A Murder of Crows

Does it count if my cats keep tracking litter into my bed?
Clearly the Conspurracy has spread. And they look so smug about it as well!

"Yes, mummy, enjoy these little gifts that I have brought here for you. I hope you like them, it took me a lot of time to select these particular ones. Now I'm going to put my bum in your face because I am a cat and it's what I do."
Clearly the Conspurracy has spread. And they look so smug about it as well!

"Yes, mummy, enjoy these little gifts that I have brought here for you. I hope you like them, it took me a lot of time to select these particular ones. Now I'm going to put my bum in your face because I am a cat and it's what I do."
It's like you already met them!

Point of interest, cat groups have a lot of names, despite not being an animal particularly prone to grouping: clowder, glaring, pounce, clutter, and cluster have all been applied.
It's like you already met them!

Point of interest, cat groups have a lot of names, despite not being an animal particularly prone to grouping: clowder, glaring, pounce, clutter, and cluster have all been applied.
I have my own.

A malevolence of cats.
A coven of cats.
A fuckoffyoubitches of cats.
An ohmygodwillyoustopyowlingforfucksakes of cats.
You forgot the donkey.
He was either sitting on his butt and fell on his donkey, or sitting on his donkey and fell on his butt.
Hard to be sure which is more likely when dealing with fools.
Thank you.
What then?

You forgot the donkey.
He was either sitting on his butt and fell on his donkey, or sitting on his donkey and fell on his butt.
Hard to be sure which is more likely when dealing with fools.

In "He was being an ass", 'ass' rhymes with the 'ass' of donkey, not with the 'ass' of butt. Alas, no one ever says "you're being an ass" anymore, and the world is poorer for it.

In "He was being an ass", 'ass' rhymes with the 'ass' of donkey, not with the 'ass' of butt. Alas, no one ever says "you're being an ass" anymore, and the world is poorer for it.
Oddly enough, I used it regularly for a while not too long ago. But for context, my work at the time involved rounding up feral asses from the deserts of the American Southwest, so it was perhaps to be expected that the people involved would wind up de-anthropomorphizing one another thusly.
I love the occasional dead mouse laid at my feet when we let Cat back inside from her excursion into the backyard. Of course, she never stays in the backyard, no, she goes into the alley and hunts mice.
Clearly the Conspurracy has spread. And they look so smug about it as well!

"Yes, mummy, enjoy these little gifts that I have brought here for you. I hope you like them, it took me a lot of time to select these particular ones. Now I'm going to put my bum in your face because I am a cat and it's what I do."
A sulk of teenagers?

I heard the comedy team behind Not the Nine O'clock news invented the term 'flange' as a collective noun for gorillas. A few months later it appeared in a scientific publication
Back on alt.gothic, I think we finally settled on "a gloom of goths."
I love the occasional dead mouse laid at my feet when we let Cat back inside from her excursion into the backyard. Of course, she never stays in the backyard, no, she goes into the alley and hunts mice.
At least they were dead. I had a cat that used to bring in rabbits or birds and then let them go so he could play with them.
You can have a bevy of doves or a covey of quail…. Or is it the other way around? 🤔
Most of the collective nouns were made up by some bored Victorian guy. Can’t recall his name. Off to Google. BRB