Alito on Recording


ineedhelp1 is a traitor for perpetuating LIES:


At NO point was Speaker Pelosi in charge of, or responsible for, Capitol Security: This includes National Guard deployments.

Speaker Pelosi asking why the National Guard wasn’t prepositioned at the Capitol BEFORE the J6 insurrectionists attacked, and why there was a delay in response ONCE the J6 insurrectionists attacked, does NOT translate into Speaker Pelosi admitting TO or BEING responsible for Capitol security decisions or authorizing National Guard deployments.

The failure for security falls on the Sergeants at Arms of the House and the Senate and the Capitol architect.

The failure for the response from the National Guard falls on the corrupt orange traitor and the losers the corrupt orange traitor put in place in the military chain of command.

Hope that ^ helps.


👉 ineedhelp1 🤣

Democrats never take responsibility or accountability for their actions. Democrats are the masters of projection.

ineedhelp1 is a traitor for perpetuating LIES:


At NO point was Speaker Pelosi in charge of, or responsible for, Capitol Security: This includes National Guard deployments.

Speaker Pelosi asking why the National Guard wasn’t prepositioned at the Capitol BEFORE the J6 insurrectionists attacked, and why there was a delay in response ONCE the J6 insurrectionists attacked, does NOT translate into Speaker Pelosi admitting TO or BEING responsible for Capitol security decisions or authorizing National Guard deployments.

The failure for security falls on the Sergeants at Arms of the House and the Senate and the Capitol architect.

The failure for the response from the National Guard falls on the corrupt orange traitor and the losers the corrupt orange traitor put in place in the military chain of command.

Hope that ^ helps.


👉 ineedhelp1 🤣


Plus he's quoting a committee report put out by a bunch of traitorous election deniers.

Just the usual traitor bullshit. Anything to denigrate America and shit all over our institutions in service to their orange god. Fuck the constitution. They want a country of by and for the Trumps.
Plus he's quoting a committee report put out by a bunch of traitorous election deniers.

Yep. That ^ is what I was referring to when I charged ineedhelp1 with perpetuating lies.


Just the usual traitor bullshit. Anything to denigrate America and shit all over our institutions in service to their orange god. Fuck the constitution. They want a country of by and for the Trumps.

Traitors gonna traitor.

It’s up to decent Americans to stop them.


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Plus he's quoting a committee report put out by a bunch of traitorous election deniers.

Just the usual traitor bullshit. Anything to denigrate America and shit all over our institutions in service to their orange god. Fuck the constitution. They want a country of by and for the Trumps.
And yet you’re the ones shitting all over the high court. Hypocrite.
Unlike you Alito was exercising his right to be part of the human race, to right to his own opinions. You truly are a dysfunctional human being.


Corrupt right wing Supreme Court "justices", like Scalia, Alito, Thomas , etc, being bribed and displaying a pronounced bias in their rulings is NOT equal to a average citizen expressing their concerns about those right wing criminals and their rulings that directly impact MILLIONS of lives.

Hope that ^ helps.


👉 ineedhelp1 🤣

Unlike you Alito was exercising his right to be part of the human race, to right to his own opinions. You truly are a dysfunctional human being.

He was at an official engagement as a Justice. This was a scotus social function, not a backyard barbecue at the neighbors.

You will twist into any shape pretzel necessary to justify this traitor.

Corrupt right wing Supreme Court "justices", like Scalia, Alito, Thomas , etc, being bribed and displaying a pronounced bias in their rulings is NOT equal to a average citizen expressing their concerns about those right wing criminals and their rulings that directly impact MILLIONS of lives.

Hope that ^ helps.


👉 ineedhelp1 🤣

Ya didn’t care when RBG expressed leftist views. STFU you hypocrites. You should be much more concern with your party campaigning an individual who is obviously cognitively impaired to run our country. You people are a vile lot.
He was at an official engagement as a Justice. This was a scotus social function, not a backyard barbecue at the neighbors.

You will twist into any shape pretzel necessary to justify this traitor.
More projection. Anyone that disagrees with you is a traitor. STFU
More projection.

Reality traitor.

You're freaking out about RBG even though she was good friends with Scalia. She never said anything like the outlandish crap Alito is spouting or was on the take like Thomas. You just want to try to find comparisons to rationalize this.

But, that's what traitors do.
Reality traitor.

You're freaking out about RBG even though she was good friends with Scalia. She never said anything like the outlandish crap Alito is spouting or was on the take like Thomas. You just want to try to find comparisons to rationalize this.

But, that's what traitors do.
Alito never said anything outlandish. Agreeing to bringing our country closer to Godliness, he’s a Catholic for God sakes. Millions of Americans feel the same way. He’s entitled to his opinion.
Alito never said anything outlandish. Agreeing to bringing our country closer to Godliness, he’s a Catholic for God sakes. Millions of Americans feel the same way. He’s entitled to his opinion.

See Roberts' response for the proper way to have comported and expressed himself.

That you don't see anything wrong with Alito's words is why you are a traitor.

Your acceptance of them as okay and no problem is using the Constitution as toilet paper - the behavior we expect from traitors.

You aren't fit to be called an American.
Ya didn’t care when RBG expressed leftist views. STFU you hypocrites. You should be much more concern with your party campaigning an individual who is obviously cognitively impaired to run our country. You people are a vile lot.


Once again ineedhelp1 demonstrates that they don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about:


ineedhelp1 needs to STFU and stop removing all doubt that they’re a fool.


👉 ineedhelp1 🤣

More projection. Anyone that disagrees with you is a traitor. STFU
Oh my god! Are you going to work for a rival food place????

Whatever will you do with the years of stuff you have collected?

What did the other place offer you? They know how good you are at dropping those fries?

And for the record, you are a traitor because you believe in your Orange Jesus above the Constitution… which is your freedom but stop trying to make it sound like you are some sort of patriot.

You are a deep fryer…that has the secrets….. oh wait… you are going to divulge them aren’t you? I guess everyone has a price…so funny yours is so little to throw out your integrity. But then again, the Republican’ts have thrown out theirs to prop up the Orange Jesus so I guess you are going with the lemmings.

Good luck with that.

DING! Your place still fry the apple pies? Those were the best!
The constitution prevailed, the law of the land prevailed, there was no overturning of an election, there was no insurrection. All that happened was 1st amendment rights to petition our government were demonstrated. Some violence broke out but anyone who believed our democracy was ever in jeopardy is bat-shit crazy. As more evidence is provided to the American public lots of different angles of J/6 will reflect very poorly on the likes of military leadership, CP and Pelosi with her merry band of misfits.
This was all Trump numbnuts.
They wanted to hang Pence for not going along with the burning of the Constitution.

Say what you will about Pence, but he is more American than Trump could ever hope to be.
The Constitution is NOT a living document. If you want to change it the instructions are contained in Article V. I hope that fact is sinking because if it isn't there will be blood shed.................again.
Yeah that makes no sense whatsoever. The Constitution IS a living document, and I suggest you not be so fatalist about change.

Once again ineedhelp1 demonstrates that they don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about:


ineedhelp1 needs to STFU and stop removing all doubt that they’re a fool.


👉 ineedhelp1 🤣

You proved my point. RBG was a staunch supporter of a woman’s right to abortion. For her beliefs she was never castigated by the right like Alito is castigated by the left. You loons are out of your collective minds. You’re still out of your minds over R v W returned back to the states.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg disclosed taking more trips than any other justice in 2018, totaling 14. She visited Tel Aviv, Israel where she was awarded a lifetime achievement award by the Genesis Prize Foundation. Shortly following the award ceremony, she disclosed being provided transportation, food and lodging as a tourist and guest of billionaire Israeli businessman Morris Kahn.

No big deal.^^^^The political reprobates like Schumer and a cast of other democrats are intent on destroying our Supreme Court. You loons need to get over yourselves.
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You proved my point. RBG was a staunch supporter of a woman’s right to abortion. For her beliefs she was never castigated by the right like Alito is castigated by the left. You loons are out of your collective minds. You’re still out of your minds over R v W returned back to the states.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg disclosed taking more trips than any other justice in 2018, totaling 14. She visited Tel Aviv, Israel where she was awarded a lifetime achievement award by the Genesis Prize Foundation. Shortly following the award ceremony, she disclosed being provided transportation, food and lodging as a tourist and guest of billionaire Israeli businessman Morris Kahn.

No big deal.^^^^The political reprobates like Schumer and a cast of other democrats are intent on destroying our Supreme Court. You loons need to get over yourselves.

Supporting abortion is not the same as drawing lines between an "us" and "them" around Christianity, traitor. And idiot. You keep justifying a supreme Court Justice wanting to turn the United States into a theocracy.

FYI dipshit, RGB reported them. Unlike Thomas.

You do not support the American Constitution. You support theocracy. You keep trying to rationalize this.

Keep using the Constitution as toilet paper you traitor.

Your hatred of Democrats has turned you against your country. You're disgusting.
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Supporting abortion is not the same as drawing lines between an "us" and "them" around Christianity, traitor. And idiot. You keep justifying a supreme Court Justice wanting to turn the United States into a theocracy.

FYI dipshit, RGB reported them. Unlike Thomas.

You do not support the American Constitution. You support theocracy. You keep trying to rationalize this.

Keep using the Constitution as toilet paper you traitor.

Your hatred of Democrats has turned you against your country. You're disgusting.
Fire! Fire! Hair on fire! You and people like you are out of your minds. No Supreme Court justices ever had an intent to convert America into a theocracy. Living by Christian principles is not converting the US into a theocracy. Your secular beliefs are driving you batshit crazy, you people can’t think straight. Protecting religious liberty is a far cry from promoting a state religion. Learn what the constitution is all about, it’s obvious you’re ignorant of what the document truly stands for.
Fire! Fire! Hair on fire! You and people like you are out of your minds. No Supreme Court justices ever had an intent to convert America into a theocracy. Living by Christian principles is not converting the US into a theocracy. Your secular beliefs are driving you batshit crazy, you people can’t think straight. Protecting religious liberty is a far cry from promoting a state religion. Learn what the constitution is all about, it’s obvious you’re ignorant of what the document truly stands for.

You have no right to lecture anyone traitor. You don't even understand because you are too busy trying to rationalize exactly what the Alito's are trying to use scotus to accomplish.

Alito does not want to protect religious liberty - he wants others to conform to a law based on his religion.

You're a disgrace.