all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Should I procreate
ad infinitum
and generate
prose poems
ad nauseam
or become an author
rich with fans
even if I have
to create them

I think
I'll do
a haiku

but first I shall
learn how to write'em

Aye, 'tis roll-eyed Rose
and sisters in tow,
dead muses all in row,
Coleridge was on sumptin'
We are all exquisite
smoke-stacked funnels of feces.
Insert food, ideas, love, air and
we produce shit and poison.
We are all exquisite
smoke-stacked funnels of feces.
Insert food, ideas, love, air and
we produce shit and poison.
Imagine an oven-
baked roundness
blown free of smoke
leaving baked
remnants to steam
until standing
it comes out the end...
If I could draw my future
a line, a stroke would not describe you
but maybe a hint of color here
to say you were
you played a part
though identifiable marks were not left.

If I could draw my future
my past would inform, through angles, curves
and sweeping brush tracers
to show lightly
bent shadows grown
but textured surface deepened to more.

If I could draw my future
this blank, this nothing would be for you
where you could frolic and romp
to play pretend
promises unkempt
unkept, yet made again and again for hope in lies.

If I could draw my future
I would never have settled for this
life without texture or trust, life
to walk unseen
no palate for mixing
colorless paints to shade and brighten a life with no future.
I'd have never thought to see you slip
away beneath the dreary wheels
of calculated politic or spoonfed drip
of pablum as a babe feels
the trite of cliched tells in a bath
of self-adorèd angst and seals
it with a kiss upon the crease of wrath-
crumpled brow the weary peels
away with laughter at myself...
This morning
I wrote my first real poetry since the storm
It made me smile to feel the words come
like the tide returning
washing past my feet
gently insisting
it was time
for castle bulwarks
to fall.

I want you to die with my hands
around your throat
intertwined fingers circle bands
rhythm in gloat
ending embrace such intimate
breath flutters, sigh
everything of you escapes debt
no price so high
In the stillness of
a museum, a hallway
both near and distantly
echoing steps or a word
that rings briefly. The riot
of morning is subdued,
filtered in pure motes of light
that paint faded squares
on stone tile,

Is it discomfitting
to stand alone in cool
silence in a tomb of art,
hold an open book
and see a painting on a page
and wall, twin nudes
reclining on tapestry cushions,
elbows propped, the heads
that rest on hands, eyes
that watch or mock,
challenge, beseech or gaze
simply at a point beyond
your shoulder, perhaps
at the tree that dips
behind the muted glass.
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Perched upon stiffly decorated furniture
in the overly ornate parlor
that my maiden great aunts maintained
as a 'sitting room'--although it never
seemed very conducive to that purpose,
nor was it much of a room
seeing as how it blended into a most
grand dining room that I never saw
anyone eat in through all the times we
came up to visit from my grandmother's
rather all the meals were taken in the
comparatively naked and natural space
of their kitchen, just as we did at Grandma's,
(perhaps it was a family trait seeing as
they had been Pop-Pop's sisters, after all.)
I was struck by how so out of time their
entire life seemed to be, not just the house
and its intricate cascade of precisely placed
brickabrac and amazingly dustfree momentos
to a past I never knew anything of but the
way they, themselves, talked about nothing
so much as what had happened to so-and-so
back at such-and-such and I wondered if
it was all engineered to keep us children from
knowing anything we didn't need to know.

Some seats are roped off.
Trust this is for
your comfort, but also
there is a secret in those other,
unattainable seats: the quietude
of the column that holds up
everything, curtains
containing the frantic approach
to spotlight. Please
forgive the impulse
to show you only my best
angles. Probably, gradually,
you will access
hallways to the side
entrances and finally
the name of the bouncer
who guards the dressing room.

When you said "just tell me
it isn't my business," know I
wanted to tell you everything
as you slept.
evaporate into the vastness
years grow while clouds swell
and when the rain does fall
with the weight of cinder blocks
i am crushed and breathless as if
i couldn't swim
When her lips parted hops
And barley drifted up my nose
Youth and eyes like chocolates
Captivated me then, her finger
Felt cool as she traced it
Across my wrinkled brow, smiling
As she said You're the hula-hoop
King of the world

The last three words were whispered
It's in your genes is what I heard,
-I didn't catch the homonym
My tired ego stroked awake then
Smiling and turning away I heard
The real last three words
I love you!
And those, she said with volume but
Likely won't recall it in the morn.
a cigarette's smoke mocks
the starless city sky while heat hangs
a thermal curtain cups every one
of us who walks tonight

our steps align and the weather
is soon unimportant
-miserable summer is really
a state of mind.
A Sip of Pink

I wanna play with your beating drum
the rhythm soars out to make me thrum
my echoed voice over mountain peaks
until this whisper finds the ear it seeks
and then when next my heart evokes
passion's answer as once we spoke
words of sex and pining need
upon which lovers joining feed
you will come to me and touch my sin
and taste of lust and thus begin
to weave your tongue between these thighs
and tap out songs and quiet sighs
as ancient response rises through my blood
dew dampened lips open and pinkness floods
your vision, overwhelms your brain
until, once sated, just this shell remains.

I clothe myself in riches
Soak my tender skin
Dab dry its wrinkled creases
Prepare bare flesh to sin

Each finger opens pockets
Which my hands plunge inside
Until i realise they are empty
Vacant holes i cannot hide

Awakening creeps
Itches under my skin
Rustles my bones
Shudders from within

I dress in magic fabric
That ripples with delight
Pleasure drapes thick around me
Spilling sequins of light
arched heal flexed
as mouthy mumbles turn to
soft kisses - trailing up
his thigh. finger turns
taunting his member. making
him squirm, squealing out
names. places to

forage. Faking a fumble, turning
bending - pretzel like
she mounts and rides. rough
shot over her domain. demanding
retribution. too long
too much as jam turns
to juice, pudding
flows. both
take, tumble
a whole. one to another
a vowel
of forever
is muttered out ....


I know it's mine but just don't remember.. the feel

time tosses, not morning
but night. I gather near
trying to tempt the words
the whispers, taunt

asking to be spoken, let


a smoke ring whirls,
whither, foilage

forsaken. feel

the passion, wrapped
tight. a tiger pounce
through the smoke

his feline grin. he knew
he felt the rub and walked

away ...

it"s a start...
passion thread, for passion

for that one moment in time
we all replay in out minds
on days, gone by
moments forgotten
remembered, tasted
a wetted appetite
reaching out
to grasp
that scene, rewinding over
and over


jus write, you said ~
I want

forever. I want to write
to speak
to have

a love that last

forever. There are those
who have it, then there are those
who have no fucking idea
how precious those
that they have are.

I have walked, traveled
moaned and groaned.

I have wished, dreamed
with every fiber of my being,
of one.

There was a time. Yes,
once upon a time


I had him within my grasp. When I knew

he would do anything

but then, reality struck, like a lightening bolt
the words

"I just can't
do this
you have children,
I have raised my kids"

struck me to my very core.

I just cannot do this

ended every dream, every wish
ended my
every- thing.

I know he was
my one
but I took that punch to the chin, with
dignity -- said I was so sorry and still
I loved.

I know he remembers
I know, he regrets

I also know, he was right.
We were a perfect match, the timing
I had to keep marching, keep carrying

my load. With love
with all the love, respect and
want I ever knew.


I wish, things might
have been different
life would have been so much
fucking kinder.

I love.

I loved

Just got back home. This song keeps playing in my mind.
I love love love the artist and the lyrics are sooooo very yummmy!!!

Let's write about ...


Pink, it's my new obsession
Pink, it's not even a question,
Pink, on the lips of your lover
'Cause Pink is the love you discover

Pink, as the bing on your cherry
Pink, 'cause you are so very
Pink, it's the color of passion
Ah, 'cause today it just goes with the fashion

Pink, it was love at first sight
Yeah, Pink when I turn out the light
And Pink gets me high as a kite
And I think everything is going to be all right
No matter what we do tonight

You could be my flamingo
'Cause pink, it's the new kinda of lingo
Pink - like a deco umbrella
It's pink but you don't ever tell her

Pink, it was love at first sight
And Pink when I turn out the light
Pink gets me high as a kite
And I think everything is going to be all right
No matter what we do tonight

I want to be your lover
I, I wanna wrap you in rubber
And it's pink as the sheets that we lay on
'Cause Pink, it's my favorite crayon


Pink, it was love at first sight
Pink, when I turn out the light
Pink, it's like red but not quite
And I think, everything is going to be all right
No matter what we do tonight

Soo sexy .......



like liquid, dreams
feather soft
drizzle down
legs, thighs

a pitter-patter
of soft kisses, fingers forage
that perfect spot. a spattering

of sensual gliding
gifting me
with wild abandonment

my insides. thighs

mine, sporadically shaking
as digits dive

sinking deep
filled without knowing
for thoughts disappeared
as time, stood still.

after, the climax,
I rethought
and back-tracked
I knew

a promise
when I felt one ~~

did I really?

call his name
spank his bum

take him
while screaming




throw him, about
the room

ride, rough
ramble on

what I like,

my every

then after
share a cuppa coffee
as if nothing

just happened?

Potty Mouth

Potty mouth, beautiful, steamy, humid, vicious

as Northwestern ridges. Crossed

Bridges/tunnels that serve as borders in search of

fun, frivolity and some honest disorder. Have you got some quarters in lieu of dollars?

Summonses help build nations, towns, and or sleepy villages or

So they say. As the day rocks, heaves, writhes gently until night

Playing polite Throat Hocker Hockey

Weather in low hollow valleys or upon

Playing polite work place Throat Hocker Hockey

Weather in low hollow valleys or upon

A High Horse as a Jocky.

Find a way to expectorate discreetly or bold haste

On to the next task, patiently wait & celebrate!
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