A new STC for your consideration.

That would be ok with me... it's different. But I threw it out there for someone else to pick, so let's hear it from everyone else, huh?

Hey Champ! How are you? :rose:
champagne1982 said:
how about icingsugar's Bob form?

LOL. Why not? I'd write another Bob. It's a good form (and Champ and I tried it already). :D

I just wrote my first terzanelle (inspired by Eve's and Champ's takes on the form), and I really liked doing it--wasn't half as tough as I thought it might be. Not everyone likes writing in traditional forms though...

One thing we haven't done for a while is have a group of poets write their takes on a single illustration. That could be fun, too.

I just want to take a minute and tell all the participants how much I enjoyed their works.

A lot of different styles and takes, and while I am mainly a storyteller/singer instead of a poet, I sure spent quite a while going through the poetry submissions today.

So hopefully, you won't mind my hopping in and tossing a contribution or two as these challenges take place.


And I'm even devirginized... with my very own YDD comment today. (If you read this, some specifics on tightening up the form would be welcome.)

(And read and give me an honest vote on my submission. I aprpeciate the feedback.)
Zanzibar said:
I just want to take a minute and tell all the participants how much I enjoyed their works.

A lot of different styles and takes, and while I am mainly a storyteller/singer instead of a poet, I sure spent quite a while going through the poetry submissions today.

So hopefully, you won't mind my hopping in and tossing a contribution or two as these challenges take place.


And I'm even devirginized... with my very own YDD comment today. (If you read this, some specifics on tightening up the form would be welcome.)

(And read and give me an honest vote on my submission. I aprpeciate the feedback.)

Glad to have you here, Z. Everyone is welcome to participate in a challenge or start their own if they have an idea. We're all just writing here. :D
Liar said:

#L, keeping the Bob alive. :D

Maybe his name is really.........BOB :eek:

Who the hell is YDD?
Why does anybody care?
He’s just another cyberbody,
name created from thin air.

He's just another cyberbody
whose opinions are his own.
Everyone's so hot and bothered
but he might as well be stone.

Everyone's so hot and bothered
when all they need to do is write.
Poetry is too subjective
to motivate with hate, all right?

Poetry is too subjective,
not to mention life too short
Who the hell is YDD?
Just another stormless port...

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Ok then... The word is weave and the form is Bob and the duedate could be 2 weeks from today but if there's a problem with that it's not written in stone. I don't know which nights get the heaviest load of poems, so how's May 23 sound?

hhmmmm... Bob and weave... weave and Bob... bobbing and weaving... weaving and bobbing... LOL
BooMerengue said:
Ok then... The word is weave and the form is Bob and the duedate could be 2 weeks from today but if there's a problem with that it's not written in stone. I don't know which nights get the heaviest load of poems, so how's May 23 sound?
Works for me. I'm on. :)
I'm in Boo--but how about putting the challenge in a new thread, so everyone can find it? (I'd hate to see Fool miss out on a new form challenge.) :D

Angeline said:
I'm in Boo--but how about putting the challenge in a new thread, so everyone can find it? (I'd hate to see Fool miss out on a new form challenge.) :D


I'm going to take this challenge on as well.

A poem about weave in a Bob form...

Lord have mercy, the education I'm getting here.

Gravy Trains
Congruent Sets
Bobs that rhyme
In triple time
Free form proses
runny noses
yellow roses
does that mean we're friends?

Angeline said:
I'm in Boo--but how about putting the challenge in a new thread, so everyone can find it? (I'd hate to see Fool miss out on a new form challenge.) :D


Yes please... I nearly missed it.

jim : )
Angeline said:
I just hate to do them without you, dear. We've been locked in form-o-mania for months now. Just be thankful it wasn't a sonnet.



No darling. Be glad that it wasn't a ses..., ses..., ses..., hell I can't even say the word....:devil:
I'm down wit dat, Bebe!! Let me see if I can remember how...

Tadaa!! I remembered! Here it is...


Lets have fun!
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The_Fool said:
No darling. Be glad that it wasn't a ses..., ses..., ses..., hell I can't even say the word....:devil:

Shhhhhhhhh!!!!! don't give Boo ideas!
oh honey! That's the least of your worries! I was scared YOU'D pick that! I haven't finished one yet!!

Nope... I'm happy Bobbin! LOL
BooMerengue said:
oh honey! That's the least of your worries! I was scared YOU'D pick that! I haven't finished one yet!!

Nope... I'm happy Bobbin! LOL

Nonononono! That last one I wrote made me swear off them for the next few months at least, lol!
Sheesh... you go away for the weekend and you miss all the fun. Luckily, with a forum like this, it's all there for you to go through when you get back. So, before we get off onto the new STC completely, let me say:

Thanks for all of the great comments on my Last Orders. And thanks equally for such fine reading material for my morning coffee. There was just SO much good writing in this challenge. I took my time reading them all, and thoroughly enjoyed the time. Getting to them last like this doesn't leave much room for comments besides "Me too." or "What she said." so I'll just say it here. Really good work, everyone. So many forms... so many ideas... so many different looks at the same two word title.

So, now I guess I have to go research this Bob form.


Think I'll find it in Turco? ;)
Before we all get immersed in Bob I'd just like to thank you all for creating such a wonderfully varied and skilled collection.

Now, where'd I put that loom?

Kundalinguini said:
Sheesh... you go away for the weekend and you miss all the fun. Luckily, with a forum like this, it's all there for you to go through when you get back. So, before we get off onto the new STC completely, let me say:

Thanks for all of the great comments on my Last Orders. And thanks equally for such fine reading material for my morning coffee. There was just SO much good writing in this challenge. I took my time reading them all, and thoroughly enjoyed the time. Getting to them last like this doesn't leave much room for comments besides "Me too." or "What she said." so I'll just say it here. Really good work, everyone. So many forms... so many ideas... so many different looks at the same two word title.

So, now I guess I have to go research this Bob form.


Think I'll find it in Turco? ;)

I don't think Lewis and Bob have been introduced. :D
Just a small addendum

This was my first go-round on Last Orders, subsequently blown out of the water by the one that submitted, but since then adrift in limbo, since I already have one by that name. So I'll just put the poor little orphan here.

Last Order

it's such an elegant crowd
five star all the way
anyone who's anyone
tux and gown soiree
dom perignon on ice
immaculate canape
not a soul is dancing
musicians all still play

your finest single malt
leave the bottle please
I'm having trouble standing
but not because of these
the crowd is getting rowdy
some are on their knees
ever tilting floorboards
flares above the seas
You should have submitted both K! This one is very good. I don't think there's a rule about that! (yet......) lol
I thought when I saw this thread that STC wuz

a sexually transmitted couplet, but.................

and Boo - I answered your OM days back but they said your box was full and you'd get an email saying that--so think not me cavalier for not replying (I have preserved it in a file for when you're up and running again........................but

I haven't seen you posting either and hope ur OK - I know you're mulching but that should not--in and of itself--preclude your billets poeticas
