all of a sudden passion suddenly

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River fishing with Father

I rummage through the box
for things that I do not know:
flies wrapped in a sunlight
gauze, lures stuck on nylon tar.

He watches me as I thread
a bright plastic firefly onto
the line, my left hand shaking
as I push down the weights,

forming a voodoo doll. I will utter
my curse as I cast it into the river,
watching their bellies float as they
choke on my most powerful weapon:

my words. Although I know little,
I am stronger than the gods weeping
on the water.
I jot numbers on the lines
separated by commas, colons
what tme to the big screen

the sun bleaches our follicles
when did I begin to fear the edge
of "consciousness"
one of those words l ike soul and bone
we group them in threes to encourage swallowing then whole
curbing the minds natural desire
to break everything into two
and leave nothing in the middle
to hold the group together

she cries whoopie!
dives down into solid rock
smiles and says
you wanna see it again?
Paradoxical Dress

Mother comes in wearing
her sheetmetal dress,
the earth bending around
her as she turns for me

do I look ok, she asks
as her body warps spacetime
I blink, remembering she said
that yesterday

which was only a second ago.
She has that effect on me,
I think. Her words are black
holes, warping my fabric.
O2 fresh, counting to ten and holding
I am cerulean blue

heavy-hearted, light foot
stepping on nimbus clouds
stepping on clouds
stepping through, falling to fly

These wings are tainted
used, but they carry me

just fine
not you

The air is much too thin here
you can't breath
but I can give you mouth to mouth

just you
everyone else falls away
vampiredust said:
I rummage through the box
for things that I do not know:
flies wrapped in a sunlight
gauze, lures stuck on nylon tar.

He watches me as I thread
a bright plastic firefly onto
the line, my left hand shaking
as I push down the weights,

forming a voodoo doll. I will utter
my curse as I cast it into the river,
watching their bellies float as they
choke on my most powerful weapon:

my words. Although I know little,
I am stronger than the gods weeping
on the water.

very creative. love your imagery here ~

No more abstract, please

Mother shows me pieces
of a jigsaw lying around
the street: streetlamps
with corrugated armbands,

tables with propeller feet
and pots with lizardskin
arms. But I don't want to
see these images stuffed

into my skull. Not today,
nor tomorrow. All I want
to see is the Sun whistling
as it pushes through my

That is all
Am I fat?

she asks, stroking the curled
up peacock feather acting as
a replacement womb, a big
black hole chomping through

every part of her I never want
to see. You are not fat, I whisper.
I do not want to awaken her
pet, purring gently as it twists

with every turn of her buttocks.
She glances at the mirror, spying
its eye flittering between states
of lucidity and says nothing.

Her reflection weeps as the child
growls, hungry for her. I stand
back and cover my ears. I have
no weapons today and cannot fight.
a freshwater scar,
floundering as suffocation
turns everything sparkly-black
heavy air pushes on all sides of
this brain box, this fleshy
cabin cruiser
and the lights fade away.

seeing in prismactic dreams
things are as they seem
to believe, is to see-
invisible proof of you
turns my heart deep red
shifting in place, shuffling
my foot as i cast my eyes down
the design i leave in the dry dirt
is triginometery
i know exactly what it means

doing mathematics on my
terms today, knowing my remainder is
256° at 30',
i've learned to add up the two
parellel sides
and realize
the answer is still
a solid U.
just a handful of moss and buttermilk
into the blender
paint it on the rocks
why would you be surprised
to see it grow?


I stole both of my names from far better poets
real poets
okay they are such real poets
I dare not call myself one again
so I stole their words for my name
because I had not a single
original idea

perhaps I should think of it as my parents having given me the names?

Anna Swirszczynska (minus the accent marks)
because i love you)last night

because i love you)last night

clothed in sealace
appeared to me
your mind drifting
with chuckling rubbish
of pearl weed coral and stones;

no no no that is too bold to think that the product of their union would drop moss in a blender
and try to spit out "poetry"
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an object, yes
one throughly used
a toilet
a little more classy than a porta-potty
or a Texaco station john

but not somewhere tipping some poor guy
after taking a leak
Wash hands and give him a what?
A couple of ones? a fiver?
(Thank you for letting me pee)

At sports bar, yes
where everyone lines up at half-time
shoulder-to-shoulder at the trough
for communal pissings
taking turns, ala one commode

Instead of "Men"
my name is printed on the door
(not really, but that's how I feel)

There is always something funny
about their name, as if the way
they defied gravity was an act
of amusement. But I never see

it that way. I look at those fully
developed moons hanging from
the branches, running my fingers
across their sandpaper skin

that has formed continents
on their dried up skin and pretend
that I am a god, plucking them
from the heavens. I cut one in half

and scoop out rows of eyes,
scattering them like used stardust
in the dustbin. I do not need them
anymore. It has offered itself to me,

unwillingly and I must consume it.
Closing Time

Music is packed away first,
tucked neatly into a sound
proof box where it can't
escape. The chairs follow,

their propeller legs hanging
like bulls horns on the tables.
Some customers peer through
the door, watching the ritual.

But he ignores them. They are
not real today. Dropping a sheet
of ghostskin on the tables, he
says his finally prayer and locks

away everything he knows. It will
be unpacked tomorrow, he knows,
but he will be in different parts
as usual. Nobody can reassemble
Sleep in the dark

She invited stars to fall from
the sky so she could stick
them on her ceiling. She could
never sleep in the dark,

so she used them as her
nightlight, never imagining them
burning out. But they started
to pop, colouring her sky black

once again. And all she could
feel was glass running over her
fingertips as she wept, hoping
the gods would answer. But none did.

Long damp strands run
through fingers, grit of sand
and salt.

As I grasp and pull,
her epidermal sea rears and swells.
I ride its waves to home.
The Language Of My City

Symbols etched on paving slabs
call out to me as I walk on its
filled in waterways. I don't see
their meaning hidden behind

the street furniture: streetlamps
wearing corrugated armbands,
tables with propeller legs, plants
with lizard lips. I cannot read the

map this is creating, I am lost in
the semiotics of its concrete
land. There are no verbs, adjectives
or subjects here, just the endless
hum of a million boots thumping.
Tzara said:

Long damp strands run
through fingers, grit of sand
and salt.

As I grasp and pull,
her epidermal sea rears and swells.
I ride its waves to home.

Kelp was never sexy before - nice one.
Tristesse2 said:
Kelp was never sexy before - nice one.
Thanks, Tess.

Say. Is my eyesight getting worse or is your AV not in focus? Regrettably, I often can no longer tell.

Letters From Mars

Dear Mr Mind

I am surrounded by your
clutter. Old journals, electric
harpies. A harpoon by my bed
that says 'FIRE!'

Mother thinks I need a yard
sale. Tomorrow I will pack
up your tentacles in a brown
bear and put up a sign saying

'$2 or less. Preferrably less'

If you have any objections
to the auctioning, please blow me
a message in the sky.

I'll be sure to receive it. I think.


A Letter From The Rusted Bucket

You are raspberries starved
of oxygen, globules of purple
ink designed to stain clothes
for the sheer fun of it.

Nobody remembers when you
are plucked off bushes by hand
and beak, coated in sugar
and boiled. We do not hear

your screams, they are invisible
to us. You will be reborn and stain
us as we burn, falling on our
charred remains as seasons sleep.
freedoms born of dark wings
passions whispered in heat
these things we seek, hidden
murmers only shadows perceive
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