Absolution (closed)

"King Brian is like my uncle." Selena said, appalled that he was expecting her to stay quiet when war was looming. "And we enjoy alliances with other smaller kingdoms. My Uncle Matthias is taking over Skye from my grandfather very soon. Why would I stay quiet about something when could be solved by talking it through?"
Meyer sighed, jotting down further notes as to her answers. "That's up to you to take up with the King, milady. I'm only a messenger at the moment." He flipped a page and then asked, "The King would also like to know if you will be similarly troublesome in his own home as you are here, challenging your own father and his men. While I dare say King Lochlan supports your rebellion against your father, he does not want a repeat of such behavior toward himself or the Prince."
"I have my reasons." Selena said softly, lowering her head slightly as he shamed her about challenging her own father and his men.

"What Selena does in regards to her father is of no concern to your lord." Kitty said softly, leveling a look at Meyer. "She will not be answering questions about that, is that understood?"
"Then I suppose I can skip a few of these..." Meyer flipped through a few more pages. "The King will understand if it's on your order, Your Majesty. Ah, here we are..." Meyer then rolled his eyes and sighed. "... The Prince would like to know some of your interests and hobbies. He seems interested in getting to know you before anything else. Though I can assure you he isn't looking forward to an arranged marriage. He'd rather hide away with his books all day."
Selena looked over at her mother as if to ask whether she should be honest or not. Kitty glanced at Selena and gave her a nod as if to say that it was alright.

"I enjoy hunting and riding." Selena said in a soft voice. "Books and learning languages. I also enjoy spending time with the were when I can."

"Selena's guardian is a wolf and she has always been attached to him. She has developed a love for his culture through their relationship." Kitty explained.
Meyer glanced up from his notes as she spoke, a hint of disdain on his features as werefolk were mentioned. "I suppose this Wolf will be coming to visit on occasion, then. While I cannot speak of any love for the werefolk in the King's heart, you may be interested to know that the Prince is rather well-versed in Lunar and has been forming some level of friendship with the local tribes on the islands north of the capital. He's rather taken with their mythology. And perhaps you can teach him something about hunting, he has never been much of an... outdoor person."
"Of course he will be coming to visit. Why wouldn't he?" Selena asked in a confused tone as to why Ghell might be barred from coming to see her in Wick if the marriage when through. "I won't go if he's not allowed to come as well."
"I'm certain he will be allowed, and extra measures will be taken to ensure his safety. The King may have a distaste for the werefolk, but he tends not to bother with them. And your guests are your choice. The Prince would be delighted to meet a Wolf who is of both tribal and modern background."

Meyer went through several more questions after that about Selena's and Lochlan's requirements, until he finally tucked the pocket book away. "I think that will conclude this particular order of business, my dear ladies."
Kitty gave him a nod, standing up as he stated that he had his answers. "Then I suppose we will be saying goodbye to you."

Selena was quickly up to her feet as well, wanting to be out of the room as soon as possible. She wanted to seek out Ghell and rage at the intensive questioning she had been put through.
"I will be staying in the guest quarters overnight and leaving in the morning," he said with a nod, rising as well and offering a rather fake smile. "Thank you for your time." He bowed to each of them before going on his way. Ghell would be across the keep in his own quarters, likely preparing lesson plans or, if he wasn't busy, reading or writing.
Selena swept into Ghell's rooms like a dark thunderstorm. Her face had a scowl on it that etched deep lines into her face and she paced incessantly.

"How dare he ask me questions like that." Selena grumbled to her uvore, looking at him with a concerned dark gaze. "And Ma simply sat there and allowed him to ask."
Sitting in an old armchair by the hearth in his room, Ghell had an old leather-bound Lunar book in hand and seemed to be translating it into English in a new book when Selena entered. He looked up, his expression calm and even as always as he let Selena vent. He set the books aside and slowly rose to face her, stopping her pacing by drawing her into his arms. "Slow down, eli," he murmured, hugging her close. "Explain what happened."
"Wick sent someone down to assess if I would be a good match for his son." Selena said as Ghell held her tightly to comfort her. "And they were all kinds of questions, about if I'm too much trouble for them to even consider or if I can even be a good wife. How dare he even ask things like that."

Selena hoped that the questioning would break the match, but she knew that if she managed to do that, someone else might come along. They might not be as understanding as Abel.

"And Ma just sat there and let him ask. She interrupted a few times to direct the questioning elsewhere, but she still let him ask." Selena said, slightly wounded that Kitty hadn't put a stop to everything entirely.
"Selena... Any blame on your mother is misplaced, eldere... She doesn't want this for you. She never has... but she knows it's far out of her hands. She's trying to get the best possible outcome for you without putting you at your father's mercy again... She's trapped, Selena. As much as you are." He looked down at her with deep concern evident in his features. "She's doing everything she can without risking another confrontation or war."
"She can step in and say no." Selena insisted, so frightened of the prospect of being sent to a place where she was the enemy that her eyes were slightly wild. "Uvore, they would never let me see you again. You're the enemy there, no matter what they say."
"Selena." Ghell brought her over to his chair to sit her down. "Focus, my love." His hands came to her cheeks. "First of all, I would find my way to you. I always do. I have never been parted from you for long, not even when it seems your father and all of Colton's men stand between us. Lochlan O'Hennessey could hardly pose more of an obstacle. And I need you to see the position your mother is in. She may be the wife of a king, the mother of princes and princesses, but she isn't a proper Queen anymore. She has no power to resist your father... she can only advise and request. She's trying to make a future for you given your circumstances. I'm not saying it's right, and she isn't either... but she's playing with the cards she's been dealt, until things change. And they can, and will change. Just not as soon as we all want..."
"So....I'm just supposed to go to Wick like an obedient girl?" Selena asked, tears coming to her eyes as she thought about that. "Married to a man that I don't know. Expected to bear his children? Uvore...I can't do that. I think that I would rather die."
"Have faith in your brother, Selena... While I wish this didn't all have to end in bloodshed... Your mother and I know it has to. Durban is your greatest hope. Support and love him, and he will keep you safe... And remember that no matter what, even if everything falls apart here... I will never let you be taken away to a future you don't want. I'll see you across the world if I have to." He pressed a kiss to her forehead. "You know the lengths I will go to for you, eli... I would die for you if that's what it took. You will be happy, on your own or with a family, or whatever you want... and Tamblin won't always be King of Inverness. Nothing lasts forever."
“You can’t die. You’re all I have.” Selena whispered softly as she held the wolf tightly, burying her head against his thick ruffed fur.

She sometimes fought against dark thoughts and couldn’t help but feel betrayed by her own mother from time to time. While she could never blame Kitty for long, Selena was still wounded. The only person that understood her or made her feel happy was Ghell. It has been that way since she was little.
"Don't you worry about me. It would take the whole world to take me away from you. I know I've asked you this all your life, my love... but just hold on. Just a little longer... No matter what happens between Durban and your father, you will be free." He scooped her up like she was still a tiny child, and settled into his chair with her just for a long, quiet respite.
As Ghell dealt with Selena, giving her the love that she desperately sought from a father, Kitty had gathered her theee eldest sons in her parlor tonhave a discussion with them. It was laughable that such a tiny woman should stand in front of three large warriors, but she was there, looking down at each of them with a serious gaze.

“I need promises from each of you that you will not do anything to retaliate for Selena being engaged to Abel Dunland.” She said softly, knowing that each of them had their reasons to feel the way they did. “She is struggling with this and there isn’t anything that we can do to stop it.”
"No," Boar spoke immediately, making his brothers look to him.

"Boar..." Brogan murmured.

"No! It isn't supposed to be like this!" Boar growled darkly. "Of all of us, she's th'one who'll break caged up like tha'! She can' take it, an' I won' let it happen."
"Lynndon, this is your final warning." Kitty said softly, knowing that he wouldn't listen to her in the least. He was the most stubborn child that she had given birth to and it seemed that they were about to butt heads for the first time in their lives.
"No, Ma. I love you, I do, but you're wrong. I don' know if you're scared, if you've lost hope, 'r if it's somethin' else, but you're wrong. Selena doesn' deserve this. None of us do. An' I'm done layin' down an' jus' acceptin' it." He turned from her then to stalk off toward the stairwell. "I'm gettin' rid o' tha' damned diplomat."

"Lynn!" Durban barked suddenly, his usual calm demeanor gone. Boar hesitated briefly, just long enough for Durban to get in his way and glare down at him. "You're gonna apologize, now. An' then you're gonna go t'bed an' we aren't gonna talk about this again."
"Lynndon Ghis." Kitty said in a quiet but cold voice, staring after him as Durban stopped him from going to the ambassador and throwing him out into the night. "Come here this moment."

As the boys slunk back towards her, the tension in the air palpable. This was a moment that she hoped to never have with any of them, but she knew it was coming.

"If you are so hellbent on self destruction, you'll go pack a bag and I will send you to Skye to live with your grandparents." Kitty said, staring into Boar's dark gaze.