A new STC for your consideration.

The_Fool said:
Now I have to go figure out how to write one again....*heavy sigh*

I don't remember either! (And I've written a bunch of them.)
Angeline said:
I know. Sheesh. :D

I need a hug.

What in the Hell is a Terzanelle?
and why did I say that I'd try one?
I'm tied up in a knot - all the info I got
is simply too confusin' to use.


(I'm still trying though - Oh! and nice AV.)

Tristesse said:
I need a hug.

What in the Hell is a Terzanelle?
and why did I say that I'd try one?
I'm tied up in a knot - all the info I got
is simply too confusin' to use.


(I'm still trying though - Oh! and nice AV.)



aint that like parmesan cheese on a oatmeal bread?

or the rap of the gondola man?

standing tall with a shallow water stick

to guide the boat in

dreamlike foriegn nights-

waiting to dream

and for


go home and sleep- thats what he said-

I turned and started to- then i ran into the shadow of the buildings.

Home- you say?
Take a peek at

Tristesse said:
I need a hug.

What in the Hell is a Terzanelle?
and why did I say that I'd try one?
I'm tied up in a knot - all the info I got
is simply too confusin' to use.


(I'm still trying though - Oh! and nice AV.)


Take a peek at wicked eve's poem from Monday Night: Did You Wash Behind Your Ears? . It should make a good model.

jim : )
Re: Take a peek at

jthserra said:
Take a peek at wicked eve's poem from Monday Night: Did You Wash Behind Your Ears? . It should make a good model.

jim : )

I just did, left a comment and ran away crying.

I'm not worthy - you'll all point and laugh.


[there should be a Tearing-Hair-Out icon]
Re: Re: Take a peek at

Tristesse said:
I just did, left a comment and ran away crying.

I'm not worthy - you'll all point and laugh.


[there should be a Tearing-Hair-Out icon]

not me sugar.

that papercup full of words.

yours, mine, all these voices.

now dig that!!
(with a tad of Parmesan and Garlic smiles around the table)

(dont pull your hair out-mine fell out and i need a blanket)

:) :rose:
Tristesse said:
I'm attempting a Terzanelle
[COLOR=55ff55]I'm attempting a...uuh...a poem. Year, that's it. A poem.[/COLOR]

'Last Orders'?!? Hmmm. Can't think of anything right now. Well, I guess that's why they call it a challenge.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Last orders

Tristesse said:
Great. Let's say 10 days from today. Is that enough time for all your muses?

So Wednesday, May 5th posting date to, hopefull, appear in the New Poems on Thurs May 6th.

Anythging goes as long as your title is "Last Orders".

the Last Order that I gave to my muse was something along the lines of "bend over and write"

Assuming that this experiment in my muse's sub-side is successful, I'm in.
Angeline said:
You bastard. Let's do vilanelles. They're harder. :devil:

he's a bad influence on me, PoeTess


I keep forgetting to give you shit about you calling me a bastard.

Okay, so I am a foolish bastard...so what....:p
The_Fool said:
I keep forgetting to give you shit about you calling me a bastard.

Okay, so I am a foolish bastard...so what....:p

I take it all back, dear (but only because my vilanelle is done). :p
Just a reminder - tomorrow's the day for submitting your masterpieces. We've got a great group so expect some interesting results.

Man Ray
The Fool

I hope y'all had an easier time than I did.

makes mental note not to be mental and suggest another challenge that'll make me mental.
Tristesse said:
Just a reminder - tomorrow's the day for submitting your masterpieces. We've got a great group so expect some interesting results.

so do we SUBMIT them tomorrow....or tonight FOR tomorrow??
Tathagata said:
so do we SUBMIT them tomorrow....or tonight FOR tomorrow??

Submit tomorrow [Wednesday 5th] for Thursday appearence in The New Poems.

Tess, we submit them tomorrow to be posted on the 6th or today to be posted on the 5th????

(I'm confused as usual, lol)

Angeline said:
Tess, we submit them tomorrow to be posted on the 6th or today to be posted on the 5th????

(I'm confused as usual, lol)


i was too

ok thanks Triss
Angeline said:
I take it all back, dear (but only because my vilanelle is done). :p

Hmmmm....I guess I better get busy then.

Ms. Smartie Pants.....
Double dares Ange to throw a sestina together for tomorrow.:p

....says Cat as she slinks in here to find out if she has to write something for tonight or tomorrow night.:eek:
Well, I've had my Last Orders ready to go for a while now. So, tomorrow, Wednesday the fifth, for Thursday the sixth ...

Just trying to be prompt

You can check out my attempt at a terzanelle tomorrow in the new poems, I hope... :p
*Catbabe* said:
Double dares Ange to throw a sestina together for tomorrow.:p

....says Cat as she slinks in here to find out if she has to write something for tonight or tomorrow night.:eek:

lol. ain't gonna happen. :D
My submission has been submitted for publishing.

I look forward to reading the submissions of the rest of you as well.
Zanzibar said:
My submission has been submitted for publishing.

I look forward to reading the submissions of the rest of you as well.

ooooh, ty for reminding me!

*rushes off to submit ma poemy*