all of a sudden passion suddenly

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i bought a new cellphone today,
sleek and black and always jumpy.
it jumped right into my pants pocket
panting in the dark
with its secret names and sweaty numbers,
fondling pixels with no resolution, a president
with a throbbing mole. my new cellphone was
most discreet, refused to take
calls, would only listen to the scratchings
in the wall, till i fell asleep, stamped with smileys
unheard of. later, when the moon is up, black
and sleek, my phone's screen bled, gtg.
sellthecookie said:

i bought a new cellphone today,
sleek and black and always jumpy.
it jumped right into my pants pocket
panting in the dark
with its secret names and sweaty numbers,
fondling pixels with no resolution, a president
with a throbbing mole. my new cellphone was
most discreet, refused to take
calls, would only listen to the scratchings
in the wall, till i fell asleep, stamped with smileys
unheard of. later, when the moon is up, black
and sleek, my phone's screen bled, gtg.

If cellphone ads possessed this imagination,
they may indeed persuade cynical souls,
so I've been told
to reconsider a need or desire,
and take active steps,
or at least interested investigation.

even if it's really not a cellphone
so many people have said
all the words my in my heart
so much better
so many times I have tried
to write the way that I feel
in a letter

but my mind grows dumb
the phrases won't come
the hours pass by
no matter how much I try

so you'll never know
the depth and the breadth
of my emotions
the curious notions
the valleys and oceans
I'd hoped we'd traverse
the Jays and butterflies do not mind sharing
peaches with us false eye beetles, we leave alone
finding a few armsfull of uneaten fruit
we cut the worm holes
sprinkle with sugar we feast
and this is important somehow to sit in the shade of the pecan tree
sharing forks and mouthfuls of summer
this is important somehow
we take what we can eat
and our truth is theirs for these moments
one tree, one bowl
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12 Gauge

The spent cartridges
from his 12 gauge shotgun
had a voodoo quality
to them, he said. His dog,
an elderly labrador, sniffed

the ground whenever one
fell, drawing a circle
with his paws to prevent
its magic from escaping.
I recall seeing dolls made

from gunpowder hanging
above his verandah, the
glint of gold-grey shells
visible in their mouths,
leaking onto the wooden

floor. Sometimes I'd swear
I could hear them speak,
their words exploding like
incendiary grenades
onto my palms, telling me

things I never wanted
to know, I never needed
to know.
I would never hurt you
for the world.

Each turning
of her axis leaves him spinning
outta control. Lost
in the wanting need
of her double rimmed smile,
he blushes in content.

Strawberry allusions kept hidden
under wraps of blue bikini
brief elastic, rub his intuition
into over drive.

This pluto is but a memory now,
shed from the history
from planet to mere star. Shining
her light
for millions to see.

I would not hurt you
for the world,
but as you caught glimpse of,
sometimes things
places, were just not meant
to be.

A shining planet, turned a mere speck
of illusion, into disillusion
and confusion.


I would not hurt you
for the world, I mean that !!

I think this now
but then in that one moment
all I wanted was to wrap fingers
and arms around lean hips
sweet, glistening lips
and pursue my wildest, wickedest
dreams. But

life has a way
of playing tricks on hearts still wounded
from the gaping whole
left from the same one

I wouldn't hurt
for the world. This is
my good-bye, to our love poem.
Please take it,
with all my love
and let me fly free.
You know, it's what we both need
to overcome
and heal. Hurt no more, I forgive
and forget. Now
can you say the same?



lets declare war,
love, and be my ally,
my sharpshooter slinking
in the dark, where we skirt
landmines, kiss missiles
bloodlessly, not needing
to make orphans and widows
of ladies whose pictures
on the wall your target
missed. by
you would have outnumbered me,
and how i love it.
Very few...

RhymeFairy said:
I would never hurt you
for the world.

Each turning
of her axis leaves him spinning
outta control. Lost
in the wanting need
of her double rimmed smile,
he blushes in content.

Strawberry allusions kept hidden
under wraps of blue bikini
brief elastic, rub his intuition
into over drive.

This pluto is but a memory now,
shed from the history
from planet to mere star. Shining
her light
for millions to see.

I would not hurt you
for the world,
but as you caught glimpse of,
sometimes things
places, were just not meant
to be.

A shining planet, turned a mere speck
of illusion, into disillusion
and confusion.


I would not hurt you
for the world, I mean that !!

I think this now
but then in that one moment
all I wanted was to wrap fingers
and arms around lean hips
sweet, glistening lips
and pursue my wildest, wickedest
dreams. But

life has a way
of playing tricks on hearts still wounded
from the gaping whole
left from the same one

I wouldn't hurt
for the world. This is
my good-bye, to our love poem.
Please take it,
with all my love
and let me fly free.
You know, it's what we both need
to overcome
and heal. Hurt no more, I forgive
and forget. Now
can you say the same?



Poems make me cry. This one did.
I see her many faces
from all sides, ad infinitum
like reflections in a fun house maze
each a moment passed or prayed for
frozen in time, in my mind
untouchable and indelible

As I approach, she runs
from room to room eluding me
at times with a pixie smile,
beckoning look and saucy laugh,
but lately, gazing distantly
toward an uncertain future, focused
on sole survival, grim yet determined

I cannot catch her, she is too many
against one, she has marshalled the forces
of past experience, now marches alone
in defense of past mistakes.
I can only head to the exit, turn
blow one last kiss, feel the many returned
even with
sucked clean of every
some thing
every bit of it
energy in a vacuum pack
with nothing to passion
but it,
but you,
truth remains firm
in the bedrock of
eons beyond
a fuck
i had to say it
for you to see it
the world may look on
and it doesn't exist
you are my real
and how i miss you so.

here we are
burning airplanes
while the auto-pilot is fast
asleep, just so we can try
out our newly-made
for the sake of jumping.


i jump, just as the lights go out
in your eyes. can't
you see
the fields look good
from above? like car manuals.
or solicitation letters
ink-blotted with our sighs.

the clouds will say nothing
of this simulated flight
The clouds are taking my friend away
to war. I see them gathering outside
her doorstep, kicking the unopened
letterbox shut, putting the dog out

for one final sleep. And sleep we
all shall have. Blinds in the kitchen
will turn away from the rising heat
of bodies in their bed, low thrum

of hearts packing away inside
chests, of memories storing them
selves away for the winter. And
they knock on the windows,

on the door, on her clothes, on her
breasts, on her lips, on her eyes,
on her skin, on her muscles. Until
she steps outside and screams

take me, take me now. Every pore
offering surrender, a white flag
that might turn red or blue
depending on what those men say.
drinking puddles

He complains of too much sun
on his palm
he otherwise wouldn't give
up, and since
7-11 was closed
for the day, we trooped
to the nearest watering hole
where giraffes
with homeless throats have gathered.
He smiles quite sluggish, cola-deprived
as he is.
So we left him
for dead, since you can't do much
for those whose minds
are already made up.
TheRainMan said:
I suppose if one’s mind is in a most colorful
state, the red blinking of a cop car on the parkway
at midnight might remind it
of the twirling lights above center ring. And
let’s face it, who doesn’t love a circus?
The fifth of Four Roses that had warmed him
a jigger at a time turned the road
into a tightrope as he walked
for his one man audience. He even bowed
that daredevil’s bow, as if he’d defied death, as if
being upright after his two-yard wobble
had won him a prestigious place at the base
of Papa Karl’s pyramid and a lifetime paycheck
from P.T. Barnum. He had always had that secret
desire to run off with them, to get away
from his own mother’s meddling, from my mother’s
infernal gripes. Sometimes, he’d wake and the dream
would still be clarifying itself right there in the real
night, as he lay awake
next to a wife whose mind was likely concocting its own
blueprint of escape. As the officer took the keys
and reached for the cuffs, dad paid him
no mind. He was already journeying toward
some small Nebraska town
no travel agent ever heard of,
where nothing matters on a Tuesday night
but jugglers and clowns
and balance, where the big top rises so high above
the corn you can see it clean across the prairie
into Kansas, where he’d be
heading next, with no earthly cares or net.

just the thing to cap my night. thanks for the poem.
and cheers to safety-netlessness. :)
becoming a machine
giving up erraticism
for gliding precision
oil it with desire and
these gears will click
the new leaf turns
the keyseat alligns
this is not a song of
robot fuck
this is my machine;
the power switch up
and i'm on until
you pull my plug.

when ceilings are damp with sweat,
we meet in a corner
to discuss warfare
and anatomy, spreading
blueprints of skins.
i exhale spores
you ingest immediately, for fear
of them losing their potency
& breadth. We hope
we would grow
in numbers
before rain or bullets wash
us out. hunters will stop
us in our tracks, but we will
populate the skies
as if we owned them to begin with.
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with all my might
i shall thee smite
about the head and shoulders
forsooth and yuck
you mucky muck
oh goddess of the boulders
what he hath wrought
is all for naught
the bard he crosses the bar
oh nightingale sing
hellish sorrow to bring
hey Nani Nani Na
my heart doth bleed
perhaps i need
a sanguine simple suture
wisdom lies
behind her eyes
that babe ms Minnie the Moocher
appy polly logies
you old fuckin stodgies
my words reach not your ears
you lack understanding
its far too demanding
unless you've partaken of beers
and a rhymin'' monkey at that... ;) :kiss:

Tathagata said:
with all my might
i shall thee smite
about the head and shoulders
forsooth and yuck
you mucky muck
oh goddess of the boulders
what he hath wrought
is all for naught
the bard he crosses the bar
oh nightingale sing
hellish sorrow to bring
hey Nani Nani Na
my heart doth bleed
perhaps i need
a sanguine simple suture
wisdom lies
behind her eyes
that babe ms Minnie the Moocher
appy polly logies
you old fuckin stodgies
my words reach not your ears
you lack understanding
its far too demanding
unless you've partaken of beers
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