Alito on Recording

You have no right to lecture anyone traitor. You don't even understand because you are too busy trying to rationalize exactly what the Alito's are trying to use scotus to accomplish.

Alito does not want to protect religious liberty - he wants others to conform to a law based on his religion.

You're a disgrace.
LoL a triggered rant from a groomer
The Constitution is NOT a living document. If you want to change it the instructions are contained in Article V. I hope that fact is sinking because if it isn't there will be blood shed.................again.
The United States Constitution has lasted as long as it has because it is a living document. Interpretations of the Constitution has shifted to reflect changes in popular sentiments.

For example, when the authors of the Constitution wrote:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare"

they did not intend to authorize efforts by the government to help those who are not rich get through life. Nevertheless, since the Great Depression most Americans have wanted the government to do that, so it does. The General Welfare Clause provides authorization not originally intended.

Now, when I write that the Constitution is a living document I do not mean to approve of the Supreme Court overturning popular legislation that has been in effect for a long time. The electorate is soverign in the United States, not the Supeme Court.

Those who wrote and signed the United States Constitjution were intelligent and well educated for their time. They were also rich. Many owned slaves. We should respect their insignts without considering their economic concerns to be The Absolute Truth.
The United States Constitution has lasted as long as it has because it is a living document. Interpretations of the Constitution has shifted to reflect changes in popular sentiments.

For example, when the authors of the Constitution wrote:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare"

they did not intend to authorize efforts by the government to help those who are not rich get through life. Nevertheless, since th Great Depression most Americans have wanted the government to do that, so it does. The General Welfare Clause provides authorization not originally intended.

Now, when I write that the Constitution is a living document I do not mean to approve of the Supreme Court overturning popular legislation that has been in effect for a long time. The electorate is soverign in the United States, not the Supeme Court.

Those who wrote and signed the United States Constitjution were intelligent and well educated for their time. They were also rich. Many owned slaves. We should respect their insignts without considering their economic concerns to be The Absolute Truth.
I'm well aware and those are not the only corruptions of the document. This court appears to be moving us back to originalist.

As I said before, it is not a 'living' document. The means to change it are contained in Article V. If you can change the meaning of words based on contemporary needs and/or desires then you have no law at all, just a bunch of power brokers making up/changing the rules as they go along. And they will be doing so for their own benefit while telling you it's for yours.
By the late eighteenth century the religious passions unleashed by the Protestant Reformation and the Roman Catholic reaction against it had subsided quite a bit.

After the Thirty Years War, that lasted from 1618 to 1648, few Europeans and their descendents in the United States wanted to kill and die because of their religious beliefs.

Nevertheless, those who wrote and signed the Constitution were conventionally religious. They were not atheists. They were not hostile to Christianity.

Thomas Jefferson is considered to have been a diest. Nevertheless, he contributed financially to an Episcopal church nearby Monticello, and occasionally attended servicees. As president he did attend Episcopal services regularly, and made sure reporters saw him do it.
I'm well aware and those are not the only corruptions of the document. This court appears to be moving us back to originalist.

As I said before, it is not a 'living' document. The means to change it are contained in Article V. If you can change the meaning of words based on contemporary needs and/or desires then you have no law at all, just a bunch of power brokers making up/changing the rules as they go along. And they will be doing so for their own benefit while telling you it's for yours.
It’s by design that the standards for change are so high, for the exact reasons you posted above.
I'm well aware and those are not the only corruptions of the document. This court appears to be moving us back to originalist.

As I said before, it is not a 'living' document. The means to change it are contained in Article V. If you can change the meaning of words based on contemporary needs and/or desires then you have no law at all, just a bunch of power brokers making up/changing the rules as they go along. And they will be doing so for their own benefit while telling you it's for yours.
The Tenth Amendment could be used to repeal all of the economic and environmental laws passed since the beginning of the Progressive Era. If this happens there will be a Constitutional crises leading to results no sensible Conservative should welcome.

I am capable of determining my interests, thank you. I would not benefit from a reversion to the chrony capitalism of the late nineteenth century. This is what those who praise the Tenth Amendment desire.
You have no right to lecture anyone traitor. You don't even understand because you are too busy trying to rationalize exactly what the Alito's are trying to use scotus to accomplish.

Alito does not want to protect religious liberty - he wants others to conform to a law based on his religion.

You're a disgrace.
You’re beyond being lectured. Your paranoia is quite comical, unfortunately you and people like can assume powerful positions in our government and nothing good can come from that. Your existence must be a lonely one. Your atheist secular beliefs is a sad commentary on your existence. Millions of Americans believe in a life after and for them it gives them hope and courage to live life to its fullest and not in vain. Christians are a happier bunch as demonstrated by lit postings. You and people like you take great pride in tearing things down but never build. You’re unhappy with the composition of the court so just destroy it and replace it with a system that aligns with your ideology regardless of how others that don’t align with your depraved cultist views believe. Nov 5th can’t come fast enough.
President Eisenhower's advice to his brother should be considered by those who wish to repeal economic and environmental legislation on behalf of their interpretation of the Constitution. President Eisenhower was popular because he knew that the reforms of the New Deal were popular, and he did not attempt to repeal them.


Letter from Dwight D. Eisenhower to Edgar Newton Eisenhower (1954)​

it is quite clear that the Federal government cannot avoid or escape responsibilities which the mass of the people firmly believe should be undertaken by it. The political processes of our country are such that if a rule of reason is not applied in this effort, we will lose everything–even to a possible and drastic change in the Constitution. This is what I mean by my constant insistence upon “moderation” in government. Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are H. L. Hunt (you possibly know his background), a few other Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas.4 Their number is negligible and they are stupid.
You’re beyond being lectured. Your paranoia is quite comical, unfortunately you and people like can assume powerful positions in our government and nothing good can come from that. Your existence must be a lonely one. Your atheist secular beliefs is a sad commentary on your existence. Millions of Americans believe in a life after and for them it gives them hope and courage to live life to its fullest and not in vain. Christians are a happier bunch as demonstrated by lit postings. You and people like you take great pride in tearing things down but never build. You’re unhappy with the composition of the court so just destroy it and replace it with a system that aligns with your ideology regardless of how others that don’t align with your depraved cultist views believe. Nov 5th can’t come fast enough.
Ohhhh you are now trying to build things?

Is it a tower of hashbrowns?
The United States Constitution has lasted as long as it has because it is a living document. Interpretations of the Constitution has shifted to reflect changes in popular sentiments.

For example, when the authors of the Constitution wrote:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare"

they did not intend to authorize efforts by the government to help those who are not rich get through life. Nevertheless, since the Great Depression most Americans have wanted the government to do that, so it does. The General Welfare Clause provides authorization not originally intended.

Now, when I write that the Constitution is a living document I do not mean to approve of the Supreme Court overturning popular legislation that has been in effect for a long time. The electorate is soverign in the United States, not the Supeme Court.

Those who wrote and signed the United States Constitjution were intelligent and well educated for their time. They were also rich. Many owned slaves. We should respect their insignts without considering their economic concerns to be The Absolute Truth.
You overlooked one important factor that our forefathers included into the constitution and that it was designed to protect us from government overreach. The constitution was designed for a people to have a fair playing field, to be self reliant, self accountable and freedom of choice. We as a people have surrendered to much power to our central government. Overturning R v W is a step in the right direction an effort to restore states rights. The *Chevron Deference case* is yet another step in that direction.
You overlooked one important factor that our forefathers included into the constitution and that it was designed to protect us from government overreach. The constitution was designed for a people to have a fair playing field, to be self reliant, self accountable and freedom of choice. We as a people have surrendered to much power to our central government. Overturning R v W is a step in the right direction an effort to restore states rights. The *Chevron Deference case* is yet another step in that direction.
A fair playing field? And what was included oh constitutional scholar that you are?

What you know seems to be so limited to what might be included on the happy meal boxes you put the fries into daily.
Funny how the "progressive" crowd is now embracing "crony capitalism." (Point being crony capitalism never went away, it just changed party affiliations.)
You overlooked one important factor that our forefathers included into the constitution and that it was designed to protect us from government overreach. The constitution was designed for a people to have a fair playing field, to be self reliant, self accountable and freedom of choice. We as a people have surrendered to much power to our central government. Overturning R v W is a step in the right direction an effort to restore states rights. The *Chevron Deference case* is yet another step in that direction.
The Constitutional Convention of 1787 was not called to weaken the governrment, but to strengthen the government. The Articles of Confederation, writen and composed in 1777 had proved to be too weak for a growing democracy.

As corporations become stronger and richer we need a stronger and more democratic government to control the corporations.

I would welcome a new constitutional convention. However, as long as the electorate is polarized, I think that should wait until there is a broad, consensus about what kind of government we should have, and what it should be doing.
You’re beyond being lectured. Your paranoia is quite comical, unfortunately you and people like can assume powerful positions in our government and nothing good can come from that. Your existence must be a lonely one. Your atheist secular beliefs is a sad commentary on your existence. Millions of Americans believe in a life after and for them it gives them hope and courage to live life to its fullest and not in vain. Christians are a happier bunch as demonstrated by lit postings. You and people like you take great pride in tearing things down but never build. You’re unhappy with the composition of the court so just destroy it and replace it with a system that aligns with your ideology regardless of how others that don’t align with your depraved cultist views believe. Nov 5th can’t come fast enough.

Propaganda lies. Just like the usual garbage all you traitors put forth.

Yes traitor we know. You want a country of, by and for the trumps. Now tell us again how much you don't support Trump.
The Constitution should be a guidebook on how to run a representatie democracy. It should not be a straight jacket preventing the voters from achieving reforms they desire.

Candidates I vote for often lose elections. Nevertheless, I trust the electorate more than I trust any elite of wealth, birth, or education.
Propaganda lies. Just like the usual garbage all you traitors put forth.

Yes traitor we know. You want a country of, by and for the trumps. Now tell us again how much you don't support Trump.
I never mentioned Trump once, you’re delusional!
I never mentioned Trump once, you’re delusional!
It’s like those fill in the blank games, but yours always are just missing that word that stands for crazy.

You convince your restaurant to offer the Orange meal yet?
The Constitution should be a guidebook on how to run a representatie democracy. It should not be a straight jacket preventing the voters from achieving reforms they desire.

Candidates I vote for often lose elections. Nevertheless, I trust the electorate more than I trust any elite of wealth, birth, or education.
I disagree, the constitution is the law of the land. The amendment process is designed to be difficult, if it was easy we wouldn’t have a country left. To drift off topic a bit, our media is doing a great disservice to our electorate, much of our media has become propagandist for the left, lying by omission. They understand that a misinformed electorate benefits the left. Example is, how the media since Biden took office, glossed over the crisis on our southern border.
The only reason you mentioned November 5th is because you believe Trump will win and will therefore enact the policy reforms that you want. Essentially turning America into a plutocratic theocracy.

You are transparent traitor.
I hope you carry a fire extinguisher wherever you go.
I disagree, the constitution is the law of the land. The amendment process is designed to be difficult, if it was easy we wouldn’t have a country left. To drift off topic a bit, our media is doing a great disservice to our electorate, much of our media has become propagandist for the left, lying by omission. They understand that a misinformed electorate benefits the left. Example is, how the media since Biden took office, glossed over the crisis on our southern border.
Wow! You have seen how the basement bloggers altered the G7 video right?

The electorate is getting actual facts and not whatever is conjured up in a basement somewhere.

DING- hashbrowns are ready.
I disagree, the constitution is the law of the land. The amendment process is designed to be difficult, if it was easy we wouldn’t have a country left. To drift off topic a bit, our media is doing a great disservice to our electorate, much of our media has become propagandist for the left, lying by omission. They understand that a misinformed electorate benefits the left. Example is, how the media since Biden took office, glossed over the crisis on our southern border.

You don't care about the constitution. You are a Trumper.

I hope you carry a fire extinguisher wherever you go.

You are more easily identified with a keyboard.

The funny thing is you thought that made sense. But then you are just a stupid traitor.
You don't care about the constitution. You are a Trumper.

You are more easily identified with a keyboard.

The funny thing is you thought that made sense. But then you are just a stupid traitor.
Triggered snowfake alert!