all of a sudden passion suddenly

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We ate lunch by a field of sunflowers,
watching their petals flop like a folded
out tissue paper crown. I wanted to
mock them as I sat under a giant oak,

tease their colour (stolen from their
lesser cousin, the dandelion)
as I ripped the flesh off my roasted
chicken. That would be my moment,

I thought. I wanted to stand over
their decapitated stalks and be tall,
not feeling their brown suns burn
as the field was set alight by my tongue.
vampiredust said:
We ate lunch by a field of sunflowers,
watching their petals flop like a folded
out tissue paper crown. I wanted to
mock them as I sat under a giant oak,

tease their colour (stolen from their
lesser cousin, the dandelion)
as I ripped the flesh off my roasted
chicken. That would be my moment,

I thought. I wanted to stand over
their decapitated stalks and be tall,
not feeling their brown suns burn
as the field was set alight by my tongue.

Vampiredust, I like what you've done here. Without saying so, you've created a feeling of these late, battered days of summer ("old tissue paper crown," "brown suns") as well as a sense of threat both to and from nature. Interesting. I especially like the last line because it unifies what has gone before...I'll take this with me today and ponder it. I think there's a lot here.


cocooned in this synopsis
a passion hot as the
surface of a star
black sky turns white with
energy flowing
from a to b
it can't be shut down
the killswitch sticks
continuing to power
this cell.
Setting Table for Breakfast

my hand carefully

one round fat truffle

on the tablecloth

near your cereal
Walking Among the Oregon Dunes

The sand is patterned, sculpted
by an erratic wind, which shifts
direction, swells and wanes. The mounds

migrate aimlessly here and there
like cattle searching for sweet grass,
like your hand evades my grasp.
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On First Looking into Chapman's Porn

Ah! Suds, I thought, meant dishwashing or
bubble baths, at best. I now think on breasts
in this, et célébrer des fraises.

So sweet, yet tart, as any other fruit
and natural, donc le beaucoup de bruit.
With fumbled fly I lay upon the chaise

and dream of you, restrained and pleading. Yes,
I know. It's just porn. Not real, not even
a good fantasy. Nor are strawberries in season.

pour JMarlins avec l'affection pour l'inspiration

Okay, this'll be quick 'cause I gotta pee
I just saw you standing there on the sofa
fingers tearing off all your wallflowers
and I knew, I just goddamn knew
that you were the imaginary friend for me.
Sitting, thinking, looking, laughing,
Short and hairy like a halfling,
Now she sees me in the door,
Laughing back I look some more,

Her shirt is streched so very tight,
straining, twisting, looking right,
at the cleavage she is showing,
twitching, throbbing now it's growing,

In my pants so very long,
and with a smile she sings her song,
"follow with me, you come too,"
"and in the darkness we will screw"

Wind has clocked
out for the
night and is being played by

Young Temperate trained in
occidental elocution and

Papers won't blow but they
lay drying; are they
accidentally strewn like
yesterday's lovers?

Flies skim the still's

creating a negative
of images

dropping into brine
(or hell) underneath

they are pulled apart,
exposing lifelessness

of hands and teeth

Inhaling your smoke,
I choke on every stale

slipping under soot
raven-black. Perhaps
I will tread on you

one day and create
a pavement stain,
but that is not today -

I need my fix
Lost and Found

Listless emptiness drives a withering heart to beat,
Memories of passion bring a tear to the eye.
Staring at pictures of happy times,
A collage adorning my desktop.

The question asked, what made it so?
Yet the answers are as elusive as the feeling itself,
At times beyond salvation,
Others, simply frustrating as Hell.

What do I do with this Love so profound,
Sometimes too painful to hold,
Always too beautiful to let go?
The heart becomes a box of forgotten items at the store.

Lost and Found.

Is it her beauty, virtually beyond compare?
No, though I cannot deny the appeal...
Is it her heart, the goodness, that lurks within?
Perhaps, but certainly not merely such...

Work and play, all that fill the day,
Keeps me moving, keeps my busy,
Yet throughout it all, nary a moment passes,
My thoughts drift back, drift to her, and I feel...

Lost and Found

What do I do? Has she forgotten me?
Are these feelings still mutual?
Uncertainty lords over my heart with an iron fist,
Even whether or not to post this...

I am Lost... and Found.

Will you read this, my Beloved?

G :heart: D
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I have tasted enough
of your witchcraft,

felt my throat burn
as I swallowed peppery

and my mouth crackle
as your seeds exploded
one by one

still you grow
o tiger of the east
Standing on a Sidewalk, Standing

So am I wrong to look
at your green eyes? I think

of apples, Granny Smith, round
and plump and crisp. Or pears,

that are so succulent. I resist
these simple correspondences to flesh,

and yet—your calm I want you glance,
makes it difficult to dance with you.

I can recover, always. It's thoughtful
that you mention space. That I love.

Can you embrace the larger picture?
Anonymity, presumption. Grace.
Surprised From behind.

you fly at me like
a wet towel from behind
knocking me into the wall,
tripping over that
cheesy wiry black thing
you put your catalogues in and
crash over the coffee table and its
infinite stains, rolling
controlling hands until
one of us lands on top
pinning the other
grinning below.
This window is my favorite.
In its scale, even zombies
can manage up the stairs
before someone breaks
the damn emergency glass
on them.

These people are my favorites
of all those I don't know. So
lovely like pressed
flowers or black and white
photos pinned on felt pages.

I feel I'm in my element
but which one is that?
(Should've paid better
attention in chemistry.)
Iron perhaps? Do pardon
the rust. Don't worry,
I won't stain the
Yes I believe you are...

cherries_on_snow said:
This window is my favorite.
In its scale, even zombies
can manage up the stairs
before someone breaks
the damn emergency glass
on them.

These people are my favorites
of all those I don't know. So
lovely like pressed
flowers or black and white
photos pinned on felt pages.

I feel I'm in my element
but which one is that?
(Should've paid better
attention in chemistry.)
Iron perhaps? Do pardon
the rust. Don't worry,
I won't stain the

This is great! Yes, I do believe you are in your element. I escaped chemistry entirely, so I'm not sure which one it is, either. Whichever it may be, it is shiny and and transluscent, playing tricks with the light, like an opal, burning fires within.

no words


to hide
before us.

shall miss
i love
about you
your impression still stains
the sheets of my mind. only
to unwind and undergo a mutation
transferring an iron-on sticky
to my heart. tattooed
to that one spot deep
in my subconscious, where scant
memories still live.

Dipping the coat in translucent
tar, she shakes it vigourously,
ignoring the drops of waxy rain
falling into the bath.

It will be her shield now. Nobody
can attack, plunge, or penetrate
the precious lungskin hanging
on the shower screen.

But it does not dry completely.
Streaks of thick liquor remain
on its hide. She will not notice
them. They will be silent,

watching the rain gods shoot
poison darts at her. Falling,
she will not be picked up;
her parts stuffed in a carry bag
and thrown away.

With a drink in his hand he followed her
muttering fiercely, standing head forward
as if to butt her into the fence. He murmered
poisonously dribbled drivel
constantly, so that she could always tell
how close to the edge he was as he substituted
foul abuses, increasingly garbled, for her christian name.
When his consonants wilted she knew it was time
for his medication and dutifully retrieved it.
This was their routine.
One time a friend stopped by, a counselor
who asked why she would stay with a man
who obviously hated her? She replied
she felt sorry for him for after all,
hating her was the only thing
that he enjoyed. She hadn't the heart
to take that away from him.
Seduceros2 said:
This is great! Yes, I do believe you are in your element. I escaped chemistry entirely, so I'm not sure which one it is, either. Whichever it may be, it is shiny and and transluscent, playing tricks with the light, like an opal, burning fires within.
Cheers and thanks. :eek:
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