all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Her voice smolders
smoke, billowing with steam,
dancing on pillows of rising air
and sings love's serenity,
stirring passion
awakening obsession
leading genteel beyond fervor
to bow,
sweeping the earth
before her feet

The proud, strong
now week-kneed,
swoon to woo her eyes
dreaming a glance upon their being,
yearning a caress of whispered breath,
husky words to cause a death
of a mere heart beat
before breathless,
renewed by her fiery kiss
of song
sweetly sung
words wrung
for only one.

Edit to say: Hmmm, think serenity is a wrong choice of words here
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Rotten Poet

plush velvet sometimes
struggling with just rhymes
then i fall flat!

love swirling prose – not
wondering who’s what got
pillowed plump cat

dancing the two step
words spurting couplet
cushioning a frustrated
spoiled rotten brat!

slowing to quintets
whispering word jets
ballerina, pirouettes exact
and that’s that!
:rose: ;)
secret admirer

top cat and pony
in the mailbox
bare feet runninng down the summer yard

greetings in blue ink
on free boxed cards
sent from St. Jude or Jerry
"please pledge something"

Top cat and Pony
asked questions like they knew me
actually knew my little brother, the letters
were for him

but I like to pretend that they were for me too

they asked questions like they knew me
but wanted to know more


my secret admirers
in a box filled with adult sized
bills and magazines

mother was kind
but not sneaky
as we soon figured it out

but pretended, pretended they were real
to keep those letters coming
and coming

to take us away
to a dream land
where we were small
but important.

even to a travelling cat
and his pony companion

especially, to a travelling cat
and his pony companion
Your Birthday is here
But you are gone
I have a gift for you

There is no pain
Your legs are strong
I have a gift for you

You dance a jig with Uncle Ed
The lilac blossoms shine
I have a gift for you

You rock Bobby in your arms
And sing to him a rhyme
I have a gift for you

You sit and chat and share a laugh
With Laura and Aunt Mim
I have a gift for you

Your mother hugs you tightly
And praises all you’ve been
I have a gift for you

Grandpa stands beside you
And takes you by the hand
I have a gift for you

On this, your day, love strolls with you
Across the promised land
I have a gift for you

You celebrate this birthday
As you haven’t done in years
I have a gift for you

But I will mourn your absence
With joyfulness and tears
I have a gift for you

You will always be remembered
Forever you’ll be missed
This is my gift for you
Elongated thoughts
Stream languid
Through my mind
As touch turns sensual
Company inconsequential
You and I
And too many others
Share a moment
That I long to make
More intimate

Discrete as my words
My glances filled with heat
Tell stories more evocative
Than normal company
Finds acceptable
In polite conversation

My caressing touch
Awakens me
To the sultry smoothness
Of your arm
Your back
The lingering curve
Of your neck
That I long to taste.

Perhaps a shadowed space
Lit by streetlights
On a quite night
Would suffice for just a taste
Of momentary passion
But not slaked
Until much later
With a languid sense
Of predawn morning
In the air
Syndra Lynn said:
This is liquid smooth and hot.

Thank you for the feeling

Syn :kiss:

Thanks for the response. Always aim to please...:D

Having way too much fun on another thread with these...

Gaze caught
By your shape
Silhouetted by light
In the night
As you pose
And I reflect

A sensual glide
Carries you
Through the bedroom
Sultry looks
In my direction
Making sure
I pay attention

Lotion smoothed on
With languorous strokes
Accentuating curves
Defining legs
And arms
And neck

Back turned
Nightgown puddles
To the floor
And I ache for more
Than I can see
You smile
And offer
A profile
Cupping breasts
And lifted knee
To tantalize

lights go out
Hidden within shadows
Your sensuous motion
Brings you closer
A sense of hips that sway
A hint of breasts
Capped in shadow
You approach

Your hand
And mouth
Make a mockery
Of any self control
Not that I had any
Ages pass in pleasure
And then you rise above me
And sink slowly
With a reason
to make a rhyme
In syncopated rhythm
In shuddering silence
With silent audible groans
Of passion
Bang bang pirates

I’ll braid some beads into my beard
like Johnny Depp
gold plate my smile

After buckling a few swashes
we could swing that hammock
What moment madness
Inspired my desire
For your dark beauty
Your lustrous locks
Your sultry eyes
That spoke
of decadence
with glimmering rays
flashing red
in the dancelight
Lithe motion
Inspires the music
Dancing my heart
Across your fingertips
Speared by your bloodred
Nails shaped curves
Curves of your body
Speak of rapture
Decadent rapture
Spiraling endless
Into madness
Foolish love
echoes_s said:
Rotten Poet

plush velvet sometimes
struggling with just rhymes
then i fall flat!

love swirling prose – not
wondering who’s what got
pillowed plump cat

dancing the two step
words spurting couplet
cushioning a frustrated
spoiled rotten brat!

slowing to quintets
whispering word jets
ballerina, pirouettes exact
and that’s that!
:rose: ;)

your alliteration is just devine
your words inspire me
to dig up and write down
some of mine
and th e poem poem I quoted above,
is simply a dance in itself..
i really enjoy your improptu words, they are you :)
Re: Hey OT

i'm tardy with responding proper
blame it on my too-full hopper
things to get to, things to do
Extremely late, but ... Hey!
Thank you!
sometimes words come thrashing up, like waves upon the sea,
and sometimes they play hide and seek, and simply toy with me.
and sometimes they're like lovers, with passion, poise and grace,
and sometimes they just lay there like they've fallen on their face.
and sometimes they can move me, and perhaps can move you, too
and sometimes they can't move at all, not even rhyme with too.
but still I have to love them, for whatever be their mood,
if thoughts give life expression, then words must be their food.
empty nest imminent

my babies, my birdies
about to fly the coop,
break out
and skip away
I did good, they survived, so far
my problem is me...

where do I go when theres no more
shopping, no hopping, no taxi-cabbing
my girls around?
PTA a thing of the past,booster clubs, yes
they will miss
my cookie/brownie, awesome pie-making ass :)

I advertise on occasion, for a freebie
please feel sorry for my plight
vacation...I need someone that
NEEDS me....all you womens rights ladies
I thank you, but I was made to nurture

it completes me, now I'm lost
forty-one years old with no where to go
and when I grow up....I wanna be
Rainy fais dodo

It rains side ways in Seattle,
mists and drizzles;
crickets hit high notes,
bullfrogs croak bass,
the downpour plays melody.

It's all music to my ears
no matter where I may be,
but I still miss the
tattoo on my tin roof,
where the bayou met the backyard,

a place of beastly cacophony
easily made into zydeco
during a thunderstorm—
a rainy fais dodo for one
under my front porch.
Just another urban love song

See them on the subway ride
or walking down the street
eyes turned down collars up
shuffling Gucci feet

they are kinda walking dead
full of subway sighs
briefcase loaded dossier dread
lurks behind those eyes

had my three piece armor on
windsor knot on a hot hot day
round the corner feeling late
at Adelaide and Bay

bumped into a pretty girl
pinstripe skirt charcoal grey

I stopped
she stopped
time stopped
she smiled
I smiled
her eyes
my eyes

then the dusty urban breeze
carried her away
an era over
morals colide
Ive come to the end of a long hard time
things will soon be better though
i hope im right
but who can know
my era over
time has passed
I want to be a better man.
Re: empty nest imminent

Maria2394 said:
made to nurture

it completes me, now I'm lost
forty-one years old with no where to go
and when I grow up....I wanna be

first of all when did you turn 41?
second of all, my birds will be in this nest for another 18 years at least, I am sure

you can come nurture til the cows come home
and my pie making ass has not made a pie
in a fortnight and 5 years
the PTA would think you were their mom anyway
never quite made a meeting


what will I miss
when I am one and fifty
and my nest is empty

dont tell my boys of this worry
they seem to be the type that never leave
Re: empty nest imminent

Maria2394 said:
made to nurture

it completes me, now I'm lost
forty-one years old with no where to go
and when I grow up....I wanna be

first of all when did you turn 41?
second of all, my birds will be in this nest for another 18 years at least, I am sure

you can come nurture til the cows come home
and my pie making ass has not made a pie
in a fortnight and 5 years
the PTA would think you were their mom anyway
never quite made a meeting


what will I miss
when I am one and fifty
and my nest is empty

dont tell my boys of this worry
they seem to be the type that never leave
moody i sit

in vain i peruse
my eroded broken glossary
until dizzy inside
from convoluted swiveling

sometimes we
should sit
Re: Re: empty nest imminent

annaswirls said:
first of all when did you turn 41?
second of all, my birds will be in this nest for another 18 years at least, I am sure

you can come nurture til the cows come home
and my pie making ass has not made a pie
in a fortnight and 5 years
the PTA would think you were their mom anyway
never quite made a meeting


what will I miss
when I am one and fifty
and my nest is empty

dont tell my boys of this worry
they seem to be the type that never leave

**I turned 41 on my birthday, you silly woman!! 11/23/62 is when I was born, I didnt change the age on my profile cause I just didnt yet***

and speaking of pies and nurture-ing
I make them often, and lust
as they're cooling, but it seems
I'm always try to diet
but who'd I think I was fooling?
just the smell of lemon meringue
golden brown, and pumpkin sweet
my favorite is of course, cherry cheesecake

I havent had one in three years..
and here I sit, bikini clad, dismayed
at the 11 spare pounds I seem to have found
in between Christmas and St Patricks Day ;)

time to sweat it off, in the yard
at the river or the beach

thanks to you all for cheering me up
it really means a lot,
and i when I get a nice brown tan
I might just post a picture....
of me feet :D
please don't tease with these
promises by the pound
of plans for tans
even if
the feet are sleek
and forty one
years young
browned by the sun
and are nestled in fun
summer sand
Weaving Tears

weaving droplets into pools
drawing sighs that searing singe
tracing pain from burnt scorched haze
piecing fragments of her heart

a shape of hand holding hand
then breached by distant part
a mere whispered breeze of doubt
a simple sentence without thought

waiting, breathless for a hint
trying hard to comprehend
friendship’s worth is much too strong
to be impersonated by a shrug.

still extending warmth of love
alone with tears as darkness drowns
probing blackness with her eyes
weaving tears not shown outside
this takes time, for me

record scratch
sounds like chaaw shhhh, chaaw shhhh
anyway favorite rite anyway stammer
shy boy knowing feelings
hearing the birds and wind avoiding
saying the meaning that means avoid the the saying,
see, stupid, not saying, clumsy sad excuse for a cool feeling
never later than ten
after that alpha begins over
this hooting flirt is sure fun
after that alpha begins over
numbers arn't needed after ten
below a beautiful display
fisting mothers i'd love to fuck
oh joy, a real yank for poetry
could be the reason
this good bye that won't be missed

this added:
no one is better at looking at that big speaker
than that cute dog with floppy ears
breaking his own rules, again
"Last edited by 03sp on 03-20-2004 at 07:31 PM"

breakin rules
edit cut paste evidence
of the break
and stem from somewhere else

baby break is what we do here
break that bread stick
pass it round fourty loaves got
nothing on us

lick finger
pick up crumbs from grey sweater
best not get those itches on my side
you little fuck

yeah it is okay to say fuck now
isnt it?
polishing boots on esculator
bristle and carry me above street level

just to see you
breaking down
to omega-3
gel caps at the bottom
of the cup
with the "baby" s and the fuck this and that
why does passion have to be so angry

waiting for answer


because sweet sentiment sucks
someone slap that self important mother
fold and glue saccharine bullshit
mail it away COD

yeah cod and cad and who knows what

test puts me at a "mutual lover"
bull shit
that just means the average between two
extreme ends

far cry from mutual
smack my ass
I demand it.....
did you hear me
with the please

dont give me the neutral
watered down ph7
the strong base burns
worse than a strong acid

just give me something
pink, blue


fuck that
not in the passion
not all of a sudden


until my mouth is dry
craving water
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