all of a sudden passion suddenly

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i know a blind man

he sees this( points to my crotch)

and this( my boobs)

and these( my legs)

I am dead but he cant see that

in my eyes like you can

but you wont look anymore

did it hurt when you told me no

like all the rest?

I love you, but....

I'm married





just plain lazy and more

than just a little stupid

Phrase Book

Europe is a longish trip from
États-Unis d'Amérique.

Subtle feelings might there seep from
English but not in French steep.
do you realize the restraint it takes
to keep myself away
from you

on my open palm
you rest, this steel ball
remains still as I spin below
ride the highwire
how I need you there
out there
I cannot take the density
intensity of us

I turn into the skid
tap the breaks
lightly lightly when I just want to crash

hold myself under water
if I hear your voice again

I dont know

how many different images can I try to use to describe this

I must not be true
I must be trying to romanticize this
put it into a poem
but nothing works

either I am being insincere
and you mean nothing

or well,
you know
somethings just cant be written

I told you I loved you
that was real
it was not a ember held at arms distance
it was not a waterfall serenade
it was none of those things it was a woman
telling a man
she loved him
soft in the moments after sex
it was a man swearing promises
saying come away with me
in five languages

and that was real
face it
there is no steel ball
fuck analogy
yeah, don't fight it,
even gravity cannot stop that skirt going up up up
life is light like helium breath it in and hold on tight
i really don't have time for this
work calls and i must
answer. but

a picture of you
all silky wet
in a bath, waiting for me to join
waiting for us
to join. keeps popping into my mind.

what to do, but sit and think of poetry
n prose .... write and watch as you
bobble in
out of bubbles
slide n slink up
down in that tub of mirrors

while toying with my mind
yo-yoing me back and forth
blowing timeless dreams
into my soul
while wishing to soak
skin to skin
with my bare chested man

lil whipsy curls begging me to
wrap around
feet fondly rising to ride bareback
in that tub
like river rafting down a long
stretch of you ...
On finding frustration in a tulip

I planted bulbs in late September
to bloom sometime in April
waited all that dreary winter
until spring brought disappointment.

Too deep or shallow; some cruel frost
took away the blossom in her cheeks
and left the flower curled inside
without ever having seen the sun.

I dug out a perfect trench to place
them lovingly in. A circle of nine,
three in the middle and prayed
Indian summer would not cheer to bloom

these tulips left to colour spring
after a long and dreary winter
and bring cheery pink to pale flesh
left so long buried, in the dark.
Watching A Star Collapse

Somewhere deep inside
its shell, there's a barman
mixing up cocktails, creating
earthquakes with every flick
of his hand. People feel this

with every blast exhaled
from the stars swirling lips,
preferring not to blame stars
or the people who watch them
but something misunderstood

like global warming, thinking
its mathematics can be applied
to anything, even the stopping
of a human heart
i watched you walk the other day
shoulders back, spine
straight, thighs thrust out
with each step. even your chin
walks as you pass
with purpose, lifted a little
to show how sure
you are in the act, and
firmed a little as if determination
rides your back.
Aztec Sacrifice Syndrome

Your heart was quite literally
bursting out, there was no
dagger or clapping as you
laid down on the surgical
ziggurat and prepared for
the high priest to offer you
to an unprepared god. Smiling,
you said no prayers, knowing
that no-one would hear them,
let alone want them.

I drop my feelings there. In the flowerpot
before the red house, third from the corner.

The one-time pad is soggy with my love—
indecipherable, intact, secure. You

can never read my cryptic heart, its waste,
but in the silly plaintext. Here.

crossing, releasing, crossing again
a smile
arms crossed
legs caress
a hug
a stroke
a sigh

I saw its silhouette lit up
by the rain as it laid by
the side of the road, wrapped
up in leftover hay. It blurred
as we left the car, an image
that seemed to transcend
the memories we already had.
And as morning crept into view,
all we had was this: a rusted
polaroid of something buried
but never forgotten.
Broken Glasses

When we fell, the atomic clock
in our hips reset. Atoms cascaded
through the seizure, colliding
like continents as we lay there.
The Texan physician tried to heal
our bones, examining our copper
skeleton with her fat fingers. As
she twisted and pulled, atoms
stretched and burst. Our eyes
fell, but we didn't want to be picked
On Suicide Watch

The stopwatch resets. Eyes dart
like foxes across the layered beds
looking for homemade lasso's, vacuum
bags and plastic ventricles. Silence
never stops to watch the sunlight
slowly trickle through the skylight,
stroking a patient as he tumbles
out of life. Nobody remembers his name.
It's just a routine, after all.

He’s back at her back door
tap tap tappin’ soft
and sweet as a Hershey Bar
wantin’ nuthin’
but her screen door spread
wide and high on heels. Oh!
He’s so hungry
for that dark candy
he can taste it
on his fingers pulled slow
across his tongue. Her kitchen’s
in the rear, where it’s hot
and damp as a trickle
tickling down her spine.
When the fire’s stoked
and the panes are streaked
like curls matted to her forehead
she finds relief
in an unlatched door
and her skirts lifted
high in the back.

Morning sky too early, the bed
too big without you. I'm too small
without you. I feel like a pebble
in a canyon: I roll into the middle
of the mattress I don't know where
to rest the hand I like to curl
on your chest. I put my face
in your pillow, sniff terrypatchouli.
I think about the sound of you
breathing and look at the clock.
They'll wake you soon, you'll listen
to the news and wait for me.

I'll try to sleep a while longer,
maybe dream about clean sheets,
hot soup and the other side
of the day is home, us safe
when the world fits again.
The Satellite

A satellite crashed yesterday, strewing
the landscape with its archaic organs.

Worn coffee filters hung like stretched
out pantyhose on rusted aluminium hoses,

next to pre-glasnost radio receivers still
sending out messages in morse code, vying

for space on the peasants' tin roof with an
old diesel engine wheezing like an accordion.

The local media never came to report its death,
there were no obituaries, no mentions anywhere;

just a curled up rose planted on top of its grave
by an anonymous raindrop.
Angeline said:
Morning sky too early, the bed
too big without you. I'm too small
without you. I feel like a pebble
in a canyon: I roll into the middle
of the mattress I don't know where
to rest the hand I like to curl
on your chest. I put my face
in your pillow, sniff terrypatchouli.
I think about the sound of you
breathing and look at the clock.
They'll wake you soon, you'll listen
to the news and wait for me.

I'll try to sleep a while longer,
maybe dream about clean sheets,
hot soup and the other side
of the day is home, us safe
when the world fits again.

The wayfarer has merely detoured
on his way to that sanctuary
linen and lacy strands
of your hair shall tempt
even one so trapped as he
in sterile coolness of disallowed
emotions and distant hum
of machines designed to keep
these lesser mortals living.
City Tales

skyscrapers hang
like marionettes
in the sky

watching people
gather hangovers
and babies

that cast vomit
on their daddy's

like fisherman
throwing their
nets into the sea

but never bringing
anything back in
A Webcam User In Kashmir Watches War

I like your hair
I like your teeth
show me your teeth
you're really pretty
you're sexy
show me your teeth, sexy

He hid beneath his camera,
ducking everytime emotion
bombed his brain. Outside,
the mustard fields were
being set alight and see
their yellow haze blinding
his eyes. He washed but could
never be clean
Alacrity is a Fisherman
Tolerance is his Wife

Living in a Stained Glass House
on Whimsical Way.

Many Feathers said:
Flipping birds
in a mirror...

By an Aquarium
full of catfish resembling sharks
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