all of a sudden passion suddenly

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My first spell was held in a smile
Ear to ear, eclipsing the sun itself
Head tilted, blonde hair tumbling
across flashing green eyes
All warmth and light and promise.

My second spell was precision itself.
The perfect mix of all ears, wise counsel
And incisive challenge.
The voice marrying exactly with the
message. Teasing and exotic.

My third spell held the rush of blood heat,
Insinuated passion. Spike heels,
painted nails, soft meadows, deep
sighs, rivers of moisture and lusts.
Mix it up and never be predictable.

You will recognise this alchemy
You will know of it's danger in the wrong place
And of its impotence in the wrong hands
And of it majesty as the alchemist
turns victim and her heart fragments.
past passion and
present tension mixing into
some smooth blend of
raw intoxication
an energy that is constant,
producing that deep blue buzz
right below the belly
right between the ears
a long street that goes
but the scenery is divine
irrisistable, constant pull to
keep walking it
talk the talk of some
unrefined street don juan
with an instant reflex to snatch
any shine from the air
anything that is tossed my way
i'll take it
nothing is ever enough
although it beats nothing.

Moths observed all the key
moments of my father's life.
When he was born, a moth
popped out of its casing,

flying into his mouth. It left
five years later, when they
dragged him out of a frozen
lake, its wing snagged in his

teeth. They watched him as
he attached cameras on to
planes bellies, the stuttering
of their wings stopping years

later when he was nearly shot
by a Cypriot. I have seen them
watch him only once. When we
were in the attic of my aunts

house, I saw them swirl around
him, their wings beating in synch
with his every thought. Then he
unfolded his wings and flew.

Blue hammers driving down
through black rain
honeyed oil eating out
the folds of my framed stutterance
boiling my false entrance
instilling in me all the glory
of a plastic bag
dug up
in the back yard.

You brought stories to the north,
carrying them in your beating
gills. When you were caught in
reed stomachs, they took them
out and buried them in the snow.

The oil trails left behind still smell
of your words. Underneath frozen
footprints lie your words. Someone
will defrost them and carry them to
places where you will be reborn.

But for now, you will still swim,
creating new stories that will float
in the air as you are burnt. Some
of you will be buried in the snow,
a mythology that can never melt.
Drama Martini

His violent jealousy once repulsed me. I wanted
to fill her purse with domestic abuse help line cards
even though he never hit her or abused
her in conventional ways. I didn't realize, then,
how intricate their preparations, how well understood
the unwritten recipe of their drama.

Gin too refined is flat, even when accented
by dry vermouth and olive. Sapphire
is sophisticated, but won't make
the full bodied martini Beefeater can. Still,
if one shakes it enough, breaks enough chips
of ice into it, the icy froth almost

I watched her fill the room with eligible
patsies: men educated, intelligent, young and reckless.
Their hostess would serve them their own names tenderized
with understanding (how well she knew them) held proud
trays of sympathy like cucumber sandwiches, bending
just enough to make the air stink with their testosterone
until her lover's frenzied countenance rewarded her.

She reeled him in, his orbit closer, more protective
even as he fought them, her suitors. Even as she feigned
innocence (well she was innocent because the deep
questions went unasked) he circled
his territory. See, I'd only ever
noticed the barricade, the covered wagons
parked all around her to ward off non-existent
competition. (After all, she loved him as much as she
could--as she ever would.) What I never saw
until I went backstage
was the satisfaction of her smile
bouyed by ice chips.

You sit under Europe's hem,
darkening like your inherited
children. Nobody recognises
you anymore, buried under

a zoo of bastard verbs and
adjectives. So you sit under
a foreign sun, wailing to no
one but the clouds.

Shunned by linguists, you
beg not for coin but for
acceptance. Your mythology
is in us all, slowly fading.

I find nothing generous
in your paper replies,

no heart no soul no shelter

one day these wasps you kiss
will come to see your self watered vines

come to hum venomous rape in your hive

on that day

we shall at long last have an understanding.
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he was dead before I could tell
but I think Wayne was the first man I fell in love with
because still I look for these things under neath it all
finding disappointment with the polished men who have never
flung a fork of shit onto a wagon or reached right up inside
the heifer to turn the head of her first calf
knock down the wasps with a wave of his hat

to be continued, motherhood calls :cool:

Your tongue is mine tonight.
It won't be a commodity
traded amongst other mouths
or tied between two lamposts
like a catapault.

I will wrap it around me
when I sleep, a soggy blanket
panting under the humid

I won't tell it to hush -
I will play it like a guitar;
its twang lulling me to sleep
as it unfolds itself back into
its cave.
Found in a skip

Chairs damp as moss, wrinkled
wooden beams, traffic cones,
a curled up china cat, monitor,
old calculators, empty Dunlop
tennis ball drum.

And a pair of witches
about to launch themselves
from the rubble

He's coming today and in honor
I've broken out the tile cleaner
whitening grout and dusting
wainscotting. This is the first
time he has come to me. Well,
other than the first time, so many
years ago, when he was born
conceived in my teenaged
womb. When the social worker
arranged the meeting, parents
agreeing, I couldn't believe how easy
it was between us. And now he's
coming here! We'll go
to the requisite Broadway show,
but what else in only 4 days?
Which pieces, boroughs,
will we explore? Catching up
on 20 years--no tube can roll
that tight in 4 days only.

I found you by accident.
Whilst looking at Froebel
I came across your rose
bush, the buds unopened

unlike the bushes next to
you, hanging like shrivelled
wasps nests. There is no
life left in them, Alana.

Your roses will open and
fill the air with their poetry,
every syllable a reflection
of your voice.
Silent Evolution

Your body
is a clock without hands.
Empty, rusting. Serviced
by mechanics,

you watch them stuff tubes
into parts that can't be grown
or bought off the shelf.

They don't see you evolve.
That is your secret. When they
come back in the morning,
you will be gone.

You are a vessel for the worms,
my friend. When you slept, you
silently evolved into the thing
you are now.

It is time to feed them. They are

in each there is a light
a thin thread connection
oversoul dangling
us in interuniversal web

in each there is a sickness
a putrid desire to climb
over others push them down
to push one up

not whales not starfish not angels
only baboons and humans
have this disease; the wish
to inflict social anxiety
to punish the other
for nothing other
than being

but if we could all just be
happy embracing the wonder
of being, of connection
what songs could then we
tension along my nerves
from my cerebellum
to the most extreme
tip of tarsal phalanges

plucked to sing fear
and morbid interest
as we watch chemical
soup shoot through wires

of vein, artery and fibre
there regard with detached
calm the leak that would prove
fatal if left too long unpatched

no leaks please the mirror
is transparent and I can see
Billy Pilgrim fall victim
to his heart and sirens again

my heart wants to kill me
and yet the angels soothe
my soul to remind me still
to stay and stay I will.
God tore my eyes out
with the beauty of creation
pounded my head against
the universal wall

within withall
crying, sinking, falling
love hurts because it leaves
life hurts because it won't leave us alone.
Great stuff Champ and Seduceros! Raw and nerve-twitchy. Another great reason to put off cooking dinner. (running back over those lines.)
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won't read yours

so into the repository

she stayed
to hear the next lyric:

hated it.

when the old lady
the widower
down the street,

it brings to mind

not to be shared:

this is
about nature
And the bombs fell

A fly is trapped in the radio,
caught between Radio 1
and Capital FM

protesting angrily
between songs by Madonna
and Lily Allen

before suffocating
with U2 and Coldplay

released in time
to hear Morrissey

announce the downfall
of the American empire
The slideshow begins at noon,
everyone you know has turned
up to watch your old photos
of how you tried to suffocate

your Mom at 10. Look closer,
the telephone wire noose
is still in the frame. You can't
see her turning blue,

that is her secret. She buried
it under the patio in a bin liner,
next to your decapitated dolls.
Nobody can tell the difference,

apart from you.
What does your eye see?

Rain forms arrowheads
in spaces between pavements,
angled pools that dry
up as a new landscape falls.

No one picks up these images
scattered like seeds
on this wintery day.
They are lost in the holes

between hollow skulls,
popping out only when it's too late.

You found it whilst trawling
the fields, hoping to find a
shoal of thick gold eels or
silver bracelets hissing under

the rust coloured sod.
As your electric dowsing rod
chirped, you pushed away
layers of its blankets, finding

it curled up. But it never
wanted you. Exposed to your
world, it shrivelled, crumbled

Even now, you scratch away
at your palm, hoping to coax
a speck of its dirt from under
your skin.
Private Sight

After sluicing victory's pollution
after soap, shampoo, hope
cleaning in between

I stand before the mirror
picking lint from my ragged jeans
my torn t-shirt
thinking how much better I look
without underwear.
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