Alito on Recording

Or, y'know, we could just ban anyone who is openly religious or otherwise mentally ill from ever holding public office.

Leftism will really never be serious as a political philosophy until they realize that Lenin was as right about the church as he was about the monarchy.
Good luck with that.
The Constitution is NOT a living document. If you want to change it the instructions are contained in Article V. I hope that fact is sinking because if it isn't there will be blood shed.................again.
You MAGAs don't care about the Constitution. You proved that Jan 6, 2021. You actually wanted martial law declared and the election results thrown out. The folks who cared about the Constitution are buried in fields with white crosses and stars. The ones fat orange Hitler calls "losers".

Alito, Roberts secretly recorded at historical society dinner​

There's one on his wife too. Just for shits and giggles.

Boy this is going to be the next "gate". The funny thing is I come away more impressed with Justice Roberts. But more convinced than ever that Alito isn't qualified to serve on any court. And his wife is bat shit crazy.

"Behind every successful man is a woman who didn't marry me" - Al Bundy
You MAGAs don't care about the Constitution. You proved that Jan 6, 2021. You actually wanted martial law declared and the election results thrown out. The folks who cared about the Constitution are buried in fields with white crosses and stars. The ones fat orange Hitler calls "losers".
The traitor you're quoting is also a Confederate flag flying moron who wants another civil war. Best to only engage him when he's been sober for a few hours.
Roberts did give a fair and appropriate response but he and Alito still should be hauled to the Senate floor. Alito for being Alito and Roberts to explain the ethical codes of SCOTUS.

Also, yay Sheldon Whitehouse!
😡😡😡😡 Senate Democratic Do Nothing Leadership!
I think SCOTUS poutrage is a little late in the game.

The left is boiling over because of this assumption:

"Alito appeared to embrace his role as a partisan, which liberals have long accused him of being despite the nominally nonpartisan nature of the court."

If your outrage existed during RBG's time in the big leagues I could understand your poutrage, but we all know that didn't happen. RBG was lauded as a hero for leftist ideology. You leftist loons need to get a life.
You MAGAs don't care about the Constitution. You proved that Jan 6, 2021. You actually wanted martial law declared and the election results thrown out. The folks who cared about the Constitution are buried in fields with white crosses and stars. The ones fat orange Hitler calls "losers".
The constitution prevailed, the law of the land prevailed, there was no overturning of an election, there was no insurrection. All that happened was 1st amendment rights to petition our government were demonstrated. Some violence broke out but anyone who believed our democracy was ever in jeopardy is bat-shit crazy. As more evidence is provided to the American public lots of different angles of J/6 will reflect very poorly on the likes of military leadership, CP and Pelosi with her merry band of misfits.
The constitution prevailed, the law of the land prevailed, there was no overturning of an election, there was no insurrection. All that happened was 1st amendment rights to petition our government were demonstrated. Some violence broke out but anyone who believed our democracy was ever in jeopardy is bat-shit crazy. As more evidence is provided to the American public lots of different angles of J/6 will reflect very poorly on the likes of military leadership, CP and Pelosi with her merry band of misfits.

Hi traitor! :poop:
The constitution prevailed, the law of the land prevailed, there was no overturning of an election, there was no insurrection. All that happened was 1st amendment rights to petition our government were demonstrated. Some violence broke out but anyone who believed our democracy was ever in jeopardy is bat-shit crazy. As more evidence is provided to the American public lots of different angles of J/6 will reflect very poorly on the likes of military leadership, CP and Pelosi with her merry band of misfits.


The lead-in from the article:

“Trump hid plan for Capitol march on day he marked as ‘wild’,”​



Hiding information from authorities about the plan for a march / attack on the Capitol is an act of treason and is grounds for execution.



Anyone who continues to defend / apologize for the corrupt orange traitor and the J6 insurrectionists is ALSO a traitor.

Hi traitor! :poop:
You're the traitor. As I read all these opinions from the left it's hard to understand what you leftist loons would consider to be a responsible arbiter of the constitution. According to your assessments of Alito, Roberts judges cannot have personal opinions, cannot be free thinkers, cannot have spouses that are free thinking. You people pretend to be all in for inclusivity, diversity of thought up until it disagrees with your ideology. Back where I come from we call that fascism. You and your ilk were fine with RBG giving lectures, opinions and were OK with her accepting gratuities because she promoted your line of thought and beliefs. What you want in a judge is anything but diversity of thought or opinion. What you want are 9 robots specifically programed to rule in your favor at all times. If that's the case you don't need a court, what you need is a king and you'd be the subjects.
You're the traitor. As I read all these opinions from the left it's hard to understand what you leftist loons would consider to be a responsible arbiter of the constitution. According to your assessments of Alito, Roberts judges cannot have personal opinions, cannot be free thinkers, cannot have spouses that are free thinking. You people pretend to be all in for inclusivity, diversity of thought up until it disagrees with your ideology. Back where I come from we call that fascism. You and your ilk were fine with RBG giving lectures, opinions and were OK with her accepting gratuities because she promoted your line of thought and beliefs. What you want in a judge is anything but diversity of thought or opinion. What you want are 9 robots specifically programed to rule in your favor at all times. If that's the case you don't need a court, what you need is a king and you'd be the subjects.

LOL nice try traitor.

Tolerance of evil is a crime.

You support Trump. You support J6. You think hating your fellow citizens is patriotic.

Have a shitty :poop: night traitor! :nana:

The lead-in from the article:

“Trump hid plan for Capitol march on day he marked as ‘wild’,”​



Hiding information from authorities about the plan for a march / attack on the Capitol is an act of treason and is grounds for execution.



Anyone who continues to defend / apologize for the corrupt orange traitor and the J6 insurrectionists is ALSO a traitor.

Nancy Pelosi blew it with her sham J/6 kangaroo committee. There was no cross examination whatsoever of any of the charges or any witnesses. I'll wait for the trial. Any kangaroo court can win when no one is shooting back. As a tax payer and since Nancy Pelosi works for me and the rest of the American people I want her to take the stand.
LOL nice try traitor.

Tolerance of evil is a crime.

You support Trump. You support J6. You think hating your fellow citizens is patriotic.

Have a shitty :poop: night traitor! :nana:
Some day you'll grow the fuck up.
Nancy Pelosi blew it with her sham J/6 kangaroo committee. There was no cross examination whatsoever of any of the charges or any witnesses. I'll wait for the trial. Any kangaroo court can win when no one is shooting back. As a tax payer and since Nancy Pelosi works for me and the rest of the American people I want her to take the stand.


ineedhelp1, etc, have been provided with IRREFUTABLE and UNCHALLENGED information, and yet ineedhelp1 CONTINUES to deny the TRUTH.


At this point, ineedhelp1, etc, are complicit in the crime of treason.


ineedhelp1, etc, have been provided with IRREFUTABLE and UNCHALLENGED information, and yet ineedhelp1 CONTINUES to deny the TRUTH.


At this point, ineedhelp1, etc, are complicit in the crime of treason.

One lie after another;

Nancy Pelosi Contradicts Her Own Narrative of January 6, HBO Footage Shows

June 11, 2024​

WASHINGTON - House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight Chairman Barry Loudermilk (GA-11) obtained documentary footage recorded by Alexandra Pelosi on January 6, 2021 and produced to the Subcommittee by HBO.

Vice-chair Liz Cheney and Chair Bennie Thompson's J6 Select Committee had this footage but did not release it publicly and did not archive this footage at the end of the 117th Congress or hand it over when Republicans took the majority at the beginning of 2023. Therefore, the Subcommittee went directly to HBO to obtain the footage.

Yesterday, the Subcommittee posted this video from January 6, 2021, which was recorded by Alexandra Pelosi and provided directly to the Subcommittee by HBO. In the video former Speaker Nancy Pelosi stated "I take responsibility" for the security failures of the Capitol that day.

“As Nancy Pelosi was being evacuated from the Capitol on January 6, 2021 she admitted that, as Speaker of the House, she was responsible for the security failures, and for not having the National Guard at the Capitol,” said Chairman Loudermilk.

“However, after the dust settled from the breach of the Capitol, she spent 20 million taxpayer dollars for her January 6 Select Committee to create a narrative that shifted the blame on President Trump. The Democrats’ partisan select committee went to great lengths to suppress and hide evidence that didn’t support their predetermined narrative about that day, including this video of Speaker Pelosi admitting that she was responsible for the security failures at the Capitol. My committee will continue to investigate and expose all the facts. The American people deserve the truth.”

This video shows Pelosi in a moment of leadership acknowledging that as Speaker of the House it was her responsibility to ensure the safety of Members of Congress that day and every other day. However, Pelosi never publicly took responsibility. Instead, Pelosi created the January 6 Select Committee with the purpose of publicly blaming Donald Trump for her own failures.

Despite Pelosi’s claims yesterday on MSNBC that Republicans are engaging in revisionist history, this clip proves what Republicans have said for three years: it is Pelosi who has been determined to revise history and shift the blame away from herself for security failures at the Capitol on January 6.
Click here to view the letter sent to HBO.
One lie after another;

Nancy Pelosi Contradicts Her Own Narrative of January 6, HBO Footage Shows

June 11, 2024​

WASHINGTON - House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight Chairman Barry Loudermilk (GA-11) obtained documentary footage recorded by Alexandra Pelosi on January 6, 2021 and produced to the Subcommittee by HBO.

Vice-chair Liz Cheney and Chair Bennie Thompson's J6 Select Committee had this footage but did not release it publicly and did not archive this footage at the end of the 117th Congress or hand it over when Republicans took the majority at the beginning of 2023. Therefore, the Subcommittee went directly to HBO to obtain the footage.

Yesterday, the Subcommittee posted this video from January 6, 2021, which was recorded by Alexandra Pelosi and provided directly to the Subcommittee by HBO. In the video former Speaker Nancy Pelosi stated "I take responsibility" for the security failures of the Capitol that day.

“As Nancy Pelosi was being evacuated from the Capitol on January 6, 2021 she admitted that, as Speaker of the House, she was responsible for the security failures, and for not having the National Guard at the Capitol,” said Chairman Loudermilk.

“However, after the dust settled from the breach of the Capitol, she spent 20 million taxpayer dollars for her January 6 Select Committee to create a narrative that shifted the blame on President Trump. The Democrats’ partisan select committee went to great lengths to suppress and hide evidence that didn’t support their predetermined narrative about that day, including this video of Speaker Pelosi admitting that she was responsible for the security failures at the Capitol. My committee will continue to investigate and expose all the facts. The American people deserve the truth.”

This video shows Pelosi in a moment of leadership acknowledging that as Speaker of the House it was her responsibility to ensure the safety of Members of Congress that day and every other day. However, Pelosi never publicly took responsibility. Instead, Pelosi created the January 6 Select Committee with the purpose of publicly blaming Donald Trump for her own failures.

Despite Pelosi’s claims yesterday on MSNBC that Republicans are engaging in revisionist history, this clip proves what Republicans have said for three years: it is Pelosi who has been determined to revise history and shift the blame away from herself for security failures at the Capitol on January 6.
Click here to view the letter sent to HBO.


ineedhelp1 is a traitor for perpetuating LIES:


At NO point was Speaker Pelosi in charge of, or responsible for, Capitol Security: This includes National Guard deployments.

Speaker Pelosi asking why the National Guard wasn’t prepositioned at the Capitol BEFORE the J6 insurrectionists attacked, and why there was a delay in response ONCE the J6 insurrectionists attacked, does NOT translate into Speaker Pelosi admitting TO or BEING responsible for Capitol security decisions or authorizing National Guard deployments.

The failure for security falls on the Sergeants at Arms of the House and the Senate and the Capitol architect.

The failure for the response from the National Guard falls on the corrupt orange traitor and the losers the corrupt orange traitor put in place in the military chain of command.

Hope that ^ helps.


👉 ineedhelp1 🤣
