all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Don't vote, he said.

I won't.
It doesn't make sense anway.

but i still think Bush is Satan or maybe
his or her child.

even though I don't watch much Tv,
when he's on, why does his eyebrows
make funny movements
along with his lips and one eye looks bigger
than the other? and why does it sound like
he has a speech disorder?

he just looks like dad who's a lying saleman.
that explains some.

There's no voting because of stupidity
being judgemental of the looks of a person,
and playing psychic.

and I remember being called for jury duty,
answering questions on a piece of paper
when I got there, and was told to go home

I'm understanding.

falls, umbrellas open
covering office workers

walking past that new
Japanese restaurant

beneath my flat. Two
foxes nearby are wet

but bones are few
and far between these

days, I think.
Fireworks Ate the Animals

Wick tongues are lit, hidden
under snow covered leaves.
Volunteers and dogs wait
muzzled behind nearby rocks,

eager for the game to start.
And then animals arrive,
sniffing the lying bait on the
net - that place between

fate and destiny. Some chew
and fall, swallowing the dynamite's
bang with a single gulp. Others
just run away, hind legs

caught in a trap that they
never saw.
Fireworks Night v1.1

Watching fused skulls explode
is the first part of tonight's
experiment. Observe, analyse
carefully controlled reactions

happening deep in their cores.
Forget pretty patterns happening
in the sky. Observe, analyse.
Carry on looking, you might see

something to help you explain
the reactions in yourself.
Colours are nothing more than
a god's hypothesis -

explain, analyse.

The fake blonde in front of me
is looking at a bottle of hypoallergenic
shampoo. She doesn't seem
to have sensitive skin

or a sensitive tongue
for that matter

The city is turning quicker
than bicycle wheels in my
smashed glasses. I can see
cars speeding towards

places nobody has told me
existed, every stop another
cross ticked off an imaginary
checklist. If there are things

that must be done before
you die, falling off a bicycle
is not one of them. Leaping
off whilst riding is another...
From 1 to 2

Rain on a spiderweb,
stars anchored between

rooftops. Everything
is slowly being edited

they came at me

grande in a venti cup
fill it up fill it up fill it up with two percent
and powdered sweetness breathe
through your mouth
three four

they came at me and asked
do you believe he was born
of a virgin
born at all?
born a man?

coffee cool enough for glping
lived? cruicified? dead buried?
I did not realize it at the time but
they went through the apostle's creed line by line

I did not turn away when you touched my face for the first time
or opened my lips under the bright lights
I did nt suck in m stomach
pillows propped you tucked one here
one there like mom did with pop pop in the last days
positioning him like a baby before a photographer
giving the impression he could hold up his own head
sit unassisted

they did not ask me about Pontius Pilot
and already knew what I would say about rising from the dead, certainly

truth does not matter
wwhat matters is the point
the goal
how would he want us to be if we did believe

I do not love you
you bore me with your lists of cities
thank god I do not long for you when we are apart
my back arches
chest pressed down
you are the only man
the only man
this is the truth
grande in a venti cup
She Edits Me

She has slowly started to edit me
bit by bit. First my eyes, removing
their brown with her invisible brush.

Lips follow bones, then the stripping
away of everything that's not needed
or considered unimportant. Nobody

will find whatever's left of me. I am
just a suffix, something to be attached
to a file and thrown in a trash.

Double click to delete
City Whispers

I waltz with the city and her streets
when the moon is high and no cars
are driving through roads. There is
never any time when I hold her arms

and dance. Everything has retreated
back to those places we only imagine
exist in shadows: doorways, cardboard
boxes, lonely stairwells. Streetlights

light up our dancefloor of concrete
paving slabs and zebra crossings.
There are no closing songs, nobody
to watch us as we collapse into each

other, seeing only the moon melt
into her eyes as I wake up again
with only her memory on my feet
and stained hands.
And then the blackbird sang

A blackbird is caught in your train carriage's
doors, wings stammering as it slowly starts
leaving Brighton station. Jazz plays in next
day's memory and you're somewhere else
thinking only of this. Nobody picks you off
the floor when you're pulled out, fallen
and naked. Keep on playing that song.

Gravity holds all of us down
somebody told me.
I can't remember who,
maybe it was you, Dad or
Grandma. She loved to make
things up, her voice swaying
like a pendulum in our heads
explaining scientic facts
as if they were a recipe
for something like lasagne
but with lead and uranium
instead of pasta and bechamel.
I used to bake her words
in my head but even now
I still haven't taken them out.

The sewers seem to have something caught
in their eyes. Firemen pull out the objects
for the crowd: a pair of tench wrapped
in fishnet tights. More objects follow:
a stack of soggy Penthouse magazines,
a half eaten piano, Stevie Wonder LP's,
an Aztec jaguar, steel drums, plastic skulls
and a DVD of Steve Allen's last performance.
No wonder the sewer started throwing up.
Erotic poems are full of this

Two tideless moons
float in a bath of cherry
liqueur, listening
to candles dripping.

A submersible resurfaces,
breathless, eager
to make another dive.
From Darwin's Undiscovered Diaries

12th November 1974

I am waiting for Gary Snyder
to show me London's Underground
but he hasn't turned up yet
and all I've seen so far is an oyster
lipped Greyhound


Prawns stuffed in avocado
doesn't taste good


No new species to report

Nope, none at all
It's Sunday and you haven't gotten laid yet


The adoption centre rang yesterday,
it's good news: they found your Ford
parked at the bottom of a ditch.
It has a few scratches but it still works.


I returned your VCR yesterday,
it was working but didn't come in pink.

I bought a new DVD player instead
and spray painted ladybird red.


We're having kid for dinner tonight.
You can have its horns and skull,
I'll be ripping off the flesh.


We can have sex next Tuesday
or whenever you are drunk

Call me, no hold that thought
My Girls

My two little twins
running around chasing

Black and white and
orange mixing in spots and

Happy little campers as
they lay in the window

Taking in the country
sun lazily cleaning as they
Mister Potatohead, every eye
you shut makes me want
to shout to get your attention,
your approval,
but it would be a wasted effort.

You have no ears and your eyes
are not the only part that is closed.
au de boilermaker ( sp)

deep down dig, deeper
then deeper until you uncover
the shield of denial thata woman
is required to wear
in some men's world
that world filled with blisss

isnt bliss akin to ignorance?

some ofthem are too happy
swollen bellies and a perpertual
blissful state
it frightens me that they can make
sperm, procreate
normal jean said:
deep down dig, deeper
then deeper until you uncover
the shield of denial thata woman
is required to wear
in some men's world
that world filled with blisss

isnt bliss akin to ignorance?

some ofthem are too happy
swollen bellies and a perpertual
blissful state
it frightens me that they can make
sperm, procreate

Ode to a Boilerwoman

What a wonder greets my eyes
far below in the building's bowels
A heaving bosom and sinewy thighs
In air so close and foul
She outworked men near twice her size
who stood apart and gazed with awe
at the strength and duty
born of such a beauty
her accomplishments stuck in their craw


(you show 'em girl !)
except the dna they scrubbed off my back

dont worry Mister Commissioner
if I see you at the coffee shop
I will not have to pretend that I do not know you,
I don't.
wearing your fear

children they dress up in their biggest fears
ghosts vampires and goblins
fantasies- superheros, dream career cowboy

their mothers wear french maids and slutty witches, sexy devils
sex sex sex they are afraid admit wanting
they wear every October

look what I have become
I go as myself

Her womb tape plays over and over
in her head. Lean close to the kerb
tomorrow, end those pictures that
are staining your bones grey.

Feel it kicking every part of you,
save yourself. That is the aim
of this war. Ignore its head popping
out, an insect feasting on everything

you will ever own.
And when it has fully gestated, it will
kick you in the womb, collapsing walls
built for future generations.

Forget about it now, just ask for a pill
and leave whilst you still can.
This is one contract that's not on sale
or return.
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