all of a sudden passion suddenly

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couldn't you have been ugly?
or rude?

it is unfair
could you at least have been impatient

unable to put words together
or make them up

baby red wag platy has grown bigger
than the mother's mouth
and now comes out of the plastic fern

me I am 12
have you noticed
I think I wrote this poem before
in Ms. Owen's class
eigth grade

why couldn't you
at least
give me give
me give me give me
give me something more to write about
starved starved stutter hungry starved

numbers jumble in my mind
in a sweat induced dyslexia
can't crack the code
can't crack the code

what the hell why not smoke
one two three

counting numbers in sequence
instead of repeating
because in sequence is


requiring none of the brain power
that I lost
when you fell off the line
when you fell of the line
when you fell of the line

man in hat
lines up his change
on a brick window ledge
counting over
and over
sliding it into his hand
and then lines them up again
always with the two singles between his
index finger and thumb

one two three four dimes
one two three four five quarters
first the pennies
start over

bus rolls by
takes them all back
down home

and I drink my buy one
get one free
gin and tonics
gin and tonics
wishing somehow I could come that way too.
where went my wife
up the stairs
two at a time
after a quick kiss smile
into double click mama tit
dark glow closed eyes
word flow not my

where went my wife
out of the mind
into a place
much more comfortable
than hardwood
and stamp glue

do the best I can
to take it
ignore what I can
forgive what I cant
and wonder how long
it will last this time

where went my wife
who knows
but she is back now
head on my chest
with that funny language
voting for Harry Kerry
with me in the morning
with me
is it an order?
or a month?
my boots are in mud
and im not sure
harmonica wind
the bare willow
with all those
i found a bag of babies
buried neath a tree
a grand, sweeping willow
near a stream

in a nightmare, wrapped in green
cotton weave
of smoke and fog and gleem

an orange moon rose and spoke
like God
and snatched the bag away

in the nightmare
not the dream

I was helpless, willow swayed
bagged up hidden,
stored away
like dusty bottles filled with change
he saved up for a rainy day
I want to passion you
I want to suddenly you

speak soft and slow
so I can suck you in whole
pinch lips tight

feel you press from thei insidemuscle hold on tight

twisted cord
fingertip blue
and I do not even care
that my words turn crystal sap

drool frozen into sugar
instead of salt

there is time for salt
and vinegar
for melting ice and muscle

the bite the burn of it all

will be time for harsh blinding fluorsecence
tonight let me cover the shade in lace
and filter

breathe the warm
body temperature inside
room temperature outside

time for the burn
for the freeze

tell me when you are ready
for that spark
...on a harp.

that sound
when you suck it in
grab it by the throat till it howls back at you
suck it in harder
draw out its agony
further than that
squeeze it harder
squeeze it for ever second


downbeat, exhale, rift up the line
wail an echo of a response
rift the bitch up again
let it loose, let it catch it’s breath
let it think it’s free to relax
then grab that sound again
just long enough to let it know you won’t let it go
not so easy this time, or any other
play it for all it’s worth

   i just wanted to try a silly bit of format,
    did it work?
i don't know.     i won't know until i click
      the button
         and see.
Please Select a Category for your Poem!

I need more choices
it says fuck but it is not
by any means erotic
cunt cock see
nothing erotic there

I need more choices
what about
pathetic whining

uneventful deliberation
of nothing important

another stupid song
about love or something like it

half romantic?
annoying and pest control?

Poetry with audio
poetry with saccharine
Illustrated poetry
Flatulated poetry

how about poetry that does nothing
but make me want to puke and shut down
the computer hoping is goes away
shock value nothing else

could be a warning for that

more or less
it is all or none
erotic or not
as if nothing else counts

you are either about sex
or you are not

so which is it going to be
mother fucker
which is it going to be?
don't need to go to the seedy street
for your hard hitting shock description
just come to my life

with shit falling from diaper
tracked through the house
on the bottom of stride rite shoes
or better yet
pulled from diaper
shit smeared finger paint on walls
and tables
carpet crusted
face and belly smeared
feces in hair
fingers need soaking before smell
ever disappears.

cat crap and puke and piss in the basement
shit glued hard to spit stained carpet
graduate school never prepared me
for this identity reduced to
cleaning shit from surfaces

milk spit computer
juice spill cushion
stagnant stench
ripe and rotten
obsessive pouring in corners
and carpets
spit onto reflective surfaces
we see through nothing

spit into sunshine slit dust dancing
falling into excitement

smeared dough for play
on sofa crusted
over cheese rotten pressed into material
just for the feel
don't try to tell me no
it will make me do it more
yogurt smear
chewed putty stain
eaten glue drool and spit

broken chair
broken easel
broken journals
thrown down stairs
to watch the fall
watch the crash
watch the glass as it breaks on hardwood
blood foot splinter

arm scar pinched
by uncut fingernail scream wordless
protest of heading banging anger, frustration

rotten wood backsplash
rotten wood cabinet
from the pouring the spitting
incessant flow of piss and shit
and anything that will flow
downhill into my life

wordless protest
you cannot hide from the yell
and scream
and moaning
it penetrates every corner of this house

only thing you can do is find something louder
if you want to pretend
that you do not exist here in this hopeless, endless, life long
shit hole

:rose: yeah that might help:rose:

where I am left to live
chalky skeletons
greet me on each dreary morn
and rattle bowing to me
their master
and smells of fires and disease
make labored
each ever sicker breath I take
now, I make the laws
and write them in the dust
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for maria two hands free

what wire
what string?

like an electric puppet
for my lover, baby girl

two hands free
he's got the strings
he's got the strings
my hands

wire for the plug in

you know all about this, girl
you must know

about the power and the pull

about the plug and control

key in the ignition
let it roll down
spark plug smooth
porcelin and metal
for the hold and for the touch

strings and wire
for the tie
for the connect
for the unravel and twist

sweet Maria
tell us
about your strings
what makes you wave
those pretty arms
click those tasty words
for us to suck down raw

salted on plate
i'm nervous
full of fake lady bugs
everyone alive
the whole stadium load of em

counting fingers with help of removed
nails set in a row, on oak coffee table
in a house without coffee drinkers
who made this coffee
be branded

lack and lax
high ceilings
third floors in two story farm houses
with skylights
not quite done
because of events in middle night
mid day,

store fronts of emotion
some real, some park benchs
some chrome reflections of us
wavey and skewed
good code bad code

pseudo ladys are always
more tolerable
if you can get them to dance

up light torchier
ring on ceiling glow
rounnd in a circle
sticky feet on stucco
or whatever that rough paint stuff
is called

if all else fails
and they will not dance for you
buy a used canister vac
and suck em up
the goddamn poseurs
feed em to the fish


or maybe a frog

you have a cat? ours pulled down
several curtains
trying to eat those
circle dance swarm beetles
setting them into flight
before their time

trapped between glass
crumbled to more dust to clean
:eek: eek ! :eek:
(suppressed shriek)
as the new week

without a reprieve
I begin to believe
that perhaps it's best
to forge on without rest

propelled by momentum
I still feel strong
in spite of the fact
that the pace feels
Roofer Madness

The in-laws called today

I could tell they were distressed

Old Doris ‘cross the street
had had her roof redone.
the roofers started Thursday
by Friday they were gone
and the roof
in all its new found glory
was …


For fifty years or more
they’ve looked out the kitchen
at a roof in tasteful brown
it matched the brick
and gave compliments
to her tidy well kept lawn

If she wanted change
then why not gray?
or even green
but we ask you …


Why had she changed
she must be ninety
had she lost her mind?

It had been years
they did admit
since they had talked with her
she was a little deaf you know
but she should have talked with them
before embarking on a roof
so …


My dear wife’s father
prides himself
in not allowing
mere emotion
to rule his thoughts
in principal
he had no objection
to a such a roof

“Red is no doubt fine
in a place like
(which is to say
as near to hell
as one can get
without the help
of priests)
“but for the love of Christ
this is Canada
and there ought to be a law.”

I joined the conversation
with a helpful thought
perhaps they ought to see an agent
and move around the block
out of the sight
of blood red roofs
not too far away
lest they miss their friends
and favourite shops.

My real estate advice
was met with silence
dark and frightening
the like of which
can only be dredged up
by those whose
lives are steeped
in daily cups
of pekoe tea.

Later in the day my wife
a propos of nothing
said her life would be
as near as could be hoped
to perfect
if I could only be
a tad less helpful
the next time
roofers come to Rockliffe.
Untouch me

a journey
of mind and sensation
where you touched
and still seek
granite, chiseling
a formation of heart
that once was mine
as a child

under rubble you speak
it is still beating
to break free
but i deny

i am not yours
nor will i be
tis not my destiny

that i can love
and love you
is freedom
beyond mind
but do not touch me
it is not my place in life
to feel
daddy dropped me in the water
when a big wave came,
I was 4 and couldnt swim
invisible arms pulled down
towards ocean bottom I couldnt see

and daddy's face was flat,
like a pancake giant with eyes
under the waves, I tried to cry
and he was smiling, waiting
almost too long,
but his strong father-type hands
rescued me with a swoop and splash
and it was the last time they ever did

she waits, like she is immortal
believing in him, believing in "when"

she was old before she realized
gray hair is not an indication-
it happened when she was 22

she was adult when first born
knew more that she should have known
about people and how they feel and why

except, she never really knew herself
and waiting is nearly over
baby birds have strong wings-
it happens when you look away,
they learn to fly, then they are gone

and what does waitress do?
wait on grandbabies, no
wait on parole of an ex? no
wait to greet old friend, dressed in black
with bony smile and scythe? no

she got a job, waiting tables
she felt bad about taking tips-
thought she didnt deserve them
so she borrowed a blade from cook
and bled all over the preachers steak
that lonely friday morning
some wordplay like nuts :)

when a man slanders
in no man's land
like a mad banderole
and a bandoleer
in a nomad's hand
slanting unmanned
bland and unplanned
it is all banter
and no damn demand

a man of canter
and dubious brand
on no barricade
all babbittry babble
barely captioned
a boredom canonade
stacking blah
upon bloody parade
redundant repeated
repelling replayed

and then finally filtered,
the filler dreads fade
Flaming anons can go fuck themselves. Write whatever comes out. :rose:




brain zapped shut up
shot up pinned down
freak show spree
peep show me

swooshing that thing
and flashing that silly
desperate grin
and that silly
delectable skin
for a quick fix pumping
thumping filthy fable
of an everynight world

then coming down hard
hands skinned on asphalt
or broken glass

and coming home hard
stumbling back late
to four walls of hate

make-believers parade
acid rolling like honey
from bitter lips
of the easily defeated
burning stares
shrieking silence

no wonder i finally cut
that nauseous navel string
looped aroung my throat

in which I also dangled
over a burning abyss
and fell
someone needs a big hug
someone needs a big hug
it aint a crow its a lady bug
someone needs a big hug

in my summer
bare feet,

it seems so sweet,

waves in jersey
sound the same,

as waves from the
ocean from where we

log in stumble over password
I do not remember what I was so passionate about anymore

maybe it was initials
maybe it was a found crumb
of the last feast
of green lights and blue toys
empty boxes

who are you
is who I am
beside you

without recognition in reflection

I feel like it should be dark
under the worm moon
but sun has not even reached
high point

eyes must remain opened
for another

you live
etched on my eye lids
scratched into metal
zipper and clamp

and I live in you
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