all of a sudden passion suddenly

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(n.b the Japanese translates as 'Your memory lingers like the first blossom')
a night passes
random sounding clicks
indicate the intensity of time
the brooding of gray impulse
and time again
coming full circle to
right where it began
with my hand
slid way down inside
these relaxed fit genes
returning to my mouth
with a portion of me
chromosones don't make the man
utterance of lovespeak
don't make it truth
and coming hard,
doesn't make me whole
you're in me deep, burrowed
far into this soul.
Pain leapt through my eyes like shrapnel
from the back of my head: a blow
from nowhere, where my cousin hid
with rocks. The confusion folded
my legs beneath me and squeezed
my belly's contents to the dirt. I was glad
I had someone to curse
when the sparks sudsided.

Was it science or art
that described the arc
of flight, the static strength of bone?
Physician, is your faith sufficient
in the calculations of trajectory, the progress
of disease?

I heard the surgeon's words
collide with the back of your skull
and watched you fold
into yourself, wishing
there were someone for you to blame.
peeling prayers

post-it notes, nature style
freehanded notes to God, peeled
from trunks of birch trees
wrestling secrets from January wind.

I saw a second page tear loose, written
across it's face, curled at the edges
was the single word hope, and it flew
to the northeast, one word caught in whirl,

snatched from falling, by visiting geese,
then carried towards tomorrow
year, month, day, minute
time is only as valuable
as the wisdom found within it

country, city, neighborhood, you
people are only as beautiful
as the things they choose to do

people in time
wisdom in choice
helps humanity speak
with a compassionate voice

one mind, one eye, one soul, one heart
with each of us, is where we start
alone together, or together alone
the things to remember is we are all one
as I weep
the puddles of glass
on the floor
start to merge once

the mirror is
once again
Morning comes serene, spread in front
with an emptiness of mirrors.
Still and silver, aching for a face.

It always seems more than a day away.

I stumble toward. In the dark
and depth,
.....evening’s floor the platform
........................of a gallows.

Night after night the hemp of twilight tightens.

I feel its braided thumbs.

Knees buckle on the hard wood
of this terrible walking place.

When will it come, the time of rising?
The cleaning of glass, fogged
with the weakness of my sighing?

Perhaps tonight I will not kneel.

Perhaps tonight I’ll raise my hands,
push back the dark,

and that distant silvering will find
my eyes, my toes,
my hands and let me build.

Fingers, slip between.
Feet, make a move.

I have seeing to reach.

I have a man to light.
I do not see myselt there
in the panoramic stretch of your day
no ticket stub fortune teller

your marble statues do not resemble my structure
lady feathers balance lightly among the leaves
we do not balance lightly

I want my fingerprints on your mahogony
paperweights shake the floorboards as manuscript
and utilities take flight

you say that you see me everywhere
and how do you see me there
palm pressed on polished wood
bruised by sharp corners
hard edged heaviness

she calls to you
she needs something at the store
she needs something picked up off the floor
you owe her you owe her

god how you pound these words into me
press my face into it
feed me your curse
cleansed and ready
for her call
I wrote you down
just outside of Sargodha
on a chariot of gold
disguised as rust and diesel.

You didn't last to station,
left a forgetful grip fluttering
and left me to flutter my way
across the climbs.

Up there, Indus waited
to guide us towards
the edge of heaven,
an eden scorched by man
and torn to dust grey
rubble by a million years
wept in a heartbeat.

I wrote you, I know.
But I couldn't take you there.
A thousand hollow eyes
and staggering souls
would consume you,
erase you from my scribbled note
and my scratching mind.

This way at least, I'll have
the memory of release.
I want into her tight
box, the confining space
of her borders to test
the strength of her wood
and leather
and will.
"let us be impatient"
he writes, and repeats
while we live,
we should be impatient

too late
I have been waiting for you
god knows how many trips around the sun
the constellations
tidal waves
can you think of exotic measures of time for me to count
the days I have wanted you

how do they do it in your tribe?
quarterly insurance installments
length of sleeves on your white shirt
how high you are buttoned
how many books have been set upon your nightstand

and now you demand impatience

and now, my pet
you will wait
Listen buddy, it's like this
chicks dig
the strong silent types
the bad boys without mommas

but they really love us for who we are
beyond that image, they want
to help us and we should let them try

We have to talk sometime
listen too, not just nodding our heads
and pretending we are

That broody 'fuck it' attitude
effects them like it does everything else
it sucks the red out of love
washes it white until there is nothing left

Remember that buddy next time
you piss her off
I'm not going to sweet talk her
not going to remind you
what your heart already knows
I thought It's a good thing
these guys play hockey so well,
they can't carry a tune in a basket.

National unity, identity, pride
are all wrapped up in a young guy
in a white jersey with a number
on his back.

He glides, spins, slams and scores
and not just on the ice. Has he ever
felt the disappointment of not fitting
into his skin? Discomfort in his bones
because his hands are too big
on knobby wrists and his feet! Daddy
just spent 950 bucks on a pair
of skates that won't last the season!

Skate on, skate on pride of Canada.
Pictures are all I can see
your hazel eyes in one
and the other turning green
from love smiles
looking up at me

you lay on the bed
with arms behind your head
bare chested ego love grin
you knew I loved you
snap, there it goes again

a black slip turned to negligee
you slowly took it off with your teeth
it didn't take long
until you were devouring me

the video how could I forget

the moans, the build up, exploding
repeatedly studdering I love yous,
hearts racing, the panting to only rest
for five and make love again.

I hear it now and have to look.
There's no time to write.
I remember you liked my poems
you'll never read again
I'll see you in heaven
Whispers taking static filled steps
around the stacks
vetting words of passion
written for the man,
the librarian of my mind.

Catalogue these dusty thoughts
for future lusty nights
when longing cannot replace
his fingers running down
the spine of richly bound
texts of years passed.

Open the brittle pages
gently, the vellum can get
fragile when left in need
too long without him
my thoughts grow dusty,
dim and vapid needing
shaking and use
to keep me limber.
I'm typing 68 words per minute,
was thinking I'm on a roll
Hell, I'm singing

singing with headphones on
with my bedroom door closed
plugged into
this computer of mine

no one can hear or see me
wiggle to tunes in my chair
or act like an overgrown child

until I fell off
as the headphone on my ears
it made the light shake downstairs

she came to rescue after hearing
my body thud to the floor
then slightly heard
her own music play
from the bent headphones that laid on the floor.

you're listening to my music
I thought you didn't like it.

Well, now you know I really do
but only when I want to.
that doesnt mean you can put it on
anytime you want.

quit smoking, mom. you suck
if it helps to put me in the kitchen
barefoot and flour dusted
do it little darlin do it
I have played roles
more difficult than desperate housewife
for directors calling for creative angles
zoom and harsh focus
tightly bound damsel in distress
save me from this trainwreck
slut whore open
more yes there now hold
hold it

costume change
white lace lipstick red baby give me the contrast
virgin whore down and crawl
you want me

for your mouth
down between
you want to be my calgon
my pool boy
take me away from this mundane existance
sure baby I can play that way
let me clean up the mess from between my tits darling
put some lotion on the collar burns baby
get myself pressed and fresh
pleated skirt and tie my hair straight off my face
if I had librarian glasses I would wear them for you baby
white cotton panties I presume yes
tell me how you want it
cold milk and warm cookies
feed me melted chocolate from your french nails baby
the oven is hot
roll the tape
roll the tape
flyguy69 said:

baby you want some cookies
I will leave them on the plate
comme on down my chimney baby
why you always make me wait?

heheh Irhymed and I prefer

boobs to the left of me
hooters to the right
here I am
stuck in the middle with you
for what its worth I'm in love
total and fantastical love
vivid and dramatic love
hot and sexual love
I like being in love​
Man Ray said:
for what its worth I'm in love
total and fantastical love
vivid and dramatic love
hot and sexual love
I like being in love​

you, darlin,
are in love
with love
for what it's worth?
almost anything :)
hate on a plate

Hate On A Plate

stabbing peas
avoids conversation
OT said:
Hate On A Plate

stabbing peas
avoids conversation

Dear Peas which I used to
despise in your audacious
greeness not to mention
the way you gathered space
on my plate, massed
you were a tiny vituperative
crowd of neglect, envious
little balls of dragon's breath
sometimes you sent a rebel
roller hellbent to lodge itself
in a foothill of mashed potato
but I smashed your nascent
coup, spirited you off under
the dining room table, you
peas proof of my sister's
vegetable inferiority who
wouldn't understand corn
is bright welcome, sunshine,
and you are the underworld
the bastard snakes of wrath.
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imperfectly round
vile, appropriate targets
for venom
persued acrsoss the plate
stabbed with purpose
Reltne said:
Chick peas


______One lump
of mashed potato perfectly
positioned on the tines
of rebellion, aimed and flicked
ceilingward will stick to form
a tuberous stalactite, perfectly
positioned over your sister's

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