all of a sudden passion suddenly

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who was it that said

the best tahat we can hope for
is to die in our sleep

baby sounds loike me and you
what good end could become of this

the most that we can hope for is that we both become bored with each other
at the same time
When our time comes
and we know it will
if we can't go together
curled up in our sleep
then let us be climbing
that peak of ecstasy
and keep on rising
with angel wings
together on the wheel of life
to that next eternity
that toothy smile bites snarly words
into my shoulder, rips it in

it's the blood play
that always gets to me

something primal makes it sin-
intoxicating, a pure mind job
a psychedelic drive 24/7
two weeks straight

nowhere is there a road
that goes straight
left turns and up hill
because nothing is ever easy

the other side, it's all coast
baby, all the way down

then ride off into the moon
mad season ended
but it took awhile
looking at linear time
the time just disappeared
like the white broken line
eaten away by my speeding
teeth and cum
and words breathed on me
will take up space
in my mind
for this time
and there won't be
a minute that i'm
not wishing for you
Is poetry born of silence
the thundering moments of truth
thoughtful memories
or remorse and regret
I am a solitary person
sufficient unto myself
I like to think
in those silent minutes
before birdsong
and traffic the words
flow and settle in random
sediment like grains of sand
or warp theads in a loom
where patterns appear
as if by magic to make
a whole were a hole
once was.
save as

bring your coffee
round to the backdoor
as soon as you
come back from vacation
cause already
i'm obsessing
about the next time
i have a few reference sheets
to keep you right there
in the front of my front
i don't need to front
not with you
so come
oncome on
back me up
backdoor man
lost and found ads
free to a good home
type stuff, starting off just
like that
is a dead giveaway
that you don't want that
dog's baggage
cause baby, i don't care
what that lady says on the phone
they aren't giving it away
because they're moving,
or allergic
its something more
than that
i dont want
your problem pet
i have enough trouble
with the ones i've got

support your local h.
This just in:

man crashes on I-5
dies in flames
cause unknown

although what was left
was a fist and a cock

the coroner believes it was
just another case of
jerk-off on the highway
crash and burn
melting internally first
as the jaws of life
bite at a crushed steel shell
my shell is just a shell
Pearls to Pour
(an almost acrostic)

Regale mine eyes with powdered flesh
Every pearl of perilled sweat
Preens the way for sumptuous treat
Each time my heart doth thresh.

All time deep breaths wash asunder
Twixt crystalline visions dealt quick on heat.
For whose big muscled chest doth beat
On mine, pink and soft down under.

Jam runneth over 'til the box cries "More!"
Ultra sensate ring my nerves once again.
Do wait a tick for the room not to spin,
Only to kick the cascade that you pour.
Bring it on,
I'll master the Pepsi challenge

the filth you call love
the real thing

11 times out of 10.

It's so transparent,
what you pour solid phrases into
to fill up the cavity
of where memories could dwell.

But go ahead, kid.
Call it what you will.
You have tasted another axis to travel
and know
there is no way to press
the toothpaste back
into the tube.

You talk so pretty,
but as long as only four walls listen
you are banter wrapped
in expensive skin.
those words i typed
thought out and planned
so precisely
priceless? hardly.
just fucking phoney.
a feeble attempt
in hopes you'll believe
that i mean them,
and that i still feel
that way.
for you.
i don't.
i'm sorry.

your birthday poem
is nothing more
than lipservice paid
to someone who
doesn't care anymore
than i do.
what of this carpet he promises nothing by its previous riders
gears switch through telekinesis
baby come fly it over here to me

we will hang it on the fence
beat the bugs free
with a whip wack spritz of perfume
take me ioopen handed my hair holds the breeze
you hold my attention
by the fringe
1.5 milliliters two times a day dont besurprized it your
fear not we will kill everything that lives
that can be killed inside the walls of skin

you will be a new man
leeches grow fat with the blood of illness

we are small men
tucked under canisters and cotton
flush out the good with the bad
lets repopulate your flora with the next thing that happens by
the winds shift
time for another dose
my tapeworm
keeping me hungry
keeping me skinny
a parasite
within another;
sucking it all
from the other
i don't take
my pills anymore
i like my
abdominal friend.
scrawled on a plane...couple a weeks ago-

Weddings Were Made For Kissing Cousins

window seat,
wheels up 9:20
first dirt of June
showing up in May
thru emerald hills
after a season of
many many great rains.
Transamerica Pyramid
Treasure Island nextdoor
Marin Headlands
Mt. Tam and the holylands
north thru Point Arena
Gualala up to
Mendocino city.

Leaving birth city riveted
then hover over Oakland
happy eastward and
home to you, Crow Haired girl-

Still Santa Cruz Mts. linger just south
Big Sur and tree house still there
My eyes cant conceal
the flush of surprise-

"I came to see you."
"me too" i say.
Your jade necklace and white
Japanese coat opened over
family skin
when we fit
shoulders and
hips always as weddingdancers
I noticed the clarity of
our years, 25 since bannister
sliding and your 70's skirt
flew up around that belly now
slowdanced against mine, look, oh my,
cousins kissing, 25 since ive seen you,
"your beautiful at 50"
incestuous longevity, still full
of talkative and mutual
so many years
nothing has changed
but everything.

we bow and
wish good health- hold two hands
"not so long this time ok?"
last glance
no goodbye
only some ancient patience
frosted like the wedding cake
with sweet understanding
as the bird banks east
over all this prairie and mountainranges of memory
land and beauty.
He said do you
teach sex education
and put his hand on my shoulder.
His eyes were puffy
and his lip curled
up. It was supposed
to be a smile,
but it looked like a snarl,
like an animal's face.

I felt like an animal, too,
an alone, trapped one.
No one else is here, who
would hear me past windows
and traffic if I screamed?
No one, but this man
looking at me, anticipating
my reaction, which hovered
between anger and no
spit fear.

I thought about you,
just a flash of morning
in your arms, when I rested
my face on your chest,
sniffed your skin because you
smell like love, good and safe,
and not everyone is either
of those,

so I walked away from him.
His hand slid away.
I put my head down,
said thanks for stopping by,
I'll let them know you were here.
I picked up the phone
and he left. My heart was pounding,
and I just want to put my face
on your skin again.
indigo black and bold
needles in, injects its pigment
vertical to the right angle

the lessons learned are pemanent
for the wearer

eyes only see the first layer
but underneath the skin
new orders are written
You're voice drifts in
sarcastically acid, brittle
and funny you still
make me laugh in spite
of my reservations
it feels like home
to be listening to
old times with you
once more.
I just want to sleep
under feathers wrapped in feathers
baby don't you see fighting what is good
is not

come on come on your bear and zebra agree
come take a nap with me

the leaf swings from a spiderweb in the window
and you sing to me

ah kuna matada

no worries mommy

for the rest of your days
mark my words
as you marked my mind
so will yours be

art through osmosis
a perminant piece
you can't sell
later on ebay.

observing the process
my mental picture
of so many pricks
leaves me wishing
there came a day, when the world was tired of us,
that day brought forth a force and with it,
the knowledge to

tear down the wall, wear down them all

there came a day when man could not define
kind, and thusly there was no mankind
in the year twenty-five, twenty-five.

and having been commissioned,
she will be considered scribe
for this history of the onslaught of the stink police

imagine this- people with heads on turn‘d-around
looked like they was seeking a tall black male
...with brown hair
and brown eyes...

and hatred and discrimination thrived

and once, I saw a boy in the market with a black shirt on
and the shirt said I’m Guilty on the front

and So are YOU, on the back, and he had pink hair
wove up tight into cornrows and he smiled
and let me touch his hair
he was a good boy but he was dead by a drunk a week later

well what are you waiting for? I’m thinking sometimes
join the rush, get yourself tested, you might have some
feelings tucked up under there, somewhere,
can I file you away, so no one has to know you
are not really there, or anywhere

and I cannot see the relevance of taking a bath
weekly, mother said daily, father disagreed
and that is how it started, aunt rose and her sister
my mom had this thing, a gauge, who knows they said
it registered a number for how bad you stink, and she said
the higher number was boys and the little ones were girls
cause boys always smell bad, and thusly they were born

the seekers of the reek, the summoners of the stink,
the herders of the incorporated funk of the western
\side of town, lose that frown, lose that crown
you can never know clean when there are so many\
hypocrites running around, so many of them running
the house without color in the town with no sound.

maybe we gave up too soon, made room for the wreckage
made space for the gloom, where your badges, wash behind
those ears, listen for the reasons, the reasons we all refuse
to hear.
Tristesse said:
You're voice drifts in
sarcastically acid, brittle
and funny you still
make me laugh in spite
of my reservations
it feels like home
to be listening to
old times with you
once more.

Understood, your meaning
understood a voice returning
some would say unthinkable,
but he is good, his heart is good.

Chica, all the pieces fit
together once again, jigsaw,
a group of friends who never
clasped each others' hands,
but fit, still stand amid the chaos
for support, for digitized rapport.

All the killers smile
and find their arms
have turned
to ploughshares.

I have a bottomless well of words
in which I sink
the bucket of my imagination
it's a long way down.

Winding up that rope of poetry
can take forever
other times my imagination's overflowing
I don't know when to stop.

o starry, starry night
o starry, starry
I'm dressed like an egyptian god
sailin' the brinnie sea
an' on me shoulder
me devotchka humms shanties of the gods
polishin' me wooden parts
nibblin' me wooden ear

(editted after 5 years of hard labour)
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