all of a sudden passion suddenly

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sensual, and his eyes are like black olives.... *thumbs up*

i do so hope this is deliberate - it rawks :D

ahhhhhhhh.... this leaves me with a sigh. leaves me considering...

You've obviously type this on my old laptop. Very funny and original something it takes a lot to be in poetry.

Well my keyboard IS messed up, but nothing a good cleaning won't fix. The "pwom" just occurred to me as I was noticing that I really need to stop drinking coffee over da keys. I've managed to slosh more than a few keys into stickiness. :eek:
Divine Inspiration

somewhere in a broken AC motel
somewhere in southwest USA
someone sees life in a candy bar wrapper
and forgoes the chewy caramel center
and lays it on a Gideon page
but what page?
(this may be important folks
for the course of the story depends on this)
Screw it, he looks out the window
on a boulevard of diamond vaginas
and remembers he's not in Virginia no more:rolleyes:

but in a completely different state
of mind, wonders just whether
a virus_vector got into trismegistus
somewhere in a broken AC motel
somewhere in southwest USA
someone sees life in a candy bar wrapper
and forgoes the chewy caramel center
and lays it on a Gideon page
but what page?
(this may be important folks
for the course of the story depends on this)
Screw it, he looks out the window
on a boulevard of diamond vaginas
and remembers he's not in Virginia no more:rolleyes:

but in a completely different state
of mind, wonders just whether
a virus_vector got into trismegistus
is this referencing the trinity/thrice great thing? i love the links with magic and writing. the virus-vector thing seems to play off (in my head and on one level anyway) the word polymath, but the thought of the spread of ideas, like a virus, from one system of belief to another, an interdependence ... works for me.
is this referencing the trinity/thrice great thing? i love the links with magic and writing. the virus-vector thing seems to play off (in my head and on one level anyway) the word polymath, but the thought of the spread of ideas, like a virus, from one system of belief to another, an interdependence ... works for me.

I just think he's taking the piss out of someones submitted poem
40 days of boredom
why did Steve Irwin
die in vain, when I'm
in bad need of entertainment
and Gideon walked away

somewhere in this tragedy
that is life is reality TV

Ennui we go to bland horizons
Daringly treading light
40 days of boredom
why did Steve Irwin
die in vain, when I'm
in bad need of entertainment
and Gideon walked away

somewhere in this tragedy
that is life is reality TV

Ennui we go to bland horizons
Daringly treading light

Personally I find reality TV as ennui manifest but whatever floats your boat. Interesting write, I would not have sensed this is you.
40 days of boredom
why did Steve Irwin
die in vain, when I'm
in bad need of entertainment
and Gideon walked away

somewhere in this tragedy
that is life is reality TV

Ennui we go to bland horizons
Daringly treading light

ah, the desert of daytime tv....
but were you tempted?
Antipsychotic Blues

my head is an empty church
echoing, too still
I sit by the windowsill, read
people try to engage me
thoughts will not follow ant-style
my eyes feel hollow, sore;
I shuffle but not drool.
yesterday I cried for hours...
my head is an empty church
echoing, too still
I sit by the windowsill, read
people try to engage me
thoughts will not follow ant-style
my eyes feel hollow, sore;
I shuffle but not drool.
yesterday I cried for hours...

that first line's a corker, Vee :cool:

this conjures images of stained-glass light (all blood and honey) and dust motes that eddy without conscious thought-patterns, without purpose, in a huge echoing vaulted space
that first line's a corker, Vee :cool:

this conjures images of stained-glass light (all blood and honey) and dust motes that eddy without conscious thought-patterns, without purpose, in a huge echoing vaulted space

This was written under the influence of said drugs. I was trying to capture the weirdness of being completely hollowed out by them. The other use for this drug is chemical lobotomies. I can't normally write when I am taking them(I struggled to write this, which explains some of the disconnection in this) It is a hard decision everytime I have to medicate myself out of a ditch. Take enough and you will lose the power of speech.
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This was written under the influence of said drugs. I was trying to capture the weirdness of being completely hollowed out by them. The other use for this drug is chemical lobotomies. I can't normally write when I am taking them(I struggled to write this, which explains some of the disconnection in this) It is a hard decision everytime I have to medicate myself out of a ditch. Take enough and you will lose the power of speech.

and still you wrote. and still you found something beautiful to show, whether intended or not.

Tor Johnson in Love

I carried my love like cord wood
But when I tried to lay a fire
I could not ignite her stiff limbs
For life or funeral pyre

So I broke out the bones, played dominoes
She, as spinner, pulled a train
A long, thin track behind my back
Now I can't go home again
Tor Johnson in Love

I carried my love like cord wood
But when I tried to lay a fire
I could not ignite her stiff limbs
For life or funeral pyre

So I broke out the bones, played dominoes
She, as spinner, pulled a train
A long, thin track behind my back
Now I can't go home again

Wow PG! This is a good one. You need to write like this more.

like inching along a familiar string
mind barely tingling, I shuffle to the kitchen
my kid says something; I look at him blankly
unable to untangle my mouth
then a car plows into our mailbox; I shrug
remaining lost in chemical alienation
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the corpse is flat and that
is that and you can't go
home again?
Get the fuck out of the rain
or build a house, buddy-o,
like Zevon did,
out of the friggen bones
like inching along a familiar string
mind barely tingling, I shuffle to the kitchen
my kid says something; I look at him blankly
unable to untangle my mouth
then a car plows into our mailbox; I shrug

remaining lost in chemical alienation

these lines. yes, these ones. *nods*
the corpse is flat and that
is that and you can't go
home again?
Get the fuck out of the rain
or build a house, buddy-o,
like Zevon did,
out of the friggen bones

i was just looking at bones online. bifurcated sternum ends, to be exact, more gristle than bone but fuse with adulthood.

offer him your brolly!
If you want to play with tickle-spots
You ought to learn your bondage knots...



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Sort of a Found Poetry Thing

why did my TV
die by the windowsill?

why did my kid cry?

why did I read:
shuffle away kitchen candy bar?

why did my car die?

shrug along, mouthy mailbox
speak up, chemical rain
shuffle away, tingle-tangle bones
engage me, blank page
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I get chicken wings stuck in my gullet
stones of cliches stuck in my craw
I really don't know if I can do this
This new poems anymore
Absolutely fucking brilliant

A breath of shit on a sun shiny day
is known as compost
it makes the flowers of May
like an idiot from Atlanta
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