all of a sudden passion suddenly

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The Wailing Wall

Human bones are plastered
into the wall, forever whispering
their prayers. People ignore
them as their eyes stare

into scooped out sockets,
unaware that their thoughts
are being read by the dead.
Some children, for a dare,

touch the bones. But the skulls
just smile; wanting them to lick
the poison still trapped on their
Crow Teeth

Men crawl through mud
as the crows burn, black
smoke falling like feathers
over people trapped in
the streets.

Children play with dead
crows, using the eyeballs
as marbles. The air is filled
with sounds of squishing
as someone wins a dozen;

nobody misses them. People
march through the forest,
burning the trees harbouring
fugitives. Only the gods can
hear their wails and send black

snow back. Somebody - I don't
know who - plants flowers on
a crow's grave. Bones erupt,
turning into crow's teeth.
liquid ash paints trees black,
choking the sky. Only the moon
I watched him leap up
and throw the tv out

of the window, his body
infected with a swarm

of hummingbirds. His cells
lost control that day

but he was still fighting
when they took him away
Camping, Normandy 2003

the other tents tutted
as we started putting
up our effort. Dad was
the first to grab the guys,

puncturing the rubber loam
with the deformed forks
as the ropes of the victim
were stretched, its canvas

skin slowly about to burst,
scattering invisible innards
over the torturer and his
unwilling assistants. But Dad

always had plenty of practice
at that. And as I lifted up his
velvet hood, I could only see
empty eye sockets staring back.
reels of tape flit like tongues
in and out of the vcr

this is why you bought a DVD player
The old explorer

He was preserved in formaldehyde
when he died; his pick and shovel
were put in the tank with him

as if he was going through a viking
burial. there were rumours that he
wasn't real, a mannequin disguised

in shoe polish and battery acid
to look chewed on by the winter
gods. Some said the marks on his

feet were not those of frostbite
but make up. But they were not there
when he started to move, still wanting

to see the stars that had betrayed him
when he fell.
this is this is this is not to say
you handsome devil mp
this is not to say
gush and bubble your words
melt me like some sort of liquid alloy no
truth is
your sexuality excites me
how you are not afraid to say it play it find a way
to let everyone know
I am a lover boy yeah like dirty dancing
oh patrick swayzee baby sway me no
so you do not have to tell me her name
I have names of my own

and this is my hairshirt
hitting submit reply on this this this is not a poem

my hands hurt
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Night Fishing

Shoals of light beams
escaping from headlamps,
stop to feed at the lampshade
hanging like an upside down

wedding cake on my ceiling,
turning into arabic letters
as they fatten and gestate.

I don't need to sleep, I have
seen all my dreams already.
Winter Football

I watched them play football
on the iced over playground;
kicking the battered moon on
spikes of deformed anemones

they screamed as if the rest
of us couldn't hear. I stood
on the sidelines, wanting them
to pass me today's victim. I

would have been one of them;
yes - that would have been me
donning the velvet hoods- snapping
its neck as if it were nothing more

than a chicken. And as we stood
there ripping apart its uncooked
flesh, we would have felt nothing
but the emptiness of a lonely sky.
hand across my lips,
shiney finger tips,
emotion of hips.


down with your tricks,
i will take my licks,
tasty little pricks.


see it,
need it,
tease it,
please it,
squeeze it,
freeze it,
tweak it,
keep it,
eat it.


cheeze-it? : )
see how nicely they line up?
my crave
my core need comes
to fruition
just the mental
indication of
dreams without restriction
turning you out
to our completion
collective, respecting
invisible lines that show
up red under
the black light
white heat of us
black dog lust
deeper on my end,
with every turn of the sun

you know the next rhyme,
so i won't even say it.
When the stars are gone

Let us grow old together
you and I, and watch our
roots sink into landscapes

we drew long ago, feeling
night wrap itself around
our bones as the wind howls

a elegy in the places we
knew once. Only the stars
will remember us now, our names

forever burning in reactions
that die when the universe
has sung its final song.
the professor at my university
said she could tell I was European
by the bridge on my nose,

joining the cold viking part of me
to the Roman hordes on the other
side. The scars on my cheeks

are a constant reminder from
the battles the two sides fight
in my dreams. I know there won't

be a truce anytime soon
this is how it happens

the editor listed the poets
she claimed she'd found
whilst dowsing for poetry

i imagined her wandering
through the forest with a
pen for a dowsing rod; feeling

it bend as it sniffed the air
for poets. she would gag them
and extract the words from

their pores as if they were like
cows, producing it from the life
they were supposed to live.
Spread me like ashalt
smoldering and sticky
gauge my thickness
til you have it perfect
then lay me flat even

I want to be steamrolled
compressed to unbearable
stiffness, park on me
keep your motor running
don't mind the tiretreads
you're not the first

She felt his syllables
slither across her spine
as he groped her with
his words;

where are you from?
Spain she said, as he
rummaged in his head
for stereotypes, thinking

she had been dropped
like a bomb to crash into
his world. What do you do?
waiter, cleaner, sexdoll

She was silent as he hissed,
his body coiling around her.
She didn't know what to say
so she lied as he swallowed her.

Bastard! Bastard! the wind
screamed as the bus doors
slammed shut, charging at
him like a bull on fire

That was the word she wanted
And thus the jungle spoke

I watched them sweep up
the jaguar teeth scattered
like pieces of broken glass
on the pavement, unaware

that the painted python
on the road was waiting for
them; its jaws hung open
for their feet to slip into

that place we only dream of
when the stars have gone
and the jungle is alight.
Watching Ted & Sylvia in Hyde Park

His poetry hangs above
her head like the kites
being flown by the lido,

every metaphor waiting
to fall and swallow her
whole; but she just walks

on, looking at the babies
gawping at her ocean
coloured eyes; picturing

them as the similes she
carries in her purse, never
forgetting who they are.

And as the sun drifts away,
they return to their orbits;
never moving closer, always

further apart.
blue thoughts try and tie
me down
only I have red
in mind
a silk slip of nothing
sliding over nipples
staking claim to my hills
and valleys of wet moistness
melt, make milky cum come
betwixt two pink lips
that just beg to be kissed ...
Studying Vermeer

It is as if in seventeenth-century Delft
air was all chilled nitrogen—
the trace blue cast to light, how
everything is well preserved.

The rooms so perfectly arranged,
the people pensive as if they've just
recalled heartbreak, or their mother
lying dead. As his people were Dutch

and practical, they carry on with life,
practicing the virginal or opening
a lead-glass pane. His paintings
have a gauzy look. As we view

his work in our later time, this serves
to emphasize their distance from us.
That perfect light mythologizes
his imperfect world. It seems divine.

At last, emerged
from youth's cocoon, she rests
in sun, which dries
and seasons wings for flight.

And oh, she plans to fly. Far
away, and fast. She seeks
escape and freedom. Flight
from her safe surround

of parents, friends, and family.
Her father frowns, thinks
of the peppered moth, hopes
her color's ground.

I'm watching the streetlights
electric halos crackle as cars
pass by, hoping you will turn

up soon. I imagine ever blink
they make is another code
they don't want me to know,

that they have seen you fade
away and can't tell me in their
electric poetry. And as I watch,

I see shadows creeping, but it is
only the evening cloud stalking
the pavement like a fox.

You are not there.
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