all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Tathagata said:
the eternal sadness that is
falling in love
when you surrender all free will
in the pursuit of something beyond yourself
with each sip of ecstasy
there is the small death
the poison of
unmet expectations
a bitter wine
that works its will
and the leaving
breaks your heart
anesthetized ashes remain
that beg for the phoenix of a kiss
under mystical moonlight
to raise again the freedom
of abandonment
of self
what fools these mortals be

I speak of what the poem does/tell me. I love this. Sad and beautiful.

a marker within,
a pushpin sticking a map
denoting approximate locale
denouncing distance
with the flux of outside
temperature comes steady
they won't bleed away
slicing at temperance's
tenacious carotid
a re-enactment of murder
already comitted
fortitude's death was long ago
a black and white rendering
on page 2, last year sometime
or the year before that?
i can't recall it, only
the image of it centered in
a ring of dried darkness,
symbolic stuff to ponder
each day, wanting to go further
to meet your maker, to
see the wizard
in hopes he'll give me
As sacharine as your kisses are,
at least they are well meaning.

There was a time when I thought
that love meant something to you.
Perhaps it did.
Now love is a wellworn
phrase relegated to times when
you want something
need something done
or simply wish to say,
"that was a job well done."
A sample of your air kisses
arid as the desert
evaporating with the wind
translucent to all who see through you.
The_Fool said:
As sacharine as your kisses are,
at least they are well meaning.

There was a time when I thought
that love meant something to you.
Perhaps it did.
Now love is a wellworn
phrase relegated to times when
you want something
need something done
or simply wish to say,
"that was a job well done."
A sample of your air kisses
arid as the desert
evaporating with the wind
translucent to all who see through you.

Nicely done
I can relate
To the Fork in the Road

for you,
the one who took main path,
i am sorry.

goodbye young soldier;
hopefully you're marching up the stairs
and not running downhill.
electronic songs
first martini glass signouts
then fiesta ring and my feet
bare on the warm tile
it must be nana
it must be
how long can a person survive
drinking water that flows like honey
she calls me sweetheart still
and worries about me in this big state all alone so far so far
buit nana the roads are all the same
and the people are kind
goodbye sweetheart
I hear her last call
but it couldnt have been ==
the battery is dead again no souinds from the phone
so why
am I awake?
first he turns his fears into a team
of white sharks and then he turns the sharks
into snow

oh poet
poet poet wherefor art thou metaphor
my brain runs to plastic plants and cats playing fiddles and yes
even a cello and flute but this does not count

how is my fear a cat on a cello?
it isnt
maybe it is

my fear is a cartoon cat
playing the cello on the widow's shelf
we scratch down the scale by accident
among the screech random chord and low vibe bass line
that hums me into calm sea my fear is white sharks
snapping at the cat on deck
praises be, she will never dive fiddle dee dee
shark cats and me pop three more amino acid pressed powder pills
fish oil ah my brain just glides easy neurotransmittors slip through the glycerine sea
my fear
turns to snow on the ocean
False economy

The days have discolored
Lost their value, though he has fewer
Not the typical twist in a free market economy
No, the days grow tarnished, turned false
Currency, and he spends them thoughtlessly
A penny here, a penny there, slipping from his fingers
No longer held tightly,
hoarded like Silas Marner’s treasure, hidden away
For his eyes only, to be taken out only in the dark
Of night, and caressed, hugged to his bosom, breathed
In each irreplaceable second, he prefers to suffocate
Now in nothingness, the void she left him with

A wrinkled elephants knee
became my shelter the night
snow carpetbombed my house.
Huddled in blankets made from
the skin of my ancestors, I felt
their warmth occupy the spaces
in my breath. Stories were produced
by flashlight, music by movement.
I never understood who shot
the elephant I had slept under
or who the outlines of snow angels
belonged to when I crept outside,
their wings bloodied, harps snapped.
Sometimes I still find traces of cordite
under my fingernails, dismissing it as dirt.
I sit in the stands, crack my nuts
watch women walk by, breasts
barely contained beneath thin cotton
perfectly aware of my attention

The pitches, the hits, the errors
the scores in the background
are a sideshow, the players know
their place in this spring rite of passage

The soft breeze carries scents
stirring hungers of alternating importance
No longer a starter, I opt for a hot dog
with the works (well, almost everything)
cassie dropped her sholder strung briefcase
on the floor,
sending the day clattering onto the hardwood.
she just wanted to exhale,
and let go,
or find some joe nobody and sexhale,
and give in.

both are equally freeing from the monotony.

joseph let the screen door slam behind him
closing the door,
sending the day scrambling behind the wood.
he just wanted to inhale,
smoke it slow,
or find some piece of something real,
and give in.

both are equally freeing from responsibility.
bird breath?

baby catbird stalking crickets
on a freshly mowed lawn-
good thing the cats
are well-fed
when I eat/write ...

table spread, breakfast to be had
but words, visions keep me fed.
soft slippage rub, nipples to tummy
goes down like milk and cookies, ooey
gooey, succulence to be had. round,
round I spoon tease - slap
then soft pitter patter slips, of finger
to clit.

climbing my mountain of poetic terms.
I imagine him, my ice-cream dream
scooped out and rolled into bed.

dessert dangling, tied and roped
all for this, young fairy to stroke.
starting at his head, my favorite spot
licking, swirling I traipse my trail.
shaking more silent herbs on,
I like to have my meat tenderized.
tension builds in his knife of life.

mouth watering from sliding strokes.
inches of icing surrounding his top
tipping the scales of entrée to entry.
from lips to throat, to moist sponge
cake, dripping with want. eat, have.
taking my fill, within my world of eating
and being eaten ...

he was the first

true man I ever met.
no pretense, no lies
no whenevers. just a wholesome
how are ya and what can I do to help.

I spent nights dreaming
of our meeting. slept little
and prayed so much. he knew
still knows
he is and always shall be
my first and possibly my only
true love.

old flames built from passion
I had a few, but he touched me
really touched the me, deep inside
the girl
no one has ever really felt, only rubbed raw
and ran over in nights
of disbelief.

I spend most days, pretending.
knowing he is still there
just beyond the shadows
a place where my heart reaches out
and holds tight.

a place where I dream of going back to,
time changes us all. deems what is appropriate
for that person in that
space, place and time.

I shall stand, and wait
for my one day. if not, I know
he is there
he shall be the last.

to hold my heart and fill my soul
with a love like no other
that unconditional love
we all dream of.

Thursday Lunchtime at Pizza Hut

Flies do the fandango
by the salad bar. Couples
refill their love, singletons
droop like the flowers

on the tablecloths,
bellies full with thoughts
of life in a semi and the two
kids. The daily 9 -5 swirls

in their glasses. An explorer
sets up camp on an ice cube.
The flag lurches forward,
never falling. Anchored

by ambition, it stays steady.
Tease me, it whispers to the cold
atmosphere, tease me.
There is a lesson here, I think,

Isn't that always the case. Thinking,
I mean?
Do not begin again
words torturous and teasing
pleasing in timber and tone
yet deceiving in intent

I have spent too many nights turning
and tossing myself in bed, my head
spinning in ever increasing circles
spiraling out of control

a death spin certain to end
on some uncharted island
alone with only myself and dreams
no man Friday or woman on weekends

to give meaning to the lush growth
the soft ocean breeze
the pristine sands squeezing
between my toes as I walk

scan the horizon, searching
for your shape, sailing towards me
waving from a skiff, shift billowing
like a sail, glowing locks tangled

like the limbs of 2 lovers,
during a storm of passion, now passed
once again a mirage, evaporating
imagined never realized
if i wipe out all memories and the
maudlin emotions they carry
would I be able to write about anything but
here and now?
and how would that sell?
no one can relate to you in the present
they all nod and say " ahhhh" when you reminisce
much better to share a common thread and make everyone feel
than to walk through everyday brambles
asking those who have want of acceptance to follow
my friend called

telling of how he went and got
plastered. I am trying to sustain
from the merriment of such. It leads
to my forked tongue, taking her lead
to reach out, open palmed and walk you,
to the edge with me.

freedom for you, I can never relinquish, I've tried.
now, 'tis your turn, to walk away, alone - into the sunset
closed fisted, teeth gleaming, smiling that smile
that I alone, know - was meant for me.
I never liked the color yellow
jaundice, cowardice, piss water dandelion weed yellow
but I bought it for you
many of us did

did they keep their panties and bras safe in their drawer years afte ryou passed?

I missed your anniversary.
but looking back, I bet it was the same day
I stuffed the yellow bra into the trash can.
it was grey, underwire twisted, misshappen

damn it motherfuckerI am still angryjerk face napkin twisting finger bowl windmill whistler I am still angry

but only sometimes

I see yellow instead of red
caution go slow
it is nearly time to stop
She likes to make knots
out of her lover's body,
it helps to remind her
of how the universe really

is. Donut shapes don't
fit her line of equations
that hang like washing
inside her head, each one

slipping through the line
breaks of daily thought
and into that monotone
of suburban existence.

We all lived like this once,
I tried to tell her, grabbing
my skin and wringing out
the water trapped inside,

offering myself to be hung
out to dry, so I could feel
her coolness bristling. Heat
gets me down every so often.
today at the polling station, voter # 100 thoughtfully scratches his crotch

because it is hot,
and flyers litter the asphalt road like food
stuck between teeth, sitting amok
on the tongue, when all their caps locked promises
just boil down to face-down paper plates
still empty.

later, he is wearing ink,
on his fingernail,
hammer-smashed, door-smashed,
by lead-bottom candidates.
But he wears it proud, nonetheless, a badge,
smeared, stained, impossibly
so for the detergent commercials and their smiling wives with the silken hands,
hands that rock the cradle,
feed the dog,
throws the monkey wrench,
hoping this day at the graffitied school armchair and the clean ballot isn't a waste.
three hundred years
in the land of the free, and this is all still monkey business.
Honey, I’m home.

One has been here all winter
hovering outside the window
on frosty days where
the summer feeder used to hang.

We got the message
Offering homemade nectar
that froze overnight
offering cold comfort in the morning.
Still he came
testing for the thaw.

Now he brings his mate
newly arrived from Mexico
with a band showing
she’s doing her bit
for research.

While she dines he waits
on a twig so thin it hardly bends
under the weight of hollow bones,
then they’re off; bottle rocket
explosions of scarlet iridescence
in the spring sun.

A peeping Tom, I watch
asthey gather last years ragged webs,
the finest bark and my hair
donated just for this.
She nestles in
forming a perfect cup
smoothing the sides with her tongue.

Like an anxious grandmother-to-be
I wait for their family
to come crowding to our feeder.
Already she looks plump
but that could be our
excellent homemade nectar.
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