all of a sudden passion suddenly

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A Flirtation With My Surgeon

I touch your hand; warm and sure
as you place it over my ribs.
What's it like to know
you'll have them spread open,
the muscles all that keeps
everything I am from spilling
into sanitary space?

All that stands between life
and death, (mine of course,
yours is too significant)
a layer of latex and stainless
pumping, mixing at a temperature
around 81 degrees, I can feel
how cold it is already.

I hate the power you hold
in your hands as you make
that fatal cut and kill me
death is an empty place.

I'll die this small one just for
life. I want to keep going
and breathing until age finds me
and kills me. It's too easy
blame time and make the fourth
dimension a murderer, not you.
You will bring me back again?
Monday Rain

I watched you curled up
in your red plastic orchid;
hidden beneath waxy fingers
you avoided my glance, looking
only at the falling rain; never
stopping to see how far I had
melted away.
For my own journey

Long this road

Dirt swirls behind me
The dust of my memories lingering

Pebbles beneath my feet a reminder
Hard were those times and moments

Rain like tears beat against me
Wishing for the cleansing that would comfort

Instead I am grimy
Like the dust, now dirt that covers me

Painful has been this walk
My feet sore from stumbling so often

My soul tired, my heart wounded
Wiping away the rain tears from my eyes

Will this storm ever pass?
I wonder

Until the smell of the air seems fresher
Sunlight warming my flesh

Smoother now the road as I turn the bend
No longer walking up hill

Long has been this road
I am almost home.
when does the crow become
the crone, after years of crying?
years of trying to get her, get her
message across
across the berms and canyons

across the woven waves
of memory, when does she become
and why does she cry that cry
the sound of old and alone

transition from crow to crone

My neighbor’s ashen face turned pink
finally, and he tapped this foreign thing
chanting in his chest. Live, it said and waited
for his response.
Live and 2 and 3 and
Live and 2 and 3 and
Live and 2 and 3. “It’s with me
forever,” he said, and he counted
himself lucky. After that clean room
he smiled at every dust mote
and sunrise streaming in. From my window
I watch the day turn pink
over a coffee cup horizon, and I feel her
in my chest; foreign,
insistent. Live, she whispers, live.

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Wandering In The Rain

A foot plunges into the puddle,
coating the pavement with a
giant claw. Nobody is soaked
this time, not even the pigeons
bathing in the muddy water. The
child crawling in me wants to go
over and splash around, soaking
all the anonymous suits with the
lunchtime rain, but the voices
restrain me with an invisible cane,
with an invisible noose.

You popped the pills' plastic
cages and held each one, carefully
measuring them before swallowing
without water, without advice. The
experiment took you to the place
you never wanted to go: yourself

I want to say
the most perfect
words. Tell
of the greatest gifts
in my life, but
as they sleep, I sit
wonder and worry.
What happens
if ...

One just cannot imagine
could eat at you
like piranhas
to blood dripping
flesh, cut
to the bone, gnawed
jaggedly in two
in seconds
what took years
to grow
blindly build.

Worry that attacks
at the weakest time
when nothing
could be worse and all
could fall apart
like a ship sinking
mass falls, men
jumping overboard
screaming for mercy
for life.
they all forgot

If this
is just a dream
If it was all
for nothing
If I am eaten
alive. Or if I sink
into the deep
black oblivion ...
The Maze

You say you're going
out of your mind
trying to find your way
out of the maze
which lays around you

one foot forward
double back, retrace
the steps you've taken
just remember which lefts
and rights are wrong
what is left is right

patience and perserverance
rather than pervasive panic
others have found their way
take strength from their triumphs
lean on lessons and friends
many have emerged
from the twisted trees
you feel towering above
it is just a maze
like so many others
you have walked before
and survived
I started to type
"Are you upset with me?
Just tired of me?"

then stopped my fingers for the truth
and instead wrote
"I am sorry"

but this is not the blog
this is for poems
not some teenaged diary rambling about the man
who does not matter
until he goes away

not true not true!
woman, your poetic lens magnifies every emotion
dostorted with ripples on the side

you do the best you can
you do the best you can
the ground bluges with poetry
trying to bobble over the surface
but I push it down
push it down with my fireproof feet
because the rest of me is exposed
I cannot bear the embarassment
the shame the truth
wrapped in the afghan
skin shows through holes
I cover myself
with myself

this is not so hard,
to write poetry about what appears to maybe hurt
or matter
and go on
when it waits
it waits
goddamn it
I am not ready
to write That
urban sprawl

( part three)

a thousand new homes and one
grocery store, bad planning
new school, sheriff substation
in a gas station

I cannot breathe this clutter
I want a week at the state park
camp site thirteen
by the path that leads to the shore
or a spot by the dunes,
hidden by grasses
where lovers steal
just one more

kiss or feel, I want to be free
of these things that have come
to define me-

freedom from the furniture
that clutters my life, inside
there needsz to be

a bit more room
for me
illusion of choice

I admit it, I have thought about it
selfishly choosing my own
time of departure

i have held a knife to the pulse
felt the gentle bump, bump
of skin against patient steel
Force Of Gravity

The dismantled man sits
at the back of the bus,
watching people carrying
their lives in brown paper
bags and empty gucci sacks.
It jolts forward and his bones
are stuck in a position between
pause and fast forward, gravity
pulling back to where he came
He's sitting on the swings,
watching her look at the photos
she's brought along. The air
is still this evening, as if life
has suddenly paused just to
watch this moment. There are
no tears here, just a single
leftover raindrop falling as the photos
starts to burn in her fingertips.
Thinking Of A Story In St Luke's Gardens

He sits watching the bubblegum
coloured blossom pop in the wind,
releasing a spray of petals. The
conversation with the obligatory
imaginary friend has stopped and
the other statues start to light
their cigarettes, pollinating the imagination
of the characters stuck in his head.
Planktonic water churned
spiraling continuous
in rages of helplessness
to smash endlessly
into bracken rocks,
black by vehement age,
frothing fermentations
of demented, insane,
to lick over and over
ragged wounds
left gaping.

It’s not fair!
In the midst of celebration
someone lowered the flag
half mast,
infection furled one step
closer to death
but I am not buried yet!
Raise it back up!
This is not a race…
please not a stimulated
senseless conclusion.
Rip the damn flexuous pennant off!

It is only a symbol,
not the meaning
as one single wave
rolled ineffectually beyond preposition,
wasted upon sand
in hushed carbon whisper
by breeze cutting barren
wood into paper, unsettled.
One tear drop roiled
then dispersed
in a single blink
behind closed eyes.
heartbeats sing like
a forever ending song.
if only to touch
a syllable of that one note
that rested upon
those musing lips. lips
I have often kissed
still yearn
to taste. if I close my eyes
would I feel your heart beating
close to mine. could our duet
last eternally

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I know it is best to stay in the moment
to focus on your partner I have read the how tos but still
my mind wanders to my "to do list"
and last night you were on it
dont forget to send him that email address
you forgot to send...
and there came the visual
of you was it the first naked self portrait I saw on your bio somewhere?
arms hanging straight, how is it sculptors
always know where to put the hands and we always find ours dangling
tired or awkwardly crossed in front

so there you were
silver blonde
staring forward
and your returned with every deep thrust he pressed my cervix
like a button of a slide projector
stuck on you

I thought
when I send him that email address
I will have to tell him about this
how his face flashed inside me
across the waves,
but you know I would not dare tell you this!

or how after I made him suffer in anticipation
then cry with relief sweet jesus thank you
I pressed that slick soft cock against my bone
squeezed the ssoftness between my cheeks
and pulsed through his whimper and gasp
trying to get mine
knowing somehow
you would not have allowed yourself to be conquered like this
spent and twitching no
you would have pulled oout something stainless
and smooth
propped on your belly
other hand on my ass
pulling me on to that thing, impaled and rolling
into your chest until you felt my own
gush and pulse and breakdown of whimper pleads
right there on your ribs muscle
squeezing metal I knew you would not have let me catch my breath
before flipping me over
if you let me sleep it would be ass in the air
ready for my first lesson
"whenever you are ready Sir"
instead I slip off of him
slick and spent, my leg
stll resting on his tremble
god I love my husband
but I wanted to tell you
that you were there
and I will get you that email adress you asked for
as soon as I recover from this fantasy
of you
and your machinery
how you found your way
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why were we alone on New Years Eve?
too drunk and not drunk enough to go to bed
I left my lights on to show you
I am still awake you found me here
or maybe I found you it was a long time ago
still every man who has ever staked his claim in me
has despised you
intimidated by what?

New Years Eve
you called couldnt sleep
we stumbled like nervous virgins
if I had been wearing a bra
you would not have been able to unhook it
although you claimed
from way over there
to have it down single handed champion and I pretend to do as you say and remove it for you

we are too giggly to make this work
our noses bump
my hair gets caught under your hand
but you teach me how to take two fingers inside myself
cross them
uncross them
and I like it
you tell me it is an old trick but no one has played that one on me before.

so how do we do this anyway?
should I tell you what I would do if I were there
on my knees in front of you
howmy hair will tickle your belly on the way down
how my cheek will run soft down your hardness
rubbing your like a piece of soft flannel or a baby blanket
in the commercials for fabric softener?

or should we just tell each other whatwwe ar e doing right now?
how it feels?
to go to this place with you
let my hands be my own
let yours be yours
and just share

or do we bring each other here
pretend this hard plastic with live like veins is you,
it is a stretch, baby, there is nothing attached, but I could try
you oil up your hand slippery like I am
maybe take your other palm
as something solid to press into

how do people do this anyway?
you tell me that there is a how to section
at a porn literature site you go to sometimes
we should read it

until then just know
god how much I want you
and lets not talk anymore
god this would be so much easier in person
but shhh just do not talk
let me hear you breathe
I will recite some love song lyrics
until words wont come
and I won't hang up until I hear you sleep
Born Blind

I was born with no eyes.Stumbling
around the world, my hands crawled
over pain, over feelings painted on
my walls. When I found you, I sketched
your face with my fingers, feeling every
feature with my fingertips. I could feel
your world with my hands, and you could feel
mine with my eyes.
Love In A Sawdust Climate

You sat in the gardens, watching
the peppermint coloured ferns
arch their backs as rain started
to fall. But you stayed still and let
the rain climb over your face, feeling
it weave a web across your skin. There

was something sensual - that was the word
you used - about it. It reminded you of when
you were back home in India, when you used
to work in that hotel, giving massages to
"blindmen" as you used to call them. You'd
watch them close their eyes and fumble

into the fantasies that your hands created.
Some would stumble out, others would stay
and watch their world wash away like the never
-ending tides of the sea.
a place to think of the past
and how she planned it
all along, the dragging of my psyche
into her future with no paintings
at least not yet anyway

maybe when the rock falls
waterfall dries up and disappears
graffitti it prohibited now,
nobody told the Clovis
or did they?


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