all of a sudden passion suddenly

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but now face to face

surely there is no patent on the King James Bible
I always imagine you with something in your mouth
a toothpick
blade of grass
something tobacco

but in my mirror dimly
she appears
there! did you see?
do you even know her?

it is not the first time we showed up
wearing the same outfit
but wait!
no, this time it was his shirt, no?
the same holey tee he sent for me to sleep in
weeks worth of stink sweated in
no? nah it is just that imagination
coincidental similation
no one has a patent on King James
especialy Corinthians for Gods sake
I think even Adam Sandler cut a quote from that wedding regular
when I was a child
for the twenty seventh season

spit shine baby
take me in your eyes
this is no arcade no lemonade stand this is it this is it
let us shine on through

perhaps I should have made her
kill the spider in her inadequate closet
but she asked me. Would this be
the last time she asks me t o kill
for her? in a way I hope so
and not in the same breath
a snap decision not to tell her
what kind it was, not that it owuld have made
any difference, a spider is a spider
when you are seventeen
and all the way home I kept thinking
she needs a new rug for her room
Hired Intelligence

Sitting under the skylight, I chewed
the poetry in my head as if it were
a piece of gum. I wanted to twist
its rubbery neck until the images

snapped and I was left with bloody
ink on my fingers. But that fucking
never happened. I fumbled through
layers of sterile brain tissue,

organising the zoo of metaphors
until I had verse. But I ended
up with an empty muscle, its bone
stripped out and put on display.
Can you tell I'm drunk yet?

You are my zoo
of things I never want to see,
a harpy dressed in my lies
that screams only when I press
a button called EXIT

I want to leave you
and fly off a cliff
to places that you will never go

I will have no wings
I will have no parachute
I will have words
that will open up
and cushion me as I fall

I don't want to swallow
your broken glass anymore

I've had enough of feeling
it cut the insides of my rubber
throat, bleeding me in places
you only see in dollar horror movies

or in cheapo motels
where guts are displayed like cheap

Put on your best mask today, honey
as I swallow the red pill
and flush away your fucking life
Watching the motorcyclists on Victoria Street

They squat on top
of their metallic fucking machines,
zipping zippity do da
down a rabbit hole and back again

hovering like bumblebees
as they wait in line for the red light
to signal the start of the next playfight.
I'm not interested in them,

I want to cross the road. I am not
a fly on their visor, something to be brushed
off. I am here and will go there.
O road, hear me scream.

The gods will listen

The projector in my mind
stutters everytime I think
of you. I imagine a land of
cicadas beating their drum

throughout the night, where
rattlesnakes arch their backs
at the moon and cedars
watch mythology happen.

But I know this never happens.
That is my Texas. A desert
of faded symbols, of rusted
oilwells and corroded stars.

If I searched the skies, I know
I would find you. A lone star
ranger hauling in the cattle
with an eternal lasso.
I have no passion
to give you now.
What you see
is what you get.

Button down the hatches
and get your thinking cap on.
Come by another time
when I am feeling lost
and torn in two.

Catch me free thinking
my thoughts to the wind.
weathering it alone
without a raincoat to catch
the falling words.

~~ :rolleyes:
Eyes of the universe

I found your eyes in a drawer
but did not need them

so stuffed them in an envelope
and weighed it down with stones,
knowing it would sink if thrown
off Westminster bridge

But the river returned them
and they lit up the rims of my eyes
with the universes' reflection

I did not mean for that to happen

That was not part of the plan

Specks of sod lay trapped
on my earth trodden soles,
buried between the walls
of a rubber maze.

Some will be washed out,
caught in the monthly scrub
and plucked out by foam
and a running current.

Others will remain, sleeping
in a shroud of dust until
they are disassembled;
their archaeology stripped

and the universe is exposed
as nothing more than a piece
of dirt
your touch brushes honey
on the mottled depths
of shadowy hollows
where musky memory
lingers with fingers
steeping in beeswax
and oolong tea

nuzzle against the satin
cushion embroidered
with silk threads to tell
a story wrought
in image and tasted
on words won into scent
that rises on steam
from a china cup.
Cutting through swathes
of driftwood, its ripple-tongue
slowly starting to fill the dried
up valley.

Old barrels, birds, polystyrene
nests, started pedalling against
its fist. Some made it downstream,
others remained trapped.

I watched it swallow them whole,
the dip in its oil black gullet inflated
as it tried to digest feathers
and bones. And as they cut through,

I heard a loud gulp. It contracted
that night before collapsing, draining
the river in a single blink, returning
everything that had been forgotten.

Women fan themselves
with wire pancakes
passing girls wearing tinfoil
dresses and opening cans
of gossip

bombs are falling on the airwaves
careening into each other
like marbles on a playground

in the background
pupae are hanging on trees
like swollen lips

slowly puncturing the skin
it is butterfly season but I cannot
hear their wings beating

Her body is inhabited by a ghost
today. The swollen hips, stomach
and vulva products of its artistry.
When she moves, she will feel it

kicking her insides as if sending a
message that she will never read.
Kick once for A, three times for B.
Don't ask about numbers.

When she walks down the street,
people will stare at the lump buried
underneath her t-shirt, inflated only
by the wind.

She has already buried it but can still
feel it kicking. A voice screaming only
when she sleeps.
evening on the porch swing
with popcicles I watch them drive their cars down our road
I try to lock the eyes ofsweatweary workers
dry grass glued with sweat under their headbands
women with their elbow resting on the window
head resting on hand
I try to cathc their eyes
to tell them
I am not them
I am not one of them
the spoiled ones, no
tht cannot be me
just look at me
look at me
and don't steal my things
my grass grows too
I mow my own
look at me
I am not them
I have no money to replace what you have taken from us

they drive past tired from work
I put on my cowgirl pajamas from Target
unroll the new rug
decide to dye my hair tomorrow
pretend there is no time to write
when it is all just stuck inside stuck the shame
I saw them, I saw them stealing my things
still I do not want to believe fight fight fight the pull of the current of bigotry that flows under my feet
building mountains
boiling springs
and I still say nothing, can you read this nothingness?

I could go on like this all night
writing nothing writing how happiness kills my will
these fucking drugs, is that why I cannot get angry?
glare at the thieves as they drive past
curse them with my eyes?
is it the drugs that keep me ahhhh peaceful yes
and popcorn for the boys with ICEE's
hummmm down the aisle like the fluourescent hummmm above
with the same cowboy hats at the end of the aisle that I saw in the Chesapeake
accessory aisle hummmmm I make eye contact
our children go to school toether
I saw you take our lawn mower, I saw you

could it be that I actually believe
I have more than I ever deserved
even knee deep
waist deep
head under in debt
shut up bitch you are there of your own accord
given a mountain you dug this hole
ha ah ha and down in the hole
down in the hole you sit among the new cars
new ottoman yeah new beadwork hat
and yeah maybe I really do think the lawm mower might actually be yours
why not
we have not even paid for it yet
why not
four week drought killed the grass anyway save the spots we dance in the sprinklers
bala cing the plastic balls that hover in the spray
hover hover yeah yeah perfect pressure
and I love this place.

we would put up a fence
if we could afford a fence
buy security windows
and alarms
if we could afford them
ha ah ha caught there in the middle
of having things worth stealing and not being able to protec them
should have stuck with the crap
yeah take it take it all but it is ogne and I just do not care
whatever take it

I always figured if someone needs my stuff so much that they will resort to stealing
well fuck it, take it whatever
yet that did not stop me from smacking that bitch's hand as she tried to snatch my wallet right from my palm bitch scratched me with her french manicured claws

see said I could writ all night abot nothing
how many times can I write

my baby sleeps
I cant shake myself into acceptance
or fear
we are and we will be
ahhhh ha these drugs
keep me so ahhhhhhh

and nex time I will write about how the mother fuckers
make me cdoast along the edge of climax
super heated steam under pressure
torture, I tell you torture

I thought the shotgun might hit a single target
ha ah ha nothing nothing nothing
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