all of a sudden passion suddenly

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little girl spinning beneath a cloud
capturing drops of rain
in her perfect baby mouth
after the rain and sometime in between
a mudhole grew with a great fury
beneath the china berry tree

from out of the house
with the wrap-around porch,
flowed prepubescent curiosity

an unknown desire to test mother's patience-
tools used in the test were a small black trike
three cousins and no fear of heights

but the china berry tree wasnt very tall

aftearll, mother, its only mud, it washes
off shoes and dresses and husky Sears bluejeans,
and eventually out of winter-paled skin

until the next downfall
Winter blues, soggy shoes,
Out taking the dogs for a walk
How unkind, the January rain
Before retreating to a warm morning shower.

Yet the chill of this dreary weather
Fails to bring me down
My heart sings again
Imagination floating in a whirlwind of passion

Desire, love, hunger, joy, lust...
A cornucopia of feverish fantasy
Embodied by one woman
She leaves me insatiable.

Come steal my breath away,
Please, come soothe my soul
Nestle in my loving arms
As we are enveloped in rapture.
fire melts me from
the inside like
a plastic boy toy
pretentious aroma of
electrical burrrn
infusing these two
into a gluey mess of f u c k
insulation is liquified
runs over flowing
a river of you and me
fill my lungs with quenched longing
a tar that won't let
me breathe
anything but you
tell me what your mama taught you in the kitchen
that you took to bed baby I need it to finish this poem.

I want it to scream out but it just fades
something must snap
as you begin to coast
the orchestra invades you with a strike
and you feel as if someone saw
the way you rolled the dough between your palms
twisted pretzels
how you siphoned the fish tank
knowing exactly when to pull away
so you did not have to taste the brine

god it would be so easy to just invite him in,
end it with the use of lamaze breathing techniques they taught you
this time to relax, loosen the muscle, take it in through the pain
how to escape to the dreaming place like when we dried dishes
after Easter or any given Sunday
the boys and men pass the sports section around, split
the comics
I dry the plate in a slow circle
and am lost in the blur of future gardens
as I am today
caught between gears
a washcloth to soak blood

I have this very hot somnolent dream
I'm holding you down in this wet dream
my tongue licking you clean in this dream
as you moan and mewl in this erotic dream
our bodies bouncing as we fuck in this dream
and yes, I'm feeling very happy after this dream
I wake, covered in thoughts of you induced cream

Breathe on me and raise
those invisible blonde hairs
up from their soft bed
like the breeze through
the canopy rouses the leaves
to rustle. Sheets rumple
below my breast
and it's not cold making
me shiver or raising the tiny
hairs up on my skin.
So is this it? Finally permanently it?
Me left alone, feeling like a pile of shit.
You glad to be rid of the vulgar twit?

You have decided to create this split.
To run away, to casually discard it, to quit.
Me? I'm left here feeling emotionally sick.

Every word you said like a spiteful kick!
Breaking my heart, bit by pathetic bit.
Are you happy now with your hissy fit?

I won't cry for you,
for what will never be,

I refuse
I refuse

damn it - I refuse

I wipe away my denial
an angry swipe with a shaking hand...
false positive # 04

"Are you sure?"


The wrinkle above her brow, the one I named
'worry', lifts its silent question.
My answer is a sudden hitch and sigh.

"We'll try again."

And that's all we can do.
Rose Red, Rose Red,
pricked a finger so it bled
rose red on a bed
of snow white linen.

Boy Blue, Boy Blue,
shed a sorrowed tear or two
boy blue mourning true
the loss of a cow.

Colourful soldiers of Mother Goose
stepped up to the hanging tree,
slid their necks inside the nursery noose
and set imagination free

as the breath fled
Rose Red,
rose red blood
and a boy blue tear.
he says he walks the rings of saturn
and I do not know what this means

I dial Issac
he does not get the metaphor

and I swear it would be no walk
just boots sailing debrisyes, yes your third by some standards I know
action reaction could never convince them that no this does not mean
this is your brain and this is your brain on drugs
its like rockets baby
like jumping off a boat onto the deck

the kickback moves and we are gone gone gone

you and me equal opposite and gone gone gone
writing poems about your bum used to be such fun
how I'd like to lick your exciting and bouncy bum
writing in poetic verse about fucking said bum

but now you wear the drab garb of a Mrs Glum
declaring primly, "Desist! No poems about my bum!"
and quite properly declaring, "No more silly anal fun!"

I have never before been called porcelinne before
I would consider myself more of a rough clay
glaze dripp no hand paint detail
you want to crack me
and you will

I have frorgotten how to write
and I have heard that the only way to remember
is to just do it

keys under the finger forgot the rag I played
memory cracks into dusted nebula
explosion without sound
and there is nothing under my fingers

just dont think about it
he says
it will come it will
come to you

I hate braille in poetry
I hate the trees

The pinched ache in my back
and the clear elastic fluid
that stretches between thumb and index finger
they tell me, you are ovulating.
and I know it is one less trip through the
left right left march of the ovaries

I hate poetry
how she betrays me
leaving me alone when I need my artillery
oh she knows, she knows best
to leave me silent when the stones come
the stones I piled around myself
palm sized and smooth

porcelian hollow
he hears the pop
like the cave of the dead sea scrolls
Mary what have you wrtten for us
curled and tapped into empty vessels?

I hate empty vessels in poetry
It breaks like bone, it always breaks like bone
what else is there to do.

My panty liner taunts me
with its slick surface
I am not ready to dry like sand
he says your glaze has melted
on the floor
contemplating the race

eggshell white lace bodices pulled tight
hold back the inevitable spring of giddy youth .
Mercury Halo

Nozzles spouting yellow
gas fill the sky above,
slowly descending, infilitrating
the cities' maze like a rat,
nuzzling and gnawing
on our half chewed lungs.
Until we are resting, waiting
for our final moment, waiting
for this -
a final
and we are ready
Compassion is the cry
echoed in empty halls
for the poor
the weak
the sexually different

Having worked so hard
toiled and troubled
dragging our world
kicking and screaming
inch by bloody inch forward

only to suddenly get confused
go against it all
was it you who put the x over the wrong name?

not that i want to blame someone
or think there was a clearly better choice for that matter
i agree we were doomed regardless
i just feel it's sad who we decided was the lesser of the evils...
we are almost as silly as our neighbours
(no offense intended)
toilet paper is used more wisely
than these tiny ballots
that destroy our democracy

the pink gown tied closed with a single tie
signals look look at my breasts
we sit in soft vinyl benches
page through people magazines
golden globe gowns
we are braless
without our armor lift separate
I feel the skin of my breast
on the skin of my chest
we wait for the compressions, the turning t
he radiation
and just want to be separate from these pieces of flesh
pressed between plastic

she tells me
there are calcifications in her breasts
I do not know what this means
Calcium migrates to cancer
she tells me
I did not know that either
before I had to

It is my first time
I just want to leave my breasts here in the waiting room
and go home alone

I never wear pink
Man, three inches of heavy stuff,
in two hours or so, not long
not long but long enough
shovelling it took twenty minutes.

Well, yes it's a big drive and no
it wasn't really deep
until you look at it like

It's all relative, baby.
The Water Dish

The glass moon cracks,
falling on the swirling molasses
opening like oysters on my desk.

I dip the brush into the black pupil,
feeding my dreams
with their ignorance, painting

an inky landscape against
the blotted sky, carving roses
on a river of black reeds.

Slowly I begin to reconstruct
the moon, stitching its wounds
with my imagination - a surgeon

with a brush, pencil and color.
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ther eis no shortage of pink
clusters of berries that cling to the flourescent orange pedastal
irrestible bright tight spheres impatient fingers
twist them free starved for the tart
tongue they smile through the wince of the memory of the early season

no shortage

darkened sugar clusters hang easy
waiting to fall into your hand
the hand of experience knows it is only when the skin begins to wrinkle
that the flesh is ripe
and sugar ready
what fools to let them fall to the ground
stem shaken from the pul of tight berry
the branches pulled tense and rebound shake
we fall

~lord let me sleep
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