all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Too sober, I think

bluerains said:
what I voltage to vein...from the beast sheep are fed...and the sheep in fear of losing the scarecrow..

hunh? Carniverous sheep? Eek!! And why would sheep care about scarecrows? Especially carniverous sheep? Gah. This is confusing. Does this require dropping acid?

How was I to know
when you fed my soul
nurtured my growth
plotted my troth

made me rigid and plump
squeezed my firm rump
gazed hungrily
then bit into me

the love wasn't real
I was only a meal
the means to an end
a fairweather friend
What's it like from that side?

To watch the glowing green lines
draw a wave across a sea
of liquid crystal display
and hope they keep on rolling

must be a tight-wound ball
as the machine hisses instead
of breath and chest rises
in a cold shivering press

and swollen white face
on a field of cotton
eyes taped shut until
that fighting struggle

to breathe on my own
and remember I am.

What's it like from that side?
surreal ER visits

don't let it be said
that I have succumbed
to a toe nail

there it is at the end
of my foot with a pulse
of its own and so

what's a girl to do
except wait out the work
done by blood cells

the big stinking orange
pill bolstering the horde
of cleaners scrubbing

the bad away so I may
continue healing without
fear of swelling

and drowning my heart
in fluids meant for healing
turned killer.
every time I try to write you a love song
venetian blinds in my mind snap
what pulls the string that narrows the light?
I can hear the click click
have no desire to stop it

You are my memory child,
a collage of film, stones
and bones glued together
to make this evenings

I never remember you
in the morning or think about
whatever words you say,
that is not my way.
Perhaps it is easier to watch

you drift away, carrying
bundles of memories like driftwood -
ready to be burnt again and again.

Patent no 127635. Sound
travels up a rubber pipe,
amplified by a pair of speakers
hidden in cheeks.

Powered by solar panels
concealed in two brown wings,
useful as an alarm. Wire
body has lifespan of >20 years

and >40 decibel sounds
functions as deterrent.
Human operators not required.
Press play to turn on. Wait to turn off.

I found a washed up mermaid
yesterday, buried underneath
broken glass, pebbles, seaweed
and styrofoam necklaces.

Her scales had been scrubbed
clean by waves and rocks,
leaving her the way I imagined
only in dreams:

a child curled up in a blanket
of silver shavings. Perhaps
the sea will reclaim her one
day. Or just let her walk again.

We keep our weapons in matchboxes,
carefully wrapped in cotton wool.

Small boys snigger as we release
the silent cartographers, pushing

their glass backs to make them
cover more ground. They have seen

the end of the world in their collisions
but we can only smile and say nothing.

Children bury eyes and fingers
among the bones of forgotten
men, covering them with layer
after layer of wood.

They will not burn today.
They will burn tomorrow.
Wooden crosses will be planted
to mark the dead,

but no one will pay attention
to the smoke still rising from
the corpses. They will nod
and feign a smile or two

but ignore the scent.
This has not been ripened yet
and they will not harvest
everything that has been grown.

They hoisted him up a tree,
his neck caught in a noose
made from donated shawls,
tied together in a giant O.

He fell once someone
(no one ever knew who)
cut the cord, slipping deep
into the bog. Retrieving him

wasn't allowed, so he slept
under the leathery lather.
The only witnesses were stars,
outsiders providing the only light.
clutching_calliope said:
She still believes in knights
and other things encased in metal.
Clocks, bombs, ring fingers.

It’s not as if she needed saving,
just protection from Chimeras,
Scyllas, revolving doors,

relief from over-thinking
the meaning of Pi. Is there one?
And if so, why infinite?

Chivalry rides bareback,
this she believes.

very witty, Calli

i'm not sure what to right about the mo
th title of the thread seems so alluring to the god running amok in my head but i can' conttrpl the guy he's like james dean mixed on acid oh yeah baby thats my kind of hit

perhaps i could build a raft out of raft, tar, riftwood and all that kind of sjhit. i don't want else to suggedst my pals amis compatripts to the journeys that mightbend up in subatomi c dresconstruction mayonnaise on rye sounds great [perhaps sered with a sideordr of relish]

ignor ethese semantoics writing themselves resignation letters in my cortez

im a conqueror running low on battery acid and whiskey

help me out
o fucking god help me out

need some sanity
nbeed to think to live
papa used to beat us
it wasn't like the waltz
roethke wrote about
more like a funeral dance

which we did every night
he was a great composer
until i shot him dead
and threw his body

into the river
river gods didn't want him
so they gave him back
i can't bury him

not now
not now

i want him to sink
spread out like a ray
with weights
attached to the ends

i'm experiencing different kinds
of weather in my head
at the moment


nothing light
just the pelting of raindrops
inside my skull

they won't go away

not now
not tomorrow
Creamy giggles burst
forth unexpectedly as
my touch--fingers, beard,
maybe tongue--against
her brings forth laughter
and more.

Swallowing is hindered by
my body echoing hers, deep
barrel-chested chuckles that
make me brush her again and
again, starting things all
over once more.
I wish I could hate you
it would be so much easier
if I knew you had ulterior selfish motives
behind the moans of pleasure
which cascade from your lips
in unending waves and crash
around my ears, soft and soothing

or that the way you respond
when we lay together,close
is prompted by personal gain
not passion's mutual desire
as our souls intermingle
passing intimate secrets
through eyeball and fingertip

hate is so much simpler
final in it's dismissal
of confused feelings,
erroneus intentions
inevitable outcomes

yet you linger,
hide in chambers
visible only as the gates open
gush after gush
pulse after pulse
as permanent as life

I am Hannibal today. I will conquer
asphalt mountains with my dog
Tonto (we have no troupe of elephants)
and fight my way through snow,

lying like wet diamonds on charcoal
mountaintops. No one will call us
back as we push through mounds
of dirt, we will perserve because I am

Hannibal. I will stand on top of the highest
peak and Thor will bow before me.
All the clouds will stop moving and utter
my name. I will take a step backwards

and fall
because I am Hannibal
I want to write you a box of stars

her letter said
and imagined her giving me
a nebula for my navel,

a black hole for my belly
button and shroud of stars
for my skin.

I am not sure what, exactly,
she could give for my bones -
slowly slipping away,

ending up in the spaces
between all this, in life itself.
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