all of a sudden passion suddenly

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fuel prices go up
but there are nests
on chimneys, birds

not minding the cold
wrapping itself over
thinning feathers.

men march but birds
will still be there,
feeling the cold wrap

itself over empty nests.
inky etchings
pretty flesh canvas
regrettibly mortal
a portal unknown
every form of your fashion
poem or porn
reflecting subtle
acidic self appraisals

bending together like
green wood,
my blood becomes sand
fusion, grounded
to something immovable
a human rock
who's morphing
is only an illusion

embrace yourself, like
i do you.
Two bright red
dynamite in the kitchen
with tall thin legs and skinless
black-boned feet, one explosion
slightly shorter, both in path
of the other, without
communication; only the sound
of sizzling bacon and time.
pecking order

we've got it figured out,
the dog and I can explain the situation
it's like this, we rank somewhere far,
far behind tivo'd boxing and Nascar

the dog and I found the remote
wedged between recliner cushions
purchased extra beer and new batteries
for his weekend
and left him a note in the kitchen-

Lasagna, microwave on high
3 minutes, remove plastic lid, stir.
Maria2394 said:
we've got it figured out,
the dog and I can explain the situation
it's like this, we rank somewhere far,
far behind tivo'd boxing and Nascar

the dog and I found the remote
wedged between recliner cushions
purchased extra beer and new batteries
for his weekend
and left him a note in the kitchen-

Lasagna, microwave on high
3 minutes, remove plastic lid, stir.
This is really good, Maria. I'd suggest putting in the proper punctuation and capitalization (OK. Perhaps I should have been an English teacher.), but this has the basics down really well. It is vivid; it is funny. It's a keeper. :)

Me being some asshole editor note: Officially it is "TiVo" and "NASCAR".

I really liked this.
clutching_calliope said:
I need to take this hate
along with me
that I left on the dresser
last night. I jingle it
like change in my pocket
to remind me
to be thrifty
when loving you.
Who took the hate
off of the dresser?

I'd been saving it
for this morning,

for you at breakfast.
Ah, well, it's gone,

and I'd better
then come up with

some other feed.

Its taste is bitter,
but the aftertaste is sweet.
Tzara said:
This is really good, Maria. I'd suggest putting in the proper punctuation and capitalization (OK. Perhaps I should have been an English teacher.), but this has the basics down really well. It is vivid; it is funny. It's a keeper. :)

Me being some asshole editor note: Officially it is "TiVo" and "NASCAR".

I really liked this.

the dog and I thank you, Tzara!!

and when I edit, Iw ill take your very kind, correct advice



You smeared away yesterday's
self with Dad's cream, scraping
away newborn skin with his
elderly blade; each paper dot

another flag on your minefield.
As you watched premature
hairs flush down the sink, you
never noticed the scars made that day.

That's good, son

But I am still there, bleeding
Watching a sailboat being antifouled

I watched her fibreglass belly
lifted out, the two straps around
her chest and hips making sure

she would not fall; the barnacles
on her bottom slowly coming into
view, a stretchmark exposed only

to the oceans. As she stood like
a mermaid preening on the concrete,
I watch them strip away her fat,

barnacles falling like brittle lips,
before painting a stripe of mottled
copper on her. A contraceptive

only for her crew.
The balloon seller, Brighton pier

Inflated insects with aluminium
bellies blow in the wind, tethered
to their cage; whilst the attendant
sends smoke signals to potential

customers. But that doesn't work.
So they stand and wait for their
stomachs to pop, releasing gaseous
ghosts. There is no afterlife here.

Tourists pass them by, some taking
pictures to put on useless websites,
others curse silently, thinking they
are captured demons. Nobody buys,

nobody ever does.
he writes of fantastic places
remembered people
and dreams.

A life conquered.

a piece of land lacquered
with golden grass, mosaic morphical
waves of whacked out dimensions.

he speaks
to my heart as he paints
these moments
in time.


Thank you VapmireDust for the inspiration and beautiful words ~

in a wet kiss
blessing this
not so new knot
daily making claims
of i forgot, selective
thoughts float on the surface
like black rainbow oilslicks

another degree nothwest
pilgrimage of this territory
discovered way back, but
always seeming new to me
steps out of time, turn
learning life by the second
confident of non reliance
i can't count on me
my pulse drives me
closer to that starting point
where sugar is substituted
with a heavenly taste
that's better than the real deal.
There's a certain capsicin flush
when you're near,
my body sends danger signals.
The claxon sends me scrambling
to seek defense out of the heat,
when I foolishly take one
more bite, my tongue goes numb,
my brow beads with perspiration
and I know that I'm addicted.
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[FONT=Book Antiqua]can't let go of pen...[/FONT]

I reached for notes
to wrap myself around,
embodied music,

evasive sway

It touched me instead,
a few moments,
pulling me to my feet,

lifting my arms;
hands, spreading hair
appareled fan -

full dressed skirt
of scanty lace,

and swirled, free,
falling on air
then stall

walking away
softly, sadly,
hinted by embrace

to smile,
evasive sway
Visiting IKEA in Edmonton with Mom

Everything is made out of Lego:
the ice cube trays, the floors,
even the greeter dressed like a
bee. Passing through furniture

engineered by Lego technicians,
we eat at the cafe, our forks
chipping away at gooey Ligonberry
tarts, the bright red syrup lighting

up our throats. I need water but
it all comes in bricks and I don't
understand the instructions. Mom
takes me home in her handbag.

I don't want to be re-assembled. Life
is easier this way.
Pregnant clouds give birth
as I run along the street,
their babies streaming down
the newspaper on my head

as I fumble for my keys. As
I see the children playing
in the street, I start to weep;
who will look after them when

their parents die? there are
no creches for clouds, as far
as I know; they just stand
in the sky, evaporating as if
they were never really there.
the beauty of
physical words
rolling from one tongue
over to another
invisible creation
grows and flourishes
two minds nourish
nurture this baby of a fable
some day, spread out
on a table like newspaper
but smaller and
less inky
everything i am, is a book
words on paper varying
in legibility, read me when
your need to feed a black
restricted area is
baby, i'll always sate that
don't forget to remember
that it always works better
with you.
On a telephone number

I flushed your telephone number
down the drain the other day,
it seemed easier than trying
to remember your face and the

thigh it was attached to. I waved
it goodbye as it blew me white flags,
slowly spiralling back to the home
of its mistress. All I could hear

were the words you bastard being
chirped in morse as it went plop!
in the sewer. Some things are best
forgotten, others best destroyed.
nobody noticed
the razor clean cuts
or the soul deep punctures

sharp sarcasm and pointed insults
sliced and punctured your self esteem
driving to your soft center

your spirit seeped slowly
spilling from your heart unseen
invisible to all, inattentive

uncaring, they passed by
as you tied the rope on the cross
bar, spread your arms and stepped off

in descent, you spied ascension
a brief sense of relief
as the weight fell from your shoulders

I hold the metaphor up
to the infra-red light,
feeling it slip between
my thumb and forefinger.

It doesn't want to develop,
preferring to sleep in its bath,
where I can watch its images
form into the unanticipated,

releasing a swarm of moths
to circle the light generated
by my tears.
To those whom stare

Men gawp at me from under
the scalloped shades, eyes
yawning like the sun rising
and falling. I do not want this,

I try to tell them; arms crossed
in a show of defiance.This is my
armor, try to breach my walls.
Some of the invaders bat their

eyelids, unaware of my spears
shooting out from my gaze.
I can't hear them falling as they
walk past, I have already bled.

The morning sun pauses
between a couple of clouds
before resuming today's tape,

life unfreezing as it runs its
fingers across the palms in my
balcony. Almost at once, children

start to scream, dogs start to bark;
cutting the air with their muffled
cries, police cars howl and bags shuffle

in the wind. Nothing will be silent
today, this I know.
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