all of a sudden passion suddenly

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The Potter Spins A River

His line carves an eight
on the surface, every
downward stroke cutting
and shaping the river

into something strong,
lifting its neck into
a delicate flower stem.
He is the master of gravity

now and keeps on moving
water, silt and mud
with his spinning hands,
forming a reflection

to be heated and put away.
Earthquake Sonnet

Electricity cannot move you, neither
can stars, moons or gravity. Feet
down, whispering alone can lift
cities and throw them into oceans.
Men have tried to woo you but that
doesn't impress you much. Forget
roses, chocolate or sex. You're not
interested and flick them away.
You are the queen of the stage,
every tantrum creating storms
under mankind's feet. Bring me water,
kittens and an audience. Now.
Perhaps we will go when you have
grown old and bored. And you will weep.
the title is not the place
to provide a four page introduction of why
why these sirens squeeze me inside into a small corner
there, in the back with the memory of the day I brought him home
perfect just like everyone I wrap the perfection in a shroud
dont remember, dont remember dont remember the early words
the imitated animal sounds, the so big smiles and happy and you know it claps
and the day we practiced the mother-son dance at your wedding

Fantasy could never be so giving
I feel free, I hope that you are willing
To pick your feet up, kick your feet up
And dance with me

and I listened to the mother's words
trimmed them to fit us, to come up with any scene to paint us in
besides this one, this one

andthere is an ending to this poem somewhere
but this is not it


Dance With Me
( Orleans )

Dance with me, I want to be your partner
Can't you see the music is just starting?
Night is falling, and I am calling
Dance with me

Fantasy could never be so giving
I feel free, I hope that you are willing
Pick your feet up, and kick your feet up
Dance with me

Let it lift you off the ground
Starry eyes, and love is all around
I can take you where you want to go

Dance with me, I want to be your partner
Can't you see the music is just starting?
Night is falling, and I am calling
Dance with me

[ break ]

Let it lift you off the ground
Starry eyes, and love is all around
I can take you where you want to go

Fantasy could never be so giving
I feel free, I hope that you are willing
To pick your feet up, kick your feet up
And dance with me

Dance with me, I want to be your partner
Can't you see the music is just starting?
Night is falling, and I am calling
Dance with me

Dance with me

Dance with me
predatory, passion was
a painting of
a boy out west and
a girl out east
words that i use as kindling
keeping myself from freezing
fancy fonts and endless
fuck mes,
where are they now.

abandon myself to me
join a coalition of malnourished
lonesome beachcombers
pray to the godfuck of you
as they cover me in sand.
i don't/do/perhaps love you

What is the point
of saying i love you
gearshift boiler room
orange sun dunked in tea
tastes better
than breakfast with you
at 9 am in your bed
still covered in last night's

poetry has no point
if it's about you
gearshift orange sun
sips engine oil
tastes better than
words corrupting air
from your/my/their lips
So little depends

on a rusted Ford

tractor glazed
with chicken crap

beside the drunks
smoking weed

in the pig sty
Even less depends

on the old football
glazed with vomit

beside the teens
drinking Bacardi

whilst reciting
Descartes and

After more time
and less space than I'd prefer,
You slid back to my side.
(Not my best side, I'll tell you.)

If the world had turned faster,
I might have forgotten you.
Lost your crescent bite marks
on my neck, on my heart.

But the summer ended
as your marriage didn't.
So we sat holding hands,
with our bad sides together.
ChaosKitten said:
After more time
and less space than I'd prefer,
You slid back to my side.
(Not my best side, I'll tell you.)

If the world had turned faster,
I might have forgotten you.
Lost your crescent bite marks
on my neck, on my heart.

But the summer ended
as your marriage didn't.
So we sat holding hands,
with our bad sides together.

Hi CK. I was going back over your other posts and noticed you haven't been around for an extremely long time! Nice poem and welcome back :) :rose: .
Essays are my lovers, slowly
by slowly I take them apart

flossing out their vowels
and syllables from my teeth

in the morning
clutching_calliope said:
Hi CK. I was going back over your other posts and noticed you haven't been around for an extremely long time! Nice poem and welcome back :) :rose: .

Thanks, both for the welcome and the compliment. I'm glad to be back. Lol, now if only there was a way to delete some of those old embarassing poems from way back in the day. :)
As if she was Autumn

To open you up
To feel sunlight
To glaze trees

To feel you
To glaze sunlight
To open up trees
Love poems are made of this

His arms always hung in her
eyelids, pumped up like one
of his freshly inflated bicycle
tyres. Hanging around the radio
she would ask how difficult
it was to cross the Pennine
path, something stupid like that
to get him drawing maps
in thin air so she could stand
back and admire his muscles
carving out imaginary love
for her. But it would always
turn out like the sedimentary rock
nearby: full of layers, nothing
ever coming to the surface.
Why can't I remember the details,
just images, just visions? I can't
remember. There was a grin,
glee, happiness. I don't remember
any laughter only harsh fingers
on a skinny arm and teeth, teeth
flashing as the little fish
struggled at the end
of your line, on a sharp hook.

Impotent words bouncing off
your implacable as cruelty takes
my friend inside. She cried
and stopped when the door
slammed shut. Sunshine
posies wilting on the walk
her gift to you forgotten
in the anger at the picking.

I can't remember how
it started or even how
it ended. She didn't come
outside for a few days.
Destiny Awaits

Listlessly, the mouse finds it's way to the link
That brings me back to you,
To see what you're doing, what you're saying,
My mind floating in a daydream of days past.

It doesn't matter how things turned out
I shudder to think of you with someone else
I want to hold you in my arms again
And tell you over and over, "I love you"

All things happen for a reason, I'm told,
I wonder what lessons I had to learn,
Or whether or not I learned them,
Because something tells me it isn't over yet.

We both still draw breath,
Our hearts still beat,
Within mine beats a love
Like none I have known before.

And all I do and all I say
Seems like biding time,
Living my life for the moment
Yet peeking out of the corner of my eye

To what Shakespeare called "The Undiscovered Country".

The future.

It hastens, amidst daydreams of your smile
And your warm embrace.
Since you died I haven't felt poetic
The words just...

But the years have slipped by,
tears down cheeks
And I've found a voice.

I'm not sure it's mine.
It doesn't sound like I think I sound.
But times like these demand
drastic measures.

October still is the cruelest month,
and I find myself heartbroken
more than not.
But I know the snow will come,
an eventuality, like your death.

I wonder if, since I found this voice,
has someone else lost it?
Like I lost you?
Like I keep losing?

And though the end of the month
is my favorite time,
the middle kills me.

So I buckle down and wait
for you to come home.
Tripping Over Hemispheres

Our Australian teacher taught us
how coal didn't come from Newcastle
but from a mine in the outback

lit up by kookabura beaks.
Corn didn't come from fields
but from an Aborigine god

who could only be appeased
by burning a sheep and smearing
tar over its bones.

I can still see its skull under
my bed, eyes lit up by her rusted
words and dried up tongue.
I wish you enough

I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright

I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more.

I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive.

I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger.

I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.

I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.

I wish you enough hellos to get you through the final good-bye.

This was sent to me by my mother. I thought I'd share it with you,


All the animals in my neighbourhood
hang around in cliques: crows stick
with crows, blackbirds with blackbirds.
We don't have many living things
living in and out of dustbins and blocks
of flats. Postmen cover their heads
every time gang wars happen,
ducking when a fist of feathers and cut
off beaks fall. There is rarely peace
and rarely tears here, just a quiet
purgatory, as if life was a metaphor
for that big event to start happening.
Billy Goat

I live in between her hips and thighs,
a sweaty goat dressed in Gap and Nike.
Sometimes she'll let me gnaw the sides
of her breasts, letting my tongue slip
closer to her tideless moons.
But when I'm bad, she ties me outside
and watches me graze on the rain -
as if that was a metaphor for our game,
always refilling, never ending.
Her life imitates the city,
every flick and tap of heel
calling buildings to stoop
and listen to her stories

and when she is done
no one will be left
to hear how it ending,
only the emptiness will

be there, every stone
echoing the loneliness -
that metaphor carried
between the places she
dreams in.
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