all of a sudden passion suddenly

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the color,
the color of everything
reminds me of him
and how his words could be
colorless yet blazing
super sonic whizzing past me
like lightning bolts of love
I imagined he slung so far
away from me
the color, the color,
I think it was blue, maybe
an azure or teal no
turquoise for sure
the color of a scalded heart
left alone in the snow
Maria2394 said:
the color,
the color of everything
reminds me of him
and how his words could be
colorless yet blazing
super sonic whizzing past me
like lightning bolts of love
I imagined he slung so far
away from me
the color, the color,
I think it was blue, maybe
an azure or teal no
turquoise for sure
the color of a scalded heart
left alone in the snow

Beautiful, Maria. :rose:
Hums and Spins

Maria2394 said:
the color,
the color of everything
reminds me of him
and how his words could be
colorless yet blazing
super sonic whizzing past me
like lightning bolts of love
I imagined he slung so far
away from me
the color, the color,
I think it was blue, maybe
an azure or teal no
turquoise for sure
the color of a scalded heart
left alone in the snow

I like the feeling, the mood and motion you've created here. "I imagined he slung so far away from me/the color, the color..." I feel this poem humming and spinning with a life and love.

Imagine an emoticon of a fernleaf blowing in the wind.

I feel like I've been beaten by sacks of cement,
(or at least had them poured upon me)
setting up in my seething fluids, tied
virtuous and cool with gritty agragate.

We bludgeoned the bedstead into a
carwreck found art object, little left to
use again, and again, and again you stroke,
you pull and press and probe.

I've given you the rose, (well the thorns)
and true, you thanked me, but I left the
brass candlesticks at home and forgot
just where I left my surgical tubing.
vampiredust said:
We ate lunch by a field of sunflowers,

But, it's winter here

We ate lunch in the snow,
flakes landing on my nose,
my salad sandwich
and my shoe. I crunched
the white flat
until the grey road
peered back and winter
swallowed my footprints,
There are places where
it's winter always:
reruns of Hogan's Heros
Christmas carols
and places quieter,
far less capital
where no one goes unless
on research--
and hearts unlit
by hope.
Camera Filter

Holding up the tea coloured sun
cattle looks like a line of rusted train
carriages, chugging along the mauve

sky seems stranger than before
as if someone has snatched away blue
in an instant and replaced it with this
(not orangey brown, but darker)

Swapping the filter, everything is plunged
into indigo. The trees are nothing more
than outlines, on this, my landscape.
I trim and edit. Birds are added,

the Sun is removed. Removing the filter,
everything is still blue. And brown. And red.
And yellow. And...
wildsweetone said:

But, it's winter here

We ate lunch in the snow,
flakes landing on my nose,
my salad sandwich
and my shoe. I crunched
the white flat
until the grey road
peered back and winter
swallowed my footprints,

Great imagery here Sweets ~ :rose:
Love the feel of this one too ~

so much symbolism
buried under layers black
as a crow's wing

waiting for feet
to tread and trample
its mythology

that calls, its voice
calling in our carbon skulls.

Nobody sees it evaporate
to the hundred-thousanths
a precision measurement of this
is made
not with vernier calipers or
a DRO height gauge
this thing has been ground
to a fine satin smoothness
no burrs or imperfections

manufactured love

synthetic by my own hand
godlike, creating,
non dementional mental things
growing on its own, it seems
i scratch a fish in the dirt
as we meet
a silent knowing between us
a perfect oneness
from the furry feel of a
mango on my tongue,
black dogs and back doors
a peach and the schism of brothers
cinco de mayo
is not just mehico's independance day.

There is distance between us,
measured not in centimetres,

kilometres, millimetres, or any
of those things you never could

understand. It is in sound; waves
that you cannot plot on a graph,

only charting them by a falling
tear or the sudden crash of a fist

against a wall.

You are looking at me
stuffing objects into your hollow
mouth: old poems, yellowed receipts,
spools of liquorice coloured wire.

Be still as I hold you upside down.
Do not say a word. This is our game
that we play.When we are finished,
it will happen all over again.

But this time you will be in charge.
Empty my pockets. Rifle through
everything I don't need. I am yours
tonight. And tomorrow. And the day after.
I like the ideas of this very much, Vampiredust. This is a keeper (by keeper of course I mean worth a revision or two then submission). I'd ditch the comma after us (well all of them probably) and replace the semicolon with a dash or colon. Good job.

vampiredust said:
There is distance between us,
measured not in centimetres,

kilometres, millimetres, or any
of those things you never could

understand. It is in sound; waves
that you cannot plot on a graph,

only charting them by a falling
tear or the sudden crash of a fist

against a wall.
Also a keeper. worth revising. I love the word caliper. Message me if you want more feedback.

4degrees said:
to the hundred-thousanths
a precision measurement of this
is made
not with vernier calipers or
a DRO height gauge
this thing has been ground
to a fine satin smoothness
no burrs or imperfections

manufactured love

synthetic by my own hand
godlike, creating,
non dementional mental things
growing on its own, it seems
i scratch a fish in the dirt
as we meet
a silent knowing between us
a perfect oneness
from the furry feel of a
mango on my tongue,
black dogs and back doors
a peach and the schism of brothers
cinco de mayo
is not just mehico's independance day.
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Honey dew drops bubbled and dripped
soaking skin, tan limbs and a sultry smile
made just ... for you.

I slid down deep into the bubbles
thinking what a pleasure it would be
to see you pop up between my sudsy
thighs, blowing your bubbles the way
you always promised.

Yes, my love I do remember a time
a moment when all was clear and you did
just this. Laughter filled the air and a sudden
hot tension popped up between us.

Your curls stick out most
in my mind. A loving smile appears
and so does a persistent never ending
desire I have and shall always have
... for you.

Razor to legs, slide to and fro
sharing the space for a moment in time
with you. Remembering your scandalous
trailing these same ridges, mountains
and hills.

Shaving cream covers
hides your favorite spot
ready for the razors edge, ready
for that silken slide you do so well.

Knowing your likeness for cream
I cover two crescent breast
tweaking nipples, finger slides
nubbing them just right
for the tasting
for the tempting of the man
out of the mountains and onto

the trail of this starving body. The
mapping of this woman who was lost
without a trace. Come show me
the hunger I once knew
between us two ...
En Potentia

There is a tense, sultry place on your neck
a little to the left and down below your ear

a place small and salty where your hair
tickles you all day, usually ignored by

the days crass blows, but sometimes
in a store, in the car, cleaning the house,

it awakes to the sensation and
illuminates you, transforms you for

just a second and weak in the knees you
are surrounded by pressing, roiling flesh.
Loose jeans stained with a thousand days
hang open, but hang
dangling by the slightest friction to your upright form.

Your hip thrusts out like you want someone to take your picture
or take you. When you start lifting that ratty old Van Halen T-shirt
over your head, the jeans begin to slip with the motion
before catching just a little further down. Delighting with an absence of
This guy was a winner and the desire
for winning cast sparkles on everything about him
from his full open smile
to his confident hand shake.
Otherwise he'd be anything
but extraordinary, his hair too thin
his waist too full, but even these
modeled after Pat Sajak when he wore his lucky
suit. He had that winner sheen
ever since he was picked to be on Wheel of Fortune.
He invited a beautiful woman to Aruba
and married her not long after. Now the light
cast on him shines
from her bright gaze.
Would you a story?

Would you a story? A string of words whispered harsh
and throaty and deep while we creep over each
other's mind, searching for seams with seems and
inuendo. Would you, hovering now, playing spy to my secret papers,
wish to turn the page on this scene and see the next?

I see you sillouetted against the lighter dark of the window,
see you stirring, smiling in your charming skin, watching,
wondering what I'll tell you next.

Water boatmen skate across the surface
of the ponds scooped out eye, narrowly
avoiding colliding with lilypads. Rows
of frog eyes wait at the bottom,

waiting to swallow them. But they will
be dissected and spread out like kites.
No one will them that. In their stomachs,
they will find the water boatmen,

still in dance. Their clingfilm-thin wings
will be open and they will hear the sound
of the pond. That will be their heaven.
I am not sure what will happen to us, though.
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