lost in. Letting himself fall toward them. His lips connected with hers, the day that had caused so many emotions in him fell away. All the desperation and fear of the day had taken and wrung him completely, now he needed to feel something different. He kissed her long and slow, his breathing slowing to the point it felt as if he was holding it. His right hand began the slow work up Cat’s legs as he pushed himself between them. Pulling her to the edge of the bed, leaning over her his left hand bracing his weight. His hand slid between her thighs, slowly rubbing her sex through her pants. His own legs braced against the side of the bed, his groin perfectly positions to tease against the edge.

“I need these off of you”
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What Leyton was expressing, she also felt. She didn’t understand what was going on between them, but she wanted to feel him against her. Heartbeat to heartbeat. Cat squirmed in the ropes.

“Leyton….” She softly gasped….”Leyton, I want that too. Get me out of these ropes….”

It was as if he hadn’t heard her. His hand slid between her thighs, reaching up to rub her private parts. His hand felt so good there. She could feel her body getting wet, welcoming him. There was a sense of urgency between them that couldn’t be denied. She had had a scare and now she was safe and with Leyton again. She didn’t want to think what the King’s men would have done with her. Now, all she had to focus on was her savior. Leyton.

“I need these off of you”

Did he mean the ropes? Or her pants? She hoped her meant both.

“Yes. Yes, please Leyton. Hurry. I need you. I want to feel you inside me.”

There was something about the ropes binding her arms to her sides. They were uncomfortable. Quite the opposite really. They made her want him more. As she was, she couldn’t touch him and that frustrated her, in turn, raising her excitement even more. This was another new feeling for her to absorb. Cat found her legs spreading wider for him as she laid on the edge of the bed.
His hands lifted her hips, moving his leg to hold her up as his fingers deftly worked her pants, unbuttoning them and slowly peeling them down her hips. Revealing inch after inch of pristine skin. A small mound of red hair diving between her legs and filling in around her glistening sex. Slipping his hands down the inside of her thighs, he pushed the pants as far as they would go, they bunched around the top of her boots and instead of removing them he simply lifted her and stepped between her legs. Using her pants as a makeshift backrest. Leaning forward, he pushed his hands along the inside of her legs, massaging her muscles as he went. The ropes kept him from accessing other parts of her, but her lower half was wide open to him now. As his fingers brushed the soft curls of her body, on hand broke away to undo his own pants. Freeing himself he hung in the air. Less than an inch between their bodies, his cock head bobbed teasingly brushing against her outer lips every few moments. His breathing was ragged, his muscles ached and strained from the day's activity, falling forward he pushed himself into her. He gripped the ropes in his right and hiked her leg with his left as his and her hips found the rhythm. Drawing her up to him with just the rope in his hand.

“Is this what you wanted?”
“Is this what you wanted?”

Cat moaned softly. That was exactly what she wanted. What she needed.

“Yes….. oh yes….”

The feel of him filling her. Opening her body up to him. The close call she had with the King’s men. It all just drove her desire to feel alive to a level she almost passed out from. Almost. There was something else. The ropes. She was still confined, unable to move her hands or arms. There was a frustration there. The need to be able to touch him but it was something more than that. All her life she had control. For as long as she could remember, everyone had looked to her for leadership. Now, she was at Leyton’s mercy. He was in control instead of her. She had to relinquish control into his keeping and the feeling was….. she couldn’t explain it. The ropes pushed her breasts upward. Her lower body was totally exposed to him and he was pushing his body into hers. Cat’s eyes closed. Her mind drowned into some sort of fog. Wooziness. Not bad. Just. Unexplainable. She allowed herself to fall into it. To embrace it. Her body grew even softer and even more acceptable to Leyton’s body. She felt her interior female parts ripple and pull his cock deeper into her body until she could feel even the entrance to her womb soften. As if her body were inviting him to spill his seed inside her. Her legs gripped his hips, locking her ankles behind his back. Her mind was being teleported to some place she couldn’t explain, not even to herself. It was lifting her higher and higher before it spiraled somewhere, leaving her physical body shaking.

“Leyton… Leyton… oh… oh….”
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Cat’s moans and mubblings plucked at some hidden cord in Leyton, he felt powerful and seeing this powerful woman give up her strength to him made his entire body become flooded with power. His fingers tightened through the ropes, he enjoyed seeing her breast tightened by the bonds. They swelled up toward him. Holding her on him, he worked some of the bindings open. His left hand reaching cupping her breast he pulled each on through the ropes. The coils of rope crossed above and under her breast. Cupping her breast in his hand, his fingers teased her nipples under her clothes. The frustration of the shirt between his flesh and hers was growing.

Using the rope he lifted her letting her slide back down between his own thrust, the bed rocked and scrapped on the wood floor of her room. The tension of the day was fading away, replaced with the urge to be part of her. He could feel his own need turning toward a climax. Pulling out of her, his cock dripping with her excitement. She fell against the bed as his fingers unwound from the ropes. Moving closer to her again, his shaft running between her lips. The bottom of his cock teasing her clit as he slowly rocked back and forth.

“I want to see you bared to me”

With that, his fingers ripped the fabric of her shirt. Her breast strained through the gap in her shirt. Her nipples were hard and pointed up toward his touch. The ropes were right and he could see some of their marks on her flesh. The image stoked the fires burning inside him once more. Taking a deep breath he lunged down at her. His lips taking her right nipple into them as his hand squeezed and kneaded her left breast. His hips rocked back and forth, his cock head teased her quivering entrance before slowly sinking into her.

“Cat….mmmm, gods be damn for hiding you from me.”
If she hadn’t been caught up in the feelings he invoked, Cat would have had the time to wonder what had gotten into him. As things stood, she was just as swept away as he was, caught up in a web of their own making. She heard and felt the fabric tear. Leyton had bared her breasts. His fingers closed over her, squeezing. His length, rock solid, sank back into her softened depths. His lips teased her right nipple, making it harden even more to the point of aching. She bucked in her bindings. Her thighs spread even wider, her heels pressed against the back of his thighs, urging him deeper. The fiber of the ropes still wound around her, tormented her tender flesh. Cat pressed her head back into the bed, her neck arching. She wanted to dig her nails into his back, to rake them downward, to grab his ass with both hands and urge him to fuck her deeper. She had accidently come upon young lovers in the barn of their village before. Now, she understood their hurry. Their fire.

“Leyton…. You’re driving me crazy…..”
His mouth hungrily past between her right and left breast, each nipple a succulent point to the feast that was her chest. His cock slipped through her body easily, he could feel every squeeze and contraction of her muscles. The need pulling him deeper. His own breath was becoming more and more labored, he drove his length into her harder and harder. The eagerness of his lust given voice by the sounds of his thighs sliding past hers. Each thrust stirring their scent upwards, filling his lungs with her. A well-placed observer could see how the process that drove Leyton was feeding itself. Each step in the process doubling onto itself the passion burning in his veins. Taking a gasp of air, he spoke clearly without every fully releasing her nipples from his mouth.

“Don’t hold back, let me see your eyes burn wild.”

Pulling himself away, his fingers slipping under the ropes, his knuckles pressed into her chest between her breast. He pulled her up, till her eyes met his. He knew the answer, he knew his own answer for it as well. But some part of him wanted to hear her words. For her to admit it to herself and to him.

“Say what we both know. I want to hear the words. Say you are mine. ”
His mouth was so warm and stimulating at her breasts. When it closed around one of her nipples, she whimpered. She felt the tug of need deep in her belly. Each time he arched back and then drove forward, burying himself in her, drove her higher and further.

“Don’t hold back, let me see your eyes burn wild.”

How could she hold back? Even if she could, she wouldn’t. Not with Leyton. His words made her burn. His words made her need flame and crank up.

“Say what we both know. I want to hear the words. Say you are mine. ”

Her nipples were drawn taut, aching. They were wet from his mouth. His length was buried in her body. Her eyes were held by his. She could read the fire in his. She had done that. Her. Cat. It made her groan and writhe not only against the ropes but in his desire and need.

“ I----”

She felt self-conscious, yet drawn. There was only herself and Leyton here. No man had ever made her feel one tenth of the way Leyton did. She couldn’t explain it. Hell, she couldn’t understand it.

“Yes, Leyton. Yes, I am yours.”

There she was, practically sitting all the way up on his lap, impaled by his cock. She could feel him twitching inside her. Her thighs parted even wider, feeling him slip deeper inside her.

“God, yes… I am yours.”
Her weight settled into his lap as her words spilled out around him. He could feel the muscles in her thighs, the ropes ground against his hand as his other hand teased her ass. With a swift movement, he rolled her onto her back and collapsed on top of her, his thrust was hurried and pushed deeper into her. His speech was lost to grunts and guttural growls as his fingers moved to her hips. White points appearing as he pulled her legs up.


A single word, that was all he could manage as his body reacted to the intensity of her wrapped around him. He gave in, his body tensing then relaxing as his cock throbbed and poured himself into her. Rope after rope, his hands moving to the bed to hold himself up. Her bound body sinking into the bed more. As his cock slowly relented and slipped from her, he wrapped his arms around her and rolled her against him. He was exhausted, he smiled, that had easily been the most rewarding moment in his life. What had been so different? Was it her, or was it something more?


His hands slowly started to work toward the knots in the ropes, his fingers moving purposefully, teasing her body as he unwound the ropes holding her arms to her body. He didn’t pull them from her entirely, more just leaving them loss around her as his lips began to kiss around the base of her neck. His hand wrapped her hair around it and tilted her head back and to the side giving him better access. His cock already beginning to stiffen again, the urge to have her growing once more.
Her eyes never left his. She could feel the tenseness of his body moments before his hot seed spilled from his body and entered hers, splashing in a hot mess against the walls of her womb. At that point her own body joined his in the bliss of completion and exhaustion. Her name left his lips, making her shiver. His hands found the knots in the rope and slowly worked at them but not enough to free her, he merely loosened them. She felt his lips at the base of her neck and she felt herself wanting him again. What, in the name of all that’s holy, was wrong with her? Her hair was his prisioner as he wrapped it around his hand and tugged, making her head tilt backwards, giving him delicious exposure to the rest of her neck and his lips took instant possession of it. Again he softly called her name, with a slight under current to it.


She felt him start to harden inside her body. Maybe nothing was wrong with her after all. Cat smiled slightly, her fingers curling into fists at her sides.

“Kiss me, Leyton.”

Given everything they had just been through, given the ropes that were still lightly bound around her, she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, this man was important to her. Heaven only knew how he could make her soul sing. He certainly knew he could make her body do so.

”Kiss me deeply, please…Leyton….”

He made her gasp softly as she felt him lengthen inside her. Her internal muscles tightened around him in response. A wisp of sanity struck her and made her wonder if they were safe here, but it fled as quickly as it came. The only thing that mattered right now was this man, in this time, in this place.
Their lips seemed to blur, the definition between their selves lost for a moment. The warmth around his manhood radiated up, warming his entire core. He could feel the blood rushing through his veins and the sound of his heartbeat pounding in his ears. As his hips pumped in rhythm with his pulse, a soft creak from down the hall. Pushing Cat off him, he twisted and threw her pants the remaining way off her legs and reached for his sword. The door to their room, flew open as he rushed it. The curse and the sound of a man in pain pointed Leyton in the direction he needed. The sword pointed down at the man. Anton, one of the men from earlier, clutched his nose, holding back a cry of pain. Leyton withdrew the point of his sword and offered his hand.

“Anton!, my the god's man, what are you doing here?”

“Charles, wouldn’t let us settle till we came and looked for you. Boy, has is father's stubbornness. We figured you would go to the village instead of the caves, so here we are. Damn, I think my nose is broken. First the market now this, I’ll never live it down.”

“I’m sorry about your nose, I was prepared for the worst. Were safe, just hold up for the night. Any movement from the camp?”

“None, we got close enough to see, there seems to be an argument going on. Apparently, some important grunt was killed. Don’t know what makes a regular solider that important, but now some of the mercenaries are wanting to leave. But we can make it to the caves easily, they pulled everything back.”

Anton looked around, averting looking directly at Leyton. Before speaking again.

“Leyton, your…umm…well. Cover up, man.

Suddenly feeling the cool air on his body, he looked down his cock swinging in the air. Ducking behind the door, he cursed.

“By the realms, damn it all. I’ll get Cat ready and we will meet you outside.”
Anton suddenly had a small smirk beyond the blood streaming from his nose.

“Cat? She’s in there with you huh?”

The man didn’t give Leyton time to say something and turned to head out of the house. Turning back the door swinging shut. The top hinge a little warped stopping the door early. He looked over at Cat still tangled in the ropes laying on the bed.

“Any chance we can finish before we head out?”
The sex between them was just heating up again when all of a sudden she found herself falling to the floor as Leyton leaped up, reaching for his sword.

“Leyton! What the hell is----”

Her words were interrupted as the door flew open. The pain in her ass from landing hard on the floor was forgotten as Leyton rushed the door. She dove for cover under the bed. Her nakedness was the least of her concern but by god, Leyton was going to atone for every bruise she had acquired under his…uh… leadership.

“Anton!, my the god's man, what are you doing here?”

Leyton’s voice carried to her hiding place. Anton? Here? She could feel her cheeks turning a bright red. Don’t invite him in. Please don’t invite him in, she silently begged in her mind as she curled into a tight ball there under her bed amid the dust clouds that had gathered.

Leyton and Anton continued to converse and the more they conversed, the madder she got.

“By the realms, damn it all. I’ll get Cat ready and we will meet you outside.” Anton suddenly had a small smirk beyond the blood streaming from his nose.

“Cat? She’s in there with you huh?”

Everything stilled inside her, including her anger. She could feel the heat rise in her chest and flood her neck before it crept into her face yet again. Her forehead hit the floor with a soft thud. Damn him. She started to creep out from under the bed. She heard Anton start to leave and crept out from under the bed and got part way onto the bed, ropes still dangling from her body when Leyton finally turned to look at her.

“Any chance we can finish before we head out?”

The look she gave him clearly said, “Have you lost your mind? “ but just in case it got lost in translation she verbally told him as well.

“Have you lost your mind?”

The ropes hung from her body, exposing her breasts as she fought to free herself from them. She stopped long enough to shoot him another angry look.

“Will you come help get this rope off me please? Anton and the others are waiting for us, I’m sure.”

Her cheeks darkened even redder as she thought about meeting up with the others. She could only imagine how Leyton had met Anton at the door, cock swinging she supposed. Anton was not a simpleton. He knew she was in the bedroom with Leyton and knew exactly what they had been doing. And she didn’t know how she was going to live it down….
Stepping forward toward his rapidly reddening lover, she probably intended for him to strip the ropes of gently, but instead, his fingers touched the ropes for a second before both hands latched on to her breast. His hands rough and sun-touched against the fresh skin of her chest, her nipples hard under his palms as his fingers moved to surround them. Taking each one in his grasp he began to squeeze as he leaned in for a kiss, speaking softly as his lips touched hers.

“Don’t be so harsh Cat, I’m sorry I left you in such a rush. I'm sure I can make it up to you soon?”

Giving her nipples a slight twist, he pulled his lips away. His eyes traced the line of her jaw down her neck and over her breast to the taunt points of flesh between his fingers. The ropes wound loosely around her, just restrictive enough to no allow her freedom until he gave it to her. That thought came with a sudden and strange feeling to him. It made his pulse quicken and his fingers tighten.

“You said something about getting the ropes off you right?”
Her anger was about to erupt with words, but as his lips touched hers, her disappointment softened and disappeared. Her breasts were responding to his touch. He pulled back but his eyes never her. She could feel his look like a touch.

“You said something about getting the ropes off you right?”

“Uh, yes. They’re waiting outside for us, “ her look was suspicious, “ what are you getting at?”

Her eyes made their own journey down his body. His manhood was still stiff and standing upright. Some part of her wanted him again, right then. Hard and fast but there were men out there. Men who knew what they had been doing and her passion was doused yet again. Cat struggled against the ropes, knowing full well she needed his help.

“Leyton, get these ropes off me, please. The men…. “

Her eyes flew to the doorway, thankful no one still stood there. How could she explain herself. Up until now, the men saw her as just a leader. Someone who got things done. Now…. Well, now, she wasn’t sure what they were thinking but every minute longer she and Leyton stayed in this room…. She could feel herself redden even more.

“Just get these stupid ropes off me, will you?”

Her embarrassment made her curt with him. Some part of herself was remorseful. There had been something about being powerless and trusting in Leyton’s care…. There was another part of herself that was reminded that she was a proud leader.
Leyton chuckled and reached past Cat for his belt, pulling the sword from its sheath he hefted it in one hand before leaning into cat, making sure to rub his body against hers. He could feel his length pressing against her sex, his own orgasm still dripping from her body. The soft glistening flesh drew his attention and roused his desire once more. He smiled, a muted smirk to hide his amazement of how she twisted his body and mind.

“Hold still”

He ran the length of the blade through the ropes, twisting away from her body he sheared the ropes. The hemp strands fraying and unwinding on the ends before falling away. He laid the sword down on the bed behind them, tossing it softly.


His hands found her hips and pulled her against him, his legs parting hers as he lowered his lips down to kiss her.
The feel of cold steel on her skin sent a shiver throughout her body. Not an unpleasant one either.


His question drew her from her thoughts. As he pulled her flush against his body, she was tempted. So tempted. But. Anton and the men were waiting for them. She wedged her hands between them, palms flat against his naked chest. Oh, how she wanted to run her hands over his body, reach down and…… she gave her head a brisk shake and pushed against him.

“Much. Now stop Leyton. The men are waiting. We have no time for fooling around. Hurry up and get your clothes in order. We shouldn’t be hanging around here for long. The King’s men are going to come looking for us. I’ll feel better when we’re all safely back in the caves.

Cat quickly pulled her clothes on and looked around for her bow, spotting it in a corner of the small room. She quickly stepped to retrieve it and glanced over her shoulder at Leyton before donning her quiver and placing her bow over her shoulder as well.
Her hands-on his chest made his entire body tense with delight, her fingers so delicate against his skin. Placing his hands over her he smiled and nodded in agreement.

Dressing as she did, he was securing his sword belt as she looked back at him, her hair twirling as her quiver fell against her back. She was stunning even when she wasn’t trying to be. He smiled broadly and tightened his belt. Stepping forward he placed his hand on the small of her back.

“Let’s not keep them waiting, we have a bed waiting for us at the cave.”

Making their way out of the house, the men were waiting, Anton holding his nose and still smirking. But it seemed he hadn't told the rest of the men about what he had found. Leyton nodded a silent thank you, before thanking the men for risking so much looking for them. They ran over a few options and plans, settling on a quick path to the cave, circling around the back and coming down into the encampment. Using the rocky terrain to hide as many footprints as they could. He brought up the rear, covering their tracks as he could and watching for anyone following them. They made a good time and it was hours before dawn when they arrived at the cave. An anxious looking Charles waiting with is father standing guard. Hey smiled and thanked each of the men as they passed, Leyton smiled, the boy could be a good leader one day.

Stopping and standing in front of the boy, he reached out his hand and patted the boy on the shoulder.

“Good job, now, go get some sleep. You did ten times what I could have asked for you. You could have the makings of a great man. Oh, before I forget, where did you put the girl?”

Charles shifted a bit, uncomfortable with the praise. He pointed toward the back of the cave.

“We put her down in the room with the pool, it was the only place we could think of. We thought it would be bad for her to wake up screaming if she woke up in the main cave.”

“Thank you, Cat and I will go check on her.”

Realizing he hadn't mentioned that he had brought more than just Cat from the encampment, he turned to Cat and smiled sheepishly.

“I may have got a little overzealous with my rescue attempt, the girl isn’t going to like seeing me. I had to knock her out when I found her.”