all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Is there not a single second
you care spare for me?
Three simple syllables
Eight finger strokes
A mere utterance
Just a sigh?

What am I to make
of this absence?
The sheer solitude
The silence
The uncertainty I encounter
in the shadows?

A sign is all I request.
Even if just a sigh.
I was welcoming a new member to the forum and my muse granted me a title to use in a poem...

feet do belong on the furniture

Sit down and set down all your carryin' ons,
don't face the outer world until you've sorted out
your thoughts and wallet contents, luggage
is too much to bear. There's coffee or whiskey
to slake your thirsty soul and for some, poetry
rests on a shelf over there. Grab a few and kick
off your shoes then curl up on your chair,
someone will be along shortly to delight or annoy
you back into reality, but for now, feet do belong
....................on the furniture.

I found a flower in the rain,
watched its petals nearly
drown in the scaffolding
coming down from the sky.
I kept it close, buried it
under layers of wool and cotton
but still it died and I buried
it on this Sunday when life
was all grey and black.
Do People Really Do Things Like That?

I watched your shadow
run through the cedars
being chased by fading
shadows. I tried to catch

you as you ran but time
held me back. I stood
frozen as the memories
I had of you were shuffled

in front of me. I never knew
which were real and which
were nothing more than the
illusions you used to tell were

I caught the sun in a moment,
watched its rays hide behind
the blinds of an anonymous
apartment as I watched it
bathe one of its admirers
in honey coloured light. I never

did understand the point
of that, it just made my skin
crackle; as if I was wrapped
in electricity and couldn't find
the off switch. I preferred the cold,
there was something relaxing

about the way it numbed my body,
I couldn't feel neither pain nor love,
which I found were both the same
as I grew up. I love being in a cold
bath, trapped by an invisible antarctic.
It reminded me of my time in the womb

when there was nothing but a sea
wrapping me in its warmth.
truth about men

the way I tend to see it, they are there
for me to admire, to imagine everything
about them they keep hidden
their thoughts and especially their wishes
the ones they hide in thier pockets along with spare change
they dont fool me with their oh so happy
rhetoric, I can see

I can see you want to go somewhere
quite, quiet quickly we can duck
into a cab and head uptown
or out of town, to your favorite dirty dive
I have time

Time to watch you twist your ring
as you bury your face in my neck and whisper
a dozen different reasons why we should
and only one why we shouldnt but we are

and I tend to see a particular man as a challenge
the one who tells me I wouldnt want him
if I could actually have him, I have plans
for his ego which include a pair of handcuffs
and a whip, a blowdryer and a brand new roll
of Saran wrap....

the way I see it, the truth about men is
when they are in your possession
they feel no guilt so fuck away
away all night, fuck all day but turn him loose
and send him home...just in time
for supper
oh when I read this I just want to wrap you up tight turn off the lights strighten your hair and then mess it up again

we buy glossy paint for the walls
teflon coat the rugs
the sky?
we have not yet figured out
how to protect ourselves
from the sky

vampiredust said:
Mother liked it when I
when I went mad. I'd
run around the house
imitating the four year
old that I let out of me
once in a while. I scrawled
indecipherable code on the
walls whilst hollering for
the sky to shut the hell up.
I couldn't stand it then,
watching it looking at me
whilst I wrapped myself up
in my loneliness. I still haven't
let go of the blanket.
Geometry Of The Human Heart

I never understood
the point of measuring
things in angles, it was
worthless since my world
would shift all the time
and I would be left behind
like a typo or oversight. I

would sit in class with my
compass and protractor
watching Pythagoras in
the horse chestnut tree
outside, mouthing answers
which I couldn't understand.
The angles of my life would

always shift and I never knew
B Movie Heroine

She liked to bathe
in ice-cold water,
feeling its fingertips
around her neck, slowly
making her numb, making
her blind to the things
she wish hadn't existed.

And as she dies, she
can't hear us scream
at her insecurities.

No could she, for that matter.
What are you doing?
Screwing with my sanity
I thought you wanted 2 b
with some One who loved you.

God knows, we shared moments
of such beauty, pure bliss
starting with words
to hannds caressing cheeks
escalating to a kiss
to much more than this

now, not a word,
not even a by your leave,
turning me loose
into my own misery

I don't count debts,
but do have regrets
what I could've said
or done,
once we were one
nothing could tear us apart
or so it seemed,
yet my dreams and scenes of life
ahead are still filled witrh you

What am I to do?
What am I to do?
I ask you?
Please tell me.
Dedicated ... no father I know ... pooh head ~~

a lost connection

i feel what you say. i know
your vision of the future
is dim, wited within wires
of self pity. making me sick
to touch even a memory, thinking
your views
used to matter, now you offer
escape. for whom i must ask. you
it has always been you. all
your thoughts, feelings, needs,
wants revolve around
coming full stop
... at you. hatred
grows forward, directing
dimensional disillusionment, shafting
deep into a heart that once
beat, loved
for only you. have no pity,
as remorse redirects old feelings
onto a flight of loathing, pure
putrid passionate hatred
try me again mister, try
to touch
feel, get a nub bitten off
and spat back
like your so called love
in the face of a woman's
scorn. love,
you know not
love ....

I watch them as the bus
goes past, some chained
like dogs to a post, others
with their roots wrapped
in a horseshoe or old gum.
I never understood why some
lacked respect for them, perhaps
they saw their own reflection
in the thin branches, slowly
eroding away.
Taylor avenue
something happened, something and
it started to write a poem in me
and I stopped it dead
the bubble of steam at the bottom of thick syrup
I pulled it from the heat

no no no do not make me write
do not make me feel
do not make me do this motherfucker
not now
I need my focus
my sanity
my here and now asphalt and rubber

I do not remember what happened on Taylor avenue yesterday.
but I do remember my fingers
around the neck of a poem trying to be born

lord please do not make me write any today either
just let me feel my feet on the ground
shake the gravel from my shoe
I don't want to feel it
I don't want to feel it
And Then The World Was Lonely

You watched the sun
recline through the beaded
curtain, stretching over
the hills in the distance.
There was something about
it that you didn't quite understand,
as if one of your theories had
come alive and was twisting
nature right in front of you.
But the numbers were all wrong,
and life started to freeze. The
world suddenely seemed lonelier
then and you were back where
you had started from, an observer.
we crack rocks
at their point of weakness
where layers flake
we find them whole

stem and leaf
shell and spine
this many that many how many
hundred million years

another ridge this one is perfect and
how many of the same cretatian
before the boredom tentacles
and lord how I try this holy day to keep my mind
in your prividence but the crack and split
I hold it in, put the breaks brakes on my denim cruise
the innuendo easy way to hold attention

these asexual crinoids fall and shatter
pentangular discs everywhere

it is nice
but common
you tell me

what happened?
I am so scared of power
Little girl loops her thoughts
in paper chain fortunes.
Her thin fingers tap impatience
on a threshold of becoming.

Her eyes are chocolate,
bittersweet and her mouth
is kitty curved when she
kisses me I remember
her compact fluff to toes

straining against the rocking
chair squeak and tuneless
syllables grandmother sang
I pressed on her cheek,

thinking of the rhythm
in generations and the day
I would admit I couldn't
answer her questions.
mudsling solid
thorns peeled
chicken deboned
II have never written out the anger
the pain the sharpnesss
that punctured our love

never came down to the fuck you bastard
pages of m diary and why
not to save your sorry sorry self esteem
because fuck you fuck you
all you ever did was not want me
not adore me
well certainly enough
just not as much as you proclaimed
and that my dear
just reflects badly upon me

and thing is
truth is
the whole time was me
just pressing old wounds press painting the old sky blue
selling you the same pillow-whispers you pedalled
to me so expertly
oh oh oh you have met your match

and it was me
so tired of grey but liking grey
happy with grey and you
you came along
made me want my colors back
then laughed when all 64 fell to my floor
we still sneak by
to try to stuff them back in the box
pretend it never happened

no no no that was not how it happened
metaphor can protect the innocent
but not the damned
and I refuse
refuse to write the truth
like a dull knife to draw blood
the thick needle of truth
you were always

and truth is baby you could say the same thing
about me
oh yes
that is the truth we avoid
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Sunday Morning, Caught In The Blues

She put her cigarette
in between the ashtray's
glass lips, thinking it looked
oh-so-very-cute, as if it were
just another of her mannequins
that she liked play with after bed.
She slowly sipped her cliched latte
and ignored the headlines screaming
at her from the suburban newspaper,
skipping straight to the travel and
fashion pages, hoping to escape from
the noise; that blues caught like an
unforgettable tune in her head. But it
never leaves. It never leaves at all.
I shot myself in the mirror
just to find out it how it feels.
I expected my reflection to
take ten steps back and shoot
me, but that never happened.
It just crawled on the floor,
weeping. There was something
left of me in its actions but all
I could do was stand there
and watch it die.

When I was caught
in my mother's womb
I was starved of oxygen,
but my wings never fell
out of their sockets, my
beak never did burst.
When the plumb-line plunged
through, I managed to tumble
out and fly
I see the gypsy
in charismatic
colors, to hide
a healing innerself.
Freedom calls
only to get a dead
line. Life shades inner
for there are no blemishes.
This butterfly
scrapes the silken
skies, to conceal tears
that fall
down with raindrops
upon pedestrians, as each step
carries them
into shelter, for hope
is at the end
of the rainbow.
Tuesday Lunchtime With Mother

I watched you split open
the mussel shells, scooping
out the fleshy membrane
as we talked like we were
on a journey that never really
started. The elderly couple
sitting next to us looked
like our reflection, quietly
contemplating nothingness
as they waited for time to leave
them for good.

How many days now?
Minutes, seconds like stars
or grains of sand,
skin cells sluffed off
as I try to rebuild

myself, sans need for you
is impossible to comprehend
like no next breath or thought,
you occur, automatic,
disappear before I can grab
the fix I hunger for,
knowing only your absence

in my day and night, gnawing
from inside out, first stomach
then heart then mind,
I resign myself to unfulfillment
find contentment only
in remembrance, when you
spilled from my arms, filled
my hungry breast with sweet kisses
touched my soul with your eyes

even now the pangs approach
the emptiness overwhelms
the skin cells sluff
soon there will be
no more of me

Somedays I’m the soft slap
at the water’s lip, the foamy edge
of the wave’s advance. That’s what you want
when the day has snarled like drapery cords.
An anchor rode under a falling
barometer. My slick lick lets loops
unfurl, and the unplaited ends split
wide open. But you are the union
of salt and wind. Can you see me
on your horizon, a growing
thunderhead flashing? I hunch
like an ocean swell, flipping boats
onto their faces. Now the slap stings
like whipped sea spray,
and I am hail upon your back.

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