all of a sudden passion suddenly

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you don't know but i'm noticing
just be manic
i can't afford you
5-star Michelin rating
smoke, light and mirrors
glossy hair
these days are moments
get up and breathe
keep the night on you
it won't be enough
but you can use it for eye shadow
and elegant clothes

You can not afford
this apartment

You can not afford
a new car
guess which kind?

You can not afford
fun in a boat
a weekend with friends
a job you don't hate
a life of leisure
idle pursuits
a new MRI

You can not afford
living alone
zero words
in a day

spend your voice
spend your smile
your laugh
spend your risk
spend your last hesitation

buy yourself a fuck up
the way they buy letters
on the Wheel

God is Alex Trebeck
and there are way more
fuck ups than there are vowels

You have to spend some of that loot
in order to get the puzzle
i'm not really like this
you see, i got hurt a while back
it made it difficult to...
well to
i just
anyway, it's not important
i'll be better soon
you'll see, the real me is here
under all this...
all of
i mean
anyway, i'm not really like this
We were thinking
they believed in reincarnation
like being born again.
You know what I mean?

What's so funny?

Didn't they think
that because so many
that their statues
were like god
but they had like
a million different ones?
Is that right?
Autumn is in the air
The spine sends tingles
goosebumps in anticipation
hairs stand on end

as the grey ghosts of winters past
rise up and take their places
at the foot of my bed
I seek covers to ward them off

the morning sun will bring their retreat
for one more day, but they become shorter
and their company more menacing
without you to embrace

I am superfluous, a fallen leaf
among heaps of the many, compost
best used to nurture the earth
when spring returns, but I do not
private isn't private
when everybody knows
and if you've been beaten,
bruised and abused
where are you supposed to go

to find respite and safety
to have time to heal
when around every street corner
or behind each closed door
possibly lurks the surreal

a monster so savage
with rationale so skewed
the most basic principles
of humanity and compassion
have been thoroughly eschewed

Sanctuary exists (often secret)
with helping hands and open hearts,
offering security, anonymity
counseling and support
to those looking for a new start

Shelter where tools are shared
dreams and hopes are born anew
self worth is given roots, room
to grow, light dispels the shadows
from the path as the sun breaks through
Autumn isn't private
and night time isn't late
daytime isn't feather vest
and Park Place isn't hate

Falstaff isn't night time
and woman isn't rind
Pig pen isn't Bucharest
and Checker isn't wine
Precious Failure

The line snapped, and I
had no net on hand for
backup, so she slipped away;

Just another tale to tell
over one too many among
people I don't know and
may never see again;

Or, maybe, something quiet
to be kept to myself, for dark
nights when I want comfortable lies
about almost-wases and ignore

the glare of never-weres.
she snapped
he flipped

i cracked
you dipped

we corked
they porked

they tapped
we tipped

you packed
i ripped

he dorked
she forked
standing room only
no feast to be had
eating your heart out
masochistic cad

so swim back
tide pool girl
so swim back
through waves 'n whirls

looking to stories
and star-filled night skies
kiss dreams tenderly
no more of my thighs

so swim back
tide pool girl
so swim back
don your pearls
standing room only
no feast to be had
eating your heart out
masochistic cad

so swim back
tide pool girl
so swim back
through waves 'n whirls

looking to stories
and star-filled night skies
kiss dreams tenderly
no more of my thighs

so swim back
tide pool girl
so swim back
don your pearls

Standing feast
tide pool wave
masochistic beast
hands up rave

story book look
halloween night
masochist hook
eyes all white

ginger pearls
like red eye veins
blond black curls
whipped with canes

masochist beast
says ain't it cool
to feel a feast
and lose a duel?
Hopeless clod
Lost a duel
Are you happy now
Hopeless clod?

dueling pistols
fat rancheros
happy card sharps
hapless cloud

Hoop dream, Clyde
Clyde the glyde
Dunked and flunked
and hit the junk
and trunked his funk

Lose a deal
win a peer
Lose a deal
Lose a peer

Hopeless clod
hapless cloud
happy card
hoped you could
lost username, forgot teeth ...oops

A forced meander
into the past
all routes,
maps, lost.

Cast blankness,
a blanket cast,
into void vastness.

Cut and paste reality;

Loins berated,
a barren wishing well
carelessly painted
tell , trace, taste.

Grasp, writhe, sigh,
restless twist of limbs
another blanket cast.
Miserly or panted covet?

Fingers tremor,
muscles contract
grasping air,
wrenched vented spasm

Seeking pen and page
begging release
to be satiated
A forced meander
into the past
all routes,
maps, lost.

Cast blankness,
a blanket cast,
into void vastness.

Cut and paste reality;

Loins berated,
a barren wishing well
carelessly painted
tell , trace, taste.

Grasp, writhe, sigh,
restless twist of limbs
another blanket cast.
Miserly or panted covet?

Fingers tremor,
muscles contract
grasping air,
wrenched vented spasm

Seeking pen and page
begging release
to be satiated

Case paste
tooth space

last place
truth waste

two weight
face space

race light
night night

white kite
waste face

tight race
space case
It wasn't me
who lied to you
who is tied to you

It wasn't me
who lost the map
who tossed the map

It wasn't me
who dealt this mess
who felt a mess

It wasn't me
who gave notice
who saved lotus

Me? I told you
I hold you
I found you
I bound you
I caught you
I taught you
I told you

No you didn't

I told you

No you hid it

I told you

No you couldn't

I told you

No you hit me

I told you

No you wouldn't

I told you

No you killed it

I told you

No you lit it

I told you

No you didn't

I told you

No you did it

I told you

I can't quit it

I told you

Why I did it

I told you

You can't hit it

I told you

You can't quit it

I told you

You can't hit it

I told you

You can hit me

I told you I'm sorry

Can you quit it
For the plucky girl
I left behind,
I'll break the design,
undo each line
once planned to
fit you meticulously,
I wish I could fit you
and describe each ardent
black-lined eye
For the plucky girl
I left behind,
I'll break the design,
undo each line
once planned to
fit you meticulously,
I wish I could fit you
and describe each ardent
black-lined eye


The sea won't provide your meal,
unless you search the ocean wide,
but I have to gather you flowers tonight
and voice the long aside, so I haven't the time
to put my drums in the headroom space
on board the barque we've buried half-mast
where you still won't find me hanging
around or hungry.
For the plucky girl
I left behind,
I'll break the design,
undo each line
once planned to
fit you meticulously,
I wish I could fit you
and describe each ardent
black-lined eye

i really enjoy the use of line-breaks in this one. makes us read it at the pace needed to lay emphasis on particular words, though my tongue had to work to pronounce that last line without tripping. on the second read-through it's there and sitting shweet.
i really enjoy the use of line-breaks in this one. makes us read it at the pace needed to lay emphasis on particular words, though my tongue had to work to pronounce that last line without tripping. on the second read-through it's there and sitting shweet.

I like making words stick in mouths, sometimes it's not on purpose though. I wasn't sure if 'ardent' should be the first word of the last line or not. Can't change it once it's written here. Oddly, in the last few hours I was contacted by the female I wrote that poem about. I hadn't seen or spoken to her in years and she contacts me the day I'm thinking about her poem and trying to write some new material. She's newly minted married, as I will be soon. Makes me sad enough to maybe write something.
I like making words stick in mouths, sometimes it's not on purpose though. I wasn't sure if 'ardent' should be the first word of the last line or not. Can't change it once it's written here. Oddly, in the last few hours I was contacted by the female I wrote that poem about. I hadn't seen or spoken to her in years and she contacts me the day I'm thinking about her poem and trying to write some new material. She's newly minted married, as I will be soon. Makes me sad enough to maybe write something.

Mona Lisa's married? That makes sense, she's an incredible female. I'd swap my wife for her...for a couple days, then I'd get bored and yearn for my red headed devil and her terror tactics.
Mona Lisa's married? That makes sense, she's an incredible female. I'd swap my wife for her...for a couple days, then I'd get bored and yearn for my red headed devil and her terror tactics.

When are you free to take some tea with me? Lovely Lisa, meter maid.
I like making words stick in mouths, sometimes it's not on purpose though. I wasn't sure if 'ardent' should be the first word of the last line or not. Can't change it once it's written here. Oddly, in the last few hours I was contacted by the female I wrote that poem about. I hadn't seen or spoken to her in years and she contacts me the day I'm thinking about her poem and trying to write some new material. She's newly minted married, as I will be soon. Makes me sad enough to maybe write something.


i think you chose well to place ardent exactly where it is
the equal emphasis that's then imparted to the three syllables of the last line makes it stronger than if you slid ardent down to begin the final line.

in effect, it draws a solid line across the bottom of the poem, underlines it like the black eye-pencil does the eyes
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She got carried away and she got married. Married
and she carried. Carried and she stayed away like a meter maid.
Keep her awake. Awake there's so
so much at stake. Stake the wheel's
in the wake. Wake and the axel might break.

It wasn't me
who lied to you
who is tied to you

It wasn't me
who lost the map
who tossed the map

It wasn't me
who dealt this mess
who felt a mess

It wasn't me
who gave notice
who saved lotus

Me? I told you
I hold you
I found you
I bound you
I caught you
I taught you

You do pose some interesting thoughts
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