Abba Abracadabra, I want to reach out and promote ya!

You know, you could do something along the lines of a daily on-line Lit diary so that we could get a glimpse into you anger issues and maybe we could work around them and mitigate them for you. We're always here to help when you're ready to ask for it.
The famous AJ verbal Jiu-Juitsu on display! He's still alive and bleating IKYABWAI!
Sensei Shit-for-brains in the house!
Displaying his "Reverse Uno" intellect AND making the first of what we will assume to be many references to the color of the Democratic candidate's skin, and not the content of her character.

Sherman, let's set the time machine to December 18, 2005 to see AJ's very first comments about black folks in the White House!
Barak Obama won't be on the ticket. In case you hadn't noticed he's in the Democrat Party and he's, gasp, black, and they don't trust black people in high places and positions in their party.
But Mister Peabody, that comment is completely ludicrous in retrospect!
Exactly Sherman! Times change, people change, but racists like AJ are steadfast in their beliefs!
I worked a Steve Miller show.

The man is a consummate artist and perfectionist.

Every tune the band played at that concert sounded as if it were cut straight from vinyl.

Mr. Miller was vicious and demanding during the soundcheck, I thought it was brutal, but the results were awesome.

One of the shows that I worked that I actually enjoyed, and I was never really a fan of his up until then.
actually if anybody has any copies of my old blowjob pics I'd really love a copy or two.
Pics or it never happened.


Ahhhhhhh. Ain’t it sweet!
Trumper love!
Folks, it’s a beautiful thing when a desperate to get laid Republican can go online and meet another conservative male impersonating a woman and both desire to see pics of each other to jerk off to.
actually if anybody has any copies of my old blowjob pics I'd really love a copy or two.

There’s nothing you can say to me to convince my that the name Glamorilla doesn’t scream - Hi! I’m closeted!

👍 Nice choice there HisA!

You neva had a chance with butters or BSG but at least there you showed some taste.
There’s nothing you can say to me to convince my that the name Glamorilla doesn’t scream - Hi! I’m closeted!

👍 Nice choice there HisA!

You neva had a chance with butters or BSG but at least there you showed some taste.

this is what makes you an idiot. you make something up and then run with it as if its true and then praise yourself for it.
this is what makes you an idiot. you make something up and then run with it as if its true and then praise yourself for it.

We haven't had any worthwhile newcomers on Lit this decade - maybe since the late aughts.
this is what makes you an idiot. you make something up and then run with it as if its true and then praise yourself for it.
Welcome to my world!

I am and have always made it clear my intentions here is to be a troll. To demoralize trumpers and conservatives.
Luckily for you today my beef is not with you, although I admit to using you for collateral damage. I’m solely going after HisA because, you’re still new here, I have warmed him repeatedly about his misogyny and disrespect to other members here. Now, glams, watch and observe…

If this plays out as it usually does, yo new butt buddy boyfriend is going to grace the PB with a HisArpy holiday and conveniently disappear.
this is what makes you an idiot. you make something up and then run with it as if its true and then praise yourself for it.
The lesson that YOU should learn is that your wit and words have better be quick and hit hard if you plan to come here and support BS conservative values. I’ll give you a friendly warning again - you’re already behind the 8 ball, as Adrina showed your ass yesterday, when you come here to defend a liar.
The lesson that YOU should learn is that your wit and words have better be quick and hit hard if you plan to come here and support BS conservative values. I’ll give you a friendly warning again - you’re already behind the 8 ball, as Adrina showed your ass yesterday, when you come here to defend a liar.

you're warning me? or what?
you dummies really fucked yourselves this time. hilary would have been left alone to her own devices as she wasn't fully embraced by dems.

now you have a more palatable candidate with the backing of nearly all dems, over half the country, and most of the free world.
you dummies really fucked yourselves this time. hilary would have been left alone to her own devices as she wasn't fully embraced by dems.

now you have a more palatable candidate with the backing of nearly all dems, over half the country, and most of the free world.

However, in all seven battleground states that are likely to decide the election's outcome, Trump has maintained a slight lead over his Democratic rivals.

Harris, like Hillary, may win the popular vote but she's not going to win the Electoral college.
Harris, like Hillary, may win the popular vote but she's not going to win the Electoral college.
trump, like the previous election, will lose both bigly and become the first 3x popular vote loser.

eta: the electoral college has outlived its original intention and should be put down.