Absolution (closed)

"Why, Ma?" Boar challenged, the natural sheepishness of a child in trouble giving way to his intense temper. "Why, when you know this is all wrong? Why won' you let us do somethin' about it? Anythin' would be better than this! You might've given up a long time ago, but I haven't! I want my family t'be happy! No' miserable under tha' bloody Spymaster an' a man I'm forced t'call my father!"
"Because this is our life, Lynndon!" Kitty finally shouted, losing her temper on her son as he raged at her. "Do you know how many times I have tried to make this better for all of us? How much I have shielded from each of you? I'm trying now to make sure that the future doesn't have to be terrible and that starts with your sister."

"You, my dear, will never know what it's like to marry someone that you don't know. You won't know what it's like to marry someone ten years older than you, to have two children by 18, and be worn out by the time you're 25." Kitty said, letting him see all of the heartache that she harbored when she thought back on her own wasted life. "We are royalty, and unfortunately, due to twisted fate there are things that we must do that others will never have to think of. However, the third son of a minor king, you have the chance to make your own way. You're just too stubborn to realize that."

"When it comes to Selena, I am trying my hardest to make sure that if this arranged marriage does go through, it's to someone that will care for her. Not to someone like your Da." Kitty let silence reign as she said her peace. "I gave up my true love so that you children wouldn't be trapped here in Inverness without hope. I refuse to let any of you dissolve into soulless monsters because of that."
All three boys stared at their mother for a long moment of silence, each registering her words in their own way before Boar spoke up again, his voice quiet as his stormy temper called into something cold and stoic. "You're right, I don't understand. I don' know what it's like, th'horrible things you've been through, at least no' th'way you do. But I do know what I've experienced, Ma. I know what things are like righ' now. An' it's shit. Yeah, I'll probably get t'do whatever I want in life one day. But I don' care about that. I told you a long time ago- it's all of us, or none of us. If Selena's miserable, so am I. Same goes fer any o' my siblings, an' you too. I can' be happy when I know you all suffer. So I'm gonna shield Selena, I'm gonna kick tha' rat out o' Inverness, I'll take all the blame, an' I'm gonna take tha' throne. Selena couldn't, an' with how hard a time Durban's havin' with the idea, I don't want him to do it. I'll do it, an' things'll finally change."
"Durban, please escort your brother to his room." Kitty said, knowing that it was probably futile to lock Boar inside, but knowing that they had to try in order to keep him contained from making a big mistake. "You can hate me for this all you like, Lynndon. One day you'll understand."
Durban looked to Boar and laid a hand on his shoulder. "Come on, Lynn... I don't want to fight with you..."

This time, Boar turned and silently followed, but it was not submission, made clear by the way he kept his head held high and shoulders back. Brogan watched them go before looking to Kitty. "... Ma...,?"
Kitty watched as Boar was shown from the room, her heart aching so much for how she was forced to treat her children. Turning to look at Brogan as he called her name, he could see the misery in her dark eyes.

"Yes, love?" Kitty asked, preparing for another fight on her hands if need be.
Brogan hesitated a long moment, as if uncertain. But he seemed to make up his mind about something as he stepped forward and wrapped her up in his arms. Her frail, tiny Brogan had become a giant quite suddenly, and now entirely dwarfed her in comparison. He held her gently, silently letting her know that despite the unfairness of it all, despite the corner they'd all been backed into, he understood. He knew she was only trying to keep her children alive, and find the best future possible for them under such oppression
Kitty hugged her son tightly, leaning her head against his chest as he sought to give her some measure of comfort. "He might hate me forever, and I know he's very wounded, but I hope one day he can find it in himself to forgive me."
"He will, Ma... Just give 'im time t'think. He always remembers tha' yer on his side in time." Brogan brought her over to her chair by the fire, and pulled up a chair beside her. "We'll figure it out... It's just a matter o' waiting."
Kitty let out a sigh as Brogan got her seated as if she were the most fragile thing in the world. He was always looking out for her, making sure that she was taken care of. They shared a special bond as she had done the same for him from the moment that he was born.

Over the next few days as Boar was kept in check by his brothers and Selena paced the keep like a wild animal, the family seemed to be coming apart at the seams even more. They were all on edge, at each others throats, but Kitty did her best to make sure that things were still calm for Ashien and Kayla.

She was teaching them a reason lesson in the great hall one morning when a rider from Wick entered followed by a stocky woman. Kitty glanced up as Ashien read, curious as to who these new people were. The ambassador welcomed them both and they all quickly disappeared down the hall that lead to Tamblin's office.

"Mama?" Kayla asked, looking up at Kitty as her mother suddenly seemed so concern.

"It's alright, little love. You read with your brother and I'll be right back." Kitty said as she kissed Kayla's forehead and stood with some effort to see what was going on.

"There are questions that our lord has raised over the young woman." The stocky woman said to Tamblin, standing there respectfully as she looked at the king of Inverness. "He does not trust that she is pure."

Gilda McPherson was a doctor for Wick, one of the few women that were allowed to practice in the bounds of the kingdom. She mostly tended to young mothers, but she had been contact by Lochlan to come and inspect the young Selena Ghis.
Tamblin rose from his seat as the woman raised Lochlan's suspicions, and his gaze grew dark and stormy. "What does 'e think she is? Some wanderin' whore? My daughter's never 'ad an interest in anyone, an' she's never been touched- I've made sure o' tha' personally, even with all th'rats around 'ere tha'd like t'make advantage of a young girl. You can tell Lochlan tha' my children aren' so easy t'lure away as 'is boy Brennan."
"It still does not solve the fact that our lord does not trust the men that you have surrounded yourself with. He wants my solemn word that she is still intact." Gilda said, trying to explain to the angered king why she was there. "A simple inspection is all that we need."

Kitty entered the room shortly after Gilda's explanation and she glanced towards her husband and noted how angry he looked in that moment.

"What is going on?" Kitty asked.
"O'Hennessey thinks my daughter's too weak t'resist some slimy bastards who want t'take advantage o' her. He sent this woman t'make sure she's a virgin," Tamblin growled, his eyes still on Gilda, but there was a nervousness about him too. He knew if he resisted, Lochlan might call off the whole deal and start the war again.
"What?" Kitty asked, looking towards the small contingency from Wick that was gathered there. "Of course she is. Selena is an honorable young woman and she certainly would have told me if she had been taken advantage of. How dare Lochlan even think that."

Kitty looked over towards Tamblin, slightly concerned that he might actually give in to these people in order to keep the marriage contract in play. She saw the look on his face, a mixture of anger and nerves and she hoped that he wouldn't make a rash decision.
Tamblin looked to Kitty, his gaze registering something she hadn't seen in a very long time- panic. He didn't know what to do. It was his daughter, no matter how they fought. He had never failed to defend her honor in all things, protecting her from his men and those who might take advantage of her when he wasn't looking. He came to Kitty's side, glancing back at the visitors.

"What do I do, Kitty?" He whispered so they couldn't hear. He was being forced to choose between his daughter's honor and his entire kingdom.
"Is an alliance with Wick that important that you would allow them to do this to Selena?" Kitty asked, looking up at Tamblin as he asked her opinion on the matter. "You never asked this of me before we were married. It's within his right to do so, but it's dangerous, Tamblin. This means that they don't trust her and they don't trust us. Is this really a place that we want to send our daughter to live for the rest of her life?"

She knew the ultimate decision was his. If he said no, the marriage negotiations would end, and they would be back at war with Wick. If he said yes, he would lose Selena for the rest of his life.
"If I don't, she'll probably be captured an' either killed 'r made a pawn fer Wick when they take over Inverness..." Tamblin muttered. "I... I can' do this t'her... But I can' say no either..."
“Then send them away, love. We will figure out where to go from there.” Kitty said softly, knowing that Tamblin was the only one that could make this choice.
Tamblin slowly turned back to the group, his gaze downcast for a moment before he gave them a vicious glare. "You'll ask 'er permission. You can ask any questions, but if she says you can' touch her, you stay away. Am I understood?" He snarled like a protective beast.
“Tamblin.” Kitty murmured softly, the pit of her stomach dropping as he gave them the permission to question Selena but not to touch her.

“Thank you.” Gilda said, looking at the other two ambassadors from Wick. “Shall we go meet with the princess?”
"No," Tamblin snarled. "No men. Only you," he demanded with a glare at the woman. "If you 'ave questions, you ask in 'er mother's presence. But I won' have men 'inspecting' my daughter."
“My lord, it’s standard procedure.” Gilda said as Tamblin turned suddenly vicious. “One or more representatives are to be present to attest that nothing has been lied about. If it’s deemed invalid, another might be sent or the deal might be voided.”
"I'll fuckin' risk it," Tamblin rumbled darkly. "No men near my daughter. Send fer another woman if you must, but only with her permission."
Gilda went to argue her point when a hand on her elbow stopped her from speaking. Glancing at the ambassador, she nodded and took a step back from Tamblin. “Of course, my lord. We will send for someone else to come and assist me.”
"Now get out o' my office," Tamblin ordered, pointing them to the door. "I've 'ad enough o' you lot."

Once the trio was gone, Tamblin collapsed into his chair, slamming his fist on his desk for lack of a better target. The force made an empty bottle topple over and roll back and forth a bit before coming to a halt.