all of a sudden passion suddenly

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it's your day to write, critique
every word, penned. perhaps you shall
shingle layer by layer, till our crisp
center, shines. bare witness
to all, just what a good eat,
really is ....

missed this ......

Breaking beds
as beads of sweat trickle

Bodies pound
time stops
yet continues on

Throat dry
sore muscles
euphoria pales in comparison to this

I am complete
I am yours
finally I can say
I am where I want to be
forever in your arms

PS Hi People!

veryyyy passionate ~~!!

-jus sayin'

We don't speak Chinese
but I'd like to take you on a train
riding cross country
from Beijing to Shanghai.

Miles of landscape would blur by,
though we wouldn't notice.
We'd paint the cabin a violent passion,
leavings of our history, temporarily,
like incense curling in an empty room.

No one after us would see
but they would know
we were there. Sex and smoke
always seems to linger.

Guided by a blindfolded
moon, the bus tread
across Hammersmith
Bridge like a POW escapee.

Stepping onto the pavement's
wet skin, I remembered
that I never left behind
the briefcase, umbrella or phone
like I normally did,

but a memory lingering
on the frozen lake of my mind,
unable to sink to the bottom.
Morning Rush On The District Line

Passengers pose
like mannequins
for the camera
unstitching them.
as the snow falls I settle into
a familiar chair. feet tucked, warm
fingers flip aged pages, a calling from deep
within to step outside my slow minded

an encircling harmony
houses my inhibitions. sipping wine,
selecting which lotion, lavender
I think. satisfying, smooth, long strokes,
massage tired muscles into waking up.
feeling that sensual pool, pick up,
and slide down. deviating fingers
divulge hidden secrets, too long

tingling skin, teased by tracing hearts,
and silent " I love you's " tattooed in by mimed
fingers. from hips to thighs, I pencil
in slow circles, mapping out every touch, he
ever made. twin digits press, please,
pamper and prepare

a save point, another memory
for a distant cold day when his memory
perchances a visit, with a sensual kiss,
on another long cold night, when he
is no longer near. four legs

and a feather cushion are indented
by two willing, wanting bodies.
from a slow grind with deep
penetrating strokes, round,

held close, in my lovers
arms. we, bare as the trees
outside, twin each leaf's fall
with another stroke, taking
it's place. playing, groaning

moans of eroticism, encourage
more. clear window panes witness,
a wet, rough, slow
sweet loving and lingering visions
take root,

until this day, as I again, lethargically
retake each minxy move, to save
and share one lost days
encampment, from one lonely chair,
to the turning of another long,
lost page ....

as the snow falls I settle into
a familiar chair. feet tucked, warm
fingers flip aged pages, a calling from deep
within to step outside my slow minded

an encircling harmony
houses my inhibitions. sipping wine,
selecting which lotion, lavender
I think. satisfying, smooth, long strokes,
massage tired muscles into waking up.
feeling that sensual pool, pick up,
and slide down. deviating fingers
divulge hidden secrets, too long

tingling skin, teased by tracing hearts,
and silent " I love you's " tattooed in by mimed
fingers. from hips to thighs, I pencil
in slow circles, mapping out every touch, he
ever made. twin digits press, please,
pamper and prepare

a save point, another memory
for a distant cold day when his memory
perchances a visit, with a sensual kiss,
on another long cold night, when he
is no longer near. four legs

and a feather cushion are indented
by two willing, wanting bodies.
from a slow grind with deep
penetrating strokes, round,

held close, in my lovers
arms. we, bare as the trees
outside, twin each leaf's fall
with another stroke, taking
it's place. playing, groaning

moans of eroticism, encourage
more. clear window panes witness,
a wet, rough, slow
sweet loving and lingering visions
take root,

until this day, as I again, lethargically
retake each minxy move, to save
and share one lost days
encampment, from one lonely chair,
to the turning of another long,
lost page ....


Lovely write RF...nice to see you back on track.. :)
Lovely write RF...nice to see you back on track.. :)

Lovely? Wow, lol

I wrote for over an hour and wanted sooo much to edit. Grr, hate that about this thread but, it is what it is eh ~~ As for back on track, I am playing with words and .... kinda feel as if ... it just won't come but I do try, lol.

Thank You TT2U ... :rose::kiss:

I haven't forgotten I owe you a Birthday poem but as you can tell my writes have been few and far between ~~ :rolleyes:

I'll not forget, I promise ...

my thoughts are my own
thoughts only for myself
for sharing requires another
to listen, hear and care
about the why, how and where
you're going, not knowing
what awaits. One's future's fate,
plate full, empty or broken
promises unspoken or unfulfilled
sands of time spilled,
run out too soon

Just rambling....
I have glue, I have tape
I have, whatever it takes,
to mend
a heart, close the door,
escape and love, linger
on what life, has in store.

take my hand, I am
here, always. loving,
in a past as well as
a future. where dreams
come true
and happily ever after
is NOT just
a fairy tale dream.


I can feel the cool winds caress
hand to cheek, naked
traipsing along the path. clouds

gathering to see
this phenomenon
of two gentle souls taking
the time to rest
and relax, take part

in natures sunrise, before
their day begins. jets, flaring,
going full speed, naked,
alone. together, lost in

their forest of need. forgetting
everything to take the time
and tempt the fates, to
let go, to just, let go.

spa side seediness, two bodies
undress, caress, with eager eyes.
taking in, soiled visions
of vexed days spent
alone. colliding, conspiring,
contemplating, a day, away.

misty mountains, sweltering lust, love
sex and freedom, in natures home. They
consume opposites, he then

she. standing face to face, gather
nourishment to sustain their days
and nights apart.

heated rays, sear flesh
as eyes meet, bodies collide, they play
out every fantasy, as every day
spent apart, unravels and floats

to the winds then picks up
and places them here, on this day
in this time. to go forward, stand

side by side, and partake
in their pleasures
from each to the other,
one at a time ....


The End Of Winter

Grounded scarecrows
pulsate in the wind.
Their rubbery bodies,
resilient to electricity,

flap as an old 45 plays.
A farmhouse sighs.
Both are eager for new
lovers. Rain carves

signposts in frozen
cornfields for them
to follow. Crows
salute the changing land.

Clouds open like a doctor's
bag, the stethoscope
of rain checking the earth's
heartbeat when it falls.

Deep inside the house
your hands are waltzing
across old family photos,
drawing out their electricity

with ageing fingertips
to restart a rusting engine.
It splutters with a woman's
voice. I expect it to crack

open any second now,
exposing a pilot earthed
to its valves, still playing
each piston for fools.
January never was this dark
back then when we grew inch
by inch closer to the sky.

Now we've hit the ceiling,
just when cotton white steam
turned tar black and crouched
down over weeping rooftops.

I don't believe in blue skies
above clouds anymore, just
the bite of endless dark,
wrapped in eroding rags
soaked in its ink.

And if we rip through,
if chimneys and cell phone
repeaters tear a rift in this
failing fabric big enough
to see, there will be no
glimpse of cyan, no
sudden flash of sun.

But maybe, just maybe
there will be stars.
Sunsets are made of this

Poppy-red muscles
flex in the deep blue.
An uncurling bicep
releases a fist of rain.
Scarecrows earthed
to the horizon wait
for night to unplug it.
We can but watch.
Knight of Discs

There is no ermine in this embrace,
no Paris in these whispers. But rayon
has its benefits: he has made my weather
wet and dry in good balance. These are not
Sampson arms, which is fine, keeps
my Delilah tendency in check. This is a man
who fails but tries again, who sweats
for each run mile, and who cups me
in his elbow nook like sheaves
he has gathered all afternoon,
close to his chest.
A Sudden Realisation

Rain hits the earth
like a coffin lid slamming
shut. Couples eager
for protection run
into cafes and shops

darker than a priest's
collar. The drone
of unseen wasps can
be heard in these
accidental cathedrals.

They watch husbands
wrap arms around
wives, forming crosses
that last longer
than bone or wood.
Nobody cries or prays.

Walls cold like marble
feel their breath, relics
given from the pious.
Their unheard words
still linger, whispering
to future congregations.
What is prayer
besides please is somebody
listening telegraphed whispers
to the sky or a tree. A sparrow
alights by the windowsill
and please little bird are you
listening? Take this message
to God or anything beyond
the clouds, a dead sister
or grandparent somebody
who trusted me with secrets
or held me on her lap, sang
Oh You Beautiful Doll. My eyes
open and shut. Smiles so easy
to give away, smiles for nothing,
nobody even a sparrow
who doesn't really listen. Prayer
so holy so wholly empty save
the voice that speaks it, clouds
that move while nothing ever
What is prayer
besides please is somebody
listening telegraphed whispers
to the sky or a tree. A sparrow
alights by the windowsill
and please little bird are you
listening? Take this message
to God or anything beyond
the clouds, a dead sister
or grandparent somebody
who trusted me with secrets
or held me on her lap, sang
Oh You Beautiful Doll. My eyes
open and shut. Smiles so easy
to give away, smiles for nothing,
nobody even a sparrow
who doesn't really listen. Prayer
so holy so wholly empty save
the voice that speaks it, clouds
that move while nothing ever
Nothing changes, you beautiful
doll. Oh I've prayed it will, until clouds
change the sky from blue to snow
beneath moon glow shining
from porcelain cheeks. Pink
with hope lips move in silent
treaty with the sky until the flight
of sparrows prove the fullness
of my heart like the skies
overflows with stars and songs
of promise.
Nothing changes, you beautiful
doll. Oh I've prayed it will, until clouds
change the sky from blue to snow
beneath moon glow shining
from porcelain cheeks. Pink
with hope lips move in silent
treaty with the sky until the flight
of sparrows prove the fullness
of my heart like the skies
overflows with stars and songs
of promise.

Other poets. Word drinkers,
monsters full of hope and sorrow
clinging to sparrow fantasies,
wing flights for jazz, trills
of minor notes that sail
into moonlight or that beam
behind the rainbow you never
see but conjure full of please,
please be there. Who else
but other poets nibbling away
at pain like mice at cheese,
scattering from light to burrow
in delicious darkness and lock
all the prayers in layers
of riddle and subtext, hide
the key and laugh and smile
and cry.

What is prayer
besides please is somebody
listening telegraphed whispers
to the sky or a tree. A sparrow
alights by the windowsill
and please little bird are you
listening? Take this message
to God or anything beyond
the clouds, a dead sister
or grandparent somebody
who trusted me with secrets
or held me on her lap, sang
Oh You Beautiful Doll. My eyes
open and shut. Smiles so easy
to give away, smiles for nothing,
nobody even a sparrow
who doesn't really listen. Prayer
so holy so wholly empty save
the voice that speaks it, clouds
that move while nothing ever

Nothing changes, you beautiful
doll. Oh I've prayed it will, until clouds
change the sky from blue to snow
beneath moon glow shining
from porcelain cheeks. Pink
with hope lips move in silent
treaty with the sky until the flight
of sparrows prove the fullness
of my heart like the skies
overflows with stars and songs
of promise.

Other poets. Word drinkers,
monsters full of hope and sorrow
clinging to sparrow fantasies,
wing flights for jazz, trills
of minor notes that sail
into moonlight or that beam
behind the rainbow you never
see but conjure full of please,
please be there. Who else
but other poets nibbling away
at pain like mice at cheese,
scattering from light to burrow
in delicious darkness and lock
all the prayers in layers
of riddle and subtext, hide
the key and laugh and smile
and cry.


Other word drinkers gather
at the trough to sip at vintage
fables and taste the bouquet
of beautiful. Who else
chases pleas into please
and pleasure? The cheese
stands alone until we all take
a bite and point to the very one
that you love best. You great,
big beautiful doll, you cry
your prayer and remember
not a sparrow falls that He
doesn't hear.
20 past nine
bottle of wine near gone
as is my mind
better that way
to be able to think
only of what matters
my heart hurts without
her, her , her
all I can think of
ditch the wrest
or take my wrists
2 parallel lines will do it
it's red,
it's flows free
it gets me
where I want to be

After a painting by Man Ray

She lies next to his fish,
an oversized mackerel
with a chrome belly.
Our mind watches them
weigh on God's scales.
What has more worth?
Eyelids flicker deciding
an answer, a net of tears
ready to catch that
which cannot be classified
or pinned down.
I have never done this before, I just started typing and went with it. Was thinking about this girl im seeing. Anyways hope it dosn't suck.

Thinking of you
It makes me so blue
Always wanting you
telling myself its not love
not fooling anyone
what do i do

Seperated by miles
even still you touch me
I never imagined a thing like this
fooled myself before
ever so careful, walls crumbling
cant repair them fast enough

so scared
oh so very scared

give myself to you
yearning for love,


still no contact
don't want to call
need my space
can't breath
love me



And now I can be embarrassed.

The constellation of flea
bites on a tube engineer's
scalp started to dim
when his wife started looking
at other sources of light
(a pair of sulphur coloured
eyes looking at her from near
the carriage doors, for instance)
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