all of a sudden passion suddenly

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They danced on stage on
one leg and the people in
the audience danced and
they clapped their hands and
made fists in the air and screamed into
microphones--And it's alright!--and
they hugged and the drummer beat
his drums and the girls banged their
heads and their curls danced and
they sweated and the credits rolled and
I see a tit on my other screen and
a wooden box on my table and
this weekend he was out of control and
he sat at work and his hands sweated and
he talked to his friend and he told his boss and
he couldn't live with himself but he knew he would and
he regretted decisions to be away from people and
the man in the interview put his hands in the air
and gestured about his peak and the interviewer wanted
to know about the journey and the guy at his computer wondered
why he was writing about what was happening on
television other than to say he had just gotten cable and
the guy on the tv said he had gone into a trance and
he wondered if it was real and he was saying being gone for
so long made him feel like he wasn't good enough and the
guy said why would it matter when I'm playing a character?

this makes for most interesting reading!
what is it you want
open kneed you wait for them to gather
worship even your waste to devour
consume breathe for the sake of your sweat drop treasure
full fisted you imagine he takes you
tight stretched the burn of birth maybe feel something
up in there maybe take hold and bring it all out into the light
this the inside out chalice set out to dry
what is it you want
to be devoured, consumed
hair and bones hacked up like an
owl pellet of humanity
shellac the pellet
mantle the pellet
make a scarf
scarfing, sacraficial
sweating and breeding a
beautiful disdain that
hovers just above this
artificial love, it keeps me fed
flocks that come are from within
breathe in the weather and
eat through this thin skin
never saiting but always
tasting so good,
like a poet should
want is no mystery
looking over a certain history
flesh that were but words
they let me exsist as if
i had never died
Today, I will love you,
tomorrow I shall--
but see, tomorrow is nothing
without this instant
to make it what it is takes now
and nothing less.

Yesterday, simply doesn't matter.
with teeth he hung
a necklace of plum all around
my throat, so tight
i like to find your heartbeat,
he breathed into my ear,
my pulse pounding like
it may be ending, any time
this can't be,
this can't be-
mouthing me with such graceful hunger
it was surely meant for another
not breaking through the skin
knowing it could not stop, had he
tasted copper on my neck
soon i will press against
the sharpness harder
feed this vampyric hunger
while our essence swirls
and i become his blood brother
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i dig this much. cool.

! this really is striking, imo.
tide pool pearls - what a phrase!

Aw thanks guys...
Tide pool pearls I stole from miss_trust see #6985
I was a bit under the influence last night; I'll usually scroll down and use other people's words here and there, but that's a bit more of a direct rip off than maybe is acceptable... hers was tide pool girl and she used the word pearl like two lines later... I don't know, do you think that's an acceptable rip off or not... to tell the truth, I've been doing a lot of that in my own personal writing... well I consider it the same thing as a student sketching the masters in an art museum, you know.... I do this in fiction, just as exercises... do you think it's okay to rip off for the sake of exercise? Painters and musicians do it, right?

Hey l was going to move this to the suddenly companion thread... but it went away? I'm going to start a new thread 'cuz i think it's a topic that could spark some interesting discussion and it'll help keep this thread clean... C ya!
This love, mostly
just vapors
poems without paper
something burns far away
the flavor of it creeps
inside me
it's you
it's you
and i'm high again
knowing i'll never know
what it means
it's just a dream
when fingers lace together
like that, the warm hand
small and thin in mine
i could just die
cut away this anchor
cause drowning is the worst
and it will take you down
best intentions always
cut a path to pain
someone sings this
same thing, somewhere
residual deja vu
an invisible snapshot
of me and you.
winter is our jailor,
our insanity maker.
i devoured my mate's skull,

gnawed on the praying mantis defense:
"we were snow bound,
so i ate his restless head."

boredom is a brutal bug.
winter is our jailor,
our insanity maker.
i devoured my mate's skull,

gnawed on the praying mantis defense:
"we were snow bound,
so i ate his restless head."

boredom is a brutal bug.

yeah! this is my kinda po.
The Body Erotic (I Sing)

You said, "Go slow, don't defile the dead."
a woman sings perfect cadence, the clock ticks
"Go slow." you said

We sit together in company
to conceal the body electric,
but then you laugh and tilt your head...

"Go slow, we'll make it to bed."
I count a backwards second hand,
"Go slow." you said

A little WaltWhit fun. I definitely edited a little because I'm rusty.
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I can't be angry all the time
but the world is full of misery
and I swear I'll stop watching the news
yet I always come back
to the headlines
to the stories
that shame my spirit. What
does it mean to tear apart
the fiber of our nation
one story at a time,
under no god,
under no glory,
just seeping further into
Atlantis, where we'll surely drown.
With petals for hands,
we are flower people, framed
like van Goghs.

I wait.
My hands wilt
and fall.

On the wall are blue moms
and browns daddies, with roots
for feet, and sweet scribbles of leaf-
dos on heads.

I wait,
change color,
watch my hair lay brown
and brittle.

A child's drawing vanishes behind
the opened door. The doctor
isn't blue, no leaves.

He collects cells
that grow
without rain or light.
If I had not been a man born
I would be the forelock
curled across your brow
kissed by your lash,
waiting for you to wake
and be your first sight in the morn.
If I cannot be the man who shares your bed
I would be the hair on your head
to be the tress to caress your cheek
to dance across your shoulders
and share your pillow every night.
Tree Ring Evidence Confirms

A people’s history isn’t always double-talk horsefeathers,
as the mundivagant and his married all over mate could attest,
still, it's a piffle when there’s maritagium to collect;

He wrote in majuscules on the value of exploitation there,
a pity no one received his self-portrayal, or traveler’s notes.
–Mumble said to Dumble.
We live in Blade,
on corner of Third and Scorch.
I have to be here,
so he remains. We eat together,

pasta and pin pricks.
I swirl pain on a fork;
his pasta is plain.

He wants to move us
to somewhere.

"Let's throw our welcome mat down in front of a pillow."
it doesn't take a fucking genius
to i.d. the body of
light no it is intentional,
purposeful separation of this
and that
this in heere
that out there
pooling into the warm broth of creation

we dress in human skin
we break rocks
we stack them this way, and that way
we stitch
and mend

there is no mistake
this glow
cloth covered
I feel it flesh pressed
flesh especially well oiled
we slip together
through the divide
it doesn't take a fucking genius
to i.d. the body of
light no it is intentional,
purposeful separation of this
and that
this in heere
that out there
pooling into the warm broth of creation

we dress in human skin
we break rocks
we stack them this way, and that way
we stitch
and mend

there is no mistake
this glow
cloth covered

I feel it flesh pressed
flesh especially well oiled
we slip together
through the divide

such lovely phrasing!
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