all of a sudden passion suddenly

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vampiredust said:
Broken Mythology

On 9/11 the gods unclenched
their fists and released lightning

from the Tigris to the Sea of Galilee,
cracking mythology that held both

sides of the world together.
Even now, its pieces are stamped on.

Nobody has any glue to fix it,
this I know.

(mind if i bounce, Chris?)

It's just a dream
where gods fight
and people cower
behind their silks
and satins. A smooth

dream that copies
the beauty of ground
the hell of a battle
trampled into the tread
of boots worn. Comfort

comes from the stars
the consistency of stars
that are caught
in the canopy above,
fallen and caught. And

I wait until the strongest
god finishes the fight.
when I was younger, I believed
in God, still do believe, in one
God, but why his children feel the need
to punish those around them
to maim them,
scar them, crash into thirs lives
then stand back to watch them bleed

I want to believe in you, God, just one
God, why do you allow this suffering?
Tell us, please, I doubt that I'm the only one
who needs a reason to believe
I heard it on the radio

some stuffed shirt talking
to another stuffed shirt, squawking
its Monicas fault, its Monicas fault
that theres war in the Middle East

they said that the end of the cold war
was a coup for the Taliban
see, Reagan had it covered
they ran the Russies from Afghanistan
and the end of the Cold war some how
belongs to them

I still dont see how the war in the middle east
has a damned thing to do with Clinton
or Monica Lewinsky, on her knees
Maria2394 said:
some stuffed shirt talking
to another stuffed shirt, squawking
its Monicas fault, its Monicas fault
that theres war in the Middle East

they said that the end of the cold war
was a coup for the Taliban
see, Reagan had it covered
they ran the Russies from Afghanistan
and the end of the Cold war some how
belongs to them

I still dont see how the war in the middle east
has a damned thing to do with Clinton
or Monica Lewinsky, on her knees

:heart: this

you sassy, witty girl
:) thanks Chris, I couldnt resist

remember what they said of Helen -
her face could launch a thousand ships,
poor fat monica and her blows jobs
launched ten thousand quips

Angel Dust

His life collapsed faster
than the Berlin Wall

ending up in a thousand
plastic bags worth

of chopped up photographs
and film clips

running over his hands,
insects with human faces

that never make a mess
when squashed with a fist

or a rolled up wedding certificate
Watching the migration of electric butterflies

I'm sitting here, not thinking of you,
just watching clouds writing messages

on pavements as streetlights slowly dim -
watchmen with oily faces taking their last

journey. But you are not here and as I scan
the streets, I feel nothing. Looking at the sky,

all I can see are electric butterflies heading
north, crackling air with their ozone perfume.


I was twelve when I saw it creeping
through the spaces between clouds,

covering up tube carriages with its
ink-blue cloak. A magician greater

than Houdini in spectacle. Life changed
when everything touched its fabric,

swapping places with that unseen world
in the mirror.


I never changed, though. I was a ghost
in an outline of a landscape I once knew,

my breath nothing more than a series
of dots, my body a simple sketch -

something to be erased when morning
came. Nobody explained to me why these

things happened. Perhaps I was not meant
to see these things.

I still don't know.


I saw someone absorbed by night once.
In '89 when Father threw us out,

I watched his molecules slowly become
part of the night. Bones shifted, shrunk.

Liquids evaporated, organs floating
in a sea of blue ink. All I saw when the car

left was an outline of atoms in the pattern
of something that had been a man once.

I hold my breath when I go out now,
I know the truth about the invisible conjurer.

I'm not sure you really exist.
Perhaps you are just an imitation
of something everyone sees
at some point in their lives,

an unpatented test designed
to sort out the faithfull from those
who only only clutch rosaries
for the sake of looking good.

And if I step onto your road
and watch hay coloured clouds
peck at the distant landscape,
will I have been redeemed?

Perhaps I will end up like skulls
by the roadside, horns snapped
off, eroding quicker than soil.
I cannot say. Nobody has told me.
Mrs Galileo

I am the Earth orbiting your Sun.
I feel your gravity keeping me

spinning, tingling my mountains,
seas and sky. I want you to dip

into my tides and pull my body
back and forth. A cosmic ragdoll

smiling as you cut the strings.
he stares, unobtrusive,
coffee idle near his mouth,
forgotten as he remembers waking
with an armful of woman
to the rich scent of Colombian
drifting from the kitchen-

I smile, nod,
and the latter always
shakes him from that reverie,
of what I would feel
like beneath a shoulder-

because he knows,
and I know,
that it isn't me-

I'll never be
the woman he recalls-
only his morning reminder
of what used to be.
when my thoughts take a walk
so often they come across you
lurking in the looks glanced
on other's faces, hiding behind eyes
wiser than my own

the tears of time have taught me
how I am caught in other's nets
and yet, I still swim that current
unable to prevent, unable to fight
the instinct to survive

It is the moment of feeling alive
whether enthralled or in torment
which pulls like a magnet
but now we look away, too much
alike to feel an attraction
Like a bitch in heat
I follow every movement
every stroke, as two and two
takes five. Swollowing pride
with every mouth full
filled to the very last drop ...

rock my casbah, baby

rough terrain and trade
all that glitters in for
an hour of you

alien seduction black
reproduction in surround sound
lacking tact and substance
low resistance and zero
put a line over the top
of this 4
because it goes on forever
so pretty, so impossibly
my fuck peasent
temporary present
because one minute later
you are in my past.

it all happens too fast.
From Bond Street to Notting Hill Gate

There is a language here
that I cannot speak, cannot understand
spoken through waspwing trains
and rubber escalators.

Perhaps if I listen closely
someone will teach me how to mimic
its rubbery syllables humming
in the background,

weaving in and out
of exposed wire vents; carried
by tinfoil bees imitating the path
of sunlight.

But that will never happen
and as I walk upwards, I hear
the trains familiar roar echoing -
a lullaby carried only in my soles.

Watch closely. Observe
men scraping off frozen
stars from bonnets and

This will be your species
next. Act fast. Your words
have neither value nor
meaning here.

Weave through trees
like a snow leopard, catch
prey. Survive as Thor starts
his reign - this is winter,

no gods will help you here.
Prepare for thawing out,
it won't come in seconds.
Bury your mythology -

that is what they after now.
4degrees said:
rock my casbah, baby

rough terrain and trade
all that glitters in for
an hour of you

alien seduction black
reproduction in surround sound
lacking tact and substance
low resistance and zero
put a line over the top
of this 4
because it goes on forever
so pretty, so impossibly
my fuck peasent
temporary present
because one minute later
you are in my past.

it all happens too fast.

bounce ....

an hour with you
between thighs
just begging to kiss
be kissed betwixt roving ranges
of hairless poles. stick it to me,
make me growl, howl even.
for no play makes foreplay
a slow beatless drum.
just awaiting five digits
to take in hand, slow dance
across and thump me, hard
resonating deep, shaking the moon
from the sky. one hour, just one
hour ...

OK, I tried. Back to the drawing board ~
wanted my body to bleed
bleed like the big girls down there, down there where it felt so good tight seam shorts and bareback pony mmm to be a woman who had it all grown in
things were taking too long that sundown summer
my first dance partner away
away until September I decided to take
with plastic barette clips snapped over
flesh, pinched between fingers harder
maybe the blood will come or maybe it comes from deeper in?
like from down in there from the tampon box diagram
folded paper instructions I would open quiet soft soft
so no one would hear my curiosity unfold
lift my leg over the toilet one suggestion or spread my knees and aim towards the anus they said and what of this vagina
there in the middle of my other dont talk about it
openings shit blood piss
try to push out the blood
make me a woman
the rounded end of the brush did not speed things along
just stung no blood, no it took Michele Rosewood from across the field
feeling my breasts to see if they were soft as her own
and how our nipples hardened under the pinch
and pull but like hers, no milk came out no matter how we tried
but somehow that night down her basement the blood came
and not much, she shrugged her shoulders
got me afat pad
said you should go get new underware and I waited for my mom
to go outside to hang up the laundry
to get her alone my face on fire with shame
went to bed early not sure which way a bleeding woman
was supposed to sleep I laid on my back
hands cradling my belly
wondering if there was a baby in there now
go back and forth believing that we are all the broken,
the cutters, the raped, the addicted
some just hide it and I see you friend
you are me when we open ourselves
tossed out the car door, these confessions of our illness
sick sick fuckers sometimes I think we are all broken
it must be,
these dog fucking whores, board room jerk-offs even the oval office
has got a slut under the desk and we all see it now support groups
for the Masters of sick girls, how to whip a fragile body the special
care that must be taken, lord how they sink their head down between knees
and get high off the smell of their own shit that melts the centuries of civilization
even the cavemen knew better than to not shake hands or eat with the hand
that wiped their asses, these reasons for our base desires simmered away into a thick base to soak potato and root vegatables god ew can come out now
tell the world how we are broken stained and sometimes I think no
ew are not all the same
maybe there really is nothing to hide
there in this society of confession and obsession maybe you dont do it
because you do not want to do it not because it has been trained out of your instincts
down dog bad dog good good treat
goddamn I want your poision I can taste it strong
you have cooked it down for me pure
drop your acid onto my softer places
burn a hole right through and fuck yourself right into the flesh
right on through we are broken my tongue bleeds under your sharpness
maybe it is everyone I hear the jingle of the collar and tags
I want the studs on the inside
tighter I cannot deny this shit and gasoline
god I want to be at the bottom of this
among the grime that settles to the bottom
stir it stir it make me drink it down
you tell me I cant back up now
the toll is paid
irreversable damage will be done to the treads
the spike is in my heel
as I said before
you and me girl we were thrown from the same door
your night was darker, hands maybe more cruel but that road
the same and I want you to feel yourself landing on me
I have let my body go soft foryyou
to lie easy down while you work muscle hard
with metal and rock but tell me will you lie yourself down
still and settled for me

.......poem interruptus, maybe come back to this
Black Hole Symphony

Stars cross the GMT line
watched by men searching
for constellations to erupt
inside their wives wombs

forming new nebulas
in leftover matter. Some
dream that these discs
will form new worlds,

and they lean towards
monitors listening to galaxies
wobble, as if every lurch
would bring them closer

to that voice they are hoping
will appear - the voice of god.

The city has anticipated
our arrival and swallowed
up cars and mopeds,

spitting out a slurred buzz
from a driver still digesting
in its medieval guts.

Wandering through empty
piazzas, we see neon
cafe signs fizz out

as our footsteps approach.
Locks tighten, their studded
eyes watching us

as we slip away. Leaving
I see the city unfold,
everything silent, grinning.

You are my anaesthetic
something I inject
into my skull to watch
happen in reverse
[but only
at weekends]
a radio knob
to tune into meteor
each one blooming
into another metaphor
vampiredust said:

You are my anaesthetic
something I inject
into my skull to watch
happen in reverse
[but only
at weekends]
a radio knob
to tune into meteor
each one blooming
into another metaphor
Very nice.
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