all of a sudden passion suddenly

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I was always a child
opening the glen
skipping breeze and wildflowers
in bare feet
teasing grin at the sun
playing tag with its beams
laughter the breeze
swirling in dance
in my dreams

they called me a gypsy
can I say popcorn on the floor
no that has been said

it has been said

and tonight I take up smoking

hard alcohol
eating lettuce


against all you craved
and would not fall


pour me another cup
waqnnt feel that shake

every day this is supposed to
get easier
but it just gets

further away

n oexcuses

for the popcirn
popcorn on the floor

popcicle sticky
on top of speakers

and yellow breasted avatars
what the fuck are you trying to prove

no lines
know lienes, no

rules, know
I don;t know them

shootin in the wrong net
counting on the invisible prompter

faking it
taking it
making it up

ad lib life
seems to tale
to take

and further

cold air over exposed nerve

push it under

and pretend you are not an imposter
j in skin
Riding horses bare-back
caught between granite and green
soft turf, trees lining with silver
ultimate dream
of escaping
with freedom
wanna be a gypsy
do you have the script
the costume

the set designer

where do I go to try it out
try it on

build it tall
river bed
river boat
fire dance

nameless dirfter without

toes hover slightly over
bare and curling
gingle jingle from ankle
wakes the neighbors
who believe
there is a new gypsy ni the neighborhood
and shake their heads

it is only her
bare back with jasper
who only went to the edge of the meadow

never a step more
and I

could not

convince him
to take me up that hill

bent to his will

an angry
fat pont pony

had enough
and wanted home

enough fresh air and exercize

time to eat

oh wait

maybe that was me

let me go check my records
It's in your heart
the pinnacled heights
of magnolia quivers
the moonlight your love
as you flash in his light
the sun you worship
music you feel
bursting out
for a smile
someone else might feel
and share back
The first time I was tossed
bag over the shoulder
to the curb of gnarled roots
gasping for breath
then scream when a face
loomed in front of me
wolverine smile
suppressed laughter
behind twinkles
in his eyes

and profured his hand
after inspection
all roots intact and supporting
instead of breaking
then burly lifted me
back on that fettish filly
around the meadow again
until I laughed and cried
the best time of my life...
I dance alone in my basement
with music I like
with silence and candlelight
peace flickering flames
scented warmth
aura’d silk to tease the air
closing my eyes, losing mind
but senses
when the children are gone
nobody knows but you.

A side not seen, unreserved
only being
waved undulations of breath breathing
dancing only for relief
becoming song, unadulterated feet
liquescent free
smooth velocity
of serenity
on those days.
Tathagata said:
Midnight comes
and goes
clanking chains of mortality
once again
pass me by

when you don't fear
death or pain
the darkness has no handhold
and runs off you
finger-paints in the shower

shadows no longer
harbor monsters
isles of quiet and safety
the prized condo
with a poolside view

waves cascade
over the beaches of times
and you listen
with new ears
to the marching cadence

and leaning back
you sigh and smile
all this racing
all this grasping
is dew drops
in the sun
glisten, shine
and then
in the blink of an eye

dew drops sprayed down
splashed upon nose
and drizzle mist
tracing dry tears

laughter squirts
unconsciously forth
and water moisten
mirth lines

Isn’t it natural to fear
when life just found
surrounds an intricate wave
of surf crashing sand

That I supped just once
red forbidden wine
of unadulterated delight
before riding raising tides
Keia slides though air
like water,
as if whisps crowd
in compete to caress,
and the barometer gauge
would snap
too close.

Slow motion suspended
freeze frame fantasia
flickers through
the mind and files
into memory
of Keia floating by.

Not really redemption
but good enough
to keep inertia at bay
another day.
When love was good there was no sleep
only passionate embraces thru the night
wrestling until exhaustion overwhemed us
drawing rests veil across our eyes

As passion's fire simmered
we slept sometimes entwined
legs and arms as vines of two combining
into one
separate yet inseperable

Ah but to disentangle
When love's sap hardens
When touches and caresses
Becomes burdensome weights and
thorny piercings
Once again awake at night
But unable to escape
thursday sweat and heat
squeezed like a sponge onto dry ground
today: green, cool, new

everything looks taller
okay which one of you jokesters
logged on under my name
and posted like a mad man
woman or child

last night while I slept so innocently?

surely it could not
have been me
Dear Ray
who saw some shit
did some shit, smiled
and sang comin up
from swing to that blur
into bop hard then a big
scatter into freedom
avant garde

but blues always
ran too deep for that well
to dry so the current runs still
past you

Gabriel blows
with Prez, Bean, Trane.
and Miles while Willie the Lion
strides for that choir
led always by Pops

Put your strong old voice
next to Big Joe, Bill Broonzy
and Sister Rosetta
Rock Piney Brown's blues again.

Do it for me. Do it
for Doug, that goofy guy
dancin by the bandstand.
dont remember who asked

dog hotel
cat hotel

vacancy for two
now one

andre followed master

to be relieved or angry
or wait what else is there right sad

despondant never works
depressed either
som,etimes three lterrs
letters are too many

to pastures anmd trees
perhaps able to climb in borh t directions now

perpetually jealous of skirt or will she
switch to denim
dance and clw claw

nauseous that is the word I was looking for
sometimes it takes more than 3 letters
Apple tree in full bloom
flowing deep pink
to heart crimson
Scarlett O’Hara
soddened nectar for hummingbirds
purring with bees
thrumbled vibration of breeze
chirping chickadees
yellow finches
branches dance and singing sweep
smidgen grey grained clouds
from the sky
dear friends
let me write this
with simple eloquence

as y'all know
I am southern
in a valley

mountain gal
over yonder hill
where I'd just as soon
fling (yes, I said, fling!)

myself onto a heap
of possum bones
than kiss my cousin

not all of us love our cousins
mine ain't purdy 'nough
yes, ok, so you say,
but would you sacrifice your sanity
for knowing, a fraction of an hour,
that safety resides
and will reside
by her side
before forgetting devours
what is you
but you would know
that no harm will come to her

yes, all right, I'm posing
impossible scenarios
painting walls in full hue colors
and script a black and white
option grid

but doesn't you
when you say

I love her forever
and for a day
and would die for her,
like a cliché

like in the movies
because I do
affection's eternal
connection is true
did you die for attention?
passing away is a bit dramatic.

sure you wrote a poem about it
after your spirit landed--

you wouldn't settle lightly
like a fluff of dust.

stop showing off
and come home.
you still leave me quaking

these tears must be aftershocks.
just when I thought the rumble was over,
thoughts topple, and my heart splits again.
a swish of air between skin and knife
my heart was pared, crimson wide
ripped from my chest middle of a beat
held up close to the eyes
of the usually angry, Sun god,
the priests held their breath and prayed for rain

Aztec gold glistens still
beneath the warm and fluid blood

where do we go from here?

away as a spirit, inhabiting rocks
a special place up near the top
of some mountain or hill
or crevice wedged
beneath a stone
winding waters, riverbank

flow from heaven, back to home
Write about rainbows
lemondrops the good ship
lollipop the sky still falls
around your ankles
in an embarrassing puddle
of clouds try to paste them
back in the sky everybody
needs a little variation
from all that blue you can't
quite fit them the right way
seams show and someone
invariably says Hey!
Your sky's crooked and the clouds
don't fit.

Somebody's sun shines
even while you drown
in cumulous nimbi
open-mouthed gazing
at your own distraction
but the sun in someone else's
corner is perspective

sunset is a bruise it's a
palette meltingly beautiful
your heart breaks
and you lay in the night
breeze, smelling fresh-cut grass
open-mouthed hoping
to swallow a few stars
that fall through the cracks
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