all of a sudden passion suddenly

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degree in hand you find your master
laughing at your offer of pain

baby if you want it
not nearly as much fun to give it to you
vegetable and confections crushed under blades

come little fucker
you ever been cleaned out
with a orange-carrot juuuice

smile at the girl behind the counter
the one in the green baseball hat
and orange apron
smile and say thank you m'am

and prepare yourself for the cleanse
want you sticky sweet filled with

feel so good going up
and going down
bathed with five a day
Where did this mud come from,
who stuck me sinking
bog slug slipping grip
to snapping roots?

How come it's hard to breathe,
to accommodate to the spin of days,
to accellerate?

Who dug this hole,
a chasm to drain
me blood sugar low,
to suck from my limbs
hours and days,
focus and glow?

Why am I old
like never before,
chained to this
slippery slope regression
and a freeze frame of war?
cleanse it,
soil it again
on the prowl
hunting one down
making tracks
in the mud
cooling my

feed me fucker
i'm breaking out
from stifled stagnent
brain clutter
yet sworn upon
won't be too long
so don't forget
to lock your
far west of the ocean
is black glass

it glares at the sun
with its thousand diamonds
fracturing light
until blind

fall down on my knees
kiss the sand

slow crawl
through ashes
that burn again

further still
the shoreline fillets
right down to the bone

this is where soul
scarification begins
carving out
that will tell
a story
years from now
beyond flesh
past gristle
into bone
to be read
in the marrow.
sand smooth skin ground down like pumice
volcanic glass smooth
obsidian smoooothed with a quick cool

you cool slow
hold inside soft soaking in
sun waiting in the shade
waiting for the flex and squeeze
through three levels of tightness

knee scrape tender
dont let up
dont let up on me
hunting down one
hunting down two

I come with steamed towels for your service
soften the cracked mud from skin
remove stiff cotton for hand twist drip dry

when really I come for the view

come to tend to your unattended places

hunting down two
I find you
I find you

soften rings
keep the stallion and saddle well oiled
and propped

with a spit shine mantra
I come hunting two

one for each hand awaiting introductions
pull them closer into one

baby fill up my lemonaide

just wanna watch
while ice clicks glass
oils and soaps
steamed towels and clips in hand
doing it
doing it
doing it again
scratch away
too much stroke
i won't get up
you up
stay fucking put.
I've been reading,
wanting to be
inside your head
if only a second
I'd prefer a day.

I feel the pain
in words you write;
deep, dark
and mysterious.

Could I make you smile
with loving words
written in pen
because I cannot reach you
through our circumstance?

If I could find you,
I would hope
you'd accept my hug,
that my smile would be
to your teeth
that no one has seen
in years.

Where are you?
gears churn
turn out
like clockwork

teeth and lips
cloaked within
minister to
inky skin
my kinky
the light says
but i don't
how to drive this

yes yes yes
lapping at your toes
like an inlet tide

no placid body
of h2o
more like magma
molten lava

i just
i just
i must know
that you came
all over yourself

I've said you talk too much.
Do something instead
of your jaw flapping
back and forth.

Damn those words,
open your mouth,
down on your knees,
start lapping
down south.

Slide your tongue
in and out
my warm,
juicy flesh.

again and again

You'll enjoy the taste;
It's a promise,
and I'll get off
knowing I said
to shut up, and
put that mouth to work.

You won't say much
the rest of the day
or evening, in fact
I'll have worked you
too hard to speak.

And I won't be sorry
for putting the chain
around your neck
with the end in my hand
pressing your face in to
my tunnel of love.

Maybe later, I'll feel bad
for telling you to shut up,
but I highly doubt it.
pumice scrubs away hard reason
erases anagrams

one dirty little layer after the other

but not all the way
not all

some messages are in too deep

tattoos the bone

the ink bleeds into the marrow
ever ready for a cross match
unh...oh yeah.

give it
stroke it

loud and ringing
its echoing
off my bone

like a ricochet
with razor tips
professional pundit pisser
kaleidoscopic karma kisser
harrasser, hustler, hisser
help me help me hallucinate
a little bit too lost too late
too good too great
oh wait
oy vey
this criss-cross chaos
in my grey matter ego
superimposed on me
but not super impressed
by you and all sins confessed
by you and all things considered
these constraints, a straight jacket
of streamlined thought just might be
what will finally deciper and define
the clusterfuck clown
this fabulous frown
known as
hold me for his black ink needling in
go slow like pulling bandages skin holds on...
sting of alhohol swab

kill the infection
taste the disease

will you do this to me
blinded by ink patterns muscling in on my territory

let me suck your poison
and paste the cure

let me in let me in
make that third dimension
light says go and don't tell me you don't know how to drive it

we compare the closeness of shaved lips
with fingers, then tongue
thumb slide oil test

smoothest gets to drive up front
scratchy gets the back
rubbing my shoulder smooth
scraping the dead away
scraping his scent away
scraping perfection away
until there is nothing left but lust for you
and you
and us in mirrors
angled to intersection aim high baby
take it low

fill me with a double shot of cum cocktail
yet unshattered
pristine crystals

Whole yet apart
Separation from self

Shards of indecision
cracking foundations wthin
frosty boundary

Silver core
yet warmth
doesn't reach it,

yet comfortable
outside the norm

break me free.
Quiet night. Calm.
A still night passed in a low roar
of tv jingles and distant bat cracks
that punctuate whispers on skin,
sleepy murmurs between the turn
of LED moments that rise and fall
beyond my face nested
in the crook of your shoulder,
my hand on your chest, curled
around that abundant hair,
wearing it on my fingers like rings.

Small nods tickle my nose
when I promise that yes,
I'll keep the door locked, yes
I'll think about you, too.
use it use it
use this
as windows fog
dripping from one
carrying over
inside another
let it burrow
and dig
your gut
feel me baby
sucking greedy
crawling into
into you
just fuck me
erase the yesterday
fill me today
two at once
give it up
head fuck
i will eat away at you
and leave you in the
need more
just like me
lick you inside out
heres the key
grab it
and i'll grab
on to you
and fuck you more
than the last time
turn you inside out
and clicking
turn you into me
Why the fuck
can't I write poetry
about people anymore?

Where did their faces
bugger off to? Why do they
hide out of focus? Are
they even people, or just
periphery hallucinations?

Where are the words
that glues metaphor to movement
and paints a voice in monochrome?
Why do no lovable quirks drip from my
fingertips, trip across my lips?

Why the fuck can't I write
poetry about people
This is my naked face alone at end of day,
my private space of weary lids that close
because I’ve struggled, but I haven’t found a way

to quell the drowning tide of memory, of those
who left and those who never leave
my private space of weary lids that close

against the daily battle to retrieve
my pool of peace, a blindness that can’t see
who left and those who never leave

the air they occupy with nothing more
than air, but how their molecules disrupt
my pool of peace, a blindness that can’t see

its way to dreamless sleep, awakening abrupt
on boulevards worn thin, more choked with souls
than air, but how their molecules disrupt

the solid ground until I stumble in the holes.
This is my naked face alone at end of day
on boulevards worn thin, more choked with souls
because I’ve struggled, but I haven’t found a way.
hairs of a
wet thick
and red
tracing the
curves of
your form

the thin line
cutting right down your middle
points me there
i recreate
a part of you
as i envision
hands around
a neck
i could
dream that good.
in the glass box
air is compressed
stable and unstable

depending on who is
doing the squeezing

it could explode or heat up
roll down and drip

distilling the essence makes
90 proof nothing
as constraint is a trap
for oxygen depletion

cyanized for silent observation
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